The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. These first two quotes showcase Nietzsche's zeal for life, for cheer, for the ecstasy of artistic intoxication. You do not currently have access to this content. Friedrich Nietzsche, On Reading and Writing, But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful! It's clearly meant to refer to Friedrich Nietzsche the 19th-century famous German philosopher, not George Nietzsche of West Hollywood, CA, USA. 1 Answer. Nietzsche and Zarathustra. However Wissenschaft is not "wisdom" (wisdom = Weisheit ), but a propensity toward any rigorous practice of a poised, controlled, and disciplined quest for knowledge. How they All human life would be given meaning by how it advanced a new generation of human beings. All that is born of weakness. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. window.Mobvious = {}; This is an example of how some of the most beautiful German quotes come from poets and writers of German descent. Online Dictionary. 70,081 free ebooks. Friedrich Nietzsche, Der Fall Wagner, The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends. "Overhuman") is a concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. View history. If you think life is hard, keep going. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. You forgot the living energy of your labor and chose the idea of the state. German philosopher, classical scholar, poet and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most influential modern thinkers, best known for his writings on religion, good and evil, and the concepts of the "super-man" and "will to power.". 5. Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Digressions, objections, delight in mockery, carefree mistrust are signs of health; everything unconditional belongs in pathology. In this quote, that seems to be what poet Rainer Marie Rilke believed was the key to a satisfying existence. Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. }); If so, how close was it? Weave a thread into it every day and eventually it becomes unbreakable., Der Schlssel zum Erfolg ist Kameradschaft und der Wille, alles fr den anderen zu geben. Fritz Walter, German footballer (also the name behind Fritz Walter weather), Translation: The key to success is companionship and the will to give everything for the other., Die guten sind immer umstritten. Boris Becker, German tennis player, Translation: The good ones are always controversial., *Man lernt nirgendwo so viel, wie in den eigenen Fehlern. Udo Jrgens, Austrian-Swiss composer, Translation: You learn nowhere so much as in your own mistakes., Wenn du die Phase der Euphorie nicht erlebt hast und die Phase der Traurigkeit, dann wirst du nichts Bedeutendes schaffen. Udo Jrgens, Austrian-Swiss composer, Translation: If you have not experienced the phase of euphoria and the phase of sadness, then you will not accomplish anything significant., *Es ist nicht deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist wie sie ist, es wr' nur deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt. Die rzte, German band, Translation: It is not your fault that the world is what it is, it would only be your fault if it stays that way., Jedes Problem, das man bewltigt, bringt einen in der Zukunft weiter. The stylistic challenges facing the prospective translator of Nietzsche filled Peter Newmark with apprehension, but the present author adopts a more pragmatic position and concludes by speculating that the translator might represent the best approximation to Nietzsche's ideal reader. I could not find it anywhere, dictionary nor google. Could not validate captcha. Want to improve this question? According to Safranski, Nietzsche intended the ultra-aristocratic figure of the bermensch to serve as a Machiavellian bogeyman of the modern Western middle class and its pseudo-Christian egalitarian value system.[12]. Values involve a rank-ordering of things, and so are inseparable from approval and disapproval; yet it was dissatisfaction that prompted men to seek refuge in other-worldliness and embrace other-worldly values. Why should you make a principle out of what you yourselves are, and must be? Goethe, full name Johan Wolfgang von Goeth is an example of a very accomplished German man, being not just a poet, playwright, and novelist but also a scientist and statesman. g = p.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; Your great friends wouldn't perish, struck down by your smallness.. (wikipedia) Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes German Quotes Friedrich Nietzsche. Difficulties with estimation of epsilon-delta limit proof. Nietzsche Archives, Weimar, December 1905. }; 1. Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond! ? You could not be signed in. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. Below is a list of 47 funny, life-affirming and motivational quotes from some of our favourite German speakers. speak German, there are actually a lot of beautiful, profound, and sensible quotes about life that are in German. This site uses cookies. Many cultures all over the world are familiar with the story of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who kept a diary which she filled with hopeful and beautiful thoughts, even as she and her family were hiding and fearing for their lives from the Nazis. a native German-speaking online tutor about these quotes. Translation: He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. "https:" : "http:") + Friedrich Nietzsche, The lie is a condition of life. Everything dies, everything blossoms again; eternally runs the year of being. English Translation: It's a German necessity to speak badly of the government over a beer. //]]>. Search for other works by this author on: The Journal of Nietzsche Studies (2012) 43 (1): 5767. He was interested in the enhancement of individual and cultural health, and believed in life, creativity, power, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond. Inspirationfeed is a digital magazine covering everything from quotes, net worth, self-development, entrepreneurship, entertainment, technology, and creativity. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. for(var i=0; i=0){return}if("ue_https" in e){f=e.ue_https}else{f=e.location&&e.location.protocol=="https:"?1:0}i=f? if (a[a9]) return; - Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher Translation: "There are no facts, only interpretations." Motivational German Quotes Looking for a kick-up-the-butt to get stuff done, and learn some wonderful new vocabulary? The bermensch shares a place of prominence in Thus Spoke Zarathustra with another of Nietzsche's key concepts: the eternal recurrence of the same. Every one of your acts of smallness and meanness throws light on the boundless wretchedness of the human animal. However this is about Nietzsche, I think one source for the quote is. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); We have art in order not to die of the truth. fetchBids: function() { German Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for speakers of all levels who want to share and increase their knowledge of the German language. With the wealth of great German philosophers and writers there was bound to be some pretty inspirational and profound things said in the language at some point. }, [CDATA[ By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Women can form a friendship with a man very well; but to preserve it to that end a slight physical antipathy must probably help. "Events.Namespace": "csa", Tag: nietzsche quotes german translation. It is quoted or alluded to by many other works, with minor variants in wording: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. stylesheet.type = "text/css"; @mtwde, thanks for the link. It does not occur to the shallow interpreters of that giant mind that this vision of the bermensch also called for a state of society which will not give birth to a race of weaklings and slaves. zur genealogie der moral by nietzsche . "There is always some madness in love. Whats the grammar of "For those whose stories they are"? How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner, Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question, Trying to understand how to get this basic Fourier Series. maintain that willing the eternal recurrence of the same is a necessary step if the bermensch is to create new values, untainted by the spirit of gravity or asceticism. We suggest that you talk to The bermensch (German pronunciation: [ybmn]; transl. When you hear the truth you'll cry bloody murder, or commit it. try { Fluent in 3 Months Courses: Check out our courses and guides to learn the Fluent in 3 Months method. Laurence Lampert suggests that the eternal recurrence replaces the bermensch as the object of serious aspiration. g.parentNode.insertBefore(A, g) As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind., Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'., Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders., One must shed the bad taste of wanting to agree with many. Project Gutenberg. ("A handful of dust"), Are you going to change yet again, shift your position according to the questions that are put to you, and say that the objections are not really directed at the place from which you are speaking? This wise and beautiful German quote from the philosopher (1961), page 44 English translation of Zarathustra's prologue; "I love those who do not first seek beyond the stars for reasons to go down and to be sacrifices: but who sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth may one day belong to the Superman", Nietzsche, F. (1885) p. 4, Original publication "Ich liebe die, welche nicht erst hinter den Sternen einen Grund suchen, unterzugehen und Opfer zu sein: sondern die sich der Erde opfern, dass die Erde einst des bermenschen werde. Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different? googletag.enableServices(); Denke an all das Schone, was in dir selbst und dich herum wachst und sei glucklich! In Germany you had your choice between Goring and Himmler on the one hand and Liebknecht, Landau, and Muhsam on the other. - Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy! Das muss man sich mal klarmachen Loriot, German comic, Translation: The mayfly [which lives for one day] goes through its midlife crisis after twelve hours! Heil! In 1896, Alexander Tille made the first English translation of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, rendering bermensch as "Beyond-Man". and chose the subhuman. Is that why you used, But MacIntyre's claim that Nietzsche used, @mtwde At least "Mehrhabenwollen" seems to be an established term in philosophical discourse, see for example, @HenningKockerbeck Shouldn't "Mehrhabenwollen" always be capitalized in this case? Wenn du erwachsen bist, musst du Bier trinken. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austrian-American actor / The Terminator, Translation: Milk is for babies. Aber ein bisschen frher, damit ich mehr davon habe. Marlene Dietrich, German actress, Translation: If I could live my life again Id make exactly the same mistakes. if (sourcesToHideBuyFeatures[i] == source) Friedrich Nietzsche. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? When I whispered into the ears of some people that they were better off looking for a Cesare Borgia than a Parsifal, they did not believe their ears. English Translation: Even from the stones placed in your way for you to stumble on, you can create something beautiful. In reality, however, it is quite otherwise with you: while you pretend to read with rapture the canon of your law in Nature, you want something quite the contrary, you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders! // apstag.init({ For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything. [CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); // ]]> The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("gr_author", "false"); Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. More translations and examples : Nietzche, Nietsche. googletag.pubads().enableAsyncRendering(); Many of the people behind the quotes on this list are worth looking into and Goeths works are highly recommended as he is one of the And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh. Friedrich Nietzsche, The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy. It's a quote by Nietzsche [closed], We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Physiologists should think before putting down the instinct of self-preservation as the cardinal instinct of an organic being. He is fundamentally unsound., The real world is much smaller than the imaginary, If a man has character, he has also his typical experience, which always recurs., You desire to LIVE "according to Nature"? Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more to be than a good dancer. "Overhuman") is a concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Here are some of their best thoughts. While the concept of God was the ultimate expression of other-worldly values and their underlying instincts, belief in God nevertheless did give meaning to life for a time. English Translation: Live like, when you die, you will wish to have lived. A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power; self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent results., While we hear Carl Jung's jazzy humming and Nietzsche's dance steps intermittently during our musings, we can willingly tear down the spread of depression from all the gray zones around and allow the sun to shine and warm up the hearts' expectations. .__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.__prevent_empty_css_file{width:0}.authorModuleDropdownMenu{width:180px;border-left:1px solid #D8D8D8;border-right:1px solid #D8D8D8;border-top:1px solid #D8D8D8}.authorModuleDropdownMenu__dropdownLink,.authorModuleDropdownMenu__dropdownLink:hover{display:block;text-align:left;padding:12px;font-family:"Lato", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", sans-serif;font-size:14px;color:#000000;cursor:pointer}#authorInfo{display:-webkit-box;display:-moz-box;display:-ms-box;display:box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-moz-flex;display:-ms-flex;display:flex;padding:10px 10px 5px 10px}#authorInfo .authorInfoGroup{-webkit-box-flex:1;-moz-box-flex:1;-ms-box-flex:1;box-flex:1}#authorInfo .authorPhotoGroup{-webkit-box-flex:0;-moz-box-flex:0;-ms-box-flex:0;box-flex:0;margin-right:10px}#authorInfo .authorFollow{display:flex}#authorInfo .authorFollow .authorDropdownContainer{border-radius:3px;border:1px solid #D6D0C4;font-family:"Lato", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", sans-serif;font-size:14px;-moz-appearance:none;-o-appearance:none;-webkit-appearance:none;appearance:none;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none;color:#333333;background-color:#F4F1EA;line-height:1;padding:8px 12px;font-size:16px;padding:12px 24px;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;margin-left:0px;padding:0px;min-width:38px;height:32px;background-image:url(/assets/down-caret.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;float:right}#authorInfo .authorFollow .authorDropdownContainer:disabled{border-color:#DDDDDD}#authorInfo .authorFollow .authorDropdownContainer:hover{color:#333333;background-color:#ede6d6;text-decoration:none}#authorInfo .authorFollow .authorDropdownContainer:active{background-color:#D6D0C4}#authorInfo .authorFollow .authorDropdownContainer:disabled{background-color:#F3F3F3;color:#cccccc}@media (max-width: 540px){#authorInfo .authorFollow .authorDropdownContainer{min-width:20px;width:27px}}#authorBooks{*zoom:1}#authorBooks:after{content:"";display:table;clear:both}#authorBooks .sectionTitle{border-top:1px solid #CCCCCC;padding:10px 10px 0 10px;margin:0}.accordionContent{padding:0 10px}.authorBio{padding:0 10px;margin-bottom:10px}.authorBooksMeta{color:#999999;font-family:"Lato", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;padding:0 10px}.authorBooksMeta a{color:#00635D}.authorBooksTotalReviewCount:before,.authorBooksTotalRatingCount:before{content:"\00b7"}.authorDetailsList dt,.authorDetailsList dd{display:inline;margin:0}.authorDetailsList dd:after{content:'\A';white-space:pre}.authorDetailsList dt{font-weight:bold}.authorDetailsList dd{color:#999999;font-family:"Lato", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;margin-bottom:15px}.authorDetailsList dd a{color:#00635D}.authorSimilarAuthorsLink{padding:0 10px}.authorDistinctWorksLink{padding:0 10px;display:block;margin-bottom:10px}.authorFansLink{font-weight:bold}.authorInterviewsList{list-style-type:none;margin:0;padding:0}.authorInterviewsList .authorInterview{margin-bottom:15px}.authorInterviewsList .authorInterviewAt{color:#999999;font-family:"Lato", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif}.authorInterviewsList .authorInterviewAt a{color:#00635D}.authorInterviewsList .authorInterviewTitle{display:block}.authorName{margin-bottom:10px}.authorShortBio{color:#999999;font-family:"Lato", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif}.authorShortBio a{color:#00635D}.authorQuotesLink{margin-bottom:15px}.quotesList{border-top:1px solid #CCCCCC;margin-top:15px}.quotesPage{margin-left:10px}.noQuotes{margin-top:15px}