A current Facebook thread on the topic is full of tales about quests for the item. I was broke and Mom was gonna know I wasn't sick. I just had a brainstorm on how to get close to that flavor again though! I just did, but many voices are better than one. Do any of you remember how much better they tasted when they were cold. Our family loved these cookies..I still look for them when I shop.I hope Nabisco brings them back. Lemon Meringue Oreo. There is a Facebook on bring back the ideal cookie .someone said they talked to nabisco and they said they would consider it if enough people pushed for them back. I have been trying to remember the name of this candy bar for yearsI was talking to my mother tonight ( 85 years old) and was reminiscing about the clark bar type of cookie I used to crave.the name Ideal name came to my mind..I googled it and Here I am !! I'd then take a small bite of both ends of the Ideal bar, dip one end into the milk and suck the milk through like a straw. They would be a big hit! Maybe we need to start our own petition to Nabisco! I just stole one of my kids' Quaker Chewy Dips Peanut Butter Chocolatey Granola Bars. The chocolate cookies with carmel and peanuts I think was called Haystacks. O. O U. U U U UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I have to do a thorough search in the cookie aisle a couple of times a year. Mike Mozart, Flickr // CC BY 2.0. (Unlike Girl Scout Tag-alongs which are just sweet.) Ideal cookies were the best cookies ever. It was on the very top shelf. I know they discontinued them years ago but I rfuse to give up hope. "So . For the sake of money, some men will destroy goodness. I LOVED THEM and MISS THEM. My sister and I have been wishing the same thing all of you are, Nabisco bring them back, "Little Debbie", put them in all the stores where your snacks are soldLiz. (He liked Peanut butter and banana sandwiches, too). 37. They get all this old stuff that is hard to find, unfortunately I never heard anything from them. Im 49 and that was the best cookie ever made lets all call Nabisco i would buy the recipe if they'd sell it to me damn i loved them cookies. Bring em back at any cost Nabisco we will pay any ransom. Whatever they did to make this cookie, it was the BOMB!!! 1993 Kraft General Foods acquires NABISCO ready-to-eat cold cereals from RJR Nabisco. I miss them!! I thought I was the only one. Come on you guys bring them back. I still look for these cookies when I go in the grocery store hoping they will magically appear. 1971 Nabisco becomes the corporate name. I'm not a Facebook person but why doesn't someone set up friend of Ideals page and start a 2010 size campaign to get Nabisco to reintroduce this classic to the millions of cookie eaters who were born after the Ideal plug was pulled. I would love to see them make a comeback! My sister and I went to a family reunion out-of-state we stopped in to the store and she went around one way and I went around the other and we met in the middle of the aisle I said what are you looking for and she said ideal cookies and I said me too! But I have to askdid anyone else first peel the chocolate off with their teeth before launching into the cookie? I am your biggest fan. I grew up on them as treats and have been looking for them for YEARS!!!!!!! Nabisco, please bring back my most favorite cookie of all times. I couldn't believe how many comments about Ideal cookies. I loved these Ideal Peanut Butter Bars tooooo much! These were the best cookies ever and I would give my first born child to have one of these again. Wow, I was checking the internet to try to find the recipe for my mom since she said they do not make them anymore. "Squeaky wheel gets the IDEAL" Put this in your Header to Nabisco. Little Debbie makes something similar, but we need the real ideal back!! They were my absolute fav cookie and I can almost taste one! Finally, I accepted that I'll never see them again, but I still reflexively look in the cookie aisle when I'm in the grocery store. The world needs Ideal Bar cookies now more than ever! Every year for Christmas my parents would buy me a lot of them for my stocking. Weird how so many people miss it like I do. Ideals were what I thought of! How can we all start a united front to get the cookies back on store shelves? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! I, TOO, LOVED Ideal Bars growing up and into adulthood. Hands down the #1 cookie of all time. Dip cookies in the melted dark chocolate and let cool in the freezer. My favorite way to eat them was to first fill a double old-fashioned glass with ice-cold milk. I can pass up any other store bought cookie but not these. Maybe they stopped making them because they were too expensive to make. I would love to be able to let my children and grandchildren experience such a Treat! They had good tasteu could not just eat one. Mondelez International, Nabisco's Chicago-based parent company, makes some of its snacks in Mexico, but it said in a news release that production from Fair Lawn and Atlanta, where it is closing. There is nothing close to them. I have longed for the Ideal cookie since I got married! These were the BEST cookies EVER!! they we're the best cookie ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1. I would sign a petition to bring them back in a minute. When mom would buy them at the grocer's she had to hide them!!! She had the idea of looking for them online. read petition letter Dear Nabisco, Check out Little Debbie's substitute, Peanut Butter Crunch Bars: http://www.littledebbie.com/products/PBBars.asp I can't peel the chocolate off them like