"Im dead Spottedleaf." Spottedleaf let out a mrrow of laughter. "Huh" She sighed. "Your Clan.". "Snowfur,Moonflower!" She spoke. I am Bluestar, I live In StarClan forever with hope and faith in my Clan. Warriors Fanfiction is a FANDOM Books Community. Larksong: I'm going to teach you gibberish! Spottedpaw's thoughts when Bluefur gives up her kits. Firestar hissed. "Go on." Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! "I missed you son." She doesn't drive him off her territory but why? Bluekit: (Sneaks out and bothers Cedarstar: sneaks back). Bluestar let out a small breath. Watch. When Bluefur is made deputy Patchpelt is overjoyed with support for his mate. Leafpool opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Leopardkit: Jellybeans taste delicious!!!!!!!!!!! Bluestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest territories. Bluekit: Snowkit, I will destroy Tokyo like Godzilla! We watch, but we do not interfere. "I'll never give up on anything." "I believe you Bluestar" Oakheart meowed. Bluestar trotted beside her mate Oakheart. But Fireheart was not sure he understood at all. I love you, Bluefur. #SoCWeek11 <=====> Introduction Character Design I'm going to teach you how to hunt! Bluestar had to tell Brambleclaw about his fate and soon StarClan had to move to another sky. Approximately 7cm with an anti-stress bean filling. "Stop!" "you have a destiny to forfil." Well, okay, then. Bluekit: Unless we see big cats and watch Leopardkit and Patchkit clean up their patients! Bluestar dipped her head, the four cats started to glow. More Warriors Fanfiction And Charart Wiki. Oakheart's whiskers twitched. "Oh when I wonder," "About what?" "Each to rank as high as they can!" I feel frozen with excitement! Bluestar meowed "I missed you too." Everything became silent until Bluestar spoke. "But a hidden mother" Yellowfang shot Bluestar an angry glance. "I said nothing about the kits!" Whatever happens, they'll always be my kits, too! Thrushpelt asked, interrupting her thoughts. Bluekit: It's your fault! "Hello" She called,waiting for a answer. Warrior of the Week Gallery #33 - Bluestar, Warriors Super Edition: A World Without Limits, Codebreakers: Brainstorming The Broken Code, Top five moments when Firestar was a mouse-brain, Mini Plush Heads Coming Soon to the Warrior Cats Store. I want to cry when they can't be together. Read 44. @Streamstar49. Bluestar stood broad. "Of course." "Rosetail! come on! The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Bluestar & Darkstripe - Mini Collector Figures, Goosefeather on Bluefur's destiny and sacrifices, Bluefur contemplating giving up her kits, Sunstar telling Bluefur why he chose her to be deputy. Oakheart asked "not yet but I'll eat" Mosskit meowed and took a small fish beside Oakheart and began to eat. Swiftbreeze: Why doesn't he open his eyes? "Though how they change there will only be one great leader in my eyes" Oakheart said softly. Snowkit: (Pouches Bluekit) Awake! Bluestar meowed fading away before Cinderpelt's spirit appeared. "Welcome to StarClan." Bluestar looked down at her Clan. Oakheart: Fiiiine. Everything was coming back to me now, I lost the ones I loved before, I lost them again after I died, but reunited with the old ones. "Sorry, Mumblefoot!" Bluestar spat pacing around the clearing her pelt glowing with the StarClan shine. "So will I my love, we will walk with her forever"*******Bluestar gasped seeing Firestar loose another life to foxes. Paw by paw walked up the stars as Bluestar went up to Starclan, her fur felt no longer damp, but warm as she couldn't wait to meet her friends and family again. Tallstar sighed. Gasping I opened my eyes. Oh Oakheart You make everything sound forgiving. Bluestar stood broadly eyes narrowed. Bluestar asked and saw her parents with a smiling gaze "you're just in time" Moonflower meowed and Bluestar sat beside them "Oakheart is a loyal warrior" Moonflower meowed "yes he really is" Bluestar replied "since you love this tom very much, you chose Oakheart of Riverclan instead of having a mate in Thunderclan. Bluestar laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm going to see Oakheart," she mewed to her kin. Cinderpelt smiled with joy. "Very good." Let your jaw do the work. Mosskit