Please check your code to ensure you are only sending REFUND in a currency that matches the original payment. If you are providing a value which has more that 10 characters then you will receive this system message. If a value is supplied, should contain either 0 or 1. The credit or debit card number entered must be that of the card type selected before proceeding to enter the credit or debit card number. You will need to ensure that your code is not sending more than 20 characters within this field and that no invalid characters are being sent. Accepted values for this field are: VISA (Visa Credit), MC (MasterCard credit), DELTA (Visa debit), UKE (Visa Electron), MAESTRO (you can still send SWITCH for older cards), AMEX (American Express), DC (Diner's Club) and JCB (Japan Credit Bureau cards). You will receive this error message if you did not send an ExpiryDate field containing this value in your transaction registration POST. You will need to ensure that you have the equivalent merchant account set up with your acquiring bank in order to handle the type of transaction you are attempting to process. When the card number is entered into the Opayo system we use the range to identify the card type, and validity of the number before processing the transaction. The Customer Name contains invalid characters. The ContactNumber field, if provided, can only contain a maximum of up to 20 characters. The BillingAddress and BillingPostCode are required. The Authorisation has been rejected by the Vendor due to insufficient authentication. You must check your code to ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. You will need to use a different card if you wish to proceed with the transaction. The bank did not respond within an acceptable time limit. Until I get a response, is there anything else that I could be looking out for? c: Add this ending to the target field: dxlevel 91. d: Run the game. You cannot set the administrator password using vspaccess. You will also need to check your code to ensure that your test and live Form encryption passwords are case-sensitive and in the exact same format with no spaces before or after them. This provides a description of the goods purchased is displayed on the payment page as the customer enters their card details, and within the My Sage Pay admin area. If you are passing any other characters, or spaces, you will receive this error. This system message is only generated if you are using the Direct integration method and the card type field you are submitting to us is the incorrect length. The Sage Pay service that you are attempting to contact does not exist or is currently unavailable. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The number of authorisation attempts exceeds the limit. If you are RELEASE a transaction after it has been ABORTed, you will receive this system message. The command passed in the parameter was not recognised. We also return to you the 2 digit Decline Code from the bank. The Card Range not supported by the system. You will need to check the Protocol and Integration guidelines for the solution that you are using to ensure that the correct value is being passed in the TxType field. You will need to ensure that you are passing a valid amount formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency. You will receive this system message if you are passing an amount that is outside of the supported range. The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are sending this value or that the data is in the correct field. If you are posting over a VendorTxCode that has been used for a previous transaction registration for a successful transaction against your account you will be presented with this error message. The Basket field can contain a maximum of up to 7,500 characters and you will get this system message if you are sending more than 7,500 characters. You are therefore unable to perform any further refunds against the original transaction. The Vendor configuration is missing or invalid. Account type selected requires 3D secure authentication to process Maestro or SOLO cards. If you are providing a value which has more that 20 characters then you will receive this system message. If you have not supplied the correct value in the RelatedVPSTxId field, have not submitted it in full or it is incorrectly formatted then you will receive this system message when our systems try to validate the post. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Check the content of the field you passed to ensure the e-mail address is valid. This will always be 16 characters or less, and only contain letters and numbers with no spaces or unusual characters. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are entering numeric values only and that no letters are being passed over. This is a standard HTTP Error. The Delivery Phone contains invalid characters. Unsupported Media Type :The request was unsuccessful because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the method requested. The request was unsuccessful because the server can not support the functionality needed to fulfill the request. It would be good to implement the error codes such as: 4020 : Information received from an Invalid IP address 4009 : The Amount including surcharge is outside the allowed range. The SuccessURL field must contain a Fully Qualified Domain Name and page reference pointing to the externally visible page on your site which your customers can be returned to if a transaction succeeds. If you receive this error, then the Vendor account has not been successfully set up on the Sage Pay servers. An ERROR has occurred on the Sage Pay System. The ApplyAVSCV2 flag is invalid. From System