Ekpe Efik was used as a government instrument in Bakassi in exercising authority for more than 200 years ago (E.O.Efiong-Fuller, 1996). [33] Abasi's husband insisted that the problem should be resolved by the chiefs. Meat and fish are the major sources of protein in Efik cuisines. The Efik in Nigeria have Nkanda as the basic Ekpe whereas, in Cameroon we have Ekpe as the starting point in Ekpe. I hope Queen Victoria and young prince will live long time and we get good friend. [38] It is believed that it was at Ndodoghi that many of the Abayen clan had died from crocodile attacks. Some other clothings introduced into the market include smit, brutanya, isadh and nkisi. [15] This theory appears to be isolated as other Ibibio writers do not narrate that such terms were used by the Ibibio. Internal details about the membership and brotherhood demands of this ancient group is supposedly a top secret known only to the members. [51] When the twins were older, they left for the opposite end of the island to Duke town. [66] There are said to be at least three mass migration from Ndodoghi. Write the meaning in the blank. The Ekpe-men are ranked in seven or nine grades, for promotion to each of which fresh initiation ceremonies, fees and oaths are necessary.[1]. [19] Oku attests that it was the attack on the Efik that made them decide to leave Ikpa Ene as they realised they were still too close to their enemies. [37] A captured invader confessed that they were set to retrieve royal emblems which they believed the Efik had taken with them when they left Uruan. The Ekpe society may be regarded as one of the most important institutions among the Efik people. All willing to engage respectfully are welcome. [33][34] Abasi is said to have borrowed an axe from an Uruan woman and had broken the axe. One-word searches work best.Use AND to require multiple terms: LEFT Small ukara with minute patterned design and Omu Aro symbol. In the Song of Ocol, Lawino's husband gives his side, arguing that: Ocol throws Lawino out of his house because: Ocol says that "__________________________ are chains around the neck, chains of slavery". In the culture we have discussed, the term nyama refers to: the power which exists in all things, which can be controlled only by special persons. Now we can't sell slaves again we must have too much man for country; and want something for make work and trade, and if we could get seed for cotton and coffee we could make trade. [52] A number of people were hanged, shot and buried with the late chief according to the custom. Ekpe members request nsibidi designs of personal or communal significance. Hope Waddell, Foreign commerce soon brought Calabar affairs into such a state, that the want of a bond of union among the different families, and of a supreme authority to enforce peace and order between equals and rivals, became apparent; and the Egbo institution was adopted. Imbued with transcendental aura, ukara conveys the sacrality and prestige of the Ekpe secret society. two young foreign men to whom she gives the power to defeat her. This theory asserts that the Efik migrated from Palestine or somewhere close to Palestine. Among those who migrated with the Ngolo were various other nations who would later become part of the Oroko ethnic group. In Cuba, the Ekoi are always evoked as early founders of the Abaku society,18 and their spirits are worshiped. Ekpe Efik was used as a government instrument in Bakassi in exercising authority for more than 200 years ago [4]. Ekpe Society Emblem, Ejaham, Cameroon Dog Fetish, Vili, Congo Mlbuya (sickness) mask, Pende, Zaire Nimba Mask, Baga, Guinea Picasso Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 (detail) Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 (detail) Bust of a Woman, 1931 Tte de taureau (Bull's Head), 1942 La chvre (The goat) 1950 Other references The earliest list of Efik traders is provided in Jean Barbot's manuscript which was later printed in 1732. The Ekpe society is estimated by most foreign scholars to have been introduced into Old Calabar in the 18th century. [53] Some of the kings have been identified in the past by Etubom Ukorebi Ukorebi Asuquo in Aye's Efik people. [45] What is most certain is that the Efik arrived Creek Town led by Edidem Eyo Ema Atai together with Oku Atai Atai Ema Atai, Ukpong Atai Atai Ema Atai, Adim Atai Atai Ema Atai, Efiom Ekpo Efiom Ekpo and several others. At its peak, it permeated the social, economic and political life of the Efiks but lately its dominance has been eroded as urbanization and modern political