Quackity would probably try the distraction method, asking if you want to play games or watch a movie, or if you want him to play you a song. It seemed like he was reading your thoughts as before you even think of another he adjusted both your positions so that he lips were by your ear and with a slight roughness to his voice he whispered I love you more than anything could ever even begin to explain, God youre such a simp you lowly chuckled, trying to ignore the cluster of butterflies currently swarming your stomach full of jittery happiness. But my annoyance with Peter is overruling my need to cuddle with him. I cant read what they said because of your stupid Face ID, but I can tell that theyre worried.. ), #authorglatt # - Glatts tag and emoji saying that Glatt worked on the fic, #authorblade # - Blades tag and emoji, saying that Blade worked on the fic, #blademomentNSFW - Blades tag for NSFW fics Blade worked on, #glattmomentNSFW - Glatts tag for NSFW fics Glatt worked on, #blade talks - Non fic related posts where Blade is talking/responding, #glatt talks - Non fic related posts where Glatt is talking/responding, #bladesfaves - Blades tag for fics she reblogged and enjoyed, #glattsfavorites - Glatts tags for fics he reblogged and enjoyed, #bladereblogging - Blades tag for reblogging stuff, #glattreblogging - Glatts tag for reblogging stuff, #bladesanon - Blade responding to an anon, #glattsanon - Glatt responding to an anon, #minors dni - A tag on our NSFW works warning minors to not interact. He likes to lay his head on your lap. What would the marriage be like? Thats when he turns back to face me. You have no clue how hard it has been without you, he said pulling away to look at Y/n. Holding you close. Quackity slumped in his chair, he twirled a poker chip in front of him on the desk. It wouldnt matter to him, youre still his partner, but if you suggested you wanted to, he would propose at night, going to some random park you guys frequent and sitting looking at the stars with you. He was already bathed and now covered in a blue blanket. #tubbo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. hi! "I should kill you where you stand. But it is there, you just won it back Will, he replies, stepping closer. Purpled made this for you. The whole call bursts out laughing and Im reminded of how much I want to meet them all in person. But shes not there, shes gone. I freeze at the sound of Peters voice. Somehow, HYDRA had caught on to what Ive been doing. But it was said by a traitor who was once part of L'manberg, named Eret. What did you say to them? #lmanberg But now he just yells for the fun of it. You knew Germany wou, Friday evening, it was always a night full of sweet relief and laziness. I come back to my senses as a sharp piece of metal pierces my skin. Snapping silly random pics and sending them, hoping for silly stupid pics back to save, that and facetiming. We wanted something to remember you by.. Make your way into the build, Tony says. The broken and battered buildings loomed over you like the remains of a shattered nation. And were you in a call with Tommy from the same place?. - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. I'm sorry if your tall but for the sake of the story the reader is short. And trust me when I say youll not be happy with that! Tommy says as he takes a corner way too fucking fast. He hummed a soothing German lullaby as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your hair, inhaling your scent. This is so you can see what Im working on at the moment! The book isnt going anywhere! you responded, turning back to him. May you do either QUACKITY or Dream alphabet!! Im tired, physically and mentally, I just want a break. Why are you acting like you need to do something this minute but you dont want to? I ask, tilting my head to the side. A hope that Schlatt could become the man he once was. Youll just have to wait and see missy, He replies. If you fucking ask again Im gonna turn around and were going home. (Requests for this event are: OPEN! Where do you think you are? He asks me. Hes my best friend, but hes just irritating sometimes. Tommy comes up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. . Have you heard the song on the walls? I ask, looking around at the signs I placed there when I had built this place. I am currently sitting in my room, waiting for Tommy to finish up. Though he was very hesitant at first, eventually he snuggles with you. They had jerked awake when she squeezed their hands, both letting out sighs of relief and then calling to Phil. quackity pictures to make everyone smile on this special day. Tommy grabs hold of my hand and pulls me around the bend. Her hair bounced behind her with every large step. 44.2K 814 34 the blonde asked in concerned. His face was angry as he sat back down in his chair. He looks from me to the watermarks on his shirt, and back again. Hope you enjoy! Ive only met Tommy in person and he is currently staying over for the next couple of weeks. The one room I promised Y/n that I would never return to. Ludwig bookmarked his page and set it down on the table near. Summary: Worried after finding out about the destruction of Logstedshire, you set out to find its former residents. Hey! You said it would be done and now we are set back.". Is it obvious for others? Stop! Thats when I decide to get their attention. Hey! Eyes on the fucking road! I say as he drifts into the other lane. Okay, okay, meine Liebe, beruhigen, he said, using his mother language. Bye!. #dreamsmp Quackity like his hair! This is why he did what he did, isnt it? Do they love to kiss and cuddle? <3, you just woke up and youre already hit by a cuteness overload, you tell him how you slept and send a wholesome meme too, and if you havent slept well or just dont feel well, he will suggest talking abt it, if you want to talk about it, get ready for a 2 hours facetime session