I did on the Ideals, but they're quite acceptable. You need more diversity than this to keep my business!!! ), but they would not last on the shelves. There are none like them. I aqree that with all the boring cookies out there and the market for gourmet cookies Nabisco couldn't find a way to market them or sell the recipie to a gourmet cookie company who could market them. ;-) THANKS. Crazy.. I found this today searching for clues on Nabisco Tidbits (also sadly no longer made) and found ths link and also found Chocolate Snaps - another old Nabisco snack no longer produced. I still look for them at the store too! I called it and REALLY let a customer service rep know what they need to do. 2. Still to this day every time I am in the grocery store cookie isle I look for Ideal Bars. They were the best ever! I wish they would bring them back too! Im disappointed to learn that they no longer make these wonderful cookies. I loved them and there is nothing even close to their goodness!!! I had forgotten about them until the other day when I had a dark chocolate Reese cup. I was thinking about these cookies today and found all your comments. I'm about 10 years younger than my siblings and they used to have us begging like dogs just to get the cookies. Nabisco. I would give up every store-bought cookie---sorry Pepperidge Milanos---for one Ideal Bar! I wrote Nabisco and sent the link to this site. I agree, Ideal Bars were the BEST! You have many loyal customers. Oreo boycott (also known as the Nabisco boycott and Mondelez boycott) is a boycott of the Oreo cookie and other Nabisco-manufactured products, including Chips Ahoy! PLEASE! As a kid in the 60's, nothing was better than some Ideal Peanut Butter Logs and a glass of really cold milk. The Hydroxs ornamental pattern is at once cruder and more delicate than the Oreos; the ridges around the edge are longer and deeper, but the center comprises stamped-out flowers, a design more intricate than the Oreo pattern, he stated. They've become extinct. I'll bet Elvis did too! PLEASE bring them back!!! The cookie aisles at the grocery store today are VERY dull and limited in what is offered for sale. They only came out in the cooler months. Would happily pay more for ideal bars than for any other cookie. It was the absolute best. I am emclosing the text of the email. BRING THEM BACK, NABISCO. The best cookie ever - my Ohio farm raised husband never tasted one. I recall that from late 60's to late 70's my mom would buy the cheap "kiddie" cookies for us, and Ideal Peanut Butter Bars for herself, which she would keep in the fridge. We would stock up on them when we knew snowstorms were approaching. Last time I had these was 4/17/80, my birthday, and I'm still dreaming about them 30 years later bring em back! I too have longed for these Ideal cookie bars. I still see these on the shelf but not the Ideal Bar. As a matter of fact,they were terrible. I can still taste them. I often times tell my family about this cookie. It works perfectly. Even so, bring back the original recipe!!!!! Thank you all! The taste is still on the tip of my tongue. I remember the package being a single layer of chocolate dipped peanut butter bars, maybe about a dozen lined up back to back. If Nabisco won't do it I wish they would sell the recipe to Keebler, they have some really good products. Craft/Nabisco (877)535-5666. If Nabisco R & D folks actually took the time to read these comments, they just might realize they could make a product that would put the "Peanut Butter" cup in the trash forever. Nabisco kept the other fruit-flavored Newtons (raspberry, strawberry). I have been longing for these cookies and although I could not currently eat them like I did when I was young, I would keep them on hand to eat a few daily. wrote architecture critic Paul Golderberger, Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. They were the best with a cup of coffee!!!! Thanks. I believe the cooky you're thinking of was a Hey Day or something like that. COME BACK FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If a petition is started., I will sign. My Mom and I ate so many packages of these we should be ashamed! The peanut butter part of the Ideals was slightly salty, and that is what made it so good. Im 55 now but I can still remember those awesome chocolate covered cookie bars I can still taste them they were the best ever cookie ever made in my opinion my aunt that just past at the age of 95 still remembered those cookies. So many people would buy them just for the memories. These were my favorite treat as a child! Far better than anything out their now!!! They were the BEST!! Oh these were my favorite cookies. #SnackCation. I'm on a mission now!!! I have tried to find something similar, but no way can anything else compare. Now I know I am not crazy, they really did exist. You know how they sometimes can find the recipes to old stuff and remake they do it. My brother DeNault asked me just a few years ago what were those cookies? I hated to see that they discontinued them!!!!!!! ASAP! (Somehow the chocolate in Hershey candies seems watered down; not as good as the old days). I don't know what is stopping them. The absolute BEST cookie ever produced on this planet in my lifetime. I used to hate that they came in such a small package, but that is the size package I would kill for now. I am sending an email to Nabisco to lodge my question tonight. I have tried to find an alternative over the years, to no avail. Nutter Butter is an American sandwich cookie brand, first introduced in 1969 and currently owned by Nabisco, which is a subsidiary of