When Charlotte was sarcastic to Henry, he said that he would not let Charlotte lick his ice cream cone, implying that they shared the same ice cream cone. Charlotte calls Henry and wakes him up to tell him about the musical curse. Henry doesn't find it funny that Charlotte ends up wearing Jasper's retainer due to theplan that he had suggested. Henry sarcastically says Wow, love ya friends directed at Charlotte as well as the other characters. When Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper are all flung off of the spinning couch in the Man Cave, Henry and Charlotte end up landing in a cuddling position. Henry and Charlotte smiled at each other and ate corn dogs. At the ceremony, Charlotte is talking to a group of friends but Henry pulls her away again so he can complain about Bianca. Charlotte is concerned Henry is going to fail his test. Henry was telling Charlotte how to operate the machine by coughing. Ray expected Henry to know Charlottes number by memory and scolded him for not knowing it. Henry looks back at Charlotte and Jasper while Ms. Shapen harasses him about Noelle. When Charlotte decided to start over in New York City, she expected a challenge but she didn't expect this. While Charlotte was wondering what was going on, Henry pulled Charlotte over the counter. When Charlotte tells Henry she got in for the second time, he says he is proud of her and hugs her. Henry texted Charlotte that they were on their way, making Charlotte seemed less nervous. Charlotte was at Henry's house late at night. Charlotte and Henry fight over the same tube. Charlotte tells Henry her teeth are too perfect for a retainer. Charlotte interrupts Ray and Henry's call to say hi to Henry and Henry comments on the fact that she's already at work, Charlotte is shocked that Ray thinks Henry would lie about being sick, Charlotte tells Ray and Schwoz that they can't spy on Henry because it's wrong and an invasion of his privacy, Charlotte spends the entire episode trying to warn Henry that Ray and Schwoz are spying on him, Charlotte calls Henry very responsible right before Ray mutes her, Charlotte tricks Schwoz into letting her out so that she can call Henry and tell him that Jasper would be wearing a wire. When Henry put the ring on Charlotte's finger Ray, Jasper and Schwoz all teased them, like Henry was asking her to marry him. Short stories taking place before and after Ruby Danger. Charlotte swats Henrys hand away from Piper before they removed her phone. Henry goes to stand up and object twice and both times Charlotte puts her hand on his shoulder and shushes him. When Henry tells Charlotte to leave the blown up man cave, Charlotte refuses and says "I am not leaving you! When Jasper called Henry 'handsome', Charlotte said, "Stop, I can't take this anymore!". guildford parking zone map; ginastera estancia program notes; boiler drum level compensation formula Henry staresat Charlotte in relief once she's out of the vacuum. Charlotte told Henry to go talk to Bianca while she was alone. She was confident and witty and compassionate. Charlotte said she wants to be on Henry's team and they both fist-bumped. basically, henry danger reacting to themselves.chenry and bianca slander>>>, Henry goes to the dentist and confesses a few things to Charlotte, Mika always knew that would more than just a hallway crush. She agrees with Henry that money is good. Henry and Charlotte are watching the police pursuit at school. Bianca asked Charlotte if Henry came with her to. Henry teases Charlotte when her attempt at covering up the trap doesnt work. Charlotte teased Henry about him having a date to Ray and Schwoz. When Henry was on the porch, he needed to talk to Charlotte. Charlotte accepted Henry's apology and hugged him while she was covered in pig slop. My locker slammed shut startling both Henry and me. Henry laughs when Charlotte says she enjoys zapping people. After Henry startles Charlotte he puts his hand out to help her up. Both have gained powers and lost them within one or two episodes, Charlotte's being super strength and Henry's being indestructibility. When Charlotte is hit by the basketball, Henry comes to help her worried and asks her: "You okay?". Only one has ever loved him "Don't let him get me, I don't want to go back!" NOT EDITED, PLEASE DONT COMMENT ANY NEGATIVE THINGS THIS STORY WAS WRITTEN THREE YEARS AGO AND CRINGEY!!! Henry and Charlotte are together in the hallway. Henry comes downstairs to give Ray a hand in pulling Charlotte out. Henry and Charlotte were disgusted when Schwoz ate the bloody-nose hot dogs. Charlotte starts to explain to Henry why she likes eating healthy food even though she knows Henry needs to go. Charlotte refuses to sit next to Henry in science class if he has two arms growing out of his ears trying to poke him. Henry sits beside Charlotte on the desk and puts his hand on her chair. Regarding Jasper's belly shirt, Charlotte says, "I dont think that's a right". You owe me a coconut!' Charlotte and Schwoz went to Henry's