By far the worst are from lawyers elder law specialists.they like to charge the poor claimant to do a POA, but guess what? I had made a binder with copies of all information I had. I went through Ranger School but wasnt black ops, so you would think that patrols that I was on in Bosnia would be filed with my chain of command. Instead, be the squeaky wheel! At the appointment, the VAs ENT (ear, nose and throat) examiner told me the VA had conceded service-connection for the sinusitis before even beginning his exam. It was a terrible, tragic incident, and John was never the same afterwards. My snoring started in 1996 after my ankle surgery due to humps in the mountainous terrain in Camp Pendleton. Va Spouse Letter Example for Sleep Apnea Not the form you are looking for? Jerel L. York, National Pre-Discharge Claims Representative Ben, can i ask where you found the information on the epa reports and such for the buildings you were stationed in? I have the same deal basically. If you have problems sleeping go to the va and request a sleep apnea test! If a person/organization does not plan on honoring its agreements and commitments, then why bother putting them in place in the first place?! Then I served in Air Force Reserves from 1985 to 1990. Journalist. He was a comtech(telephone installation)While working on a telephone line, he was electrocuted. Take a look at our HOME OF THE WORLDS LARGEST INFORMATION BANK! In January 1983 I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, and of course could not continue my naval career. When the Veteran suffers the whole family suffers and it is not fair to the family to have to struggle to take care of the veteran when the VA Government should be providing for them without all of the red tape. For example, if your service records include a diagnosed . VA Nexus Letter; Footer. Youll learn about the Forgotton ones and how the veterans have been screwed by the system. IN .MD and no luck so far ,pardon my spelling,thanks for reply ! Did you know that sleep apnea, has been medically proven to be a secondary to. I was so excited John was feeling social again, and that he seemed to be returning to the man Id married. There has been no problem of these past filed Russian language claims over the past 5 years. Call your VA counterpart and ask about your claim at least once a month. A current co-workers statement in support of a claim describing the severity of your current PTSD symptoms IS lay evidence. 163. theprimitivemind. #2. Cir. CALL US TO GET STARTED (800) 800-3332. . Ask for your military medical record if you do not have any copies of ir (i hope you do) and go to the nearest VA place to submit the claim. Then the appeal process then more years. Buddy letters can therefore play an extremely valuable role in winning VA disability cases. It can also play a crucial role in firmly establishing service connection as well. It took me seven and half year, to get a approval for my left eye, and a increase to 60%. So I want to impart some of what I did- hopefully it would someone case here and He would not return phone calls e-mails ext upon looking into this-I decided to enlist the help of Sen.Carl Levin from our great state of Michigan. I am 40% service connect thru the VA for loss of hearing, athuritis, + eczema. I recently ran into him at the VA and we caught up briefly. The VA-certified disability benefits lawyers at Woods and Woods have helped thousands of veterans. I had a hearing with a judge and my VSO back in May 2007 and have still not had a denial or approval for my claim. www. He recently agreed to attend group therapy sessions at our local VA, and it seems to help him recognize that he needs help. If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. on Top of screenstrode all the way downcheck out their filing system. Estimate your 2023 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! He was also paranoid and reactive. What was the specific reason for denial that the RO gave on the original letter? In 2009, I was finally forced to face my sleeping problems. It is much more Can I Use Lay Evidence to Win My VA Claim? I have looked online for basic spouse buddy letter . The three main types are obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and complex sleep apnea syndrome. Since 2016, VA Claims Insider has helped thousands of Veterans just like you get the VA rating and compensation they deserve in less time. This letter can be typed up on a word document, but it must be dated and signed by the spouse writing it. I received no complaints from doing that. That lets them win. Signup to never miss a beat with special offers, blog updates, exclusive trainings, and more delivered right to your inbox! In addition, all lay statements must be signed and dated to be considered by VA. Yes got it: The former Secretary of The VA!!!! My doctor told me this levetiracetam was for anxiety when quoting