To Benjamin, Jacob said that he would be victorious over his enemies, devour them like a wolf and divide the spoil. For New Testament believers, this is picture of the riches that we have in Christ. 8. Twelve sons of Jacob. Isaac was the one and only rightful heir to the promise (Genesis 15:4-5; 25:5). The sons are in order of which mother produced them. She became pregnant, and gave birth to . Bilhah bore Jacob his next two sons, Dan and Nephtali. Each blessing reveals significant meaning in the time they were given, as well as for us today. Why Did Pharaoh Tell Joseph to Enjoy the 'Fat of the Land'? 23 Leahs sons were Reuben (Jacobs first-born), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. Joseph is a fruitful vinewith bitterness archers attacked himbut his bow remained steadybecause of your fathers God who blesses you with blessings of the skies above(Genesis 49:22-26). So began a game of wills between the two sisters to win Jacobs love. When Rachel did not have any children, she became upset. Your hand will be at the throat of your enemies. After this, Leah again conceived (twice) and gave birth to (9) Issachar and (10) Zebulun. She told Jacob, "Here is my maid Bilhah. in the order of their birth. Jacob is said to have had twelve sons by four women, his wives, Leah and Rachel, and his concubines, Bilhah and Zilpah, who were, in order of their birth, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin, all of whom became the heads of their own family groups, later known Who are Zilpah children? THE TRIBE-GATE ORDER OF EZEKIEL 48 AND THE TRIBE ORDER OF THE 144,000 (REV. Genesis 35:16-26, Jacob dreams about a ladder and angels at Bethel, Jacob marries Rachel the daughter of Laban, The Cup that held the wine for the King of Egypt, Josephs brothers first trip to Egypt for food, A silver cup belonging to Joseph was put in a Sack, 12 sons of Jacob whom he blesses before he dies, Death of Jacob at one hundred and forty-seven years old, Death of Joseph at one hundred and ten years old, Timeline for the book of Genesis parts one and two . If the day on the sacred calendar is not a holy day, then it is indicated at a dash (). I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel (Genesis 49:5-7). <> endobj Scripture Study. Through the 12 sons of Jacob, that promise became a reality. To Reuben, Jacob said that he would not receive his inheritance as firstborn, because he defiled his father's bed by laying with his father's concubine, Bilhah (Genesis 35:22). Abraham begot Isaac. Looking at our board, we have Jacob and his 12 sons, from the oldest (Reuben) to the youngest (Benjamin). Rachel had Joseph and died giving birth to Benjamin. The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the rulers staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed (Genesis 26:3-4). Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. They then claimed all the cattle, women, and children from the village as plunder (Genesis 34). Benjamin 8. Children's Bible. Years later in Egypt, when Jacob was about to die, he called his twelve sons to his side. Thanks! 1) Reuben was Jacob's firstborn. In the Song of Deborah (Judges 5:17), the tribe of Asher is one of the two tribes of Israel, the other being the Danites, associated with seafaring and, by implication, sea commerce. `9N>92_]:s7Fp)JP{2JJf lq~_x}sj+vcv*sy?/kWx9%YX~EuS*+X_=fFT8ni}NA8!hiY W;Wa9r&m^&0g##fpuKj\`f hB;@v A(v;f15O.S0mbtU't*$ k1:iqEj2Ep?O`=y>_THoqx]kPmH @k+ls'm\Hx!Q[ b MbZO&K8?6xQn'$N[OTe,([L-*KHc8/Cg *{B The order of the stones presumably represented the order of the birth of the sons of Jacob. Her birth occurred about 22:54 AM (1750 BC). 19 Later, Leah conceived again and bore a sixth son for Jacob. Elkannah had two women but again, one of them was barren so I suspect that Peninah was a concubine. Her birth occurred about 22:54 AM (1750 BC). Yet, the birthright that should have passed on to Reuben did not due to Reuben's sin against his father (1 Chronicles 5:1-2). I will list them in the order they were born (oldest to youngest), who their mother was, and what their name means. *Click on Open button to open and print to worksheet. Jacob begot 12 sons who are listed herein in subsequent sections. This is the way Jacob's family life appeared. 