Information; Step-1. The authorisation response was taking longer than expected and has therefore timed-out as a security measure. The debit or credit card number entered must match that of the card type selected before you have been presented with the option of entering the debit or credit card details. There is not really any big negative to having the CSM enabled. Please ensure that you only ever use a fully qualified URL. This value should be alphanumeric and 38 characters in length. The Billing Firstname contains invalid characters. Only whole numbers of Yen are acceptable. You will only ever be required to provide us with the large numbers situated on the front of the customer's card and you will need to ensure that there are no spaces or hyphens being used as separator characters when providing us with this value. Please supply ISO 4217 standard currency codes. The first step to resolving this issue is to identify if the shopper has made an error when they have entered the card number when making the payment. If however the card being used for the transaction is not new the number is simply not supported on our system and another card will need to be used to complete the transaction. The TxType requested is not supported on this account. The total value of all REFUNDs can never ever exceed the original transaction value amount. ##### is an invalid date format. This should be one of the following: Barclays Merchant Services, NatWest Streamline, Lloyds TSB Cardnet, HSBC, American Express, Diners Club, Bank Of Scotland, JCB, Bank Of Ireland, Omnipay, Alliance and Leicester, PayPal, Allied Irish Bank or ChasePaymentTech. 123.456 instead of 123.46, then you will receive this system message. The Vendor Rule Bases disallow this card range. Please also check your entry before retrying ensuring that the month is entered before the year and that it is entered exactly as it is presented on the card with no separator characters (such as spaces or hyphens). If you receive this system message, we would suggest that you refer to our system monitor page ( for more information. A required parameter is missing. You failed 3D-Authentication. If the card being used is a newly issued card it is likely yet to have been added to our systems. If you are using your Simulator encryption password you will receive this error message when posting to the test or live servers. Accepted values for the CardType field are: VISA (Visa Credit), MC (Mastercard Debit and Credit), DELTA (Visa Debit), UKE (Visa Electron), MAESTRO (UK & International Maestro), AMEX (American Express), DC (Diner's Club), JCB (Japan Credit Bureau cards) and LASER (Laser cards). If the card address consists of more than 200 characters please just entered the first 200 characters in order to continue. The Transaction has already been Released. If no card address is provided you will be presented with this error message. When using the Form solution you will need to provide us with a Success URL field containing a Fully Qualified Domain Name pointing to the externally visible page on your site to which customers are returned if a transaction completes. Your transaction has been Authenticated successfully. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are not passing more than the maximum value of 7,500 characters and that there are no additional spaces being passed as these will be determined as additional characters. A valid value is required,this must be value between 0 and 100000.00. The ReleaseAmount larger the original amount. The transaction can not be repeated. You will be able to locate the required Protocol and Integration guidelines for each solution under the Downloads section on the Sage Pay support web site. Exceeded the allowed amount of commands to execute. You will need to check your code to ensure you are capturing the correct value being returned from Sage Pay and also that the VPSTxId you are submitting back to Sage Pay is correct. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? You will be presented with this error message if you have had three failed attempts to gain a successful authorisation for this transaction. This Surcharge already exists (paymentsystem and currency combination). A transaction is unable to be registered without this information. Accepted values for the CardType field are: VISA (Visa Credit), MC (Mastercard Debit and Credit), DELTA (Visa Debit), UKE (Visa Electron), SOLO, MAESTRO (Solo and Maestro), AMEX (American Express), DC (Diner's Club), JCB (Japan Credit Bureau cards) and LASER (Laser cards). This URL must be http:// or https:// and be no more than 255 characters in length. Please ensure that you are sending the correct value in the TxType field. More information on the different TxTypes can be found within the protocol document. This system message will appear when the REFUND you are attempting, which in combination with all other REFUNDs againsts the original transaction, would exceed the value of that transaction so the REFUND cannot be permitted. You will need to check that the full card number has been entered correctly and that this matches that of the large card numbers presented on the front of the customers card. Unfortunately, we are unable to process transaction values outside of these ranges. The transaction would has failed due to the fraud rulebase which you have set up onto your account. You must ensure that a post code value has been entered within the edit box that has been provided on the payment page. Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing the MD. You will need to ensure that you have entered the full card number correctly and only those numbers that appear on the front of the card and try again. If you are providing a value which has more that 10 characters then you will receive this system message. You will need to ensure that your crypt string contains a Fully Qualified Domain name and page which will allow us to return the customer back to a visible Failure Page on your site once the transaction has been registered as unsuccessful. e card issue number length must be one or two digits long and entered exactly as it is displayed on the customer's card. If any unacceptable characters are passed or the value is longer than it should be, you will receive this system message. If the card has expired it will need to be destroyed and a different card type will need to be used ensuring that the expiry date has not passed. The Currency is not supported on this account. Unable complete transaction due to resubmission of authorisation request by client. The ReleaseAmount field must be a valid amount, formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency, AND must be less than or equal to the amount of the original Deferred transaction that you are attempting to Release. The RelatedVendorTxCode does not match the original transaction. You must ensure that your code is sending a valid amount within this field formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency. The required service is not available or invalid. The Transaction was cancelled by the customer. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? The deferred transaction has been successully released and will be sent for settlement. The TxType requested is not active on this account. The ReleaseAmount value must also be less than or equal to the amount of the original Deferred transaction in which you are attempting to perform the Release. Either provide the user with access to the chosen or select another which the user has access to. You will need to use the previous card if this was a replacement card issued by your card-issuing bank. The link is: Please ensure you are only passing values within this range and not including any separator characters other than the decimal point. This is an important field as it allows us to identify and process the transaction through your account. The payment can now be authorised and sent for settlement. The request to VOID a transaction was Successful. This system message would only be generated if you have integrated using the Direct method where you are colleting the customers card details to send across to Sage Pay. You signed in with another tab or window. The request to ABORT a deferred transaction was successful. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. I'm building an integrated payment form with SagePay, and have previously been successful making payments to a test account using the test card details provided in page 24 of this documentation:, However, when I try and pay again with card details in that list that have previously worked, the SagePay form highlights the card number field in red and says "The Card Range not supported by the system.". Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The Card Range requires 3D-Authentication, its not supported by the vendor. This system message is usually generated when your are attempting to action on an original transaction (such as a refund, void, repeat, release etc) and the authorisation details of the original transaction (RelatedTxAuth) has not been provided. More than 50,000 rows returned. Only zero or positive decimal value, to 2 decimal places. Incorrect Fixed value entered. You will need to check the URL to which you are attempting to send your POST to. The request was unsuccessful to the server being down or overloaded. If a card StartDate value of 1509 was passed this would generate this error code. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are not send more than this. Please try again. When attempting to perform a REFUND, you can only refund in the same currency type as the original transaction. Invalid request. You will need to ensure that the Amount field value which you are submitting is between 0.01 to 100000.00 or equivalent for other currencies. Some cards have restrictions on cross-border usage. Either the currency requested is not available for this payment system, or the supplied combination of currency and paymentsystem is not available for this vendor account. A valid card number has not been supplied in the Card Number field. Please contact if you need this reset. If you have received this system message, it is likely that you are attempting to send an automated REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE request against the original transaction from your server (i.e you are performing any of the above outside of the My Sage Pay admin area) and the RelatedSecurityKey does not match with what we have in the database for this transaction. Also, check your code to ensure that you are only sending numeric values within this field and that no letters or invalid characters are contained. It is normally a number, but can contain characters depending on the acquiring bank. The ephemeral port range depends on the server operating system that the client operating system is connected to. More information on the different TxTypes can be found within the protocol document. The DeliveryAddress and DeliveryPostcode are required. The line item amount details do not add up correctly. You may wish to contact the customer to gain feedback and find out why they did not wish to pursue with the transaction. Perform the steps mentioned below and see if it helps. A graphics or video driver is the software that enables communication between the graphics card and the operating system, games, and applications.
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