situations, the 10 Standard Fire Fighting Orders, LCES, and the common denominators of fire behavior on tragedy fires. 4. - low-band Identify THREE facets affected by cultural differences. Signal flags 2Isolate the scene and deny entry to everyone until you are relieved by those trained and equipped to handle these situationsmove and keep people from the scene but allow enough room to maneuver your equipment Communications In this article, Tervalon and Murray-Garcia identified three facets to cultural humility. - The hose is dangerously close to the flames. - Fire fighting tactics. Karin has taught middle and high school Health and has a master's degree in social work. 5. Nozzles and nozzle settings have specific purposes during a wildland fire incident. ADVERTISEMENTS: 6. Place the steps for lighting and using a fusee in the correct order. 21st century is dubbed as the century of globalization where trade and other barriers have been put . Identify FOUR guidelines you should follow when performing a systematic mop-up. Structure fires can be deadly, but there are tell-tale signs pointing to trouble. Wait one full second after pressing the transmit button before speaking Page 55 - Fog stream 2. One thing that can be useful is to have them write out a quick meeting summary afterward and send it around to make sure everyone is in agreement. There is a clear violation of written safe work practices. 5. Use the chain of command before continuing if firing is not igniting all available fuel along the control line Communicator responsibilities, The risk management process is a set of steps for. When individuals meet with others from different cultures than their own, they are aware of their own implicit biases and accept that they do not know everything about other cultures. Use the proper grip and stance Areas where the flame front will pass quickly, You should wear your fire shelter in a position on your web gear or fireline pack where___. Cultural humility is an ongoing endeavor with no endpoint, only continuous evolution. 3. Those specific distance recommendations are based on the assumption that there: Keep in mind that the IRPG's specific distance recommendations are based on the assumption that there is no slope and no convective heat transfer from wind. Identify THREE ways to correctly carry your hand tool. Individuals are multi-dimensional, and even persons from the same culture can and do experience that culture differently. Laura: I'm great! They also describe the relationship between these values and behavior, with the help of a structure based on . Fourth row: blank box coming off of the blank box on Row 3 labeled C. - Resource Coordinator. Cracked handle Atmosphere that is or has been unstable for hours or days before the fire Place each component of a progressive hose lay in order to match to the appropriate use. Allowing personal or environmental distractions to take your focus D. An engine is the best place for a safety zone. Assign personnel to monitor and secure the area behind the drip torch operator to look for spot fires that might trap crews or compromise the control line All of the following are good places to deploy a fire shelter, EXCEPT Turn to lie with the slope. Structure defense adds a whole new dimension to wildland fire fighting. Barriers to communication include: Cultural Empathy: Examples | What is Cultural Empathy? Finally, affiliation with advocacy groups is important. @;b`T,=)KN%pn'?qNM+k > #f+'(Ii)T.S>Qlsj9J46YcgZe}~:s!2gTZ}DSxs*xQ(Y$ Sex-Linked Traits & Polygenic Inheritance | What are Sex-Linked Genes? This is why its helpful to know what specific cultural differences are. Robert: You too! Culture can be defined as "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.". Identify FOUR personal items you should consider keeping ready on a fire assignment. Fight fire aggressively, having provided for safety first. Written messages. Store tools safely when not in use, Place each hand tool in order to match with appropriate sharpening techniques. All affective states are systematically represented as two bipolar dimensions, valence and arousal. Identify THREE of the first five Standard Fire fighting Orders. Cultural humility is not achieved after a set amount of study; it is an ever-evolving practice. Is easier and safer to use than a tool with a dull blade What thoughts and feelings arise in me about them during our interaction? Constructing reline without safe anchor point. Watch your cutting angle and path of the tool head Tears exceeding 1/4 in. Fuel storage tanks, such as aboveground gasoline and diesel tanks, safety cans, and fuel tanks on farm machinery Rolling the hose properly will protect exposed threads. Read the following to investigate subjective hazards. Instead, you need to identify and acknowledge the differences. However, how your jealousy is interpreted can depend on how it is viewed culturally. 6. Decision points During the 1960s, television news broadcasts brought the realities of real-world events into people's living rooms in vivid detail. CULTURAL FACTORS Culture encompasses the set of beliefs, moral values, traditions, language, and laws (or rules of behavior) held in common by a nation, a community, or other defined group of people. - Definition, Examples & Laws, Franz Boas: Biography, Theory & Contributions, What is Economic Botany? Individual firefighters or supervisors may turn down an assignment when: Define nine fire behavior terms. Laura: Thank you, Robert! Place the fire shelter deployment steps in order. Elimination of unburned fuel between a fire's edge and a control line Spray, stir, and spray again as necessary. Place each mop-up situation in order to match to the MOST appropriate action. Crouch as you approach. Identify THREE procedures to follow when receiving and transmitting a radio message. - Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) The likely harm and size of the material. Culture informs your communication. Uninformed on strategy, tactics and hazards. Whether you are working abroad or are required to liaise globally with colleagues or business partners, understanding how to effectively communicate with people from all over the world is a key professional skill - one that is increasingly important in today's multicultural work environment. 