house to bring him back to the Man Cave. Charlotte looked annoyed and rolled her eyes when Henry was talking about how pretty Veronika is. Henry notices that Charlotte is gone and askswhere she is. (See, Henry agreed to help Charlotte with her science project at his house, Henry was worrying a lot because he knew Charlotte was mad at him, When Ray said that Charlotte doesn't get angry, Henry knew Ray was wrong so he made a strange face at him, Charlotte leaves Henry an angry voicemail asking where he is, Henry encourages everyone to get going so that he can meet Charlotte, Henry is clearly stressed when he gets the angry voicemail from Charlotte, Henry runs out of Junk N Stuff to go meet Charlotte, Charlotte was in Henry's kitchen without him or Piper being home, When Henry finally arrived at his house to meet Charlotte, he was very apologetic about being late and told her the reason (without lying like he sometimes might). Henry thought Charlotte was tired when she got hit with the dart. When Ray said he wants them to eat pumpkin guts, Charlotte. However, no one gets worried. Charlotte tries to cheer Henry up by telling him he has perfect teeth, Henry thanks Charlotte for calling his teeth perfect, Henry asks Charlotte if she is going to move away and go off to college (clearly a little freaked out at the thought of being in Swellview without her). Henry asked if her gummy bears were still next to her closet, implying that Henry has been in her bedroom before. ", Henry tells Jasper to carry Charlotte out of the man cave, Charlotte screams Henry name as Jasper carries her to the elevator. Charlotte has a recurring dream where Henry saves her from a lion exhibit at the zoo, at the end of which they almost kiss. Henry and Charlotte have shared numerous hugs over the course of the show. Charlotte reminds Henry and Ray not to talk to each other while Henry is Kid Danger and Ray is himself. They both hate pickles, but love dill fingers. Henry laughs when Charlotte shoots Schwozs butt, Henry sits on the desk beside Charlotte with his hand on the back of her chair, leaning towards her, Charlotte (and Jasper) help Henry sneak out of class. H Henry hart is a 17 years old boy trying to figure out how to balance his superhero job as kid danger with his Social life and it doesn't help that a new guy is flirting Can Charlotte ever forgive Henry for his part? Charlotte has to beat Henry up as part of her training, but he goes through with it anyway. let you go back, okayI won't Henry and Ray have been dating for a year, and both boys have been working as Kid Danger and well Captain Man. It is revealed in, Both of them have called the other's teeth perfect. Henry smiles and looks at Charlotte briefly. Henry and Charlotte smirk at each other when Ray and Jasper immediately start to fight with each other while in their suits. For example in, Ray and Jasper both expect Henry to know the most about Charlotte. Henry was still thinking about the fact that Charlotte called him cocky by the time that him and Ray get to the crime scene and he worriedly mentions it to Ray. At the beginning of the episode Henry is about to kill Otto but Charlotte slaps his hand, ruining his aim of his laser, later in the episode Ray suggests they kill the old bird once they've replaced him and Henry is quick to tell Ray that he doesn't want to kill the old bird (likely only caring because he realizes it upsets Charlotte). In Dystopia, Henry says 'this one is going to hurt' and then asks Charlotte if she's heading back to base which implies he was worried for her safety, Charlotte replies to Henry's worry by telling him to head back to base himself. Henry and Charlotte start bickering again when they get off the elevator; Ray appears amused by them. Henry and Ray caught Charlotte after she faints. Charlotte contests to Henry saying he will not be Kid Danger anymore if Ray erases Jasper's mind. When Charlotte starts to leave, Henry asks her where shes going. When Henry was telling Ray about the bet, his hand was very close to Charlotte's thigh. Examples of this include Jasper thinking they were kissing in. I'm turning every episode into a romance Henry stared at her nicely and said, "You really think so," when Charlotte called him smart. Henry teases Charlotte back by saying She can have mine (meaning his tiny cape). Henry was smiling at Charlotte when they were all singing the Drake and Josh theme song. Charlotte asked Schwoz how Henry would be after examining him for 20 minutes. The overtime, the demanding tasks, the physical strain, the sleepless nights, etc. Henry is amused that Ray is scared of losing the video game to Charlotte and teases him about it. Popular boy Henry and nerdy Charlotte never knew they could get pair up to take care of Aaliyah and Tyquan. Henry asks Charlotte who she's receiving a text from during the flashback in Henry's kitchen and attempts to listen to her until Jasper and Ray become too distracting. Henrys neighbor asks if she saw Charlotte floating over his