She lures people into her house before devouring them. Dantonio: Have you seen the menu here? Winston: Walk a- Who Did John Wick Kill To Become Excommunicado? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. After they fail in an attempt to kill John, Santino calls the assassin and cockily claims that it is nothing personal, but that he cannot go unpunished for his sister's death. In the very first John Wick movie, the titular assassin was compared to a mythical Russian creature called Baba Yaga. How does Santino connect with the first John Wick movie? 3-6 Months?? From the interviews, it didn't appear as if John Wick Chapter 3 was very far into becoming a possibility. While this enrages John enough to want to take out Santino, it also leaves him with the impression that he is trapped in the assassin life that he was trying to retire from. What vehicle expenses are tax deductible? And the fact that John felt he had no other choice. Why is everybody there in the park at the end of John Wick chapter 2? Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. John Wick broke the big rule of the Continental in John Wick: Chapter 2, but this impulsive decision has to do with John's state of mind at the time. Wick eventually became the top enforcer for the New York Russian crime syndicate, becoming a feared and ruthless hitman that people describe as a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? Winston. Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? Its mostly just speculation, but it would help explain Winstons relationship with John a bit more. Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting. Questioning the leadership of all the Continentals around the world, they decide they need to step in to assist in overseeing each one to ensure that those who might be sympathetic to John Wicks plight, are encouraged with a violent message what happens to those who break those particular rules. Winston: Do you now? The protagonist refuses anyway, and Santino then leaves his house. Details Santino did something to help Wick in completing his last impossible task for Viggo. Santino tasks him with assassinating his sister, Gianna D'Antonio, so he could take her spot at the High Table, a council of leaders of the world's most powerful criminal organizations. Is it plausible for constructed languages to be used to affect thought and control or mold people towards desired outcomes? As a form of contract, Santino swore John to a "Marker," an unbreakable promise symbolized by a "blood oath" medallion. Now he wants John to pay back his debt and murder Santino's sister, Gianna (Claudia Gerini). His passports, contacts, arsenal, special made clothing and the gold coins. Why are trials on "Law & Order" in the New York Supreme Court? He is accompanied by some henchmen, who wait in front of the door while John offers Santino a coffee. John Wick: Chapter 3 begins with the Baba Yaga excommunicado and on the run, but who did he kill to end up in this situation? 1. Because no one EVER gets out or has ever attempted to. He knew the rules very well being an old member of this community. Based on the approximate size of each coin and the current price of gold, each piece would be worth just north of $2000 in proper money, but this isnt where the true value lies in John Wicks currency. The Messiah has returned He tells his informant to keep that information to himself and sends a message to only a select few of his people to attend a private meeting that night. What's the value of the John Wick gold coins? Santino's last meal appeared to be duck fat steak frites and asparagus. Deceased When John arrives in search of Santino and confronts him as he is eating, Santino smugly makes it clear to John that he intends to remain in its sanctuary indefinitely, protected by the rules. He's saying, "I'm safe here and there's nothing you can do about it!". Will it be worth it? Support The Healthy Journal! A situation with no end where he could go back into retirement. However, Santino has sent his personal (and mute) right-hand woman Ares and other henchmen to get rid of John after completing his mission. The Adjudicator | Zero | Winston | The Elder | The Shinobi. Reeves was paid a total of about $200 million from all sources, including base salary and bonuses, for the entire Matrix franchise. He is advised to take Santino's mission to wash off his guilt, and John ultimately agrees. Alive. Once the job was complete, Santino essentially betrayed John by sending an army after him in a manufactured attempt to avenge Gianna's death. Before that happens, The Adjudicator visits the Continental Hotel and examines his body, while discussing Winston's involvement with John, and how that will serve as a detriment. Trivia. This really hits John hard as he comes to ponder whether he could have defeated Santino without losing access to the safe house of the Continental. Much of the movie's criticism also centered around Sofia Coppola's performance as Michael Corleone's daughter Mary. We . Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? And no matter what happens to him now, all that matters is the High Table is ousted from all the Continentals and order is restored amongst his fellow assassins. The pillows on her side of the bed, even a few strands of hair that were still caught in the bristles of her hairbrush. Appearances Addio, Santino.Winston informing Santino that John Wick is coming for him, Tarasov Crime Family Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. In John Wick: Chapter 2, there isn't any explicit explanation on this marker. Focused only on keeping his body and reflexes sharp in the gym and sound-proof firing range that Marcus bunker provided. Why did Santino betray John? Was this some how an act of suicide? SANTINO: "You came to me, I helped you." It's not explained what Santino did but it doesn't really matter.the marker was given and had to be repaid. A combination of rage for the house and for the assassination attempt on him. How did John Wick get Baba Yaga wrong? Full name He had only wanted to stay retired and continue to attempt to live his life in peace while holding on to the memories of those few short years that were the happiest he has ever known. The ending twist sees Winston apparently betraying John Wick by siding with the High Table and shoots John off the roof. View complete answer on Continuing on from John Wick, the main imagery of John Wick 2 is John's descent back into the Hell world he had previously escaped. In John Wick: Chapter 2, there isnt any explicit explanation on this marker. With his henchmen, he escapes to the "Reflections of the Soul" exhibit in the museum and goes there to the mirror cabinet. When Bayek and his wife Aya formed the Hidden Ones (the group that would eventually become the Assassins), new members voluntarily amputated their own ring fingers as a sign of commitment to fighting corruption. Italian But then he suddenly realizes John Wick approaching him (having found Santino's location from the Bowery King, he was able to infiltrate the museum). By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This is also a lose translation of the motto of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines although their spelling is Fortes Fortuna Juvat. This is common enough that its not conclusive evidence alone, but its definitely a starting point. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? What should we call you? John slowly stands up and with the slightest hint of a smile and possibly a glimmer of hope in his eyes, he tugs on the leash and continues walking on. Which is different from what Winston originally had to do. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Someone as dangerous and lethal as John Wick, should have been killed immediately for his breaking of The Continental's rules. How strongly are the rules of The Continental enforced? But one theory suggests that Winston may actually be Johns father-in-law. CharismaManipulationWealthComplete control of the Camorra. Makes all the difference. After killing Santino, John returns to his home (destroyed by Santino at the beginning of the movie) with his dog, and is able to process the enormity of what he has done. A few days after John came out of retirement to seek revenge on Viggo and Iosef, Santino decides to visit John Wick and presents the medallion to demand service from him. Anarchy would ensue. John quietly slips out of the safe house. So why at the end of John Wick 2 did he decide to kill D'Antonio on Continental grounds, when he could simply wait for D'Antonio to go out, given that John had killed all his bodyguards and D'Antonio was somehow left alone and John was himself protected inside the hotel and could refresh after being hurt. What did Winston say at the end of John Wick 3? Quite right, I wonder then how would D'Antonio stay there for a long time? Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). John, though, didn't notice. [John shoots D'Antonio] Why was there a clip of silent movie at the start of John Wick Chapter 2? John Wick goes underground to a rarely used safe house that his old friend, Marcus had. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. It's way too long, I think it will be helpful to summarize a bit. Because it more seems like its a three-way war between the High Table, Continental and John Wick himself. Also, considering John already killed a member of the high table, why didnt they double Santinos bounty then instead of waiting for him to kill a different member of the high table. He is a fan of John Wick. However, Winston give John and his dog a 1-hour headstart to run, even giving John a Marker for future use. The High Table has taken over every Continental all over the world. Winston understood why John killed Santino D' Antonio on Continental grounds despite trying to calm John down and to tal. Walk awa-Santino's last words before Jonathan "John" Wick shoots him dead. How to show that an expression of a finite type must be one of the finitely many possible values? Still, John avenging his dog's killing in the first John Wick . Rome and New York seemed to be feeling it the most due to the fight where he and John fell through the window and into the lobby in Rome and there was Winstons obvious affections for Jonathan. As a courtesy, Winston gave his old friend a one-hour head start, which is close to its expiration whenChapter 3 begins. In an attempt to make John Wick even more Russian and mysterious, the movies screenwriters ended up with an egg on their faces accidentally making him a babushka. Santino: He was already back. John thought of Marcus and missed him. There's a problem with that. He now has a wide range of cinematic tastes, enjoying the latest Hollywood blockbusters, Oscar contenders, and everything in between. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Wick was tasked with killing Santino's sister Gianna, so that Santino could have her seat at the high table. John meets Winston at the Bethesda Fountain. However, Winston gives John and his dog a 1-hour head start to run, even giving John a marker for future use. Santino called in his marker and forced John to do it. D'Antonio: Have you seen the menu here? This is an interesting development, he thought to himself. Winston, the manager of the New York City branch of The Continental Hotel, and John clearly have some sort of special bond/friendship. Does the president need to go to the Oval Office to order a nuclear strike? Where are they at now? About midway through the film, Wick seeks the aide of The Elder (Sad Taghmaoui), a ranking member of the High Table. 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