It establishes how closely the Russo Brothers hewed to canon in Endgame, making sure to pay off just about every lingering question fans might have had going into the movie. Shh. Strange] I gotta tell you, hes not really my friend. It would be fair, for rich and poor alike. Spider-man: I dont know whats happening.. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Really, tears? Thanks! [lifting his sword] The sparks that fly often result in some of the funniest moments of the films and Infinity War is filled with big personalities and egos that are bouncing off of each other for the first time. It'll kill you. The universe, lies within your grasp. In the climax of the film, all seems lost. : Thor (rocket family) Thor was a US space launch vehicle derived from the PGM-17 Thor intermediate-range ballistic missile. Arriving on a seemingly normal looking Knowhere, the Guardians confront Thanos, only to learn he's already acquired the Reality Stone and has decimate the place. We dont know what it means. Eitri The film is directed byAnthony and Joe Russo, written byChristopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and features anensemble castincludingRobert Downey Jr.,Chris Hemsworth,Mark Ruffalo,Chris Evans,Scarlett Johansson,Benedict Cumberbatch,Don Cheadle,Tom Holland,Chadwick Boseman,Paul Bettany,Elizabeth Olsen,Anthony Mackie,Sebastian Stan,Danai Gurira,Letitia Wright,Dave Bautista,Zoe Saldana,Josh Brolin, andChris Pratt. What am I supposed to say, Jesus? Thanos approaches Heimdall]. (flicks wrist). What Master do you serve? I can't stress how deeply entertaining Avengers: Infinity War can be and the movie is jam-packed with great character moments and jokes that help to brighten the darkness. Thor It was an elective. Or should I say, I am? Heimdall Ironman/Stark: [referring to Stranges cloak] Wow youre a serious loyal piece of outerwear. Rocket handles the Stone extraction while Thor gets to have that one final chat with his mother that he's always wanted, but the scene ends with a moment that probably surprised most audience members. : You seem like a noble leader. Tony Stark can only stare in silence at the two of them and after a hilarious pause moves on to figuring out how to stop purple titan from becoming a god. Because I was thinking about hanging a couple on my belt right here. At least Im the only who the will to act on it. Wake him up. Banner: Come on, you big, green _____. When the Hulk goes to get it from her, she knocks the soul out of the Hulk and tries to go about her business. I got you. And for another, we have the Hulk! Obviously, major spoilers ahead, so do whatever it takes to make sure you're ready. Wake. The Avengers and the Wakandan army look on in shock and awe. Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree. Now is no time at all. In the Marvel comics (specifically Ultimates #5), there's a flow of time that allows events to have "weight" that drags and affects both the future and the past. Thor Thor Thor [the Bifrost suddenly beams down into the battlefield, knocking back several Outriders. Thanos : You may think this is suffering, no. Strange: I went forward in time, to view alternate futures. Steve and Thor finally reunite, and Thor introduces Steve to his new friend, a tree. You understand boy, you're taking the full force of a star. Thor tries to attack Thanos, but Thanos slaps him back. Drax: He is not a dude. I don't know, I haven't been there in a while. Dr. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, When Im done, half of humanity will still be alive. Groot: [ in a sarcastic, sassy tone]I am Groot. You know, I'm 1500 years old. So, unlike the many malicious nicknames Star-Lord has given Rocket, Thor's may simply be due to a lack of awareness. : You really are the worst, brother. : [laughs] He can't just stand by while she kills herself. So it would be child's play to zap Past Cap's memories, so that when the past Avengers arrive to check on Past Cap, all they'll see is the aftermath of a fight and assume that Loki did what Loki does best. Gamora: [ to Quill] Not him. Gamora: Im not your daughter. Thanos: If you consider failure experience. Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian. In short, she trusted her pupil. Thanos: It would have been a waste of parts! Gamora: Because you murdered half the planet. So pack it up, and get out of here. Or your brother's head? NY 10036. Eitri Release Dates : "Damn it?" : While we're on the subject of great Captain America-themed moments in Endgame, we'd be remiss if we skipped over that beautiful Captain America v Captain America: Dawn of Just Us battle. The Cap we see in Endgame has completely let go of his ego; he admits that Tony was right to be concerned about Thanos. Loki: Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. : I hated my life. He's the toughest there is. That's a great way to end a fight, but the scepter also has mind control powers, thanks to the Mind Stone. In effect, certain