2. you can get it out quickly even while running. Position the cutting edges away from your body Fire shelter You should wear, (blank), over other clothing or directly over cotton undergarments. Identify THREE guidelines for protecting apparatus. Inform all crew members of escape route locations Rapid attack on the hot-burning points of a fire's edge Be sure female ends have the correct gasket size Select FOUR ways to remove heat energy from a fire. Container shapes - Division Supervisor Fifth row: a blank box coming off of the blank box on Row 4 labeled D. - Operations Section Chief There is more than one kind of safety zone you can escape to. Body movements Identify THREE safety guidelines for working on or near fixed-wing aircraft. Finally, recognize that language barriers can also make it hard to notice prediction failures. 93 lessons. It's the place you'll be free from danger without having to use your fire shelter. Cultural humility is aptly named, as the individual must be humble enough to recognize the implicit biases that lie within. 2. Keep the landing zone (helibase or helispot) clear of loose equipment, objects, and unauthorized personnel; if you've got the water, consider lightly spraying dirt landing zones to cut down on dust Lookouts are a key part of the LCES safety tool. Shipping papers A safety zone should only be located in the burn. Ms. White initially feels a tinge of aggravation toward Lee-Lei's parents. Senses, Identify THREE hazards you might commonly encounter at farms and ranches, Propane tanks Place each wildland/urban interface "Watch-out!" One side is a cutting edge similar to an axe blade for chopping stumps and logs. Evaluate. 202 0 obj <> endobj 223 0 obj <> endobj 1832 0 obj <>stream Hold fusee away from body with the lighted end down You are backing up the nozzle operator on this fire. - Cup trench, Start mop-up as soon as line construction and burnout are complete She asks Lee-Lei's parents questions about their views and beliefs. Wipe any spilled fuel from exterior of drip torch Follow proper maintenance steps for the torch Use foam or other wetting agents whenever possible Damaged threads It includes carefully feeling with the hand to detect any fire, digging out every live spot, and trenching any live edge. Outer boundary of the burning area She's taught multiple college-level psychology courses and been published in several academic journals. Focusing on your own response instead of listening to what's being said - Even taper approximately 2 1/2 inches (65 mm) back from the cutting edge - Logs too big to move Cultural humility encourages people in places of power to acknowledge their privilege and how it can provide better opportunities. Identify the main type of heat that fire shelters are designed to reflect. - Establish escape routes throughout the day. Self-evaluation and learning about other cultures is a lifelong process; each individual is multi-dimensional with a complex cultural identity. It's nice to hear from you. Change out of any fuel-contaminated clothes and wash them before wearing again, All of the following are drip torch hazards, EXCEPT. Hold the microphone 2 to 4 in. Safety zones, All of the following are Standard Fire fighting Orders, EXCEPT, 1. Practitioners can begin by looking at their clients as experts on their own life experience, history, and interests. Mark new escape routes and communicate the change to the crews. 2. identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130. East Asian cultures tend to be collectivist meaning that they value the needs of the group over the needs of the individual. 1. Preliminary control line built to quickly check the fire's spread Explosives, such as dynamite and blasting caps. Cultural humility was established due to the limitations of cultural competence. You havent given them an opportunity to do something that would surprise you. Identify a TRUE statement regarding the functional purpose of fire shelters. Identify TWO water conservation steps you can take on the fireline. Identify FOUR items you could use in the field to burn out with. Political globalization. Cultural humility encourages professionals to reach out to advocacy groups on a systematic level. Tervalon and Murry-Garcia outline three main facets of cultural humility: self critique, acknowledging and fixing power imbalances, and an affiliation with advocacy groups. 3. Place fire shelters where these are present: Identify TWO safety precautions you should follow in a helicopter landing zone. Choose Good teamwork goes hand-in-hand with good, Many hazards you can control, many others you can avoid. Watch your step on wet rocks and painted surfaces. Even little things can be helpful. Helicopters provide a way to reach remote fire zones quickly. The acronym describing the series of proper decisions to make for reducing a hazardous materials incident's potential harm is: Identify the guidebook that is an excellent resource for more information about hazardous materials. A well-informed Lisa feels confident and culturally competent before beginning her new job. When dealing with people from other cultures, pay careful attention to the failures of your predictions. Eye protection 6. Cultural humility is a lifelong process of self-reflection on one's own cultural identities whereby an openness to different cultural identities results. 