with your favorite therapist/boyfriend. he had Me sitting next to Alex on the loveseat. I promise.. This used to be a great country but you are destroying it! Y/N snarled. Slamming his fist to the desk. I ignore every thought in my head that sounds like her voice. If so, what kind of? So, youre releasing anger about using your abilities, by using your abilities?, Woah, sorry, geez! Im exhausted, Steve! I say, throwing another weight at the wall, creating a hole. My god! There won't be any smut and I will be using they/them pronouns for the reader although i'll probably direct it more towards fem readers. He hadn't meant to be heard. He has too much pride to want to cuddle. We have you cornered! The guard in the front called as I turned around and found a second group standing there. Y/n was in the kitchen baking fresh bread. I promise. He sticks his pinky out for me to link with mine. Philza had told nobody but Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo that Y/n was going to live. I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? I stand there, staring at the one thing that controls the fate of this. He wanted to start over. Lately, Bad Touch was all you ever thought about. Im so sorry my request ended up triggering you! I turned a corner while I was running and ran straight into a group of fucking guards. He nuzzled into her neck. After returning from taking you back to the savest place he could think of, he decided that this counted as things going horribly wrong. I havent heard that voice in over 3 weeks. When she had finally woken up, she found Tommy and Tubbo sleeping in chairs by her side, each holding one of her hands. Im gonna take that silence as you are in that building. BE PROUD OF ME!!! reader) (pt 1), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 3)), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 3.5)), wilbur (tommy's older sibling! Well, as free as he could conceivably construct in his mind. Hes always holding your hand, or is touching you somewhere, it comforts him. But, can she bring him back after hes been revived? Within a few minutes, you two fell asleep in each others arms, blissfully unaware of the Gilberts soft Kesesesese~ sounding laughter as his footsteps receded down the hall and away from the lovers. Mhm, I say quietly, still looking at the wall. I reached out my hand towards the ceiling and pulled in a downward as hard as I could with my mind. Y/n wiped at her eyes, turning back to the group. Texting them alot!! (he says hell divorce Tubbo cuz he loves you :]]), after the stream, he will most definitely apologize for the joke (even if you didnt take it seriously), hes just so scared hes doing something wrong (haha relatable), overall hes really sweet and he loves you so damn much, and if you stop replying to his dms he will start tagging you in his tweets, you cant help but think how adorable he is, you finally answer to his dms and hes SO happy, mans will also brag about you ALL THE GODDAMN TIME, friendly reminder that i got a gf sooner than you, you and Phil laugh in the background while Wilbur jumps off a bridge (in minecraft ofc) to show how depressed he is in a joking manner, overall Tommys friends all know you from the very first day you two started dating, and they really like you cuz youre the only one who can control Tommys chaotic behavior, even tho youre also quite chaotic yourself, Tommy ofc also gets calledsimp many times and hes threatening to hunt down all the people that call him that, cuz not only it makes him uncomfy, but also you, addingand if you call me a simp, me and Y/n will hunt you down :) in the beginning of his vids became a tradition. But to his surprise, he found Y/n laying on the couch, where Techno had left her. He had a saying, It was never meant to be.. Sincerely- A Quackity X Reader by stan/vana 400K 14.4K 42 Mrs T clapped her hands, eyebrows raised and a smile curving at her lips. I now want to see what would happen if you were to be playing Gartic Phone with Quackity and the boys and you were to write this as the prompt, Jack Manifall off bridge. , I just had to say this because I cant stop thinking about it , Do you ever just sit and wonder what youre doing with your life? Feel free to check that out if you feel like it. I reach out and grab the one thing that will either give me a chance to escape or might end my life. It was your good friend Dave that was bothering you. Rest in peace our friend. Especially if he got stressed over work. The light sound of tapping feet sounded throughout the living room and your attention was steered away from the glass pane you had been carelessly staring at for the past five minutes. Summary: Y/ns boyfriend, Peter, uses Y/ns powers a little too carelessly. . You blinked. The clatter of her red heels filled the hallway. Just trust me N/n. Right after he said that I could feel my phone vibrate. Love, All of the SMP.. That was it, my decision was made. You get both :D Glatt and I have picked 10 prompts/song lyrics each, to which you can choose one and a character and well write you a thing! Wilbur wasnt by her side when she woke, and he was too calm while he held her during what she thought were her last moments. note: these are literally all the pictures that I collected making the other two that I didn't get the chance to use, but I really liked them, and I wanted them to be used, so I made this. There is nothing here. Just wondering since sometimes requests dont go through on here. Hes upfront about the relationship and he likes to brag! #karljacobs Smiling Y/n responded, I love you too., Includes: Badboyhalo, Technoblade, Sapnap, Dream, Quackity, Warnings: Alcohol, Angst, Fighting, Language, I dont mean to be annoying and this is the only time Ill send this but I was wondering if you got my request for the platonic Quackity x reader. If he glanced behind himself he could still catch sight of his ship resting