watch. Dangerverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Henry was first in the Man Cave to see Charlotte's project. Charlotte somehow understood Henry's message immediately. When Charlotte was getting angry at Schwoz, he tried to stop her from getting into a fight. Henry smiled at Charlotte when she told Jasper the secret was true. Henry and Charlotte come downstairs at the same time, dressed in new clothes that they seemto have just put on. Charlotte covers for Henry when Ms. Shapen asks where he is, saying that he is home sick. When Henry is in the Densitizer, Charlotte nudges Schwoz to turn it off. The payphone scene makes it apparent that Henry calls Charlotte the most frequently as she was the first and only person that Ray thought Henry would know the number for (aside from the Man Cave). Henry smiled at Charlotte so she wouldn't figure out about Courtney. Charlotte defended Henry by telling Ray that he doesn't even have a superpower, and people expect him to be a superhero. When Piper starts throwing a tantrum, Charlotte and Henry look at each other nervously. Charlotte was excited when Henry (Ray and Schwoz) stormed into the school with the invention. Charlotte goes to stand close to Henry when Jasper asks outPatina. Enjoy my imagination of these two! Literally. Henry tells Charlotte to do the whatsup thing and smiles when shedoes it. He doesn't come back from school to do homework. Henry and Charlotte are taking calls together at the beginning of the episode. She asks Henry where he was the day before, expressing concern. Charlotte says she could name 7 more times that she told Henry about Jack but Henry cuts her off, not wanting to know. She is initially opposed to doing so but gives in when he insists. Henry and Charlotte were studying for Henry's biology test. ", Henry answers Charlottes call even though Jasper and Jake (Henrys dad) are scolding him to keep quiet, Henry impersonates Charlotte being worried, not to make fun of her but in an admiring way, Henry wanted to say what he believed that Charlotte would say if she were there, this shows that Henrys personality may be more similar to Charlottes than he often lets on or that he likes it when Charlotte watches out for everyones safety, Henry follows everyone in the tunnels and is no longer concerned about the tunnels being dangerous once he sees Charlotte is excited to use them, Charlotte points out the fact that Ray cared about his own problem and not Henrys, Charlotte helps Henry by blinding the mole people, Charlotte tells Ray that hes going to end up killing one of them my accident with his sword and Henry agrees with her by saying that is my concern, Charlotte asks if Jasper is mad at the keyboard and when he doesnt understand, Henry clarifies and agrees with Charlotte that his typing is loud, Henry puts his hand on Charlottes back when everyone is trying to leave through the window. Before they do or say anything to anyone or anything else they greet each other. Charlotte is the first to approve of Henry's idea for Ray to eat the bomb. Later on in the episode, Henry has to save Charlottes from the lions exhibit for real. The dream makes her exhausted and unable to sleep, Henry pays a lot of attention to Charlotte throughout theepisode. Henry and Ray robbed the Swellview Bank so they could frame Bysh and get Charlotte out of fighting her. Charlotte and Henry text and call each other a lot, especially during group settings where it doesn't necessarily need to be the two of them talking. Charlotte zaps someone whos trying to attack Henry. Also no. Henry puts the lanyard on Charlotte and touches her cheeks. Henry and Charlotte were both disgusted with how Jasper wanted some hair soup. Henry Hart is the furthest thing from Charlotte's type. Henry taps her phone for her even though hes already tapping two. Henry sits close beside Charlotte and they write Ray's Rumblr profile together. Therefore, he may have let her win. He told Ray to move when he was talking to Charlotte. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. They have an affectionate friendship and can be seen hugging in numerous episodes. ", Henry looks at Charlotte in disbelief. Henry and Jasper both agree that Super Charlotte freaks them both out. "Anything. " Charlotte (and Ray) were cheering Henry on behind the set of the game show. Henry said Charlotte's project was great and was interested in how it worked. Henry told Charlotte to check his costume. Henry tries to call Charlotte when the cavemen are attacking him and his parents. Henry tells Charlotte theyre going to make a haircut chain then he asks her if she wants to join them. Rated Teen and up for language, small violence, drug use, and suggestive scenes. Henry objects by saying Bro and Charlotte complains. Henry pointed at Charlotte and smiled after he tackled the Phone Shark. Charlotte is afraid that Henry will turn out to be some mutant-freak and refuses to go with him, which shows that she cares about him. Charlotte is the only one who