Sidney Rigdon was, for a time, the second most powerful person in Mormonism. The last known version, the one in which he saw both God and Jesus, is the version contained in the Mormon book of scriptures known as the Pearl of Great Price and is the version taught both to the Latter-day Saint faithful and those considering converting to the faith. not to spare horseflesh. He didnt. John G. Turner. Mormon Historians Shed Light On Sept. 11, 1857. Numerous records, including journal entries from those who experienced the attack and affidavits sworn against the Mormon mob, included allegations that the Mormon mob forced pregnant women and children out into the cold, stole livestock, and took prisoners for interrogation. Isaac Haight's stake high council opposed the attack, and sent a messenger to Salt . setTimeout(function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("src",""),t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.body.appendChild(t)},5); Become a subscriber today and youll recieve a new issue every month plus unlimited access to our full archive of backlogged issues. Writing a polemic trying to blame Brigham Young would be self-defeating, just as writing an apologia to clear his skirts would ultimately have to justify murder. He was replaced as governor the following year by Alfred Cumming. From Vailsburg To Vaudeville 04. It is alarming to see how intensely and openly the family is under attack in contemporary society. Young returned east to lead a second company of Mormons to the region in late 1847, and in 1848 was officially selected as the churchs new president. When the rumors expanded to include a claim that the pioneers were going to bring troops back from California to attack the Mormon settlements, a group of Mormons dressed as Native Americans attacked their wagon train and, after a three-day assault, killed all men, women, and children over the age of eight. After a 500 mile round trip journey, militiamen received this response on Sept 13, two days too late to prevent the massacre. Hiding Rockwells role in expressing Eleanor to Utah from my late friend Hal was evidence that had been carefully suppressed. Tragically, Youngs letter arrived two days after the massacre, despite one of the epic rides in Western history. Are there books about other independent women of the early West? Or did his belief in heavenly justice prove him an unlikely culprit? Join the celebration! The following are a few facts necessary for an understanding of this terrible event in Western and Mormon history. However, church president Joseph Smith insisted that his brother William Smith be selected in place of Young. Every religion has less-than-savory moments hidden in its history. Recent studies, including my own, have found 55 well-documented marriages. The non-Mormons who were present at Rigdons sermon were rightfully alarmed. As Compton explains of Joseph F. Smith's ordination, which would later have a significant impact on Church history: Though John Willard "was publicly sustained as an assistant counselor to Brigham," he focused most of his time on business endeavors and lived most of his life in New York, according to Compton. Critics assume, yes. Tensions were further inflamed when news reached Utah around this time that early church leader Parley P. Pratt had been killed by the estranged husband of one of Pratts polygamous wives while he was on a mission to the Eastern United States. Justice for his peoples wrongs was heavens responsibility, not his, he said. Rockwell never directly denied the crime, even when he was tried for it, insisting, Ive never shot at anybody. Such a day-by-day approach yields new understanding. But Matt Easton, 24, political science valedictorian at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah said the timing was right to tell 10,000 people he was gay. Young, himself, was subjected to house arrest for several weeks in 1872 and jailed briefly in March 1875. He was the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1847 until his death. Will Bagley, a history columnist for the Salt Lake Tribune, is the author of Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows published by the University of Oklahoma Press. Brigham Young clearly wasn't free of his ex-wife just yet. Many American Protestant religions promoted slavery or the Ku Klux Klan. According to this story, they told him that all religions existing at the time were abominations. Who were the models in Van Halen's finish what you started video? According to Mormon doctrines, prophets speak to God and communicate Gods will to Mormons. Meanwhile, someone attempted to assassinate Governor Boggs, shooting him twice through the skull, once in the neck, and once in the throat. Brigham Young later privately set apart three other sons and Joseph F. Smith as apostles who served as "assistant Counselors to the First Presidency." In the video that Harrold recorded, the woman could be seen yelling at the teen and lunging at him during the Dec. 26 incident. There are no other trains going south that I know of. He later became a prominent pioneer in southern Utah, and St. George, Utah, may have been named after him. Published Aug. 16, 2021 Updated Aug. 17, 2021 At Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, beards have been banned on campus since the rise of the counterculture movement, when they were thought. Seventeen children who were too young to remember the attack were spared. He was ordained king and priest by the Council of Fifty, and acted accordingly. Brigham Young was probably the most oft-married man in 19th-century America. Brigham Young Pioneer Prophet. Most recently, Will Bagley made this case in his 2002 book, Blood of the Prophets. Matthew Bowman, The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith (Random House, 2012). Why did he threaten honest men who called for justice in the matter? Everybody (Source Codes) If you happen to be named Brown or Jones or Spendlove or Lewis or Young or any name, it doesn't matter who your ancestors are. Finally, why has so much evidence been destroyed or purged from Mormon archives, and why has so much evidence been suppressed? . In 1832, he was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the religion founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 based on the Book of Mormon, a scripture that Smith claimed to have translated from gold plates given to him by an angel named Moroni. Mormons responded to not being allowed to vote by forming a militia and attacking Gallatin as well as the nearby village of Millport (one militia battle is depicted in the painting above). He is also the founder of the first Baptist church in America. Seventeen children who were too young to remember the attack were spared. What ever happened to Big Minnie of Tombstone? Ann Eliza Young was not acting in a vacuum, however. Weeks after Young's proclamation, in the high desert of the Utah territory, LDS Mormons murdered more than 100 Arkansas migrants. According to her, they would try to leave Utah then turn up murdered (supposedly by Native Americans) along the way. On the other hand, Mormons have insisted that the massacre was perpetrated by local members acting without sanction from headquarters. After the extermination order, the Mormons left for Nauvoo, Illinois, but their bad experiences in Missouri would never be forgotten. Sharon Smith & Mike Leach Were Friends at Brigham Young University; Mike Used to Visit Her Apartment to Watch Television Sharon Smith and Mike Leach both attended Brigham Young University. After the death of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, the mantle of leader of the church was up for grabs. The company that was used up at the Mountain Meadowes included the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters & connections of the men who murdered the prophets, he told John D. Lee, and they Merited their fate. The only thing that ever troubled Young was the lives of the Women & children, but that under the circumstances [it] could not be avoided.. Brigham Young was a rough-hewn craftsman from New York whose impoverished and obscure life was electrified by the Mormon faith. The council sought to create a Mormon-Indian alliance, and to make such an arrangement attractive to the Indians, Young allegedly told them that he would no longer stop them from stealing emigrant cattle on the California Trail. Phineas Young was a printer; building contractor; and Mormon bishop, missionary, and pioneer. Brigham Young had six sisters and four brothers. After Cowdery was excommunicated from the church in 1838, Young wrote him several letters pleading with him to come back into the church. From 1864 through 1871 Young served as the bishop of the Salt Lake City 2nd Ward. When I learned that Orrin Porter Rockwell, the notorious Mormon lawman and Danite, had rushed Mrs. Pratt across the plains in record time, I knew what happened at Mountain Meadows. [2] Shortly after their baptisms, Phineas Young and Joseph Young became ordained elders in the church began preaching as missionaries in New York and Upper Canada. Dates 1940-1970 Creator Mackay, Eleanor White (Person) Language of Materials Materials are in English. Police are investigating. Brigham Young (pictured) is revered by Mormons as the second prophet of modern times. If Washington continued to appoint office seekers and corrupt demagogues, Utahs citizens would send them away., Faced with this blatant insubordination, Buchanan ordered an army of 2,500 troops to Utah to install Alfred Cumming as the new governor. Brigham Young chosen to lead Mormon Church After Joseph Smith, the founder and prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormonism, and his brother, Hyrum, were murdered by. Likewise, John D. Lee, the only man convicted of the murders, was repeatedly offered leniency in exchange for incriminating Youngthe last offer was made just moments before his execution. Women in Utah were treated like a commodity, with Church apostle Heber C. Kimball once observing, I would think nothing more of taking a wife than of buying a cow. Men married additional women to show their status as righteous men who were devoted to their faith and would often marry more women than they could afford to support, keeping the less-liked wives in other towns and forcing them to earn their own living. A flyer passed out by a neo-Nazi group outside Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston on January 22, 2022 targeting anti-racism physicians. