The switchbacks up to Tahquitz Peak average only 20% icy snow cover, but the frequency and length of ice patches increases on the uppermost switchbacks. Dark Canyon Road (4S02, the access to Seven Pines Trail) and Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) closed to vehicle traffic for the season on 7th November 2022. On multiple recent ascents of San Jacinto Peak I have generally ascended and descended via the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge routes). It's nearly 20 miles, a 5,600 foot elevation gain and it reaches 11,503 feet! And as a reminder, self-issue permits are only good for that day. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 22nd-27th December 2022 are as follows. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail. I recorded a short video discussion there (available here on YouTube) which gives a feel for current conditions. Temperatures have been largely above seasonal in the first week of the month, then following a brief cold spell another period of temperatures well above seasonal is forecast for 8th-10th. Ernie Maxwell Trail has good tracks to follow along its entire length, through the continuous snow cover a few inches deep. Spikes are useful at least for descending. Reliable tracks are currently only known to be my posthole tracks from 15th for Devils Slide Trail through to San Jacinto Peak via the Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails, and then descending Deer Springs Trail. Ernie Maxwell Trail [checked 2nd February] has a heavily traveled track to follow along its entire length, through the increasingly patchy icy snow. That fair weather in the valleys has fooled too many hikers, Weston said. A San Bernardino County Superior Court jury has found two brothers guilty of killing a man at his 2019 wedding reception in Chino.. Joe Melgoza's widow said she wants justice for her husband's . At the Peak on Thursday 22nd December 2022 at 0910 the air temperature was 39.9F (4C), with a windchill temperature of 30.4F (-1C), 13% relative humidity, and a light WNW wind sustained at 9 mph gusting to 13.8 mph. Official websites use .gov A .gov I hope to provide more information on the high country situation on Sunday 26th, depending on conditions/weather. Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 45 inches, heavily drifted, Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 40 inches (45 inches), Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 44 inches (45-48 inches), Tahquitz Peak (8836 ft): 25 inches, heavily drifted to 40 inches in places (measured 20th January), Seven Pines Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (8700 ft): 36 inches, Strawberry Junction/PCT Mile 183 (8100 ft): 15 inches, Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 19 inches (21 inches), Suicide Rock Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (6950 ft): 1-3 inches, Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 2-4 inches (5-6 inches), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0-2 inches (3 inches). The upper end of this trail offers outstanding views of Yucaipa Ridge and Galena Peak, as well as sweeping . We have had an excellent start to 2023 regarding the water and snow situations in the San Jacinto mountains. The advice above should be used with this in mind, and if in any doubt carry the necessary traction devices that you will be most comfortable using. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing (e.g., see photo below). A less intense but slow moving multi-storm system is forecast for Friday 16th-Wednesday 21st. Snow covered Mt. Currently, and as conditions change, spikes are strongly recommended for the foreseeable future everywhere above about 7000 ft. Forecasts suggest a further 2-3 inches are possible tonight. Seven Pines Trail has one set of hiker tracks through the snow since the storm in early November 2022. Very shallow snow is often icy and potentially perilous, while deeper powder can actually be much safer, albeit slow-going for hiking. MikeH. At the on Monday 5th December 2022 at 0840 the air temperature was 24.1F (-4C), with a windchill temperature of 2.8F (-16C), 20% relative humidity, and a bitter WSW wind sustained at 18 mph gusting to 33.0 mph. I recorded a short video at the Peak late morning on the 13th, available here on YouTube. Yesterday afternoon we checked Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park, and measured an average snow depth of 26 inches. Currently only one major trail route has been traveled and even that is partially obscured by icefall, melting and drifted snow. Obviously these depths are expected to change dramatically over the next few days. The storm started relatively mild, as might be expected from an atmospheric river system pulling moisture in from warmer latitudes, and as a result the freeze level was above 6500 ft for most of the storm, with rain as high as 9000 ft, before finally falling to about 5000 ft on the afternoon of Sunday 1st. DM, The correction has been changed. Snowfall in the high country has been somewhat below expectations, with nine inches at San Jacinto Peak (for a current total depth of about 16-18 inches), and 5-6 inches in Long Valley (8600ft, total c.6 inches). Deer Springs Trail [updated 22nd December] has an accurate track to follow all the way to San Jacinto Peak as I broke trail the entire way down to the Suicide Rock Trail junction on 15th December. . Favorite hiking regions include the San Gorgonio Wilderness, Eastern Sierras, Channel Islands and San Gabriel Mountains . Sadly this phenomenon has become much more of a factor in the past 5-10 years with freezing rainfall (rather than snow) occurring at higher elevations at higher frequency with much warmer weather systems. Nice postcard view of Dry Lake covered in untouched snow. Fengguikou. With at least two further snowfalls expected in the next few days, and strong winds in