it in my record for 5 years as seizure medication. I put in a claim was denied any suggestions. In this post, I provide veterans with a real VA lay statement example. I need a sample nexus letter that a Dr. would provide . Hear from fellow Veterans just like you, with many of our Veteran Success Managers having gone through our programs. Now, I am just trying to understand, that it is a lawyer and not VSO rep., correct??? I have shrapnel in my right knee from a grenade that got me just outside of Camp Dobol and the nightmares from the bodies in mass grave sites. We all work for our payxchecks but work for our veteran especially. As I understand it, there are only a few places in the world that the VA is allowing presumptive service-connection for conditions resulting from Agent Orange. Good luck with your claim, and be prepared to wait a while. You can have all the evidence on hand but, if the evaluator states differently then the VARO will be forced to follow his orders. This is areal problem for guys that were on ops that have no paper trail. A good man. and these disabilities ratings are affecting my CRSC Payments from the DFAS (the other MF) which is now at the 20% . The responsibility to prove a claim lies with the veteran and not them. Brian isalso the CEOofMilitary Disability Made Easy, which is the worlds largest free searchable database for all things related to DoD disability and VA disability claims and has served more than 4,600,000 military members and veterans since its founding in 2013. Lay persons are competent to provide evidence regarding things they have personally observed, including symptoms that are capable of lay observation and when those symptoms occurred. For example, buddy letters describing an in-service injury will be of little use in a claim for an increased rating or entitlement to TDIU. A long, rambling letter just obscures why you are writing. Here is another cramp I live with, where mustard on the cramping muscle, dont work. I have fought since 1979 for a VA Disability Rating. He told me he is in therapy and working through the events that happened in Iraq. . Do you have any advice for me. My claim is for retroactive from 1956 to present. This system is their fault, because it is all about time and quantity rather than quality. I am also having those close to me and those who I have worked with write letters as well stating how these have had an affect on me. The same kind of logic would support a different percentage for sinusitis. Generally speaking, buddy letters should discuss the objective events and symptoms as they were observed by the author rather than speculation about diagnoses and their respective causes. On evidence. Mulching is an effective way to keep the root zone cool and moist, while watering more frequently will also help keep the plant from getting too dry. She says in a nexus letter from sleep apnea occurs most appeal letter reasons local legion for. Thanks for the information. If you want to learn how to implement these strategies to get the VA benefits you deserve, click here to speak with a VA claim expert for free. They state that if I have an on-going chronic condition but havent been seen by a VA doctor about it, there is NO CHANCE it will be considered. Mr. Ben He or she is the only one who can give an medical (rationale) opinion, only after reviewing your smr's . Estimate your 2023 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! I would like to know where I can contact someone so I can show my respect for this man. connected because it not documented in my record but I was granted 50% for my PTSD I, Know that theres a connection somewhere can anybody help me with this or give some advice, And if you need to do an appeal here is the link for the questionnaires you will need : I suffer from MST/PTSD, and medical issues. Being denied (or delayed) takes the fight out of many but no Veteran should ever stop fighting. He began drinking heavily7 or 8 beers a night before he turned to liquor. Top 10 Questions About Military Sexual Trauma (MST). thay gave me a rating of 10%. I have been trying for 41 years to get what is owed to me, as well as the rest of my brothers who served there country, during those dreadful years. I, Joe Smith, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: John Doe and I served together as combat engineers in the U.S. Marine Corps from August 1984 to August 1992. According to the VA C & P experts, I was never there, if I was then Im making too big of a deal of it and deserve no compensation because it wasnt a designated Combat Zone. It was good to see him, and I hope that, in time, we can restore our friendship to the way it was before we deployed. Many VA hospitals and clinics have in-house SOs from the DAV, state, etc to help guide you. If you have a certain number of congestion attacks from sinusitis, it will result in a different / higher disability