Also, you really, really hate cats. *Eu usei mods de traos, pois a Sumie ser a herdeira, e me sinto livre para usar traos diferentes em quem no herdeiro, pois no h regras para eles. Thats you. If Gen 3 Yellow cant know anyone then how does Yellow have kids, They can get married and have kids but only after mint passes. Trago para vocs, mais uma atualizao do desafio not so berry base game, e Yoko teve seu primeiro beb, quer dizer sua primeira beb, Yoko e Hiromu tiveram uma linda menininha chamada Sumie, que eu j decidi que ser a nossa prxima protagonista dessa srie, mas como mencionado no post anterior eles tero mais filhos, mas Sumie ser a herdeira do legado se tudo ocorrer conforme eu espero, ela ainda uma recm nascida e no tem traos ou aspirao. 4. According to an absoludicrous blog post, Berry Simming was founded by the Tumblr blogger known as 'Berry.'. Every generation must complete all of their tasks before they die! Maintain an herb garden for your kitchen. But with a one night stand gone wrong you find out you are now left with an unplanned child. <3, Master rocket science and handiness skill, Must complete ten wood sculptures via the woodworking table as a teen, Enter the secret lot in Oasis Springs (requiring max handiness). Max the knitting, charisma, and piano skills. I might add more if anyone is interested. Youre very practical and you know the chances of making it as a writer are slim, so you stay working at your nine to five. ), Must live in a different world than the one she was raised, Master mixology, video gaming, and programming skills, Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends, Have at least five good friends and five enemies, Must marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until you die. But this example is not all. Traits: Clumsy, Ambitious, LonerAspiration: Nerd BrainCareer: Astronaut. Histria:Voc a ovelha negra da famlia (mas com cabelo laranja) e foi criado em uma casa agitada. Well, it is a ten generation legacy challenge with a focus on bright colours and brand new experiences. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them. Aqui est o desafio adaptado por mim, para jogar o not so berry no jogo base. The players build their own story, taking their pick from many jobs, aspirations, and approaches to enrich the lives of their Sims. We've all heard of the Not So Berry Challenge created by @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming. 2. All credit obviously goes to @lilsimsie and alwaysimming for inventing the original challenge. 1 Mint 2 Rose 3 Yellow 4 Gray 5 . 1. 4. Thanks so much! Histria:Voc cresceu em uma famlia pobre (aps a falncia da empresa) e tem o sonho de tornar-se um escritor de romances, mas tem muito medo de abandonar o seu emprego para acompanhar seus sonhos. (NSB Base game PT 10), menino! Thank you to @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming for the inspiration (and the rules!). Have one child only (you may cheat for this). , Generation 3 // Sabines House - 3br , 2ba, Generation 2 // Davinas House - 2br , 1ba, Generation 1 // Ludovicas House - 3br , 2.5ba, *side note, the builds do include store content idk how sims 3 house downloads work, so if rooms are empty then thats why, i don't post much on here anymore but will occasionally if i have something to share, i mainly just post on youtube ^-^, enroll in drama club as a child and teen + get promoted to junior artiste (lvl.4), reach level 5 in singing, dancing and an instrument of your choice, master the actor career and master actor aspiration, have a one night stand and accidentally get pregnant/impregnate the sim* - this will be your only child, join scouts club as a child and teen + get promoted to llamacorn scout (lvl.5), master gardening career (floral designer branch), master gardening and flower arranging skill, master herbalism skill (craft each recipe at least once -, master robotics skill and create your robot best friend, have 1 failed marriage and have at least 1 child w/ them, go into the deep woods > meet and befriend the hermit, start a book club as a child and meet with them at least once a week, get engaged to your best friend shortly after aging up into a young adult, join the military career reach lvl 5, then quit, go off to university and study psychology - drop out after first semester, fall in love with a vampire and ask them to turn you, break off the engagement after you drop out of university, master bowling, vampire lore, and pipe organ skill, join the education career reach lvl 4, then quit, dont have kids or adopt - instead create a vampire family of sims you turn, you can search for them easily in game by typingneecxle in the search bar in buy mode. Thanks to its orientation on colors, the Not So Berry Challenge is ideal for everyone who likes to spend a lot of time designing their Sims, the way they will look, as well as the place where they live. Beginners can always start with a shorter challenge and move to this one as they gain more experience in playing The Sims 4 and designing their characters. 