doesnt raise her hand when Ray asks who wants to be Kid Danger. Charlotte knows andreferences to the fact that Noelle chose the "J-train" over the "H-Bomb.". While Henry and Charlotte were talking, they were getting annoyed with Ray playing the guitar. When Charlotte finally gets out, Henry tries to grab her hand to help her up. Henry told Bork that Charlotte wasn't a toy. When Ray said that Charlotte called Blake "super handsome", Henry looked annoyed and possibly jealous. Henry is usually the only character shown to worry about Charlotte's well being, Charlotte is also known to worry about Henry. Charlotte has reservations about shooting a video of Henry transforming into Kid Danger because of the video possibly getting out. Henry askes why Charlotte has to say no all the time. Charlotte was constantly teasing Henry about playing hide and seek with Jasper. Henry is about to yell at Ray, Charlotte interrupts and says "let me". Henry is obviously really worried andstressedthe whole time that Charlotte is in the lion exhibit, more so thananyoneelse seems to be (even Charlotte who is more worried about her dream than the lion). Henry said that Charlotte's idea was 'gooooood'. Charlotte gave Henry an idea to meet Piper at Nacho Balls to give her the house keys. Charlotte bought him a 'surprise' since he was grounded. Neither of them believed that Jasper had a girlfriend. When she throws the Walkie-talkie back to Henry, he constantly tells her that he does not want it back. Henry says that Charlotte making another package is incredibly helpful. If anything Henry appears annoyed or bothered by it. Charlotte and Henry came to school together. Charlotte and Henry sit unnecessarily close together on the couch during the sack throwing contest. At Henry's home, Henry and Charlotte were always staring at each other when something happened with Piper. "What you do want Jake?" I asked, not really wanting to deal with him right now. Charlotte tries to help Henry calm Ray down. Charlotte and Henry agree that JAM classes help a lot of kids. They both looked at each other in a skeptical way when Jasper said he wasn't going to stop think about them kissing. Henry seemed concerned when Charlotte came to the ManCave, mind-warped. When Charlotte calls Henry cute, he smiles and sticks his tongue out at her. Henry puts his arm around Charlotte and tells her that it isn't her invention. Henry and Charlotte were sitting together, talking,when a Jasper came into class. Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper all become superheros in Dystopia. During the second day of the curse, Henry is very cranky and frustrated but when Charlotte sings, he finally smiles. Henry tries to comfort Charlotte multiple times by saying things like "that was just a dream Charlotte", "dreams are weird", "You're fine, we aren't kissing". Henry easily could have been lying when he told Charlotte that he didn't see her "that way" either because it would have been a really bad time for him to tell her anything other than that. Henry tries twice to encourage Charlotte to come with them up the stairs. Charlotte knows that Henry usually doesn't wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom. Henry helps Charlotte up after she was hit with the basketball. Charlotte takes the coffee away from Henry, telling him he cant drink so much coffee at his age. Charlotte stopped Henry from saying anything else about Invisible Brad. Henry tries to convince Charlotte that it's not his fault he didn't know she was dating Jack Swagger. Henry texted Charlotte that he got Ray and did not text Jasper or Schwoz. He and Ray helped her walk over to the couch. Many girls have entered his life, and have all broken his heart in more way than one. On the edge of the screen, you can see Henry smiling and staring at Charlotte when she yelled at Schwoz. Henry took Charlotte's can of Frittles chips. 9 years later they are thriving somewhat happy 16-year-olds, and over the 9 years relationships ended, feelings changed and friendships are broken. Charlotte was super excited telling Henry she was applying to L.I.M.P. Henry quickly changes the subject when Charlotte starts talking about the first guy she kissed, possibly because he didn't want to know and was/isjealous. Meaning he may be the only one who knows it. Charlotte and Henry both think that Jasper is the playground pooper. Henry complains/confided in Charlotte about his girl problems. In. Henry tends to confide in Charlotte. When the blender gets turned on the second time, Charlotte and Henry turn it on at the same time. Henry makes exactly the same statement: "So.. she's gone.. This will help declutter some of the comments on pages. Charlotte glares at Henry (and Ray) after Bysh is arrested. When Charlotte hugged him, she said, "That's my baby, that's nice.". He doesn't come back from school to do homework. Henry told Charlotte that the disco ball she had is on the new invention. Then later, he apologized. The gang must now come up with a way to save