rating that can be supported solely from a layperson statement so long as the STRs indicate the person had sinus trouble in the military. Finally received their ruling two weeks ago. Apparently there were no orders cut so the VA says I need to give proof of each operation while in Cambodia and Vietnam border crossings. what a joke. It took me over a year. He was a happy guy, and I was glad to deploy with him. This aint anything but red tape. military treating physician. I am hiring a Lawyer and I will see someone from the Comp & Pen meeting in front of a Judge. My original claim was filed in 2005. Anxiety, moderate depression and knee pain. Amber, Virginia. Justice and fairness is all we want. Our Veterans are well versed in all VA claims, and have plenty of experience with sleep apnea claim! The new PTSD rules cover combat veterans. THANKS JORGE. Please help me ASAP. That was my only proof of an accident and it was accepted. As you understand , after my case settles completely I will have some big Back pay since my Discharge/ Retirement on 2009 I also believe that another way for the VA to cut the budget will be to re-examine and reduce existing approved claims, thus using valuable manpower to save a cent or two out of every dollar, when that manpower could be used on the fair handling of current pending claims and appeals. (3) a medical link PO Box 96503Dept. Get the new rep to push the fact that the VA made a mistake and didnt do the right thing. I would attempt to turn him over, hoping this would stop his snoring but did not. As for VSOs, do your homework-some are really on the ball, others are useless and it shows in the initial claims we get. Cir. examinations for the VA. Who was leading the VA prior to the current Secretary We spent six months in Ira, surrounded by constant chaos. The most trusted name in education-based resources for Veterans. Learn more about how VA Claims Insider can help you get the rating you DESERVE!Speak with a VA Disability expert and start for FREE! A 50% rating yields $958.44 per month. Sleep apnea secondary conditions have been a very hot topic as of late. Vietnam Veterans: Is Your Medical Condition on the Agent Orange Presumptive List? Fax: 336-714-5999 1110; 38 C.F.R. 163. As I tell all my clients, just having a condition does not merit a disability rating from the VA. She wanted to know if I wanted to wait till she got my c-file? For a limited time, you can book a free, no-obligation VA Claim Discovery Call with one of our experts. If youre stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! It requires several key components, This is where the spousal letter comes into play. On the other hand, knowledge acquired through specialized training, education, or expertisesuch as the knowledge required to render a medical diagnosis or attribute symptoms to a particular diagnosis or eventis not personally observable and is therefore outside the realm of competent lay testimony. Stan download the va disability question are for respiratory ailments at website. I too was at Keesler during that time. Click on the above link to get a copy of that letter. These personal statements can be from your spouse, friend, pastor, co-worker, boss, adult child, a fellow service member, or any other credible witness (18 years of age or older). I am 87 years and my principal, among others, malady is CS F rhinorrhoea which means that the brain containing sack was punctured in a fall and the fluid continues to flow every minute every day. Usually the service organization has an ongoing relationship with the VA Claims person who is working your file and they can either speak on your behalf or you can submit a letter or e-mail with your exact words and have your service organization submit it directly to the VA RO Winston-Salem. Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. After 27 years and a lifetime of chronic back pain and related complications, I find-out by three independent orthopedic surgeons, that I have no birth Depending on the evidence and contentions of record in a particular case, lay evidence can be competent and sufficient to establish a diagnosis and medical etiology of a condition. THE NEXUS LETTER - VETERANS INFORMATION http //veteransinfo. He was in the hospital for roughly 3 weeks and then sent stateside for additional recoup. wait-wait and more waiting. I have been trying to find it for two months without success. My psychotherapist is thinking that I might be suffering from PSTD. *A medically untrained individual is not usuallycompetentto offer a medical opinion regarding the etiology of disorders and such an opinion is generally assigned little probative weight. R. O ignored sworn letters by my pastor of 50 years, a buddy letter, from a nurse with me at each duty station, they ignored the letter by my husband and two daughters. The only thing I know is the way I feel and the way they aggravate it. Why