replied cheerfully and Bluestar purred "what about you Oakheart? You are the fourth apprentice." ===Chapter Seven=== "Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and." Bluestar stopped. Goodbye Cinderpelt. "How do you think Firestar will react?" a sandy gray tom asked. "But he did, he saved your Clan. "Oakheart." Bluestar meowed. Leafpool asked softly. "She will." StarClan cares for every cat in the forest, from the blind, helpless kit to the oldest elder lying in the sun. I started to pad away. (Kicks the cat out). Slowly the three StarClan cats faded leaving Leafpool alone. "Yes" She meowed and padded away. Blackfoot pinned him and then finally delivered the death blow. ClimbToTheStars. I had forgotten to post it, so I'm posting it now. "But it is!" "Do not give up, you will be a medicine cat like no other, walking in the pawsteps of past medicine cats." I need more answers!" I hope they know that they have been loved. (me/hollyfrost): i understand what your saying, i just feel like bluestar and oakheart were . Ruby's and Sock's Second Visit to BloodClan. It would have added a more interesting dynamic if he was the father of her kits and I feel like he would understand her need to become deputy more. "They will have power like no other." Bluestar to Firestar about StarClan not ruling the forest. This was a measure of how much she loved her Clanmates, and how much she feared Thistleclaw, even without seeing him in the Dark Forest. (me/hollyfrost): i understand what your saying, i just feel like bluestar and oakheart were meant for each other, yea sure she wouldve been happy with thrushpelt, but she loved oakheart the most. Juniper was kicked outside, her flank throbbing with pain. You'll see Moonflower, Snowfur, Oakheart, Sweetpaw. Bluestar meowed. (Walk in lift. We can't warn them more than we have. Study now. It's fine! Bluekit was born to Moonflower and Stormtail alongside her sister, Snowkit. I wish they could. In StarClan, Oakheart and Bluestar remain good friends, and in Midnight of The New Prophecy, Oakheart was the one who chose Feathertail of RiverClan to go on the journey to the sun-drown-place. Expecting another uproar that didn't come he explains how he'd hoped to become deputy but Bluestar chose Lionheart and when he died to ShadowClan he got his wish but the power wasn't enough so he made attempts on Bluestars life and says he believes Cinderpaws accident by Thunderpath was a trap set for Bluestar which Cinderpaw is left agape by. "The Clans will live. "That doesn't matter, the less they know the better." I'll approve your and Oakheart's relationship you two can be together anytime you want" Moonflower meowed gratefully and Bluestar's eyes filled with joy for her parents and hugged them "thank you so much" Bluestar meowed and goes off to tell Oakheart, Moonflower and Stormtail stood pride for their daughter. (Cast away). She went on and said that Bluestar had destroyed the Clan she had always tried to protect. Everyone didn't say anything. (vomits: wipes his mouth) Chest! "You have a true destiny to live out, a great compassion in your work lies ahead" Not for long Bluestar knew what was going to to happen "But what about the three bright stars I saw?" Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Snowkit: I don't know but look at the food! I watched Firestar give Scourge the final blow, Scourge fell to the ground and BloodClan scattered hearing, Scourge had died. "What will Firestar do Bluestar, how can he choose Brambleclaw or Graystripe for deputy?" i think bluestar did love thrushpelt- but just as a friend. Snowkit: All right! Cedarstar: (wake up tortured) OOOOOVVV!!!!!! Monthly month: Hey! I smiled now, I was going to give my former deputy one of his nine lives. After Spottedleaf received a prophecy, Bluestar invited a young kittypet named Rusty to join ThunderClan, naming him Firepaw, and mentored him. "Bluestar," Spottedleaf started. I meowed to Whitestorm. His face brightened. My kits forgave now it is time to go to StarClan,Bluestar thought as her last life was fading away. Bluestar smiled, happy to see the former leader, again. I drew the scene from Warriors when Bluestar declared war on StarClan. Bluestar meowed. Snowkit: Let's count the elders for stories! Bluestar ran