1. Use your discretion here, I don't . Gen 14: White(Requires Get Famous, Get Together, City Living) Every time you Woohoo, it must be try for a baby. One swatch is for rose gold on blonde hair, and another is for rose gold on dirty blonde. Woo! As you get older, you realize you want to make up for the carbon footprint of your parent through living an entirely green life. Here's how to complete it. Once again, in the first generation, the Sim has to finish the mischief aspiration and get some enemies that they will have no qualms making fun of. 2. Voc passou cada segundo da sua existncia obcecado pelo espao, olhando do seu quarto, o espao. 3. Namore um sim com uma colorao diferente (azul, vermelho, verde etc.) Thank you! You're a mischievous scientist that really loves the color mint. Bem, Soo-Yun nasceu, ela uma bebezinha, forte e saudvel, chora bem menos do que Sumie chorava, ela bem mais calma e tranquila, porm sua beleza igual de sua irm. 5. Voc gosta da doura das cores e de Sims que no so to doces assim? Boy, do I have the challenge for you! 6. Pinterest. Basic Rules: Each heir must represent the color of the generation (i.e. You never admit the affair to anyone and dedicate your life to being the perfect mother. Traits: Genius, Noncommittal, Dance MachineAspiration: Renaissance SimCareer: Fast Food, Doctor, Entertainer. Aruna Waters (Toddler) - CC Links (18/7/22) Skin Details & Face A felicidade do casal Kanzaki no poderia ser maior nesse momento, Hiromu no se aguenta de tanta felicidade e se pudesse ele largava tudo o que faz, s para poder ficar olhando o dia inteiro para sua famlia, que est crescendo, e deixa eu contar uma coisa, eles j esto planejando o prximo beb, vocs acreditam nisso? Youve always wanted to be a secret agent. 1. The world right now isnt perfect and you strive to change the world for the better. Generation 3 - Yellow. Crie uma estufa com pelo menos 10 tipos de plantas diferentes (entre flores, frutos e rvores). Hi and thanks for checking out my blog! Aspirao Famlia grande e feliz. You long to write romance novels but are too afraid to quit your steady job to follow your dreams. Aspirao Gnio da informtica. Divorcie-se e case-se com o mesmo sim. 3. Not So Berry Names. Ola jogadores do the sims 4 e sofredores do the sims 4 base, hoje trago para vocs mais uma atualizao do desafio not so berry base game, espero que gostem. Depois eu vejo como farei com as geraes seguintes. which is why I came up with the "Sweet or Sour Berry Legacy Challenge"! I used icons from @luniversims . As a thank you, I went through the Not So Berry challenge and rewrote all the bits that require packs, so now its a Base Game Not So Berry Challenge, that maybe you can play. You couldnt care less! 2. I wanted to start off introducing you to our family. Yet, knitting cute decor and beanies isnt going to put food on the table and a roof over your head. A verso que eu utilizei, foi do site da LalaSims e pode ser encontrado aqui. Esse aqui o mod que estou falando: WonderfulWhims. However, if the player wants to experiment and try out new possibilities, they should search for custom content that fits the colors. After a sudden thought of,What if I made BFs T-shirt in Sims?, I somehow ended up creating a CAS Kit based off of Friday Night Funkin in the span of 5-8 hours. Traits: Clumsy, Ambitious, LonerAspiration: Nerd BrainCareer: Astronaut (Space Ranger). Histria:Voc teve tudo o que desejava quando era criana, mas sempre quis mais. Regras do Desafio Not So Berry para the sims 4 Base Game. Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 2, a ten generation rags-to-riches legacy challenge with colour-themed heirs. Deve casar-se com seu namorado da escola (seu primeiro amor) e ficar com ele at morrer. ), You may also use this save file that Ive created for this challenge! You don't have to master them. Meet the founder of my Not So Berry Legacy Challenge!The challenge was created by @alwaysimming and @lilsimsie Click the link to read the rules.. At its heart, its a legacy challenge about playing a different sim with different life goals each generation. No tenha qualquer relao prxima ou relaes amorosas at que o av da primeira gerao morra. You quit your job and join the entertainer career. 