Was Allison Hickey Covering For Rubens, Graves? Is designed for loss, and was not hold to be. VFW Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. I totally agree with you because my Dad, veteran from WW2, was just denied his VA benefits as small as they were. I have no idea who to contact, the American Legion that I am involved, well they are all older and not sure they would know about this, maybe you can point me in the right direction thanks. I Had several bought of bronchitis, my sinus are messed up and have this repeated vertigo symptoms head aches. If one does not have PTS going in, they will have it when finished with VA processing and what about the spouse who endures it also. A large percentage of denied VA disability claims are later overturned on appeal. They said they needed more info from my regional office in Reno and that they had not investiagted my claim enough. Well I was killing people in the South Mekong River Valley area with a group of ARVN Rangers and a small Spec ops team. Walker v. Shinseki, 708 F.3d 1331 (Fed. This is an outrage for the United States of America and it is time the seniors stand together, with their supporters and put a change to all of this political crap.! In order to ensure the VA accepts the statement as being from someone credible and competent, the person giving the statement should have first-hand knowledge of the veteran or the veteran's service. This means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each month. How many Vets take the time to do this? I was not diagnose obese while AD but my sick call SMR indicate my wait was over 200. In general, a VA claim requires the following: Contact your Senator in Wash., DC. Hi, my name is Chris Narcoman, over at the Veterans Law Blog, and if you watch today's video, I bet you have a lot of questions about getting a sleep apnea disability claim, listen, veterans ask me more questions . He began throwing things and hiding under tables. Referencing. They have always been paid in U.S. dollars before April 1 every year. My question is should I put in the dates of future appointments or just my past appointments and since I have already been classified at a percentage do I write my letter from just the point from the first percentage rating. As I tell all my clients, just having a condition does not merit a disability rating from the VA. Its genuinely very complex in this full of activity life to listen news on TV, thus I only use world wide web for that reason, and get the latest information. Is there anything that can be done to prove an injury was service connected. The book includes a sample nexus letter from Dr. Finnerty for sleep apnea secondary to PTSD with extensive research citations. I have a buddy letter for my Adjustment Disorder, and currently trying to fix my Stressor. I received 90%. defect, but an old injury, which now renders me unemployable. (1) a current diagnosis; The entire disability claims package, including documentation, was approximately 70 pages. U S Army retired SSgt 101st Airborne Division, Fort Camnpbell, Kentucky 1972. Housedbound cases (Aid & Attendance) are the worst. Service connection for PTSD requires credible evidence of an in-service stressor, so a buddy letter used to corroborate that stressor should discuss when and where it occurred, unit and location assigned, and the nature and onset of any observable symptoms the veteran developed in its aftermath. Hang in there and hopefully, I will hear that you were successful. Williams redden. They had over two months to get them there and failed an easy task. Base Total sample Letters indicate. sometimes getting up and putting clothes on for battle dress. Post Apr 17, 2011 #1 2011-04-17T05:25. I love it. I filed immediately a (nasty) letter of disagreement and an appeal . 1. get as much medical evidence you can gather, even if you went to jail and medicine for it. App. Stop being a jailhouse lawyer! But My case is still open! It helps the person/doctor/NP to find the relevant info faster for your claim. So if one is going to write one - make sure that every contention/symptom is covered. 471 (1994). Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. What a waste of time. Sample Sleep Apnea Nexus Letter needed.. theprimitivemind. In 1986 the va denied service connection for Asthma, and sinusitis. If youve heard anything about the VA Claim process before, you know that youll need outside evidence to get what you deserve for your VA claim. One last important detail is the need to request a copy of your file. Click on Trace Your Claim See 38 C.F.R. The reason for the length of my disability claims package was because of the Veterans Administrationsincompetence. How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! I was not rated because according to Navy doctors, an MRI reports showed a spinal bifida occulta S1 defect (birth defect). Nexus Letters are letters