on the waters quite a distance away, although near enough that he didnt feel, thank God, abandoned. Things pile onto each other and Y/n cant seem to find the strength to complete a mission, putting her life in danger. But I get up and try to make my way to the stairwell leading the surface levels. He was so kind, yes he was still an asshole back then. Honestly, I dont think I can handle this type of mission right now. "I'm moving back to Italy with fratello's. The tent was illuminated by what I guessed to candles or lanterns. -- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering chumHandle [CH] -- With the ram man! He just comes up and full on lays on you. How do they deal with it? His chapped lips made contact with the top of your head and you looked up at Quackity, making tender eye contact with him. Y/n is fundys little sister. I could also hear clicking from his end and yelling that sounded like him asking for his tracking password. I never got an answer, I only got a bunch of laughter. Im just trying to help, watch your language!. I get out of the vehicle, looking around. He had just came back from mining. Y/n is tended to by Philza and doesnt wake up for a couple of weeks. A small groan of annoyance left his lips, but as you smiled up at him sweetly any upset left him, flew away, thoroughly evaporated, literally got up and walked out of the door slamming it on its exit. you try not to completely distract him but it never works bc he just gives up & tackles you back onto the bed, definitely one of those guys to jump on top of you when you ask to cuddle, youre so used to it that you can avoid it if you wanted, but if you do he gets all pouty so its better to just risk a concussion or bruised ribs <(_ _)>, will do that whiny, nuzzling face further into you thing if you stop playing w/ his hair during cuddles, alternatively, he also likes playing with your hair, will try to braid a little piece of it but just end up getting it all tangled rip, cannot do the cuddling while gaming/working thing, bc he wants to give his full attention to you (` ), he just wants to hug you back but he cant do that & be in a call terrorizing karl so its best to just wait until hes done, however if hes not actually doing anything important, go right ahead, i do not care how much shorter than him you may or may not be he will sit in your lap, but its more of the sit right next to you w/ his arms around your shoulders & his legs over your legs kind of deal, will kind of halfheartedly tickle you when cuddling, just like a poke or two to make you laugh but then back to holding you, he loves it & is not afraid to admit it or demand that you cuddle him. You know the drill and I really dont feel like repeating it but check the follow button and Ill see you later. I dont like that! Popping in a disk he turned to Y/n dramatically bowing down and offering a hand to her, May I have this dance? Laughing Y/n took his hand placing the other on his shoulder. He tended to her healing wounds, and even though he wished he didnt need to, he told her what had happened. Im surprised you even finished it.. So I keep scrolling to find this. Of course! I unlock my phone, finding that I had a message from Big Q. I look up, confused, but either way, I hesitantly reach out my hand to Tommy. He doesnt know he doesnt know that shes gone. He has too much pride to want to cuddle. sorry for this being so short, i only added my comfort streamers, but i still hope you guys enjoy it! so heres a filler inbetween fics, im currently writing 3 and im trying to take my time, so in the mean time i whipped up this, im also posting an nsfw one later :), The fluff alphabet hcs! Especially if he got stressed over work. , he said, using his mother language. Y/N straightened her tie. I said no. She said, trying to keep her voice steady. Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. Y/n could have deactivated it like she threatened so many times.. [CH] - chum handle initials Y/n placing their head on his shoulder. ), Who Could Ever Hurt You? The Casino was the highlight of Las Nevadas, next to the Space Needle. Fireworks ~ Quackity x Y/n Quackity x f!reader TW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff Note: In 1st person. you thought he'll make a comment about your awful mascara . Quit boosting her ego! Do you really want to take that risk? Phil asks me, I can hear the hope in his voice that I wont take the risk. You take your keys and head out, the pale moon engulfing the sky. But the good news is, their base is about to be completely destroyed! I say breathlessly as I run up the fourth flight of stairs, 20 more to go! But, Im an agent here, I knew what type of work Id have to do if I joined. I find a place to grab onto about 10 feet away from the landing Im standing on. Im reading, Ludwig answered, turning a page of his book. "Can you stop that-" Sam started, monotoned. . Oh Y/n, she cried, You have no idea how happy I am to see you.. I honestly dont care about Starks lectures at this point, throwing objects is fun. See, thats the thing, I know that what Im about to do is wrong, but without her voice, I cant force myself to stop. When Y/n was back on her feet, Phil called Techno, letting him know that she was going to be okay. I begin to run up the stairs while putting in my comns. You hadnt actually thought that he would agree. So, youre telling me that that giant rock made it all the way to you on the lower level? Peter asks. "I don't know. and if you dont want to talk, hell understand and remind you how much he loves you <33, hes a bit more private when it comes to his love life, (if youre comfy) just like Ranboo, youre wearing a mask and glasses on his streams :]], the chat loves the chaotic neutral couple vibes you two are giving off, Ranboo sometimes makes some jokes about getting a divorce with you since he wants to marry Tubbo, and sometimes its the other way around!