Find a Grave is connected to Ancestry. I don't know who took your daughter's photo (or anyone else in here). I have no way to access to my account. For consumers, it can happen through online feedback forms or customer service countersbut consumer complaints are a separate matter. Most of us do it to honor your family member and to ensure in 100 years, their descents have a way to feel more connected. everyone wants the records to be as correct as we can get them! Findagrave is gross and obscene. Nothing has changed and no one has contacted me regarding the matter. Find a Grave contains information for over 500,000 cemeteries in 244 different countries! 07:27 PM. I have a person doing that with my relatives on my grandparents side of the family and he refuses to turn them over to me. Are you going to say "facebook is public, not yours. Someone needs to get rid of these evil people to stop what they doing or get this site shut down!. Contacted manager of my daughter's "site" who has refused to remove information I object to from daughter's bio or agree to transfer the memorial to me. My last name - there only 7 of us suppose to be as.Actually only 2ofbus and the rest wife and children. My lawyer has been contacted. I can still look at stuff, I just cant add anything, correct anything, or do ANYTHING at all. A Grave .Com ? It is disturbing that Ancestry has television commercials depicting African Americans searching for their ancestors, when so many records remain un-indexed and hidden from discovery. A community of members that work together, share information and help people from all over the world to find, record and present final disposition information as a virtual cemetery experience. They do nothing about it. Ask for permission. I mean, it's a "public" cemetery, not one in private family hands and as mentioned in a earlier post, when you die the privacy is gone, period. In many cases the correct markers can't be located or definitely identified, especially when they are old. I can only hope I outlive him, so I can reclaim my family. Also F.A.G says they award points, so beef with them. Says their third great grandfather was the brother of my third great grandfather. STRONGLY Agree. son. I don't see the point in the complaint. I am 13 years old and I understand this more than the adults doing this out of "the kindness of their hearts." If the family wants their relatives and has proved the relationship, then their request should be honored. This is very basic courtesy. This was a second marriage for Mary Ann when she had been widowed and married James Payne in 1862. Although, I bet you could associate ANY activity as a contest - you seem to have a GIANT chip on your shoulder about this. My parents and grandparents memorials were hijacked by Patsy Lubben DiMarco. now findagrave even suspended me and deleted my dead freind burial records. Nobody would love f## site. He then served for four and a half. If you have information that would help us update details about a cemetery on the site, please let us know. I have visit grave site that someone had taken a picture of headstones by the time I got there years later the headstone was clean and more visible. MANY people are SEARCHING for their relatives, and they can not afford to fly to every cemetery in AmericaThank God people CARE ENOUGH to go to the cemeteries and take pictures, and post them on the ONLY FREE SITE of it's kind, find a grave! Are you going to blame the owner (Photo copyright owner) by saying that facebook is really public, every photo you put can be stolen anytime by any online person. When a member will not relinquish a memorial to a direct family member (as stated in the rules), then they are breaking the rules and they should loose their privilege to use Find A Grave. Unless a person trespasses on to a privately owned plot/cemetery that is NOT owned or operated by a non-profit or the county/state, we are not infringing on your privacy. If so, we already had this talk. Explore All Topics and Services on Top I have contacted them and they refuse to remove it. Running Deer takes his memorial [protected] down. You're not alone in your complaint. aged 43, married A. After finding this woman on Facebook, I can confirm Ms. DiMarco wouldn't be allowed into my parents or grandparents homes while they were living, so WHY should she be allowed to manage their memorials ? More precisely people who want to create a memorial for a deceased loved one. The rationale: They do not want a resting place for the dead to be devourered by FindAGrave's cyber knowitall undertakers. Fire Sarah, the evil administrator who removed my account, and threatened to have me arrested because she refused to treat me the same as other members. There are tons of memorials created every day with information about surviving relatives; but Find a Grave allows it, as long as nobody says anything. they think that, if your photo is put there, you will die fast. As a young man he joined. Findagrave is gross and obscene. Just so you know. Anne Maher McKay Nothing is sacred here. BBB Scam Tracker Still Need Assistance? There is a problem with your email/password. Some people do not want their family members in the site, and its not your God-given right as a volunteer to ignore that. I personally manage a few sites that are people