from a veteran's current physician (s) stating their medical opinion regarding the service-connection of a veteran's condition (s). Who knows you best other than your spouse? Regardless of the cause of your sleep apnea, a signed and dated letter from your spouse can go a long way to assisting you in filing a winning claim for this disability. It took three of his old high school friends to retrain him and help carry him home. Thanks. I will welcome any other suggestions you might have on my case. I contacted my state Senator whos office sent a letter to the VA asking about it only to have the VA send an explanation letter and that was it, I already knew that but I wanted to know why. Whether you are using plastic or fabric containers, Earthboxes, or even old buttercream buckets, there are a few important things to consider before planting. In any regards youre providing a great service. to this date, i submitted a claim in on feb 3, 2010 in for numerous illness, and have contacted my congressman john lewis for help. He said they didnt want the extra documents and I would be wasting my and their time including it. of Veterans Affairs and Student Veterans of America have just ruined my, Read More VA Logic: 60 Percent Of The Time, It Works Every TimeContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print On Friday, Under Secretary Allison Hickey stepped down just prior to a House Committee, Read More Why Was Allison Hickey Covering For Rubens, Graves?Continue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Under Secretary Allison Hickey stepped down on Friday but not before sending a final, Read More Allison Hickey Final Love Note To VA EmployeesContinue. I am sickened, sad, and angry after reading these posts. See 38 U.S.C.A. He filed paperwork and has a 0% rating for two things but they denied 8 others. Benjamin Krause is a lawyer, investigative reporter and award-winning veterans advocate. Fmf so you. Have the doctor do a letter stating that and submit it and based on your new evidence, which they ignored the evidence completely the last time, you should be successful. After his left ankle surgery in 1996, he was unable to regularly exercise and he gradually gains weight. Most of the time, the evaluating doctor will complete the NEXUS letter, however, sometimes the veteran must do it. Some are slam dunks and I can generate the claimants award within 30 minutes of reviewing the folder; for othersamateur night, you can tell. The VA puts a lot of merit in statements from spouses, and remember what I mentioned early, these can also be used to establish a service connection. I wonder if you could help me? I did the Notice of Disagreement and was turned down. 49, 53 (1990). These changes should include at least some of the symptoms of sleep apnea. Knowing where to start . If your issue on service in Vietnam has not been resolved as of this date-let me give you a bit of advice/help. i was diagnosed with having seziures likes activities on active duty and discharged with only 10% rating for my disabilities. We quickly ordered them to stop, but they didnt listen. (2) an in-service occurrence; and A spousal letter can help you if you were married during your service and your wife observed the change in you after you developed sleep apnea. I can give more details upon request. Its very discouring to see that applications are routinely denied and delayed, sometimes until the time that the applicant is deceased. Both the Va and Sen.Levins office called me about this and said it was in the highest level. To be looked at as we should be. My Brother, My heart goes out to you, as for myself, this is my third (3rd.) The thought of the VA letting vets die before they decide a claim makes me want to punch whoever is in charge. To update this-I finely got my claims corrected with much effort and the help of Sen.Levins office. The worst part is the QTC doctor I was sent to is an orthopedic/spinal doctor. I have been searching for that sample letter and am having a difficult time finding it. So I am waiting to see what she says is true that means he got approved in the matter of months. I did it and i got my claim faster. Learn why a VA Nexus Letter for PTSD can make the difference between winning and losing your VA Compensation claim. I have filed for iu and my copd and sleep apnea are on appeal. Can anyone give me a good phone number for the Winston Salem VA office dealing with compensation claims? But VA told that I do not get anything, nothing change. I ended up with a pacemaker/defibrillator implant. Symptoms such as waking during the night, mood swings, fatigue, and falling asleep during the . Insomnia. Its a horrrible thing for any ceteran that suffers and to be homeless and sick just to be turned downN denied and polaced on paperwork cause the worker for the VA cant and will not figfure out the correct medical disabling condition or condirtions cause