18 Then Leah said, God has paid me for giving my servant to my husband as his wife. So she named him Issachar. The 12 sons of Jacob are the patriarchs of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Judah: the name means praise - Whose mother was Leah. Jacob spoke to Dan (Dan sounds like the Hebrew word, judged) Danshalljudgehispeople as one ofthetribesofIsrael.Danshallbeaserpentintheway, aviperbythepath, that bites the horsesheels sothathisriderfallsbackward. The Gadites would later be described as, "brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Twin Flames because one individual is the male and the other female, they come together to make one soul. Four of the births took place during the last seven year . <> Simeons tribe was scattered to the territory far west of the Dead Sea. "A doe set free that bears beautful fawns" (Jacob). Jacob had only eleven sons born to him before he left Laban in Paddan Aram e.g. The story of Jacob (Israel) takes up a huge chunk of Genesis (Genesis 25:26-50:21). Issachars tribe was hard-working, tough, vigorous, and unfaltering, living up to Jacobs blessing for him, says Lisa Loraine Baker, in Who Are the Sons of Jacob and Why Is it Important That There Are 12 of Them? (Leah)joined For instance, it was he who saved Joseph from being killed by his brothers by selling him to Midianite traders who took him to Egypt. These children are the offspring of four different women, Leah and Rachel, his wives, and Zilpah and Bilhah, their respective handmaids. According to the Hebrew Bible, Esau is the progenitor of the Edomites and the elder brother of Jacob, the patriarch of the Israelites. Gad - Good fortune. These children are the offspring of four different women, . 17 While she was suffering due to her difficult labor, the midwife told her, Dont fear! Issachar - Reward. For New Testament believers, this is picture of the Church that perseveres and is able to bear fruit despite the struggles they encounter when they are hated by the world because they do not conform to it, but conform to Jesus. Both sons were set apart because of their faithful and righteous acts before the Lord. endobj And according to some apocryphal works, the early church fathers think the Antichrist will arise from Dans lineage. A thorough study of the sons of Jacob reveals life lessons for all who take heed. Zebulun Isaac had one wife. Notes on Each Passage: Genesis 29:31-30:24 and 35:16-20 - the births of the first eleven sons are mentioned in chronological order, along with the meanings of their names; the last son, Benjamin, is born significantly later. To be an Israelite by blood, a person must be a descendent of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For in their anger they killed men, and in their willfulness they hamstrung oxen. The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. 3. 3 0 obj As a result, his blessing went to Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. 29:31 Later, the LORD noticed that Leah was being neglected, so he made her fertile, while Rachel remained childless. Northern Euphrates (now eastern Turkey or northern Syria). Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah, and this made Leah sad. Dan and Nephtali:After Judahs birth, Jacobs second wife, Rachelthe woman Jacob truly loved, was distraught over the fact that her sister Leah had given Jacob five sons, yet she was barren. To Issachar (Issachar sounds like the Hebrew word, wagesor hire): Issacharisastrongdonkey,crouchingbetweenthese sheepfolds. Genesis 47:28-48:1-22. Psalm 22:12 speaks about the "bulls of Bashan" surrounding the future Savior. But because He chose it, we can refer to itin all likelihoodas a covenantal number. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Repentant Sinners Love Jesus. One must apply solid hermeneutical methods (hermeneutics is principles of proper biblical interpretation) when looking at Scripture. "Why do the Righteous suffer?" 30-50). (8) These are the names of the children of Israel which came into Egypt.--This document, consisting of Genesis 46:8-27, is one that would be of the highest importance to the Israelites, when taking possession of Canaan, being as it were their title-deed to the land.Accordingly we find that it is drawn up in a legal manner, representing as sons some who . Judah, Joseph, and Jacob's birthright. . The names of the 12 sons of Israel attached to the gates of Jerusalem in Ezekiel 48 are those of the patriarchs at their birth, and as inscribed on the stones of the Breastplate. Like Sarah, she was barren and later conceived, becoming pregnant with twins. . 