related to me through marriage, and several relatives more than one generation removed from me. For some cemeteries, it is against their policy to allow pic taking/give plot info to non-family for security/privacy purposes. So much unneccesary stress its to the point I consider suicide. Findagrave is a profitable business. I made no comments about the timeline of adding memorials, scanning of obituaries, nor any comment about how many memorials certain people have. Well then I emailed Running Deer to let him be aware that this is my nephew, and that I didn't disclose that at first because I have caught him at this before. posts. View social follower numbers, contact emails, reviews and podcasts like Grave Matters. Sometimes if you initiate polite conversation, they will comply or explain why they won't. I agree with you Singatune, We are all individuals of different expectations of this site. I dont think anyone takes photos of headstones to hurt anyone but only to help others find where their ancestors/relatives were laid to rest and to preserve history. You haven't done anything wrong. Desired outcome: If you are having problems with your account or have questions about content on the site, please use the Account Question or Support Request option. But when I find it, post it and notify the requestor that are overjoyed. Be aware, many of these idiots will NOT give you management and when you contact they don't care. Not everyone who takes photos of graves is unwilling to respond. you regretted your parents and teachers who teach you every knowledge. And sharon shout out loud "this is my precious hard work" They told me they have the right to delete my account because I put a link in my bio to another website (which is absolutely safe). We are no longer private people. All because they are not respectful of families and not responsible for the content. Find A Grave is one of the free resources online that you can tap into to get the clues that you are after. A problem occurred. Ancestry provides a myriad of beneficial services; Find A Grave is yet another website providing beneficial information. When I checked, I fond that somebody already did and the info is all wrong as well. You don't have to play Looney tunes with a top contributor ever. When someone has refused to transfer a grave site, I have gone on and duplicated it with an explanation. It's bad players like these that makes you question the motives of some of the [censored] contributors. Voila! BEWARE of this websites. Anyone who makes a free FindAGrave account can add memorial pages. NO I DID NOT! Does it occur to them that maybe just maybe its a memorial site and that the FAMILY might want to create the memorial and have correct information on their loved ones memorials. I am also a member of Ancestry which owns FindaGrave, yet there has been no correction and no help. Find a Grave states that this is against their guidelines. This will give you a space to inform the manager of the memorial about the use of the wrong photo. When I confronted this whale of a whale to relinquished ownership and return the memorial back to me I was banned. Find contact information for federal, state, and local government officials. Fire Sarah, the evil administrator who removed my account, and threatened to have me arrested because she refused to treat me the same as other members. You put it there to honor them and share your love for them in a public place for anyone who is in the cemetery to see, behold and treasure for generations to come. A findagrave monitor is removing our confederate veterans tokens of respect and replacing them with hideous looking fake purple violets. Please include the cemetery ID number or the URL to the cemetery page on Find a Grave. He had joined the army when he was about 18 and spent the first few years in Ireland. It is a disgusting desecration on my sister's grave and memory! What they do believe in concerning an after life is an eternal plain that is tended by a mother and father God. All the information I had compiled on John Hanson Gassaway2 . Find A Grave is also owed by Mormons who get browie points 4 baptising the dead into their faith. It's totally against what their mission is. She was an infant and her headstone on find a grave is a way of keeping her memory alive with some who never knew her. May I add most of the memorials r created by bored housewives who make a game of how many of these things they can make. Please reset your password. This person stalks and harasses me by following my flowers i leave on thousands of memorials. Did I post the information of the drunk teenager that killed her? I am not going to get into a long heated debate with anyone on here so let me get that out of the way first. Mormons believe u enter the after life based on "works" namely procreation, In life Mormons collect huge volumes of data. And Nothing was ever done. Many f## people are very unfriednly, when ladybug reported you, findagrave banned you so you can NOT see anything. She manages OVER 8,600 memorials and made a ton of mistakes on my parents memorials. For your money u can add videos, music and unlimited photos. In other words, if the contact person is "not accepting messages, " and they do this intentionally, you won't be able to reach them, to request management control.