Gross motor skills and your child. Thank you. You can also mix and match the bulleted comments to best fit your students. Occasionally presents work that is messy and difficult to read. _____strong proficiency in fine motor skills contributes to his flawless handwriting. I sincerely hope that this work will continue. The more personal you make the. ___ participates enthusiastically in online group activities, but finds it difficult to work independently. Has at times sought undue attention and distracted the flow of lessons. It is perfect for keeping parents updated on their child's progress. This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on November 18, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. Suitable for kindergarten, right up to second grade, your class will have a blast imitating animals such as elephants, ducks and kangaroos!Print these cards and use them to guide your students during physical education. Is great at solving problems using her own initiative. The amount of extra time you have been spending with _______ on his schoolwork is evident. Has been seen to show some great emerging leadership skills during play scenarios. Editing and Revising Checklist - A Second Grade Editor. It is our personal responsibility, as teachers, to put in the extra work, and give parents more than report card grades. he/she is gaining greater control of fine motor movements. Has started to let carelessness seep into his work for the past few months. I'm hoping that the current level of enthusiasm and progress will continue. Each category has six subcategories. The handwriting of ______ needs to be improved. This is Teaching. All Rights Reserved. Has shown remarkable strides in communication skills at preschool. Able to demonstrate mastery in a variety of ways. _____ sight words are now recognised by ____ . Has a knack for managing multiple personalities in group situations. Listens intently to others and takes their opinions in mind. They can be used in different ways, for example; Before starting, have a student (or small group of students) place the cards in their preferred workout order. GET THE LATEST BLOG UPDATES, FREEBIES, NEWS, AND PROMOTIONS! __ displays an enthusiasm for learning. CommentsThere has been noticeable improvement in _______'s study habits th Report Card Comments & PhrasesWork and Study Habits. Does not actively participate in group activities; therefore, is encouraged to put forth effort in order to improve communication skills as well as attention and confidence. March is Women's History Month! Thinks deeply about her responses before providing them. Creating report card comments and remarks can be a daunting and tedious task for teachers. ____ is a very conscientious worker who puts in a lot of effort and attention on a daily basis. ______ has trouble memorising non-phonetic word spellings. It would be great to see some improvement in her weakest subjects in the future. ______'s friendly, genuine demeanour has made him a popular member of the __ grade. disruptive habits to the learning environment. ___ would benefit from demonstrating a stronger desire to participate in class discussions. Gross motor skills Balance Your child's balance will improve significantly. _____ is enthusiastic about his or her job in general. Will respond well to rewards but struggles to use initiative. Tends to come into the classroom with a big smile and an open mind. _____ contributes significantly in class. Has trouble getting engaged and interested in class topics. _____ is improving her ability to pay attention to directions. Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. Throughout the rest of the school year, he will require consistent guidance from both home and school. - has good (poor) fine-motor skills; is able to print on the lines; spaces letters and words correctly; some printing is . ____ is a classmate who is eager about learning and willing to try new things. uses primary and secondary sources to. I've had a good time being associated with ______. He is capable of doing the work in the time provided, and he needs to get started. Download below and import on, Import /export comments page, or 2. Has shown remarkable growth in confidence this year. _____ is performing to the best of his or her ability. Fine motor skills require the use of smaller muscle groups to perform tasks that are precise in nature. Download or purchase over 90+ pages of grading comments examples, tips, and advice for managing student grades. It is conceivable for ______ to achieve higher grades than expected. Strong command of standards. Loves to soak up all the information around her. All of _______'s basic skills are at grade level, but he is not working to the best of his ability. Has shown strong signs of growth in all learning areas. Is always the first person to put their hand up to volunteer for a task. Grades: Pre-K | K | 1 | 2 Subjects: Language Arts and Writing Writing Penmanship Needs to work on ensuring her work is presentable, neat, and error-free. I look forward to seeing further development in expressing her thoughts in class. This themed resourc St. Patrick's Day Choice Board, Activities, and Puzzles Packet, Report Card CommentsAcademic Achievement & Improvement. _______ has done some good work, but it hasn't been consistent. Making report card comments easier. These are the skills that develop before fine motor skills. Choose the right phrasing when writing