administration expanded. Efik traders played a major role during the era of the Transatlantic slave trade. Oge ruru ka laja nyefee lasha r ya ma gaa rwa r e nyere ya ebe z. Hugh, Goldie. She or he is a random of nature, a result of mixed up and confused spiritual genetics. Abakua is an Afro-Cuban mens secret society related to the Ekpe. ekpe society cameroon. Read More mask identity. The term igo has also been used for the organization's members. [13] Throughout the centuries, Efik traders traded with the Portuguese, Dutch, English and French. [1] Ekpe members always wear masks when performing their police duties, and although individuals may nonetheless be recognized, fear of retribution from the ikan stops people from accusing those members who may overstep their limits. These secret societies were used to uphold the legal decisions of the Council of Elders or of the community as a whole, they also ensured conformity in certain rituals and in social behaviour and undertook certain public works for the community (n.d.). What is a Free Agent "A free agent is one who isn't privileged with even one pure Leopard spiritline from the survivors of the Great Attempt. The term "Calabar people" was particularly popular prior to the nineteenth century and was synonymous to the Efik.[6]. Ikpaya is now worn by an Obong-elect during the traditional coronation ceremony. One of such accounts was given at a court case by Prince Bassey Duke in 1917 where he stated, "The Efiks were originally Ibo descendants. LEFT Mgballa Ekpe lodge with Ekpe members, Arochukwu, southeastern Nigeria. One of the most important castes in this society is the jeli caste. Free masons were originally an ancient Egyptian fraternity of builders, with Imhotep, as their founder and chief sculptor. An entire topic will be dedicated to discussing the Ekpe society and its legacy in the near future. Modern Efik society is a melting pot of people of diverse origin. They give me thesum of $1,200,000 and many thing. Explain. The Ekpe Masquerade Jun. The island is believed to be named after a fisherman from Mbiabo known as Ene Ankot. It is also found among a number of other ethnic groups, including the Bahumono of the Cross River State, the Ibibio, the Uruan and the Oron of Akwa Ibom State, Arochukwu and some other parts of Abia State, as well as in the diaspora, such as in Cuba and Brazil. [9] The largest group moved to Creek town from Ndodoghi led by the priest-king Eyo Ema Atai.[38]. Photo by Eli Bentor. [79] Ikpaya a royal type of gown also made from raffia. Each ukara is highly individualized and clearly produced to be worn by a specific Ekpe member or to mark a specific Ekpe lodge. Efik traders could speak, write and read the English language. Animals such as goats, chicken and dogs are consumed in Efik cuisine. Original African systems of recording information in symbols include the Nsibidi script, of the Ekpe society of the Ejagham of Cameroon and Nigeria. On behalf of Ekpe-USA Leadership, I hereby remind every member of Ngbe who has taken the aoth that our fathers and great grand fathers took to uphold those sacred traditions and beliefs, to immediately start preparations to do what they must do to send our brother to join our ancestors. [9][38] The Adiabo group is believed to have left to their present location after the Mbiabo exodus. "[18] References to the Igbo origin of the Efik were also made at the Hart's enquiry into the Obongship dispute where Etubom Efiom Obo Effanga asserted that the term "Iboku" meant quarrelsome Igbos. It described the religion, social, economic and political structures of the society as progressive and dynamic. The symbols are arranged in a grid, giving the cloths an orderly, symmetrical quality that is often reinforced by repeated patterns. Several theories have been propounded on the origin of the word. This is: After his "second birth", Waiyaki is brought to a sacred grove where: After the episode in the sacred grove, Waiyaki disappears from his home to: The two daughters of Joshua, Nyambura and Muthoni, have both been forbidden by their father to: Waiyaki tries to heal the conflict between the two ridges by: Waiyaki fails to achieve his goals because: The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Hope Waddell, Samuel Edgerley and four others. Law and order in Efik society was maintained via a number of secret societies. Opinions expressed belong solely to the author and do not represent the views of other Members, Management, or the Community at large. It proved to be the source of supreme authority