events can never be changed, while the past and future are always fluidly changing. Is it still the greatest movie in history? Hulk and Thor's conversation: "You're being a really bad friend! Like the Beatles? After his conversation with Frigga, Thor calls his original hammer, Mjolnir, to him, borrowing the tool from his past self. In The Art of Avengers: Infinity War book ( which you can purchase right here ), a piece of concept art shows shows Thor and Rocket teaming up in an epic battle with a pair of gigantic serpents . You speak Groot? Thor Thor [Thanos grabs Hulk's wrists and peels them away. It is salvation. Peter Quill has never really had to prove his alpha male status with the other Guardians, so when someone like Thor comes along, he tends to begin overcompensating. Stormbreaker suddenly emerges from the beam and cuts through the Outriders. Stark: Happy trails, kid. Quill: Groot put that thing away, now. I assume you have a preference. It sucks. Stark: And I swore off dairy, but then Ben and Jerrys named a flavor after me, so. ( Bucky looks at him.). : Copyright 2023 Quill: Exactly like Footloose. Loki: I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail none the less. : All rights reserved. Some jerk lost a bet with me in Contraxia. After going back in time to return the Stones, he ended up sticking around to marry Peggy Carter and live out his life until 2023, when he showed up as an old man. Strange: [ discussion about Thanos getting all the stones] he could destroy life on a scale, heitherto undreamt of. : Basically, after Thanos snapped away his family, Clint went mad with grief. : Stark: Im sorry, you giving out tickets or something? Thor and Rocket (and Nebula, over at Titan) survived the snap, and five years after Thor killed Thanos, they teamed up with the rest to travel back in time and retrieve the Infinity Stones before Thanos did. In perfect deadpan, Drax answers "About one hour." Tony's nanomachines let him control his suit with a thought, and that extends to the Gauntlet that he built. : Thor Thanos: Today I lost more than you can know. : : [ referring to Thor]. : : Quill: Im going to ask you this one time, wheres Gamora? Graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles in Political Science/History and Film. [charging into battle] Once he flew over and grabbed the Gauntlet, he could reshape the oversized glove to transfer the stones to his own wrist in a moment. THATs a thing right there. You guys are dead now! "We thought that would be an interesting pairing if Thor had to pour his heart out to a character who to a certain extent lacks empathy, and see if it would affect that character in some way. Steve presents Sam Wilson with either a shield that he stole from the past or the same (now-repaired) shield that he fought Thanos with, all as Bucky looked on approvingly. That means that there's not really any consequences for borrowing a magical hammer, at least until they have to return the Infinity Stones. And your trespassing in this city and on this planet. : Will talk for hours about sports analytics, a huge fan of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel and DC, and a committed Mike Myers' Cat in the Hat apologist. Gamora: One way or another, the path that were on, leads to Thanos. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. RELATED: Infinity War Theory: Why Heimdall Chose to Save Hulk Instead of Thor. Thor: [ after Loki presents the Tesseract] You really are the worst brother. : Loki Gamora: I hated this room. I assure you, brother the sun will shine on us again. Bruce Banner Thanos: You should have gone for that head. The hardest choices, requires the strongest will. He has never fought me twice. You see, Drax has mastered the art of standing really incredibly still to the point where he believes he is invisible. : Thor: [ after Loki presents the Tesseract] You really are the worst brother. Loki Rocket Raccoon Seriously? We are all wrong. Because you love nothing. : It was an elective. Strange] Did you seriously say hitherto undreamt of? Keep an eye on your inbox for updates. Stark: If Thanos needs all six, what dont we just stick this one down the garbage disposal? Rocket Raccoon Eitri : When Nebula goes back in time, it's like when you visit a house with a Wi-Fi network that you already have the passcode to. The character's appearance does a lot in just a few seconds of screen time. Thor: [ to Thanos for killing Heimdall] Youre going to die for that. Red Skull: In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. The children born have known nothing but full bullies and clear skies. Its been a while. So, what actually are the rules of time travel. The stone demands a sacrifice. Its weird. Thanos: With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers. It is the sequel to 2012'sThe Avengersand 2015'sAvengers: Age of Ultron, andthe nineteenth filmin theMarvel Cinematic Universe(MCU).
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