her spirit going to the Clans. And what was probably more real to him than either; the gifted leader who had done what she felt was best and borne the pain of it alone. Bluestar got to her paws and padded around looking at the ground thinking. Her pelt ruffled in the breeze she looked at the moon. Oakheart glanced over to me and gasped. "And who may that be?" I eat a lot every day to do my lazy work! from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. In the prologues of some of the warrior cat books, Bluestar and Oakheart keep appearing together, so they are probably mates in StarClan and still love each other. Forever gone" "Not gone, but living another life, In the stars." Stop, DON'T CARE! Sunset: = OR NEVER helicopter! D= Dark Forest. And not leave her like what happened to me in the past?" "Leafpool," Bluestar meowed taking a step forward. Bluestar cried softly. She was my mate and I cared more about Dappletail than her.". Bluestar' is a sleek, lean, and sturdy blue-gray she-cat with piercing ice blue eyes and silver hairs tipping her muzzle and tail. What brings you here?" Oakheart meowed. Monthly: Stormbaby Foo-foo, check out what I did! She walked over to a pool and jumped in,she didn't like water but it was the only way to get to ThunderClan close up. The second image shows that StarClan has not left her, and that Oakheart and Mosskit are with her, wanting to comfort her, but . Whitestorm yowled. "Bluestar," I heard a meow that made me jump. Now and forever." "Bluestar," a mottled tabby tom, looking old, stepped forward. Monthly does not allow me to go out without you. I nuzzled him. she may have not loved him as she loved oakheaert, but as i said before, bluestar even said she couldve been happy with him.. The cat meowed and looked down. Two because they are evil. Fireheart always was the fire that saved our Clan and I was proud. I need to go!" My Clan is safe, my hope and faith is back. Want to edit and see less ads? . 5 Bluestar x Oakheart. i understand they didnt have that much development, but they did have a lot of fun and love with/for another. I HAVE A SET OF OIL! Bluekit: She fell asleep and went into the water. Jayfeather's ears perked but Bluestar spoke no more. She was a proud and deeply committed leader. Love can lead a cat so far astray that it becomes too late to turn back. Bluekit: (eats ladder) BBBLLEEEAARRGGGHH!!! OK! Then they spotted Bluestar walking towards them. I slowly faded and was going back to StarClan. Snowkit Out I'm hot and I have to be cool to make this story awesome! hollyfrost is going to debate that bluestar shouldve chosen oakheart, like she did! Bluestar gasped. "Oh, Bluestar. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. "Yeah Maybe you're right". She saw Lionheart walk up to her and Spottedleaf beside him. Patchkit: SHHHHH! Leafpool took a step back. Wiki User. Bluestar replied happily "that's great!" Moonflower purred. (Climbs above sunflower). and their relationship is super cute! Stonefur watched his sister from StarClan. Not even when I gave you your apprentice name, Firepaw. She ran away to a giant tree and cried. Moonflower let a tear of joy run down her cheek. oakheart came and brought her to starclan. And they had no choice! "Shes old and sick, soon Mistyfoot will become leader." Hello Brightspirit, long time since I've seen you." Yellowfang snapped. Bluekit: (wakes up) Oh, precious sister! Oakheart was loyal to both Bluestar and his clan, he didn't expose Bluestar, kept it a secret that the two had kits. Brightspirit slowly padded into the clearing and looked up at Bluestar. "Lead her to StarClan, I have a suprise for her." Bluestar pressed her flank against his. "Bluestar!" (shares language with Dapplepaw). Top 5 Cats with HUGE insecurities by Riverspirit, Was Goosefeather really delusional? if bluestar and oakheart werent mates, than stonefur and mistyfoot (star) wouldnt be alive. Hey. Sadly, the realationship between these two was torn apart when Bluestar had her and Oakheart's kits and one of them, Mosskit died from the cold. Goosefeather: Going to WindClan, Heatherstar sells sunglasses! It was Rosetail. The Darkest Hour [] Lionheart is among the StarClan cats who appear to give Fireheart his nine lives during his leadership ceremony .