in all Efik towns, and its institutions provided, in the past, the highest court whose verdicts transcended all else. [77] The fibre of the leaf-stalk of a palm was made into a thread and woven to make clothes and bags. Other narratives at the Hart's enquiry do not make mention of the Efut. The ekpe society has spawned a large number of Nsbd . [49] Several events at Creek town later led to a wave of migration from Creek town to Duke town. [82] The Portuguese are said to have arrived in masted ships. Children of Efik maternal descent are still regarded as Efik and have contributed to the development of the Efik society. The Efik language was also spoken in several communities in Western Cameroon. According to Simmons, "Most Informants maintain that the first people to Inhabit Creek Town were Efut fishermen from the southern Cameroons. We bring you daily editor picks from the best Business Insider news content so you can stay updated on the latest topics and conversations on the African market, leaders, careers and lifestyle. A list of some of Africa's most prominent cults and secret societies of all time. There is not even one single manyangero mentioned on all the write up on any of the ekpe/mgbe stories. These lettere were heeded to and in April 1846, the first missionaries arrived Old Calabar. Posted on March 01, 2015 Group members would disguise themselves as leopards, wearing leopard skins, carrying claw-like weapons, and attacking their prey. The Neegee is a cannibalistic group that feeds on human flesh to satisfy their God, and to gain power from that God. According to Parker, When there, Dick Ebro' asking him to go to war with him, he complied, and accordingly having sitted out and armed the canoes, they went up the river, lying under the bushes in the day when they came near a village; and at night flying up to the village, and taking hold of every one they could see. ,sister Watz. Ukara cloth, an indigo stitched and dyed cloth is significant to the people of Igbo land. [54] The name "Agbisherea" (also known as Egbosherry) appended in the names of the two kings listed by Barbot, was the name of the country, on the coast of which they traded from. The Ekpe Society is a religious and cultural institution among the Efik people, it can also be found among the Annang and the Ibibios. It is uncertain when Obutong was founded but most Efik scholars hypothesize that it was founded in the 16th century. nineteenth centuries, no large kingdoms controlled Nigeria and Cameroon's multilingual Cross River basin. The persistence oftheAbakua society contradicts the official construction ofa Cuban national identity. The society is still active at the beginning of the 21st century, now playing more of a ceremonial role. [49] The Enwang are believed to have ruled Atakpa for a number of years. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Calabar. Nsibidi is a body of ideographic, abstract, and gestural signs deployed by the Ekpe society as a form of coded communication. Historians and archaeologists have worked to piece together the human story from prehistory up to today. [80] Ivory bracelets (Efik: Mme) were worn by wealthy women. Among these secret societies were Ekpe, Obon and Nsibidi. Due to the peregrinations of Efik traders across the lower Cross River region, The Efik language was regarded as the language of commerce in the Cross river region. Our newsletter gives you access to a curated selection of the most important stories daily. The presentation, by Ekpe members from Cameroon, Nigeria and Cuba was arranged by Chief Dr. Ivor Miller and coordinated by Sessekous Ojong-Orock, Joseph Mbu and Mbe Tazi. a king whose attempts to have a special son lead him to make bargains with one Islamic missionary and two noble travelers. An account from the Qua said the origin of the Ekpe people can be traced to Cameron. the exhibition explores the long- The Efik are an ethnic group located primarily in southern Nigeria, and western Cameroon. Ekpe masquerade mimic the form of a lion or leopard moves. It became a truly multi-group society, finding its' way to almost all groups in the region and gaining dominance in . [48] Jeffreys theory is unpopular with a large majority of the Efik. The cloth is made of plain cotton but transformed into a ritual object when nsibidi symbols are inscribed onto it through indigo dyeing. Originally, items such as onions (Oyim mbakara) was rare in Efik meals. The cloth is then dipped in indigo dye and hung to dry. Adire Adire means 'tie and dye' in Yoruba. [68] The society is believed to have