the high country expected for the next week causing substantial daily drifting of snow, much of the trail system will remain largely obscured by light to moderate snow until the second week of January. Many thanks to Florian Boyd for bringing this to my attention. Overnight in Idyllwild we had three inches of snow, the first notable snowfall of this latest storm series, but temperatures actually warmed during the night (presumably with the arrival of the latest atmospheric river) and before dawn it was raining on top of the snow. The Wellman Trail from Annies Junction to Wellman Divide has about 20% icy snow cover. Banff World Tour Films 2023; Ranger Talks; FAQ; Wilderness Permits. Also, Mill Creek RS phone number is now 909-382-2882 and they are closed Tues/Wed. The trail is largely clear of snow from Highway 243 to Strawberry Junction, and with about 60% snow cover from there up to 8600 ft. Marion Mountain Trail [updated 22nd December] has a well-defined but lumpy posthole track throughout. 2006-2021 Spikes tend to be most valuable for descending even when not needed for ascending. Currently the USFS gate at Humber Park is closed. The high country was above the weather most of the night, and added an inch of fresh snow at most, however there were 2.25 inches in Idyllwild, and also roughly the same fresh snow depth at Humber Park and Saddle Junction. Days are short and nights are very cold. Note that near its junction with Deer Springs Trail, the route was not close to the established trail, so cautious navigation may be needed. With a rapidly changing climate in the region in recent years, it has become increasingly common for there to be little or no difference in snow quantities at mid and higher elevations, often because the high country remains above the cloud, and this system was no exception. His body was found Saturday, nearly 1,000 feet below a spot where a partner thought he had fallen. Prior to this storm, conditions had been extremely unsettled for about ten days, with four storms in a week, although only one of those was a significant snow-producing system. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 25-27 inches (includes 2.5 inches snow added on 10th January) but very heavily drifted, Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 24 inches (2 inches on 10th January), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 16 inches (1.5 inches snow plus unknown quantity of rain on 10th), Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 16 inches (1.5 inches snow plus unknown quantity of rain on 10th), Seven Pines Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail/PCT Mile 184.9 (8700 ft): 13 inches (1 inch snow on 10th), Long Valley (8600 ft): 8 inches (1 inch snow plus 1.5 inches rain on 10th), Strawberry Junction/PCT Mile 183.3 (8100 ft): 6 inches (1 inch snow plus unknown quantity of rain on 10th), Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 8 inches (1 inch snow plus unknown quantity of rain on 10th), Deer Springs Trail at Suicide Rock Trail junction (6950 ft): 0-1 inch (0.5 inch snow plus >1.0 inch rain on 10th), Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 0.5 inch (0.5 inch snow plus >1.0 inch rain on 10th). At the Peak on Friday 6th January 2023 at 0930 the air temperature was 25.7F (-4C), with a windchill temperature of 14.7F (-10C), 44% relative humidity, and a chilly NNW breeze sustained at 5 mph gusting to 10.6 mph. While searchers said three of the men who died were experienced hikers, Kumm is better described as an outdoors enthusiast, said Cpl. The snow continues unabated, although the pace has slowed somewhat in the past hour. On my hike up to San Jacinto Peak late this morning there was a little drizzle on most of Devils Slide Trail, then an on/off mix of drizzle, freezing rain,, and fine snow in the high country. The storm forecast for 29th-30th January looks less dramatic than previously predicted, with the high country largely above the storm (only an inch of snow forecast), and only 2-4 inches now expected at the elevation of Idyllwild. While snowfall accompanying the first of those storms may be light, perhaps 2-4 inches in Idyllwild and 4-6 inches in the high country, strong winds at the highest peaks are tentatively forecast to produce extremely cold windchill conditions, similar to 15th February (see below). They are not currently recommended for traversing moderate angle slopes above 9000 ft that have challenging ice underlying shallow powder. In Idyllwild both overnight low and daytime high temperatures will be more typical of late March or even April than of late December. Snow, weather, and trail conditions for the San Jacinto mountains. Time of day, temperature, and sun exposure all have significant impacts on the nature of the snow, in turn changing the conditions underfoot, and hence both the hiking difficulty and the preferred traction device (if any). "Sunshine lulls people into a false sense of security. Since the depths given in the previous Report, there has been some melting at higher elevations on sunny days and below 9000 ft caused by the heavy rainfall. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there has been extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. With storms accompanied by strong west winds, the slopes above about 9500 ft on the east flanks of San Jacinto and Jean peaks may develop a snow structure with minor to moderate avalanche risk by the weekend of 25th-26th (as last seen on these slopes in early 2017). San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): storm total 12 inches (total depth 17-20 inches), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 8 inches (total 9 inches), Annies Junction/approx. Gary Suttle's book lists it as 8.4mi. Regarding snowfall, the high country may be above the cloud at times, with dustings of snow above about 7000 ft across much of the nine day period, but with the highest probability for a heavy snowfall on Saturday 31st December, totaling 8-15 inches. Dutch Flat, at about 5600 ft elevation between Idyllwild and Pine Cove, recorded 0.86 inch of rain by 1300. However, relatively well-traveled tracks are now in place for most major trails (details below). San Bernardino Trail and Forsee Creek trails, along with the campsites near those trails, are still closed. Black Mountain Road closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243 (see Forest Service website regarding this closure here). Of those, 27 are in the 0.6 mile section between Willow Creek crossing and the State Park boundary. Also, they don't necessarily share the same parent. Looking for partner (s) for these tentative scheduled hikes - see my Meetup SoCal Mountain Running & Mountaineering or DM me for more info. The total snow accumulation was ultimately somewhat below prior forecasts, with San Jacinto Peak receiving about 9-10 inches overnight (rather than the 12-16 anticipated). "He's a pretty smart dude and a great physical man at 6-2, 240 pounds. I would like to ski San Gorgonio. 71729 San Gorgonio Road, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 is a single family listed active at $939,000. However a couple more inches of snow are expected this afternoon, and also on 2nd and 5th January. You must be logged in to create new topics. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Qu'il s'agisse de randonnes pdestres ou vlo, il y a beaucoup d'endroits voir et visiter autour de Yucaipa. For example, although Long Valley currently has about 5 feet of snow, publicly available records for the 1970s show that Long Valley averaged 119 inches (almost 10 feet!) Although the snow is not currently particularly deep (10-12 inches) it is heavily drifted and has an ice layer underneath the fresh powder. Eventually with compaction of the trails caused by increasing hiker traffic and freeze/thaw cycles snowshoes may steadily become less useful, however they will likely remain valuable for off-trail travel in the high country into February. Snow Snowfields to cross - could be difficult. Conversely in some places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. These icy slopes are notoriously treacherous. Due to the very high freeze level snowfall was restricted to a light dusting above 8200 ft, increasing to one inch above 9000 ft and 1.5 inch above 10,000 ft. Impacts will be minimal on high country trails, but trails between 7000-9000 ft with pre-existing snow may be a mix of slush, snow and ice, and will require some caution. Spikes are currently recommended throughout the trail system above about 7500 ft. Sadly weight of snow has caused the roof of one shop in town to collapse, and I saw one collapsed car port (with cars inside) under the dramatic volume of snow. Sign Up; Every year seems to have unique challenges and 2022 has been no exception. Spikes are generally not required for ascending, but most hikers find them useful at least for descending. As always after storms in the San Jacinto range be aware of considerable ice fall from overhead trees. Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' Often spikes are especially valuable for descending even when they are no necessarily needed for ascending. The first couple of days early next week (20th-21st) may warm slightly above seasonal, before promptly dropping well below average again, accompanying another unsettled period of multiple consecutive storm systems on 22nd-28th. Devils Slide Trail has a relatively well-traveled and compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. We had a Garmin GPS with us and it showed the total round trip mileage from the parking lot where you first start walking, to the top and back, as being a little over 18 miles round trip! It is a very popular mountain with several trails that lead to the summit. Currently the snow is relatively powdery and benign; this will steadily change over the next few days and weeks. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Thanks. PCTA is aware of the situation, and is hoping to start addressing it soon (weather permitting). Note that averages are given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there is extensive drifting. and here's the map showing the closed area :: The fourteenth and fifteenth storm systems of winter 2022/23, both of them minor but having a significant effect in combination, impacted the San Jacinto mountains back-to-back on 13th and 14th February. Spikes at least, but preferably crampons, are required for the uppermost switchbacks (see photo below). The first storm system comes through overnight on Tuesday 27th, with precipitation continuing into the morning of Wednesday 28th. . San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 40-45 inches [2 inches] (45-48 inches), drifted >50 inches in places, Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 45 inches, heavily drifted, measured 23rd January, Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 40 inches [2 inches] (45 inches), Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 44 inches [4 inches] (48 inches), Tahquitz Peak (8836 ft): 25 inches, heavily drifted to 40 inches in places, measured 20th January, Seven Pines Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (8700 ft): 36 inches, measured 23rd January, Long Valley (8600 ft): 22 inches [2 inches] (24 inches), Strawberry Junction/PCT Mile 183 (8100 ft): 15 inches, measured 23rd January, Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 22 inches [5 inches] (22 inches), Suicide Rock Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (6950 ft): 3 inches, measured 23rd January, Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 4-5 inches [4 inches] (6 inches) already melting afternoon of 30th, Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0-2 inches [3.5 inches] (3-4 inches) rapidly melting afternoon of 30th.