While some studies suggest that sodium bicarbonate may neutralize tumor acidity and impair the growth of some cancers in vitro, at the time of this writing (01/20/2020) there is no research to support the theory that it can revert cancer cells into healthy cells. After the above mentioned treatment has been fully carried out, start with the IV (Infusion Vein) administration. Cancer that begins in glandular (secretory) cells. Ingesting high does of sodium bicarbonate could be risky. Dr. Simoncini has extensive experience in Urinary Conditions and Urinary Calculi & Removal. There have been no supporting human trials, at the time of this writing. By applying sodium bicarbonate directly to the tumor, the tumor's pH level increases, killing the fungus and making the tumor more receptive to other therapies. According to Dr. Simoncini, cancer is a consequence of the weakening and exhaustion of your organs, and eventually your entire body, in the following stages: 1. Dr. Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment For Cancer (NaHCO3) CO2, as many medical studies proved, is a powerful vasodilator. ), Side effects: In case of pain or irritation take 1 day break during the treatment In 1996, he earned a Ph.D. degree in Philosophy from La Sapienza University in Rome. The contents of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Dr. Simoncini also wrote a book called. If available at the pharmacy it may instead be used a physiological solution. 6000 Steps per Day Reduces Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds Red Food Dye May Trigger Inflammatory Bowel Problems, Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Many Layers to Wellness. On his website, Simoncini says that he was formerly an oncologist . Dr. H. Takeuchi et al in Japan analyzed 20 cases of urinary fungal infection. 10.1080/17542863.2010.507933 PMID: 25076983. No other substances were recommended. Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin complex etc. Philosophy and Type of Treatment Dr. Simoncini started his personal war against cancer in medical school when he heard cancer described as a terrible and mysterious monster. http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=8718775950691314311. Gandini received a 2-year sentence. Since acidosis is more critical for the survival of tumor cells, Zhang said it would not be a surprise to see a dramatic effect on tumor apoptosis by merely modulating the pH of the tumor microenvironment with sodium bicarbonate. Came from & it has no scientific basis. Is the cause of cancer a common fungus? Contact Dr. Simoncini telephone: (+39) 3389997821 telephone: (+39) 335294480 email: t.simoncini@alice.it Social media You can help by putting a link on your Facebook or Instagram account. The maple syrup-baking powder combination targets . According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, sodium carbonate (the starting material used to make sodium bicarbonate) is classified as a chemical substance. About the Simoncini Protocol Did you know that the AVERAGE orthodox cancer treatment costs $350,000? Subscribe to Dr. Sircus's newsletter and receive for free The Innovative Medicine ebook and introductory articles that will guide you through his protocol and the medicinals that compose it. Dr. Simoncini deserves the highest award in medical science for his genius and medical courage in discovering and developing what might come to be seen as the single greatest medical breakthrough of the century. skin cancer treatment Contact Dr. Simoncini telephone: (+39) 335294480 email: t.simoncini@alice.it Social media You can help by putting a link on your Facebook or Instagram account. Should someone you know and love be . Dr. Simoncini's book Cancer is a fungus describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping. It is theorized that sodium bicarbonate raises alkalinity in the body which, in turn, will kill cancer-causing microbes and reverts cancer cells back into healthy cells. Make an enema with one soupspoon of salt in 1 litre water, for two days. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at first this causes a sharp pain. See the left side-bar for links to these protocols. Neutralization of Tumor Acidity Improves Antitumor Responses to Immunotherapy. telephone: (+39) 3389997821 The information and/or products which on this website are reproduced are not meant to replace and/or to ignore the advice of a practicing physician. Custodians also used baking soda to clean the Statue of Liberty ahead of its 100th birthday. http://candida-international.blogspot.com/2007/03/is-cancer-caused-by-candida-fungus.html, Also, see this video of an interview with Dr. Simoncini (high speed internet required): Candida in cancer patients is usually interpreted as a consequence of the weakening and of the exhaustion of the organism because of neoplastic lesions. Dr. Simoncini claims that with bladder, prostate, skin and breast cancer, his protocol can give more than 90% success in less than 4 weeks, if the patient has not undergone previous chemo or radiotherapy. It was reported that TACE alone did not improve surgical outcome, disease progression, and liver failure. . Bitterness is like cancer. Introduction of the Simoncini Cancer Therapy in an interview with iHealthTube. Baking soda is alkaline with a high pH when in concentrated solutions. Very interesting. http://www.psiram.com/en/index.php/Sodium_Bicarbonate_Therapy_according_to_Simoncini, Whether he is currently in jail or not, he likely is not allowed to answer emails from cancer patients as that The standard protocol that was listed for this alternative treatment is as follows (to be discussed with your holistic practitioner)! Podcast Republic is one of the most popular podcast platforms on the world serving 1M+ podcasts and 500M+ episodes worldwide. The research showed adding sodium bicarbonate to salt tea was associated with an increased ESCC. In addition, Candida also survives and multiplies better when pH value is low. You can help! Cellect-Budwig is supported by Mike Vrentas and Cesium Chloride is supported by Larry of Essense-of-Life. Dr. Simoncini is an associate professor at Midwestern University Osteopathic Medical College where he has trained multiple medical students. (K, Mg, etc. They said they will have will it be quicker to reach a diagnosis if I go private? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. T-cells were not active in the acidic tumor environment, but when sodium bicarbonate was introduced, the environment was neutralized, thus reactivating the T-cells and targeting the tumor for destruction. Six days on six days off when in IV break. It has been observed that pH shifted toward bicarbonate-dependent transport occurs in hypoxia and that the function of this transport/transporters is key to tumor survival. It is a naturally occurring, inorganic, alkaline mineral salt that has been used by humans in many ways for millenium. Take 1-2 days break 2) They are designed to kill microbes which are inside the cancer cells. The statements contained on my sites and in my books have not been evaluated by the FDA. Staff members allegedly saw Dr. Simoncini administering injections; Sylvia died the next day. [Evaluate Progress], How To Fund Your Treatment Without a Loan. This treatment is primarily used for cancer of the digestive tract, including cancers of the throat, colon, intestines, rectal area, and other cancers in between. It is quite harsh on the body, but this could be a safer way to do it and very cheap. Heat the water over a low flame so that it becomes warm. Dr. Simoncini is a leading proponent of sodium bicarbonate usage and believes that infection with fungus is the cause of cancer. Anyone had any experience of this. Dr. Simoncini has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. Stomach rupture and severe changes in electrolyte levels have been reported following long-term or excessive use of sodium bicarbonate. Disclaimer Dr. Simoncini has identified the substances uniquely able to penetrate these volumetric infections: for cancer of the internal organs it is sodium bicarbonate; and the best substance to eliminate skin cancer is iodine tincture, particularly when it is spread onto the growth. This treatment was developed in Italy by an oncologist and uses baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. Put in the eye 2 salty water drops twice daily. ), Side effects: In case of pain or irritation take 1 day break during the treatment Dr. Simoncini also wrote a book called Cancer Is a Fungus, where he delves more into different protocols based on his theory for different types of cancers. Jenny Hrbacek, RN set out on a life-changing journey when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Dr. Frank Simoncini, DO is a Urology Specialist in Gilbert, AZ and has over 33 years of experience in the medical field. Dr. Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. Cancer in great part is an invasion invited by deteriorating/rotting cells) of yeast and fungi colonies. This effect occurred in tumor bearing mice when there was increased activity of a type of immune cell called a T-cell. Dr. Tullio Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment to Stop Cancer by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD. Dr Simoncini has devised protocols to get to each particular area: Dr Simoncini irrigates the tumours directly with pure Sodium Bicarbonate and water solution daily. The ICRF is one of the premiere alternative cancer treatment research organizations. 3) They are designed to kill microbes and parasites in the organs to energize organs and the immune system to deal with the "root cause" of the cancer. Baking soda can cause health issues and even death Click here to learn more about Webster Kehr. This treatment should not be used for more than three weeks at a time. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint underand above it, even if at first this causes a sharp pain. https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(18)30586-5#secsectitle0020. Dr. Simoncini Interview, For more details about his treatment see this website: He stated that he does not know where the addition of sugar in any form such as molasses, maple syrup, etc. Based on the belief that cancer is a fungus, more specifically, candida, Dr. Simoncini developed a treatment protocol based on the administration and application of sodium bicarbonate. For intravenous therapy: 500 ml of 5% solution of baking soda directly into a vein, every day. It is known that cancer creates and favors an acid environment and because of this, Dr. Simoncini and others have used sodium bicarbodate as an alkaline therapeutic agent. When bicarbonate therapy was combined with immunotherapy, significant antitumor responses, including cures, were observed in some mice. DonnaCancerSurvivor 21 days ago3 Replies Does anyone have experience with doing Dr. Simoncini's protocol and having a UTI at the same time? This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! Alkalinity CAN kill these microbes and revert the cancer cells into normal cells. Tullio Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. Are Essential Oils the Missing Link To Cancer Prevention? One will find many chapters on the subject of sodium bicarbonate and also on mycology, the study of molds, yeasts and fungi. Dr. Simoncini and his assistant, radiologist Roberto Gandini, were found guilty of culpable manslaughter. According to Dr. Tullio Simoncini, cancer is actually a fungus known as candida albicans and it can be eliminated with a simple sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment. If the fungi are sensitive to the sodium bicarbonate solutions and the tumour is smaller than 3 cm, the percentage will be around 90%, for terminal cases in which the patient is in reasonably good conditions is 50% and for terminal patients just a small percentage, reports Simoncini, whose treatments take approximately 30-45 days. In 1843, British chemist Alfred Bird concocted the first version of baking powder to help out his wife Elizabeth, who was allergic to yeast. The Sodium Bicarbonate treatment has cured people . . Cesium therapy is a well-known treatment protocol in cancer therapy, but it's an option that doctors rarely give their cancer patients. The best way to try to eliminate a tumour is to bring it into contact with sodium bicarbonate, as closely as possible. 