been introduced in Calabar from Usahadet. The Efik people are well known for a diverse number of cuisines. [5] The Efik refer to themselves as Efik Eburutu, Ifa Ibom, Eburutu and Iboku. ugly and deformed, but predicted to be the mother of a great king. [27] A number of reasons have been given on why the Efik left Uruan. LEFT Ezillo man drawing a grid pattern to be filled with nsibidi designs, Ezillo, southeastern Nigeria. This material is believed to have been imported by the Portuguese (Oboriki). I am manyang Mathilda Nkwo of Akiriba village , upperbanyang and I am and still is oneof the oldest living practing manyangero in Manyu. Goldie describes Eburutu as a country that consists of various ethnic groups. Members of the Ekpe society are said to act as messengers of the ancestors (ikan). Unblock notifications in browser settings. The Osirica is a black Egyptian masonic order that existed in ancient Egypt. Aye in 2000 does not mention the Efut as being the primary occupants. [52] The missionaries respected the native law but the European Captains acted rashly and desired that an example be set on Obutong. The Oroko (also Bareka/Batekka) are an ethnic group in Cameroon.They belong to the coastal Bantu group, widely known as Sawa, and primarily occupy the Ndian and Meme divisions of the Southwest Region of Cameroon.The people predominantly speak Oroko, English, and Cameroon Pidgin English.The Oroko are related to several ethnic groups (or tribes) in Cameroon's coastal areas, with whom they share . There are two distinct but related societies. I bought a $140,000 mobile home in a million-dollar LA neighborhood and love it. The Neegee or Crocodile Society is considered evil by the Poro and Sande groups. Department of Conflict Resolution Studies Theses and Dissertations "Hakuna Matata" (No More Worries) - Integrating Indigenous Systems of Conflict Resolution into the Formal System of Government Administration in Cameroon: Case Study of the Ekpe Society of Manyu Division Stephen O. Agbor, Nova Southeastern University Follow Date of Award 2017 The story of The River Between by Ngugi wa Thiong'o, takes place in _________________ (name of present-day country) in the mid 1800's. and Dahomean towns, and among the tribes of Congo and the Cameroon.17 According to the same author, Ngbe, was another society influenced by the Ekoi and originally considered Egb [Ekp]. The earliest proponent of the Igbo origin was William Baikie who stated in his 1856 publication, "All the coast dialects from One to Old Kalabar, are, either directly or indirectly, connected with Igbo, which later Dr Latham informs me is certainly related to the Kafir class". authority as head of the Ekpe (Egbo), or Leopard, society. Thanks for signing up for our daily insight on the African economy. Efik names were often anglicised to gain the trust of European traders. Aye, Originally Ekpe Fraternity was for religious purposes, but as the Calabar community became complicated owing to the new wealth which the early trade with Europeans brought it was. One of Thompson's pupils, Ivor Miller, has now produced a noteworthy study, concentrating specifically on one particular secret society, Ekpe, of the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon; its transfiguration on Cuban soil into the Abakua society; and the ensuing effect of Abakua in shaping all aspects of the . In a Somali tale, the main character, Eghal Shillet, is: a braggart and coward who finds every possible excuse to avoid going into battle. [14], The name "Efik" translates to "Oppressors" and is derived from the Efik-Ibibio verb root "Fik" (English: Oppress). Abaku is an Afro-Cuban men's initiatory fraternity, or secret society, which originated from the Ekpe society in the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon. Papers documenting the research materials and scholarly work of Dr. Ivor L. Miller in cultural studies of the African Diaspora. I'm a queer mom and my daughter has decided to attend an anti-gay Bible college. The practice and display of Ekpe masquerade have been modified. Osirica brotherhood is the root of all the mason societies, dating back around 2300 B.C. One theory states that the Efik and Uruan had separate religious customs and the Efik refused to worship the Uruan deity Atakpor Uruan Inyang. [8] The bulk of the Efik can be found in Calabar. Here is a list of some of Africa's most prominent cults of all time: The Ekpe is a secret society that lives mostly in Nigeria and whose members are typically law enforcers and politicians. [58] Antera Duke also