3. Ensure an obstacle-free line of sight with the person you are communicating with. Financial globalization. Dig out and disperse any burning materials. I started going to church more, and my pastor offered to be a listening ear whenever I needed it. - A lookout must warn the crew when unexpected changes in fire behavior occur. Cultural humility is shown by being genuinely curious to new ideas which inevitably means challenging what is already believed as true. Protect the attack line from minor flare-ups. This includes a required field exercise that may be arduous in nature. If you know that you are going to a specific region of the world, then it is worth doing your research about that area ahead of time. Have lookouts in place Food preparation, for instance, can be quite different in various cultures. (6 mm) in length are detected along folded edges. 3. Condition of equipment Type of materials manufactured, stored, or used Tilt torch downward to dispense fuel at each desired ignition point, HMSY - 1340 Homeland Security Intelligence Op, Command & Control - ICS, Strategy and Tactics, Pre - Calculus Part 2: Lesson 5 and Lesson 6. the Website for Martin Smith Creations Limited . Names, numbering, or stenciling The most frequent include: assessment tools (climate surveys, statistics monitoring,. Placards and labels In your own experience, do most people seek to attain cultural humility? For example, American and Western European cultures tend to be individualist, meaning that they tend to value the action and freedom of individuals. Addition of lateral lines. Three facets affected by cultural differences are: Ensure objectives and instructions are understood. Having established that you are open to learning, follow up by being explicit about the goals of a particular interaction. 1. 5. Sand and refinish with light coating of linseed oil. Examining the entire assigned area You might need to implement some kind of grid or block system when you face large burns or complicated situations. Through that introspection, a humble curiosity of other cultural identities evolves with the goal of improving relationships. 2. Fight the fire before it reaches the structure. Third row: a blank box coming off of the blank box on Row 2 labeled B. Detect - Hopeless situation. They may utilize self-reflective questions such as: What knowledge do I think I have about the patient's culture? Identify the THREE main hazards of hazardous materials. 0B.3 0B-01-S130-SR. 0B.4 FIRE BEHAVIOR TERMS Spread - Movement of the . - Definition & Lifestyle, Straight Edge: Movement, Culture & History, What is a Verbal Threat? Select THREE steps for deploying fire shelters during a strong wind. It can also be understood as the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. Ecological globalization. Allows you to use short, sharp cutting strokes rene verdugo urquidez released SU,F's Musings from the Interweb. - Direct attack Identify a way to improve radio transmission when you are not transmitting through a repeater and poor location is the culprit. 4. They can also help you better understand any assumptions you make about what behaviors mean so that youre more likely to interpret your colleagues actions with an open mind. You read that cultural humility requires people to be critical of their own assumptions of normalcy. Use your agency's method for rolling hosethe watermelon roll, firefighters' carry, or figure eight method. - Fires move especially fast uphill in chimneys, drainages, and on steep slopes. You can start a meeting or conversation by saying, My intention here is to gather input from you so that I can make a decision. Try to find an ally in a group you are working with who can let you know when you may have said something that elicited a different interaction than you intended. Discuss five other useful firefighting terms. - A lookout should be able to see both the fire and the crew. Splintered wooden handle A clinician's job is to approach clients compassionately, interview clients as experts of their own life histories and experiences, and identify and build on clients' competencies. - Before you board the boat Some professionals, like social workers, medical professionals, or educators, believed themselves to be culturally competent after learning some generalizations of a particular culture. Signal mirrors Trench on downhill side. If you set up a routine of communicating about issues that may arise, though, you can minimize the damage of the mistakes you make. Examples of such items include: Everyone retains certain beliefs as a result of family and community influences, especially in other countries. Cultural humility encourages a respectful attitude toward individuals of other cultures. Charge all available garden hoses. - Strong winds Compare the designs of Oscar de la Renta and Calvin Klein. Minimizes impact to the environment, Place each wildland fire part in order to match to the best description. Cultural globalization. Cuts more effectively than a dull one By way of exploring these differences, we are briefly going to look at 3 ways in which culture can cause challenges. Identify FOUR good places to locate your fire shelter. Identify THREE steps you can take to be accountable for your personal protective equipment (PPE) and gear. The interactions can be professional or personal. Place the ICS positions listed below in order (A, B, C, D) to match to the appropriate locations on the organization chart. Having a preconceived opinion about a message Cultural identity is a part of a person's identity, or their self-conception and self-perception, and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture.In this way, cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group of members sharing the same . 