2. Does anyone have experience with doing Dr. Simoncini's protocol and having a UTI at the same time? (The opposite effect, vasoconstriction, takes . Arm & Hammer sponsored the first Earth Day, capitalizing on the opportunity to promote baking soda as an eco-friendly alternative to chemical cleaners. Join 90,000 others in my newsletter and get a free ebook! them completely in a short time. It was published by Edizioni and has a total of 245 pages in the book. They graduated from Western University Of Health Sciences College Of Osteopathic Medicine Of The Pacific in 1990. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is an anti-fungal commonly used in hospitals to treat urinary tract infections. Based on the belief that cancer is a fungus, more specifically, candida, Breasts, lymph nodes and subcutaneous lumps - Local Perfusions, Dr. Simoncini has always been strongly motivated by his empathy for the suffering of others and travels the world to present his theory in conferences and interviews. [8] Zhang stated: TILA-TACE is far from a cure for cancers.. Terms of Service apply. Sal DiBella 5.6K subscribers Subscribe 150 Share 8.8K views 4 years ago Dr. Simoncini talks about Iodine to treat Skin Cancer Please. Baking soda, that creates an alkaline environment and pH value about 10, represents an antidote for acidity. Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin complex etc. "This website is dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives rejecting a broken and corrupt system, while searching for the truth about cancer.". Ten days break then repeat the cycle, 6 days on 10 days off, Side effects: bruise and infection in the arm; fever, tiredness, thirst, pain. The currently recruiting trial centers on understanding the tumor response rate to TILA-TACE utilizing sodium bicarbonate as an emulsive and pH altering agent (delivery vehicle) for doxorubicin-lipiodol (chemotherapy) infusions. Using this protocol, good results are achieved with topical cancers. His method was to put baking soda solution into a blood vessel that feeds a particular organ that was plagued by cancer. 1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in 1 glass tepid water, Locate a port cath in the axillary cavity from where a catheter reaches the jejune-pancreatic artery, Locate a trans abdominal intra-peritoneal catheter, Administer 300-400-500 ml 5% sodium bicarbonate every day for 4-5 days, then every other day for 2 weeks, Take 5 days break then repeat the whole cycle. It reduces the fungi's ability to spread while directly and quickly treat the original fungus overgrowth to rid the body of cancer safely. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul. Lay down on your back, preferable on a bed, Change your position 90 after 15 minutes, Repeat the last step for the other positions: left, right and front, With the help of a nurse (RN), locate a catheter into the bladder. Radiation Dr Sircus. Breast Cancer Patient in Europe Shares her success with bicarbonate. Simoncini Protocol (Baking Soda), Dr. Simoncini has been persecuted in his own country. Dr. Simoncini also faced a charge of abusive practice of the medical profession. Despite being disbarred from the Italian Medical Order because of his views, he has presented his theory at conferences ranging from the International Oncology Convention in Treviso, Italy and the 36, Graduating from La Sapienza University with his Ph.D. in 1996, Dr. Simoncini soon turned his focus to oncology. (K, Mg, etc. Listen and watch Dr. Tullio Simoncini demonstrate live fungi colonies and their destruction with sodium bicarbonate.http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=-598800713255508140&hl=it. It burns it all clean. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22190257, Will cancer cells be defeated by sodium bicarbonate? Doctor Simoncini claimed a cure rate of 90% of breast and bladder cancers in an unbelievable 6 days of treatment! Dr. Simoncini believes cancer is caused by a fungus, namely Candida Albicans. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The pain lasts few minutes, the swelling many days or even 1-2 months, Wait at least 3 weeks, then repeat the treatment if the lump is not completely disappeared Soda ash can be manufactured by passing carbon dioxide and ammonia through a concentrated solution of sodium chloride (table salt). The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) is a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation. To order the book see this website: Cancer Survivor, Jenny Hrbacek. would be considered to be treating cancer.. While there are countless testimonials to Dr. Simoncini's protocol available online, here's one of the early accounts, in his own words from an interview. Dr. Simoncini's Sodium Bicarbonate Protocol. When added to water, it breaks down into carbonic acid and sodium hydroxide (lye). Has anyone been put on Vagifem that has had several uti infections ,l am 71yrs old.Reading up about consultant. Usually from the 3-4th administration of this solution, the fungal colony regresses. He treated his first terminal patient in 1981: that patient is still alive and well today. During the second and third week, no more than one TEAspoon a day of baking soda should be taken orally. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease but are proven useful for health and life extension. Did you know that the AVERAGE orthodox cancer treatment costs $350,000? The treatment to choose for melanomas is an iodine solution at seven (7) per cent, as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. Tullio Simoncini's cancer quackery, which claims that all cancer is really a fungus because it's "always white" and that baking soda injections are an effective treatment. Click below to see an interview with Dr. Simoncini. After the sodium bicarbonate solution has been administrated into the bladder, keep it inside and turn the body 90 every 15 minutes. This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, and there is good reason to believe that the treatment is dangerous. Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. 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