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. The incident occurred late Saturday afternoon at . But I am determined by the help of God never to bear false witness against My Neighbour. Later, he complained that those who questioned him wanted lies, not truth. Did Brigham Young Approve the Attack? (Above) John D. Lee sits on his coffin moments before being executed for reportedly ordering the Mountain Meadows attack. He stated in an 1861 sermon: When I reflect on how I found the gospel, I realize that my familys experiences informed two important pieces of my testimony. If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain [those of African descent], the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. While this Indian council is important and requires extended scholarly discussion, this much can be said: No evidence suggests the councils focus was the Baker-Fancher party, much less its destruction. The game in question was against Brigham Young University, as part of the Mountain West semifinals. It is something that has been partially experienced and thoroughly documented by many individuals around the world. Even in households where the men could afford their wives and offered them full financial support, sometimes jealousy and spite divided wives to the point that some would kill themselves to avoid having to live in heaven with their husbands and their sister wives. People make what they want of the facts in my book, Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows, but for most readers, the evidence about who ordered the massacre is overwhelming. He was removed from his post but, when Rigdon was still Smiths second-in-command, his input helped shape much of Mormon theology and he also gave the majority of important sermons to the earliest Mormon congregations. Happyness (Skit) 05. At first, it blamed Indians; later, it claimed a rogue church official was responsibleand after two trials, Mormon militia leader John Lee was hanged in 1877 for the killings. Americans enjoy a good mystery, and they like conspiracies. Brigham Young University was named in his honor. That admonition includes charging Brigham Young with crimes that he did not commit. Courtesy: Church History Library, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the early days of the Church, it was common for members to be called to serve at young ages. By the summer of 1877, Young's health was in decline, but he continued to play an active role in the Mormon church up until the end. When I began writing about the massacre, I realized trying to prove anything about this appalling crime would prove only that I was an idiot. There is a logic to this. For instance, Joseph Smith was once attacked by an apostate from the Church, William Law, who "attempted to kill Joseph and fired a pistol at him six times at close range. In this company, Young served as a captain of ten.[8]. In 1833, after the death of his first wife, Young and his two daughters joined Smith and other Mormons in Kirtland, Ohio. Two years later, Young read more, Born in Eisleben, Germany, in 1483, Martin Luther went on to become one of Western historys most significant figures. Seeking a place where they could avoid the persecution that had driven them from Ohio and Missouri, Young and the other apostles planned a westward exodus of thousands of Mormons from the settlement in Nauvoo, Illinois to the Great Salt Lake Valley, then part of Mexico. Stubborn facts. [3], In 1840, Young moved to Scott County, Illinois when the Latter Day Saints were expelled from Missouri. They were murdered by a small Mormon militia and its Indian allies in a horrible ploy: after a four-day gun battle with their attackers, the pioneers accepted a truce that turned out to be a deadly lie. With the United States in control of the Great Salt Lake Valley region after the Mexican-American War, Young was appointed governor of the new Utah Territory in 1850. "Settlers burned and vandalized at least 200 buildings in four Palestinian villages," according to The New York Times. Ron Walker is one of the three Mormon historians writing the upcoming rebuttal to be published by Oxford University Press. Sometimes, he would send the husbands on missions in foreign countries and marry their wives while they were away and unable to object. When Mormons were living in Daviess County, Missouri, he delivered a fiery oration on Independence Day of 1838 in which he promised that the Missourians who Mormons felt were persecuting them (the sentiments had some justification although Mormons did their fair share of antagonizing as well) would need to stop any disputes with the Mormons or face a war of extermination. Here's the account in his own words: Brigham Young wasn't the only latter-day prophet to have such close experiences with death. Young testified that Cowdery's last statements were on the truth of Mormonism as revealed through Joseph Smith. (She also established from the most impeccable Mormon sources that Brigham Young had obstructed a murder investigation for 18 years, which made him guilty of felony murder.). Despite the clean-cut image of family-oriented conservatives that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon Church) presents to