1) Reuben (motherLeah) (Genesis 29:32) 2) Simeon (motherLeah) (Genesis 29:33) 3) Levi (motherLeah) (Genesis 29:34) . Reuben convinced his brothers not to kill Joseph (Genesis 37:21) and planned on rescuing Joseph, but the brothers sold him before he had the chance. Then she stopped bearing children. The Scriptures record that the gospel message was preached not only to the first century believers, but to ancient Israel (Heb 4:2), and to the Patriarchs (Gal 3:8) as well. T HE C HILDREN OF J ACOB AND H IS W IVES 3 Joseph, one of the last of Jacob's sons, is something of a dreamer (literally and figuratively) and is not well liked by his brothers. With so many jockeying for position within this household of four women . Through one promise God set into motion a plan that would birth a great nation. ;% 0MA{6S!e4$rek/J0OW?Q9~/?___~h6~h6~Uy}}5 wLL}.mShgc%lT]=>7WJys7cof?|_N3p= U51`\v+kj4dlmmw}{?y,GR!B] PpZYY#uwiP&t()T5S-`->TJ1%EDJ:G>)?G9205 Joseph Zebulun, Zilpah (Leah's maid), mother of: Gad, Asher, Bilhah (Rachel's maid), mother of: Dan, Naphtali. Jesus was descended from the tribe of Judah (Heb 7:14)(Rev 5:5). 2) Simeon was next, and he was also a son of Leah. But when Jacob received the promise, God included an additional blessing that would extend to the whole world. To Naphtali (Naphtali sounds like the Hebrew wrestling), Jacob decreed, Naphtaliisadoeletloose thatbears beautiful fawns(Naphtalis military skill was marked by deer-like speed and dexterity). The elegant carriage stood in front of the humble dwelling, surrounded by a swarm of black-clad chassidim. "I want a blessing from the Rebbe! Father of the Levitical Priests, Apparent Leader of the Slaughter of the Circumcized Men (Gen 34:30) Jacob called him a violent man, along with Simeon. Judah (Judahs name sounds like the Hebrew word, praise)received this blessing: Judah, yourbrothersshallpraiseyou; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your fathers sons shall bow down before you. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, Naphtali - My Struggle. Looking at what the Bible says, we can conclude 12 is simply the number God chose. Jacob should not have had more than one wife.) Bible Teachings. Now you also want to take my sons mandrakes!, But Rachel replied, Okay, lets let Jacob sleep with you tonight in exchange for your sons mandrakes.. I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel. (The account of how Simeon and Levi led the charge of the brothers to kill the men of Shechem after the rulers son defiled their sister, Dinah, may be found in Genesis 33:18-34:31). Simeons and Levis tribes were scattered because of their willful massacre of the men of Shechem. The twelve precious gemstones inscribed with each tribe's name were set in gold and placed in four rows of three stones each on the High Priest's Breastplate. The notable 12s list starts with the 12 sons of Jacob who became the 12 tribes of Israel and ends with 12 kinds of fruit on the tree of life(Revelation 22:2). The Sons of Jacob. The 12 Sons/Tribes 1. Hiseyesaredarkerthanwine, andhisteethwhiterthan milk. (Jesus is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The lineage leading to Jesus goes through Judah. Jacob had 12 sons. 49:1 After this, Jacob called his sons together and told them, Assemble yourselves around me so I can tell you all what is going to happen to you in the last days. Why Did God Choose the 12 Sons of Jacob to Set the Foundation of Israel? In Genesis 29:31-30:24 the birth of twelve of Jacob's children is recorded. Because the 12 sons of Jacob became the 12 tribesGods covenantal peoplethe 12 stones on the high priests breastplate of course represent Gods promise to them (Genesis 28:12-15). The land upon which he lay is what God will give to him and his offspring, which will be like the dust of the earth. He also tells Jacob in him and his offspring all the families of the earth will be blessed. Very few seasoned Christians are not familiar with Josephs dreams, his dealings with his jealous brothers, and the subsequent tragedy that turned triumph when he was sold into slavery then later rescued all of Israel from death by famine (Genesis 37-43). God always works His willJoseph, though scorned and abandoned to slavery by his brothers was used mightily by God in the redemption of the nation of Israel (Genesis 39-50). He continued in his faith and trust in the Lord even when he was thrown in prison for a crime he did not commit. Naphtali All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. Later, in the same spot where Jacob received this revelation, God changed Jacobs name to Israel.