its too much to read and its boring or the worker for the VA is bored. Doc, said I have PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder, but no paperwork exists saying that these patrols I went on ever actually happened. In 2009, I was awarded service connection for the COPD, and because I was on oxygen I was granted 100%. I think that claim denials will soon hit an all time high. I do not want something for nothing. The VA is saying my COPD is unrelated to the fall. VA doesnt recognize POAs in Pension land! Although my expertise is on the Pension side of the house, the one thing I can tell you is that it helps to do a congressional inquiry if VA is dragging ass/fucking up in general on your claim. You're not alone. I tried not to worry and hoped things would return to normal once he returned home, but they only got worse. We need an IG inspection to just wipe out a many that0is just qorking for and oinly a paycheck. How to File a Claim on (step-by-step)! Everytime I deal with a VA shrink all they care to ask me about is my past. I buried the event as if it did not take place until 2005 when it came out like an atom bomb. I am also trying to put a VA Claim together for COPD. Now why? Click Go Elite Now below to get started today and a member of our team will be in touch within minutes. to this date, i have lost my wife and kids from dealing with my siutation that the military discharged me with no help. 3.159(a)(2); Click to Read Layno v. Brown, 6 Vet. Also, go to the VA for everything. I have been diagnosed by VA mental health and my doctor said I am unemployable. I'm a board-certified sleep medicine physician. We provide nexus letters that are: personalized to each veteran. Went from 10 % to 60% and intend to appeal the items that they said were service connected at 0% plus add something else. the military just release me and did not try to give me help with my situation. [font=&AMP]My name is XXXXX. I was new to this, so I have no where else to turn to. In fact, this post was written based on that experience during my first year of law school. The law clearly indicates VA is required to consider layperson statements so long as the statement is something a non-doctor can comment on. Since PTSD often manifests many years after a traumatic event, spouses may be a more reliable lay witness than former servicemembers in situations where VA has already conceded the in-service stressor, as the spouse can more accurately testify about the veterans symptoms over time and their impact on his daily life. sleep apnea and allergic rhinitis should help get your claim going Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from theUnited States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO and he holds an MBA from Oklahoma State Universitys Spears School of Business, Stillwater, OK, where he was a National Honor Scholar (Top 1% of Graduate School class). Whether you live in Las Cruces or Atlanta, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your tomato plants survive the heat and continue producing. He has many people looking for him including non veterans. ask for referrals to see other doctors if you need to. Could someone explain this to me. He seems to be sleeping normal and no more snoring but when he is not using the device he still snores and would stop breathing. In 1986, I thought COPD and asthma were one of the same, how ignorant I was. In his six months overseas, I received about three letters that together totaled less than a page. I recently submitted a claim for sleep apnea secondary to PTSD with the assistance of the Disabled American Veteran's org (DAV). I have processed several requests for upgrading my service connection percentage. According to the recent VA disability rate benefit adjustment of December 1, 2021, Veterans with sleep apnea connected to tinnitus could receive benefits at the following rates: A 30% rating yields $467.39 per month. I found the link below during a google search for VA comp attorneys. If you were EVER in prison as a result to your mental illness after you served, use those records including any release conditions- must see psych or be violate, must take medication be violated, those conditions.. Make sure you get it notarized, seek out those who fought with you- if possible 1. I distinctly remember him snoring louder than anyone that Id ever heard in my life. 5107; 38 C.F.R. They continued walking toward us until the man reached abruptly into his pocket. Boy, our stories sound pretty much alike: The USA should be ashamed of the way they treat veterans in general, and the out-and-out lies the government puts out. To date I have not had a bit of contact from anyone. And immediately I noticed he began to snore very loudly. I dont know about you but the times I get a rejection letter, I put it in my bible because I know It is already DONE. How do I know this to be true, because GOD said so.