the world, it too has moments of darkness in its past. Historian D. Michael Quinn succinctly describes Youngs actions shortly after the massacre: Apostle Wilford Woodruff, the official church historian, recorded that when Young first visited the mass burial site, he said that the memorial plaque should read: Vengeance is mine and I have taken a little.. In 1867, a group of non-Mormon pioneers from Missouri and Arkansas were trying to pass through Utah on their way to California but ran into trouble as they tried to get through the Beehive State. Simpson murdered his wife. There were several times when Brigham Young's life was spared or his health inexplicably restored, according to BYU professor of Mormon History Donald Q. Cannon ("Brigham Young on Life and Death"). Sources conflict. Even on the day of the slaughter, couriers were reportedly hurrying from Cedar City30 miles to the eastto call it off. Adding fuel to Mormon rage, they argue, was the killing, a few months before the massacre, of Apostle Parley P. Pratt. Congress officially made polygamy illegal, killed by the estranged husband of one of Pratts polygamous wives. According to Bennett, Rockwell returned the day before news of the assassination attempt arrived at Nauvoo. October 11, 1973. But lets back up a little farther to see why. The winners of the Church History Museums 12th International Art Competition have been announced, and the artwork is breathtaking. However, the revelation that Smith said he received commanding polygamy specifically forbade women marrying more than one man. Was not referring to his death, just the stabbing. Park City, Utah, United States. On September 11, 1857, 120 men, women and childrenpioneers from Arkansas headed for Californiawere massacred after being promised safe passage through a Southern Utah valley known as Mountain Meadows. In a speech he gave as governor of Utah to the state legislature, he announced that Utah should have the right to practice slavery. Traditions abound for alums returning to campus and for students during Homecoming week, October 15-19, 2019. Brigham Young tried to stop the massacre. James Haslam, who rode the 500-mile circuit in six days, recalled, Young told me [when riding back south] . Prosecutors in New York City are investigating an incident in which a jazz musician said his 14-year-old son was attacked by a woman who falsely accused him of taking her iPhone. So do some authors whove written about the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Though he initially resisted adapting the churchs controversial custom of plural marriage, Young later embraced it as his duty, and would eventually have 55 wives and 56 (or 57) children. Brigham Young urged every Mormon to resist the American military. Brigham Young was the second president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from 1847 until his death in 1877. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. The man's son was allegedly attacked by a fellow student who believed him to be a racist. . On April 15, 1832, Young and his brother John were baptized into the Latter Day Saint Church of Christ. In 1838, Joseph Smith purchased an Egyptian mummy and a set of papyri. Young read the Bible verse the soldiers had inscribed on a cedar cross atop the monument: Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord., It should read, he said, Vengeance is mine, and I have taken a little. Young then directed the desecration of the grave. While the church leaders temper and strong words at the pulpit earned him a reputation for coercion, in truth, those who knew him best often spoke of his caution and his abhorrence of bloodshed. Catholicism has the Inquisition and the Crusades. Speaking of lineage, I should like to explain to you that whatever your great-grandparents or forebears did cannot be grafted into your own life. The Mormons: Brigham Young. Yet no narrative has a daily summary of what went on using the rich documents compiled at the time or the growing body of historical literature on the topic. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for hundreds of years, the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and its read more. Justice John F. Kinney was appointed in 1854, and quickly fought with Young over statutes designed to protect polygamists. Death is not the end of our existencejust a change in our being. Ted's son and Rupert were more prominently involved in Season 1 but weren't seen much the following season. What was the favorite type of mule used in the Old West? The great historian Harold Schindler spent 40 years learning everything there was to know about Orrin Porter Rockwell, Man of God/Son of Thunder (the title of his definitive biography). There's little data documenting the number of social . DJ Ferguson's family say he was first on the list to receive the transplant at Brigham and Women's Hospital but he is no longer eligible because of his vaccination status, CBS Boston reported. Letters of Brigham Young to His Sons Dean C. Jessee Stanford J. Layton Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Mormon Studies Commons, and the Religious Education Commons Recommended Citation Layton, Stanford J.
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