Registering abstracts a week before paper submission is an essential part of the paper-reviewing process, as PC members use this time to identify which papers they are qualified to review. As a member of ACCT, I have served two years on the bylaws and governance committee and two years on the finance and audit committee. We will look at various problems and approaches, and for each, see if blockchain would help. Authors of each accepted paper must ensure that at least one author registers for the conference, and that their paper is presented in-person at the conference. (Visa applications can take at least 30 working days to process.) The biennial ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles is the world's premier forum for researchers, developers, programmers, and teachers of computer systems technology. Concurrency control algorithms are key determinants of the performance of in-memory databases. She is the author of the textbook Interconnections (about network layers 2 and 3) and coauthor of Network Security. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions, and they should not identify themselves or their institutions either explicitly or by implication (e.g., through the references or acknowledgments). These scripts often make pages slow to load, partly due to a fundamental inefficiency in how browsers process JavaScript content: browsers make it easy for web developers to reason about page state by serially executing all scripts on any frame in a page, but as a result, fail to leverage the multiple CPU cores that are readily available even on low-end phones. As has been standard practice in OSDI and SOSP in recent years, we will allow authors to submit quick responses to PC reviews: they will be made available to the PC before the final online discussion and PC meeting. OSDI 2021 papers summary. . Web pages today commonly include large amounts of JavaScript code in order to offer users a dynamic experience. For example, traditional compute resources are replenishable while privacy is not: a CPU can be regained after a model finishes execution while privacy budget cannot. Authors should email the program co-chairs,, a copy of the related workshop paper and a short explanation of the new material in the conference paper beyond that published in the workshop version. NrOS replicates kernel state on each NUMA node and uses operation logs to maintain strong consistency between replicas. We propose PET, the first DNN framework that optimizes tensor programs with partially equivalent transformations and automated corrections. Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the summer submission deadline are available below. We present application studies for 8 applications, improving requests-per-second (RPS) by 7.7% and reducing RAM usage 2.4%. ), Program Co-Chairs: Angela Demke Brown, University of Toronto, and Jay Lorch, Microsoft Research. Moreover, to handle dynamic workloads, Nap adopts a fast NAL switch mechanism. Authors must limit their responses to (a) correcting factual errors in the reviews or (b) directly addressing questions posed by reviewers. Each new model trained with DP increases the bound on data leakage and can be seen as consuming part of a global privacy budget that should not be exceeded. Moreover, as of October 2020, a review of the 50 most cited empirical papers that list personality as a keyword indicates that all 50 papers were authored by people with insti tutional affiliations in the United States, Canada, Germany, the UK, and New Zealand, and only three papers included samples outside of these regions (see Supplementary His work has included the Barrelfish multikernel research OS, as well as work on distributed stream processors, and using formal specifications to describe the hardware/software interfaces of modern computer systems. In particular, responses must not include new experiments or data, describe additional work completed since submission, or promise additional work to follow. Editor in charge: Daniel Petrolia . The 20th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets 2021) will bring together researchers in computer networks and systems to engage in a lively debate on the theory and practice of computer networking. Starting with small invariant formulas and strongest possible invariants avoids large SMT queries, improving SMT solver performance. 2019 - Present. Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple venues, submission of previously published work, or plagiarism constitutes dishonesty or fraud. The program co-chairs will use this information at their discretion to preserve the anonymity of the review process without jeopardizing the outcome of the current OSDI submission. The chairs may reject abstracts or papers on the basis of egregious missing or extraneous conflicts. As a result, the design of a file system with respect to space management and crash consistency is simplified, requiring only 10.8K LOC for full functionality. Fluffy found two new consensus bugs in the most popular Geth Ethereum client which were exploitable on the live Ethereum mainnet. Log search and log archiving, despite being critical problems, are mutually exclusive. This approach misses possible optimization opportunities as transformations that only preserve equivalence on subsets of the output tensors are excluded. While verifying GoJournal, we found one serious concurrency bug, even