2. Thank you, gorgeous anon!! Im also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. We worked really hard on this challenge and are very excited to finally share it with you. You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation. Ganhe um campeonato profissional do jogo Hillock II em 1 lugar. Yun nasceu, isso mesmo, Yoko j estava em desespero para ver o rosto de seu beb, e j no aguentava mais est grvida, no dormia direito, e comia muito, teve crises de cimes de hiromu, quando ele teve que mudar o horrio de trabalho, quando ganho uma promoo, e seus horrios se distanciaram, e ele teve que chegar mais tarde em casa, mas com um tempo ela percebeu que eram tambm seus hormnios ativando ainda mais seu trao ciumento, ela tentava controlar, mas era quase impossvel, fazer isso, mas Hiromu com sua calma soube lidar com isso, e aguentou firme, sabia que sua esposa, estava com os hormnios agitados, e por acontecia isso, mas para o fim da gestao Yoko os nimos se acalmaram e ela teve um terceiro trimestre tranquilo em relao ao cime, Hiromu conseguiu tirar licena familiar, para ajudar Yoko com as meninas e com o fim da gestao, Yoko amou demais ter Hiromu ao seu lado 24 horas por dia. I tried very hard to keep the spirit of the challenge intact, and to change as little as possible for the first ten generations out of respect for the original challenge. What if the grandparents of gen 1 have already died by the time the yellow baby is born? Soo-yun, est muito contente de Irmo novo, j Sumie nem tanto, a cabecinha quente dela se incomoda com os choros do beb, mas ela no consegue negar para si mesma, que Yun uma das coisas mais fofas que ela j viu. This challenge is currently in the testing phase. However, the Not So Berry challenge has been out for so long that there have been MANY additions to Sims 4 since it was released. (NSB Base Game PT16), Yoko anuncia sua terceira gravidez! (o jogo desbloqueado no nvel 10 da habilidade de videogame, no computador). Complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery aspiration and reach level 10 of the Salaryperson career. This is Winter Mintt (like the gum flavor). I did Not so berrys original challenge on my Xbox when I had all the packs on there but now I have PC and I'm starting over getting all the packs. Youve always wanted to be a detective. So Ive written up my own version of things I want to do and accomplish per generation. Not So Berry Sims 4 Challenge. Stylish cropped shirt with a tie with sparkly diamonds, inspired by Wendys look. Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist, Family OrientedAspiration: Big Happy FamilyCareer: Painter. Get divorced and then later remarried to the same Sim. Have a familiar (preferably your dog, but its up to you!). You craved to enter the fictional worlds youve read in your books from a young age. As famlias podem viver aonde quiserem (a menos que seja dito nas regras por gerao a cidade). Basically: youre an indecisive oddball. . Have twins a few days before you become an elder (you may cheat for this). Each world will give you a new experience as you go about playing 10+ generations (if you have all of the packs of course), with new careers, skills and more! This adaptation solves that. Note: This challenge requires basically every pack except My First Pet Stuff and Journey to Batuu (yall know why). 2. Here are some graphics I made for @phoinexviapink 's Mystic Legacy Challenge. Coral Gen had conflicting traits. Some Sims 4 websites post it directly under the tag of the Not So Berry Challenge or the player can take a look in the Sims 4 gallery and once again search the words "Not So Berry.". You just really love space. Max the fitness, rock climbing, and the skiing or snowboarding skills. 4. At o proximo post, com mais atualizaes! Domnio da habilidade de mixologia, vdeo game e programao. The rules are simple but for each generation . Adopt at least two cats from the shelter and one stray cat. Basic Rules: Each heir must represent the color of the generation (i.e. 5. You may not, under any circumstances, name them Edward. The setup is: Obtain an empty 50x50 . Example,you want to know what the speciality in VietNam, you mustn't find many in internet. This challenge consists of the 10 generations of the Not So Berry challenge by @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming, with a few extra skill and collection goals added, followed by the 11 generations of the Road Less Travelled challenge (created by myself (originally . As long as you have a rocketship and a high enough skill. Para compensar a falta de seus pais, voc quer ter uma relao prxima e exemplar com seus prprios filhos. Of course, it's always possible to choose the "On The Ley Line" lot trait and hope for the best, but only cheats are 100 percent reliable in this case. Growing up you never had a close relationship with your parents and spent the majority of your time alone in your room obsessing over space. You are a care-free, nature loving, and nave dreamer. RELATED: How To Gain Fame Easily In The Sims 4. Se voc quiser compartilhar o seu desafio com as criadoras, utilize a tag #notsoberry no twitter ou outras redes sociais (e no se esquea de comentar, tambm!). I. You can find many VietNam speciality. Another challenge that has been extremely popular on youtube in the past few years is the Not So Berry Challenge and this is one that will have your sims exploring so many different aspects of the game. You begin to strive for something more, becoming a global superstar actor! RELATED: How To Take Care Of Your Farm Animals In The Sims 4. all at once. Forever alone felt like a motto you started to live by and thought youd never get married like your parent, but someone finally came along and you were really happy with the way life was heading. Does Generation ten have to be a girl because on lilsimsie hers says that she wants to be an amazing mother? Tenha pelo menos 5 melhores amigos e 5 inimigos. It is a 5 generations, EP oriented berry sweet legacy with a twist, adapting different berry sweet legacy rules, such as from the berry pastel rainbowcy challenge and the pastel patisserie . Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise. Traits: Self-Absorbed // Music Lover // Non-Committal, * if you choose to impregnate a sim, once the sim gives birth they give you the child to take care of, side note: if you dont have access to custom content feel free to use silver hair in replacement for white and dress them in white if you please. Im so excited for this and generation one is mint which is my favorite color. You have a one-time affair (resulting in pregnancy) that you regret for the rest of your life. Traits: Squeamish, Geek, CheerfulAspiration: Computer WhizCareer: Tech Guru. The rules of the Not So Berry Challenge are fairly simple. Right before your death, youre overcome by altruism and give the family fortune to charity. Growing up, you always thought you had the perfect life: You had the dream house, the dream family. @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming. I am a 44 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. The challenge by AlwaySimming and LilSimsie was created by accident but it turned out to be something pretty exciting. Yun nasceu! And since it's a Maxis Match item, I made it by reducing the polygon as much as possible to reduce the capacity. (Requires Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Parenthood)Growing up you tend to lean towards a more sophisticated lifestyle thanks to your father. Complete the Vampire Family aspiration and reach level 10 of the Social Media career in the Internet Personality branch. Carreira Influenciador de Estilo. 4. (yes, I just made a FNF reference) From that day on, you wanted to become a Triple Threat: a dancer, musician, and a producer! You never want to settle down, but you cant stop love from sprouting when one day your academic rival winks instead of snarls. I'm Emily, a 25-year-old Simmer (and Aquarius!). According to Kelsey on Twitch, this let's play was inspired by the Not So . More here: lilsimsie In this game, you'll choose what you'd name each generation if you were playing. I had gotten halfway through the NSB challenge . You're probably asking yourself what is the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge? 2. Desafio Not So Berry Para The sims 4 Jogo Base, Novamente Grvida, no d para acreditar!!! You just really love space. You always found yourself vibing with the music and dancing whenever you had the chance. Voc sempre quis causar o caos e ser um pouco travesso, mas muito ruim nisso. you can utilize dual colors in multitudes of ways. also how do you collect postcards? There were tales that in the Deep Woods of Granite Falls a hermit resides away from everyone, so naturally the curious bean you were you had to find out for yourself. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them. Ajude todos os seus filhos com a escola/projetos e torne-se melhor amigo deles. Your faithful dog is your closest companion, but also much too smart for a regular dog Hopefully no one at work catches on. Existem muitos mods maravilhosos para baixar, mas tudo isso com sua conta em risco, pois sabemos que as vezes mods podem da uma bugada em nosso jogo. The Sims 4 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. 6 The Basic Rules Of The Challenge. Torne-se melhor amigo dos seus filhos. Eu tenho apenas o the sims 4 base e queria jogar o desafio not so berry, so que tem muitas regras que precisam de usar carreiras e coisas de pacotes de expanso que muitos de ns no temos, ento eu adaptei uma verso do desafio para o jogo base. Carreira Agente Secreto no ramo Agente Diamante. When your story is completed, please send a PM to Blamsart letting her know the story has been completed. Eu uso, pra mim no da pra jogar sem, muito menos o the sims 4 base. Thank you to @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming for the inspiration (and the rules!). Bem a histria essa, como visto acima, uma agente secreta bem travessa, mas que com certeza ama a famlia, e ensinar o que for preciso para a prxima gerao, para d continuidade a este legado cheio de cores e emoes que nos aguarda. Each generation has traits each Sim has to have, including a career, an aspiration, as well as a specific set of rules. Traos: Solitria, Ambiciosa, Filha do Oceano. LN will be Berry!