her before it's too late. During one of Jasper and Charlotte's grammar fights, if you look closely, Henry gets behind Charlotte and has his hand on her shoulders for a second. Ever since she started dating Jasper things went south with Charlotte and Henry wanted to find out why. Henry (and Jasper) help Charlotte out of the trash bin. Henry and Charlotte were talking and seemingly joking around when Jasper introduced them to Ortho. When they both got back to their universe, they looked at each other in relief. Henry was happy to see Charlotte when she came through the window. When Henry's mom starts to ask Henry about his underwear, Charlotte teases him by saying she wants to hear the question. Charlotte is able to tell that Henry is having a hard time staying on the video call so she blows the candle out for him and says bye so that he can hang up. Henry puts one hand on Charlottes back and the other on her arm to get her to stop shaking Schwoz. But when he became conscious again, before looking at Ray who is at his feet, he looks at Charlotte and says, Wow.. Does Ray want to be a father? Henry knew that Charlotte had to go to dinner with her parents. Charlotte looked embarrassed when Henry called her sweater 'disgusting'. Charlotte follows Jasper and Henry into the closet. Charlotte came into Henry's house and immediately asked where Henry was. It's also on my fan fiction account. (Note: I was inspired by a story called Just Trust Me.). Two people who loved Henry Hart stand alone in the moments after his death. Henry saved Charlotte by pushing Courtney out through the window. at the same time. Ray pushes Charlotte off the chair into Henry. Henry Hart is not a normal kid. When everyone begins to fight in the non-crime fighters room, Henry and Charlotte fight with each other and appear to be ignoring the others. When Jasper asks how Henry could keep such a big secret from his best friend, Henry responds, 'Oh, Charlotte knows.' Henry took some of Charlotte's grapes from her bowl. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 22. Charlotte pulls Henry close and tells him to change into Kid Danger. WARNING: read at your own risk!! Now he occupies his time with finding Tyler Lewis, the person who killed the love of his life. Henry also grins and says 'Charlotte' excitedly while he holds her hand. Henry helps to protect his town of Swellview "How could you keep this from me all this years"he shouted. (Note) This work was originally published on Wattpad in 2019, only minor things were changed. Charlotte denies it by responding,"What? Henry pulls the chair Charlotte is sitting on to the Room of Storage. In the beginning, Henry got a text from Charlotte and had to stop the podcast. It wasn't long before he joined an illegal fight club, to let out his pent-up anger that was directed towards one ugly human being. Charlotte responds, annoyed, "He's not my boyfriend!". TIP: When discussing topics like characters, Seasons, certain episodes, try and go to that page instead of going straight to the season pages. Henry and Charlotte were laughing as they walked into Henry's house (it appeared to be late at night, so they were probably coming from work). As soon as Charlotte comes inside she asks where Henry is and when Jasper tells her, she says she's going to go check on him. Henry quickly responded to Charlotte when she screamed for him to come down stairs again. Henry reassures Charlotte that he might be the greatest sidekick ever if the Densitizer works on him. Henry references to protecting Charlotte from Courtney in. Grief/rf/noundeep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death.-. Charlotte tells Henry that he's jealous of Jasper. Charlotte considers waiting for Henry (and Ray) before eating. After Ray says Do you love it?, Charlotte teases Henry by saying that she is currently loving it because she was enjoying seeing Rays cape getting blown in Henrys face. Charlotte told/motioned to him to get closer to tell him never to ask her again, "And then what?". and not muchelse whenever there is suggestion of him and Charlotte being romantically involved. Work Search: When Charlotte complains that this is not a life-or-death situation, Henry puts his hand on Charlotte's arm and softly says "yes, it is" before angrily saying that it is because he's going to kill Ray, Henry looks at Charlotte and asks if anybody is going to help him when Ray has him in a headlock, Henry gets Charlotte to try a corn dog and smiles when she likes it, Henry and Ray excitedly tell Charlotte about the mission they had returned from, Charlotte looks a little annoyed when Henry won't say why he's going to New York, Charlotte asks Henry what happened to him, Charlotte asks why Henry let the woman throw him across the room (which implies her belief that he would be strong/fast enough to avoid such a scenario), Henry sassily replies that she didn't offer him another option, Charlotte points out the fact that Henry said "doe" instead of do and Henry yells that he meant do.