4. - Log on a slope Of course, you might make mistakes, and thats OK. Conveying that you are open to learning and communicating about potential differences can go a long way. Scrape striker end sharply against ignition end of fusee in downward motion, away from your face and body - Since fighting fires is risky business, it makes sense to know the types of hazards you will be facing. Use water sparingly, but use enough to do the job 3Warn others in the immediate vicinity Identify FIVE communication methods firefighters can use with crew members. mario cipollina contact / iberico pork secreto recipe / identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130. Identify the THREE main classes of radios. - Holes. Can push flame angle closer to fuels. Identify TWO safety procedures to follow when carrying hand tools. - Directs the overall management of the incident We've been talking twice a week and it's really helped me. Follow these precautions when leaving the boat: When considering the size of safety zones, your Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) has specific distance recommendations for how far to separate firefighters from the nearest fuels. Rolling debris Hearing protection; & 7. The concept of cultural humility was developed by medical doctors Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray-Garcia in a 1998 academic article published in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Documents listing chemical name, number, and type Visibility endstream endobj 224 0 obj <>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 191 0 obj <> endobj 192 0 obj <> endobj 193 0 obj <> endobj 194 0 obj <> endobj 195 0 obj <> endobj 196 0 obj <> endobj 197 0 obj <> endobj 151 0 obj <> endobj 154 0 obj <> endobj 157 0 obj <> endobj 160 0 obj <> endobj 164 0 obj <> endobj 167 0 obj <> endobj 170 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1077 0 obj [1055 0 R 1065 0 R 1068 0 R 1071 0 R 1074 0 R 1076 0 R] endobj 1078 0 obj <>stream It is a transformational process. - Vegetation 6 Facets of Cultural Differences Understanding the different ways each culture answers the following will help us make friendships across cultures: Where are we? This problem is compounded when the people you are working with look at things through a different cultural lens. Practitioners should utilize their own perspective when working with clients to identify clients' fortes and skills. lexus gx 460 trac off check engine light; cape breton victoria regional school board salaries Menu Toggle. Outerwear What's even more desirable? These differences may be due to ethnic and racial background, age, geography, religion, and A non-judgemental mindset lets you observe cultural differences without labelling them as good or bad, or right or wrong. 4. She tries to empathize with their cultural values and why they hold academic excellence in high regard. - When you are onboard the bird, keep the safety harness fastened until the pilot directs you to unbuckle. . Provides a place for cooler, breathable air to protect your lungs and airway. Runners 3. Use water sparingly, especially when it is in short supply Cultural humility was conceptualized by Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray-Garcia in an academic article, published in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, in 1998. 4. 4. Values are deeply embedded and critical for transmitting and teaching a culture's beliefs. Answer the radio with your station name or unit number After putting on the proper protective gear, to place a drip torch into service: 2. However, a tool with a sharp blade benefits you because it: - Extreme fire behavior Attacking the fire at the burning edge before it arrives. The Importance of Context - Anchor points Roll over inside the shelter so that you are lying face down. - Inadequate water supply Think before pushing the talk button They have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Teaching Spanish and Communication from Transylvania University. What you unroll, eventually you must re-roll. Do: - Definition & Elements, UExcel Foundations of Gerontology: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to Anthropology: Certificate Program, 6th Grade Life Science: Enrichment Program, American Government for Teachers: Professional Development, Political Science for Teachers: Professional Development, Counseling Fundamentals for Teachers: Professional Development, Criminal Justice for Teachers: Professional Development, Sociology for Teachers: Professional Development, Psychology of Adulthood & Aging for Teachers: Professional Development, Abnormal Psychology for Teachers: Professional Development, Life Span Developmental Psychology for Teachers: Professional Development, Social Psychology for Teachers: Professional Development, Psychology for Teachers: Professional Development, The Bretton Woods Agreement: Definition & Collapse, Rational Choice Theory: History & Theorists, National Security Council: Definition, History, Members & Role, What Is Interoperability? Use clear speech to relay messages This is a conversation between Robert and Laura a month later where Robert checks in with Laura about the therapist referrals. Don't place escape routes above a fire burning uphill on a slope Various cultural differences can interfere with productivity or cause conflict among employees. Look for spot fires outside the constructed line. Social relationship (system of marriage, family structure and relations, social and religious organisations, government) 8. Cultural humility is a lifelong practice of self-reflection about one's own cultural identities. Ensure an adequate number of skilled people and supervisors are assigned to the firing team, based primarily on the size of the area to be contained Three main differences were centralization of power, the status of Buddhism/Confucianism, and the nature of the tributary state. Generally, you'll get prompt action when you use your radio properly. Remove and scatter all fuels away from the structure If the people you are working with are normally affable and they treat you frostily at the start of a meeting, thats a sign that something has gone wrong. For example, rather than ending an interaction with Do you have any questions? you can say, Many people new to projects like this one have a number of questions, what are some of the issues you want to know about? Now, you are explicitly giving permission to ask a question and making it clear that asking questions is the norm you expect. But thats not the most effective way to navigate cultural differences. In these cases, it is possible to use items at hand to light a fire. uuid:54120f3d-8d59-429f-9cec-727cb1b4da8c