positive and constructive report card comments. Report Cards for Physical Education. The form is editable to fill in the date, plus or minus, number of prompts, activity/task, and comments. __ makes a sincere effort and works hard in class. he/she is developing / gross motor skills. Hey, Teacher! ______ can now compose a complete sentence on his own. The reading of ______ is still not automatic. Report Card Comments & PhrasesEnd of Year This reporting quarter reflects ______'s attitude toward our school rules, other students, and myself. Shares resources with her peers during play time. Tends to complete independent homework tasks with ease. consistently uses thematic vocabulary taught in class when reading his/her booklets. When not directly supervised, _____ makes little effort. is articulate and thoughtful when writing., What do Portuguese People Look Like? Gross Vs. We need to encourage him to take his work much more seriously. continuing to work on understanding boundaries, getting along with others, and putting more effort into work. Has an inquisitive and engaged mind. Leave a very specific comment that highlights the great work done and positive qualities. Kind hearted. Subjects: See more ideas about preschool assessment, report card comments, school report card. Use the performance indicators to change the comment based on the grade of the student. Gross motor skills pertain to skills involving large muscle movements, such as independent sitting, crawling, walking, or running. Quick thinker. What this means in practice. ___ is dependable and trustworthy, follows instructions well, and keeps his or her promises to himself and others. I am confident that with more effort and concentration, he will quickly improve. Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. _____ is a pleasant and cooperative youngster. Has picked a great extracurricular hobby of _____. _____ is a frequent volunteer who makes significant contributions to the class. This shows specific student progress. Download a copy of our report card comments, is articulate and thoughtful when writing, consistently follows detailed instructions. These types of movements are important for young children to practice as they develop . using non-standard tools to measure objects). Work well done is something that _____ is proud of. Click comments below, Select all (ctrl+a), Copy (ctrl+c), then. Fall Family Fun Farm February Fine Motor First grade Flowers freebie Fun at Home Fun Facts. Although gross motor skills consist of simpler movements, they still require a tremendous co-operation between muscles and the nervous system. In essence they reflect "brain skills," yet many parents and caregivers overlook their importance. describes the process. Gross Motor Skills are the coordination of movements that are required for large movements: crawling, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc. Has exercised great thoughtfulness about her own capabilities. Has reached many achievements this year, which is reflected in her budding confidence. Import at SchoolReportWriter.COM, our free teacher reports app: 1. $2.50. Motor Skills Break the motor skills section of the report card into two distinct sections: fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Is always willing to jump in and participate in any task. Gross motor skills include skills such as:. ), developmental progress forms. Despite the fact that she has made improvement in this area over the last month, she still has work to do. Please continue to read with her every night. Gross Motor Movement Activity Cards. Is a very articulate public speaker when talking about issues that she knows well. They are the first motor skills a child develops.Mastering gross motor skills helps your child develop a sense of balance and spatial awareness. As my previous reports have shown, _____ does not complete his schoolwork. Shows confidence striking out on her own to do things she is interested in. Methods We used 2012 NHANES National Youth Fitness Survey (NNYFS) data . It's been great having her in my room. Is beginning to develop her own interest and is eager to learn more about them. Has done an excellent job of navigating new technology and troubleshooting technical issues. In all of the fundamental subjects, _____ is performing admirably. Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being. Is very enthusiastic about ________ and has shown great promise in this area. _____ shows respect towards peers when playing games. ______ is a diligent student who should do well in the ____ grade. Is often disorganized and forgets important school supplies. Any help you can give from home would be very beneficial. Research indicates that gross motor skills are a major predictor of a child's school readiness. . Thank you for the assistance I'm sure you've provided her. This year has seen a significant improvement in ______'s study habits. Here are tips for new teachers or veteran teachers to use when writing kindergarten report card comments: In short, positive report card comments include a strength, an area that needs improvement, and give suggestions to practice at home. ___ is a dedicated student who participates actively in class. Unique held the crayons perfectly, with . These documents for preschoolers should include four basic sections, highlighting a students development in the areas of motor skills, language skills, cognitive skills and social skills.