Mondelez International. E-mail your local news station with this link. I want one now! Please bring them back! Getty Images Nabisco's Fair. I am so excited to find so many other Ideal-a-holics! You can wait around and hope but, frankly, I'd be astonished to see anything of their class again. THE LITTLE DEBBIE ONES ARENT THAT BAD AT ALL BUT THEY ARE NOT IDEAL.THE ORIGINAL..SO CMON GANG EVERYONE GO TO NABISCO AND WRITE THEM A LETTER,TELL THEM ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS SITE AND MAYBE THEY WILL MAKE THEM AGAIN , My favorite cookie above all was Ideal. THAT'S true love. I knew they were peanut butter logs - I couldn't remember the Ideal part. And if Nabisco is too stupid to bring back the bars, then head to Trader Joe's! I snuck them down and proceded to eat every single one of them in that brown, orange, and see- through wrapper. I have the happiest memories of eating alot of these cookies!!!! ISO: Nabisco Ideal cookie bar clone recipe : PJ Virginia - 3-27-2006 : 1: Recipe: Ideal cookie bar information : Halyna - NY - 3-27-2006 : 2: Of course Mom would hide them from us and I could not wait until I grew up so I could buy them for myself. Ideal ,One of the best cookies ever on the store shelf ! Dark chocolate over crunchy peanut butter, I can almost taste them. Bring 'em back Nabisco!!!!!! close but not exact. I remember them not being available in the summer months and assume this was because the chocolate would melt. I hope nabisco reads these comments and realizes the disappointment to many famalies with the loss of a simple cookie. I've written Nabisco, and now the parent company Kraft, several times and I usually receive a form email back. You also need to bring back the Lemon Cooler and Cherry Cooler cookies! I was telling my children and my husband about it. Really? The absolute best cookie I have ever had. We stopped at a store in Winston, Oregon and we found "Little Debbie's" version of the Ideal bar. It's a shame, and the list is rather long best cookie that I remember from my childhood have tried to find them for years without success used to sneak into my dads stash because they were so good have called and wrote a letter to Nabisco or rather Kraft and am waiting for an answer as to why that they cant bring them back it is so nice to know that I am not alone comforting to know that someone else knows exactly what cookie was so great in the 70's. The problem, of course, was probably the name. I could sit and eat a whole box when I was a kid. I have been watching for those Ideal Bars for years and did not realize that Nabisco had quit making them. As I remember they were not sold in the summer. Come on Nabisco, no one can compare to your recipe. ITS NOT NOT FAIR!! . Anyone know of a recipe to make them at home? While no where as good as the origional Ideal Bars, they are worth it, for a stared population of Ideal cookie fanatics !! (Two words: Cheez-It.). 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This TEMPLE OF ANSWER that i met on this was my God of savior please contact them now if you are having same problem email is templeofanswer@hotmail.co.uk phone number is +2348155425481. I immediatly thought about Ideal cookies for the first time in many years, looked on Google and found this site. please bring back this tasty, tasty treat. The post accurately reports that Nabisco parent company Mondelz International is closing two U.S. cookie plants; however, it inaccurately claims jobs will be shipped to Mexico and the decision . They are the closest to the Ideal as anyone every going to get unless nabisco starts to make them again. Great site, was looking for Caravelle candy bars and then searched for the Ideal bars. I think the last Ideal Bar I bought was in the early 90's in California. Why were they ever taken off the market? SURE WISH THEY'D BRING THEM BACK EVEN AS A SEASONAL SPECIALTY. Ideal cookie bars were the BEST. I do not know why Nabisco do not hear the voices crying. I too remember these as a kid - we kept them in the fridgeI was thinking about them today which brought me to this page. would be really neat if they reintroduced the Ideal Bars and one would hope the flavor would be the same if so? I'll sign a petition too! I thought they were originally produced by a smaller company than Nabisco, but could be mistaken. When my husband & I were dating we used to sit down & eat a whole package at a time ;). What I wouldn't do to just have one more!! I can recall in the early 70's playing football with the neighbood kids in the fall and after working up a good hunger pain we would walk down the block to the local A&P store and buy a package of Ideal cookies and eat them all. LET US ALL PROMISE TO CALL NABISCO AND PLEAD FOR THEM TO BRING BACK THIS COOKIE. The company was improving the cookies, making them more attractive to the modern health-conscious consumer. were they to good for human cunsumption? I just came from the store and was looking for them. My grandmother, mother, step-dad and other relatives use to work for Nabisco (anywhere from office, management & factory workers). The most popular cookie ever growing up as a kid. My dad and I reminisce about them, too. I am going to keep trying and contacting them. soooooooo are they coming back, i'm still needing them!!!!!! Those of you from the Philadelphia area may remember that the Ideal Bars were originally made by Acme Markets and were packaged as an Acme product until Nabisco bought the recipe from Acme. On the way home, I ate just as many as where missing and put them back on the shelf.
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