though GoJournal has many unit tests. OSDI '21 Technical Sessions All the times listed below are in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Haojie Wang, Jidong Zhai, Mingyu Gao, Zixuan Ma, Shizhi Tang, and Liyan Zheng, Tsinghua University; Yuanzhi Li, Carnegie Mellon University; Kaiyuan Rong and Yuanyong Chen, Tsinghua University; Zhihao Jia, Carnegie Mellon University and Facebook. This is the first OSDI in an odd year as OSDI moves to a yearly cadence. Existing systems that hide voice call metadata either require trusted intermediaries in the network or scale to only tens of users. Her specialties include network routing protocols and network security. The symposium emphasizes innovative research as well as quantified or insightful experiences in systems design and implementation. Kernel code requires manual memory management and type-unsafe code and must efficiently handle complex, asynchronous events. We demonstrate that the hardware thread scheduler is able to lower RPC tail response time by about 5 while enabling the system to sustain 20% higher load, relative to traditional thread scheduling techniques. Papers so short as to be considered extended abstracts will not receive full consideration. Only two types of supplementary material are permitted: source code described in the paper and formal proofs sketched in the paper. Distributed Trust: Is Blockchain the answer? We particularly encourage contributions containing highly original ideas, new approaches, and/or groundbreaking results. Author Response Period PLDI is a premier forum for programming language research, broadly construed, including design, implementation, theory, applications, and performance. One classical approach is to increase the efficiency of an allocator to minimize the cycles spent in the allocator code. The overhead of GPT is 5% for memory-intensive workloads (e.g., Redis) and negligible for CPU-intensive workloads (e.g., RV8 and Coremarks). Pollux simultaneously considers both aspects. Our evaluation on the SPEC benchmarks shows that SanRazor can reduce the overhead of sanitizers significantly, from 73.8% to 28.062.0% for AddressSanitizer, and from 160.1% to 36.6124.4% for UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (depending on the applied reduction scheme). Using selective profiling, we build DMon, a system that can automatically locate data locality problems in production, identify access patterns that hurt locality, and repair such patterns using targeted optimizations. Sanitizers detect unsafe actions such as invalid memory accesses by inserting checks that are validated during a programs execution. We also show that Marius can scale training to datasets an order of magnitude beyond a single machine's GPU and CPU memory capacity, enabling training of configurations with more than a billion edges and 550 GB of total parameters on a single machine with 16 GB of GPU memory and 64 GB of CPU memory. Qing Wang, Youyou Lu, Junru Li, and Jiwu Shu, Tsinghua University. We describe PrivateKube, an extension to the popular Kubernetes datacenter orchestrator that adds privacy as a new type of resource to be managed alongside other traditional compute resources, such as CPU, GPU, and memory. If you submit a paper to either of those venues, you may not also submit it to OSDI 21. 64 papers accepted out of 341 submitted. Reviews will be available for response on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. The paper review process is double-blind. For example, optimistic concurrency control (OCC) is better than two-phase-locking (2PL) under low contention, while the converse is true under high contention. J.P. Morgan AI Research partners with applied data analytics teams across the firm as well as with leading academic institutions globally. OSDI'20: 14th USENIX Conference on Operating Systems Design and ImplementationNovember 4 - 6, 2020 ISBN: 978-1-939133-19-9 Published: 04 November 2020 Sponsors: ORACLE, VMware, Google Inc., Amazon, Microsoft Get Alerts for this Conference Save to Binder Export Citation Bibliometrics Citation count 96 Downloads (6 weeks) 317 Downloads (12 months) Differential privacy (DP) enables model training with a guaranteed bound on this leakage. Used Zotero to organize papers about the stress and diffusion between anode and electrolyte and made a summary . This distinction forces a re-design of the scheduler. The device then "calibrates" its interrupts to completions of latency-sensitive requests. All submissions will be treated as confidential prior to publication on the USENIX OSDI 21 website; rejected submissions will be permanently treated as confidential. Responses should be limited to clarifying the submitted work. The novel aspect of the nanoPU is the design of a fast path between the network and applications---bypassing the cache and memory hierarchy, and placing arriving messages directly into the CPU register file. Further, Vegito can recover from cascading machine failures by using the columnar backup in less than 60 ms. Conference site 49 papers accepted out of 251 submitted. Despite having the same end goals as traditional ML, FL executions differ significantly in scale, spanning thousands to millions of participating devices. First, GNNAdvisor explores and identifies several performance-relevant features from both the GNN model and the input graph, and use them as a new driving force for GNN acceleration.