known as Ntiero Edem Efiom was an Efik trader whose diary reveals several daily activities in Old Calabar between 1785 and 1788. Alternate titles: Egbo, Ekpo, Leopard society. [45] Eyo Ema's people occupied Otung in the south of Creek Town, Adim Atai and Ukpong Atai occupied the east and Efiom Ekpo's family occupied the Adakuko in the west. Ekpe is a mysterious spirit who is supposed to live in the jungle and to preside at the ceremonies of the society. It is also used by the Igbo and Efik. [46] On their exit from Obutong, they are believed to have sought the permission of Oku Atai to use the Ntinya. Hope all is well. ________. Covering, concealing, and protecting their bodies, it functions as a physical metaphor for the ideological secrecy that the Ekpe society carefully constructs and guards. The Ekpe Society. The Ekpe society, the regulatory society in Manyu Division also fixed a heavy fine on any defaulter. Among these missionaries were Rev. This exhibition examines the ukara cloth of the Ekpe secret society, a multi-ethnic all-male association in southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon, exploring both the longstanding cultural practice the cloth represents and the artistic process involved in its creation. Body art plays a major role in Ibibio art. Ekpe Society 1st Conclave from Sept 16 to 17 2009, Ekpe DC Sessekou relaxing during the conclave, Ekpe Society members with Justice Hilman Egbe at a MECA DC meeting. (1985). In the case of the latter, in the heat of the confusion, villagers would be kidnapped and sent to Calabar were they were sold. Among the Southern Igbo, the Ekpe society, introduced from the Cross River area, uses contrasting masks to represent the maiden spirit and the elephant spirit, the latter representing ugliness and aggression and the former representing beauty and peacefulness. [59] Ekpe is first mentioned in the historical literature of Old Calabar in the 1770s. 4. [47] On the founding of Obutong, Colonial anthropologist M.D.W. (b) Analyze Cause and Effect: What events prevent their success? With the inception of the transatlantic slave trade, a number of foreign clothes were introduced into Efik society. Within Nigeria, the Efik can be found in the present-day Cross River State and Akwa Ibom state. [32] The men were wet and complained of hunger and fatigue. In the culture we have discussed, the term jamu refers to: each person's family name, which connects the person to a famous character in the story of Sunjata. Ethnographic - (Mask, Elephant, Cape, Chicken Feather); Elephant Mask with Chicken Feather Cape, Bekom People, Cameroon. Colonial Anthropologist M.D.W. The destruction of Obutong occurred in 1854. (Ed.). Iwewe is a type of boiled yam mashed with a small amount of palm oil and stirred with a spoon. [1] The trade-off is that the Amama often control the majority of the community wealth. [38] The Efik bard Adiaha Etim Anua recites in her 1910 ballad that "Mkpana Ndodoghi Edik. Right now, Ekpe . kp philosophy is grounded in "Cross River region concepts of community that include the living, the ancestors, and the land itself" [ Ekpe being] "a school for esoteric teachings [ revealing] ideal stages in a person's life [ in their growth to] maturity within their communities [ framing terrestrial experience within the context of the Also i want bomb and shell. Although Duke town is believed to have been occupied since the 15th century by the Enwang, it was not until the 17th century that the Efiom Ekpo families moved in large waves to the site. Also join us across all of our other channels - we love to be connected! Powered by, Ukara cloth detail, Etara community, Cross River State, Nigeria, Cross River Cultural Heritage: reports from home and from the African Diaspora, Introduction: Spirit Dancers, Water Deities & Mystics in the Cross River Basin and in Cuba, Upcoming film project: Seven year kp ritual cycle, Ntufam Bob Oku literature, music and drawings, Calabar Mgb International Journal / Revista Internacional, Calabar-Cuba Radio with Ene Ita and Ivor Miller, Manyu kp Funeral Rites in Yaounde, 2019, Ivor Miller research archive at Amherst College, Manyu kp procession in Yaound, March 29, 2019, Poster for funeral of Seseku Stephen Tataw (1948-2019), Tortoise shell instrument is played in the funerary procession, kp mask purifies the hearse before the procession begins, Funerary shrine representing the sacred forest of kp, kp members surround the shrine for the final rites. a warrior-hunter who, despite having been a cripple, becomes the founder of an empire.