A transport helicopter was coming in for a possible recovery option. UFO attacks. The department responded to him. At least 3 billion dollars, plus TR-3B that flew through 1994. Many of these projects assessed the eligibility of sensitive individuals for work as intuitive empaths, which is a position that involves interfacing with extraterrestrials who have evolved beyond the need for vocal utterances. Solar Impulse 1 utilized 4 electric motors powered by 4 Lithium-Ion batteries, each with a capacity of 7.5 kilowatts; the batteries were charged by, Solar Impulse 2s first take-off occurred in 2014, where it reached an altitude of, and traveled at an average ground speed of, , the solar powered Solar Impulse 2 traveled an accumulated distance of, In the tour, Solar Impulse 2 traveled across, located in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America and over two oceans (, Sure enough, Solar Impulses circumnavigation has broken. Member nations also agreed to hand over any crashed UFOs to the American or Soviet governments. This name was chosen because the members of the Cabal prefer to call themselves the Illuminati, which means the illuminated ones. According to the Earth Alliance, however, this group is not illuminated at all and has in fact been responsible for casting the denizens of our planet into a dark pit of disease, war, political disenfranchisement, civic unawareness, and wage slavery. "I can't really face small, irregularly or asymmetrically placed holes, they make me like, throw up in my mouth, cry a little bi A lefty or left-handed uses his left hand more naturally and dominantly than the right hand. They exist as spirits and when wanted, in the flesh. , has set a record for an altitude of solar-empowered airplanes in 1995 by flying at, for 12 hours. The secrets of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), anti-gravity technology, and unexplained phenomena found in the past demonstrate that governments hide something that can cause huge chaos around the world. According to the independent testimony of multiple insiders, a treaty was made in the 1950s between malevolent ETs, represented by breakaway Nazis, and the Eisenhower administration. However, the U.K. never extradited him to the U.S. and McKinnon managed to avoid prison. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA. We'd heard the codename as a rumor in an anonymous Open Minds Forum message that came . And in this episode, we have deeper insights into the Secret Space Program, with the astonishing disclosures of William Tompkins, our 94-year-old aerospace engineer who is clearly one of the founding fathers of the very Solar Warden program which he named - that same code name - that Corey later worked in. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA, wrote Perks. The Cabal wants to release this information over the course of generations. I have run your request through one of our space-related directorates and Im waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. The flights goal was to test the aircrafts specifications. Four years later, on April 29, 1979, took off from Flabob Airport in Riverside, California to become the first manned solar aircraft to ever fly, connected to a 30V nickel-cadmium battery pack which was in turn charged by photovoltaic solar panel array installed on its top wing to provide, Manufactured by Ultralight Flying Machines, Solar Riser was capable of flying for. Now that is something we cannot ignore! Although Mauro Solar Riser was the first manned airplane to do a solar flight, it is not the first solar powered airplane to fly in history. Manufactured by Ultralight Flying Machines, Solar Riser was capable of flying for 3 to 5 minutes after having its cells charged for 1.5 hours; the aircrafts speed could reach up to 32 kilometers per hour. According to secret space program insiders, American and Russian assets worked together throughout the entirety of the Cold War despite the narrative that was sold to the masses, and the superpowers of the world continue to collaborate on secret space program agenda items with no concern given to the theatrics regularly employed to keep the people of the world entertained and distracted. The Dark Fleet, which is mainly composed of ethnic Germans, is used by the Draco to defend existing territory and conquer new planets in other star systems. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret Air Force bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA. The United States, however, wasnt the only superpower to find the wreckage of alien craft. It includes illustrations of aircraft and spacecraft designs as well as the. The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is a combination of corporations (the corporations that have come together, build their resources, and created a vast infrastructure in our solar system) from all over the world that enrich aerospace technologies. According to Cramer, Project Moon Shadow consisted of 300 boys and girls who were trained in strategy, agility, and strength. Over the years, the Skunk Works division of Lockheed has designed and built a number of high-tech aircraft such as the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-22 Raptor and the F-117 Nighthawk. This society is composed of multiple groups that have branched off from the natural development of human life on Earth, and the lead group, known as the Anshar, claim to have traveled back in time from our future in order to maintain an ideal timeline. . mode: 'thumbnails-m', Solar Warden referred to a secret space program that is claimed to be funded by a secret black budget. Taking this into account, some have drawn the conclusion that Rich alluded to advanced technology being secretly developed and it might be responsible for some of the flying disks we see today. In the television show Babylon 5, the Earth Alliance is an open confederation of human governments that was formed to protect the planet. Samuel Archer was sitting on his computer. Solar Impulse 2 circumnavigated the Earth without using a drop of fuel. 10 'Secret Cities' That Were Kept Hidden From The Public, 10 Secret Histories Behind Well-Known Hats, 10 Secret Prisons Governments Are Hiding From Us, 10 Alleged Ultra Top Secret Shadow Government Projects, Top 10 Things Possibly Hidden In The Vatican Secret Archives, Top 10 Secret Tunnels And Underground Passageways In Ireland, Top 10 Mysterious Facts About Russia's Secret, Top 10 Amazing Facts From The Secret History Of Blood, Top 10 Interesting Facts About The International, Ten Absolutely Vicious Fights over Inherited Fortunes, 10 Female Film Pioneers Who Shaped the Movies, Ten True Tales from Americas Toughest Prison, 10 Times Members of Secretive Societies and Organizations Spilled the Beans, 10 Common Idioms with Unexpectedly Dark Origins, 10 North American Animals with Misplaced Reputations, Top 10 Creepiest and Strangest Homes on Zillow, Top Ten Worst Book to Movie Adaptations Ever Filmed, 10 Supposed Secret Space Program Insiders, 10 Ancient Bog Bodies That Will Amaze You, 10 Specific Claims Of Chemtrails And Geoengineering, 10 Fascinating Tales about Abandoned Bases and Bunkers, 10 Mysterious, Mythical Substances Thought To Have Great Power, 10 Bizarre Things You Didnt Know About Christmas. In 2002, Gary McKinnon hacked into NASAs computer systems, and the data that he found seems to corroborate the supposition that this government agency is hiding information from the public. Unfortunately, it was removed from his computer after being seized; 3. Solar Warden was developed as a form of interplanetary border control to stop malevolent aliens from stealing more humans than they were allotted. This base was established in 1964 by . Were on the same page but wait, it gets better. Almost one year later, on 13 May 2011, Solar Impulse 1 took off from Switzerland towards Brussels, the capital city of Belgium, in its first international flight. Well, Project Solar Warden has been around for many years and as of yet, has not been successful because of the Directional Nodes "Burning up" as the Solar Waves make contact with them. Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. This empire is composed of a variety of different reptilian humanoid species, and the Draco are centrally controlled by a highly advanced artificial intelligence. [4] Both groups were involved in investigating the origins of the Aryan race, and Orsic supposedly received information on how to build an interstellar spaceship from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran, who claimed to be the progenitors of the Aryans. According to the sources, Government has running the military exercise in order to execute the secret space mission. He said: Its a fact that there are objects we dont understand flying around in our skies, its also a fact that there are scientific, intelligence and military departments that study these objects. It is responsible for monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic in the solar system. He intended to find top-secret files regarding free energy but stumbled upon something bigger. It appears this obfuscatory tactic was undertaken to cover the tracks of the Earth Alliance. (14.3). When Gary McKinnon hacked into NASAs hard drives, some of the information he found was related to a black budget program known as Solar Warden. The purpose of the artificial intelligence that has infested the Draco in the form of nanites is to pervert or invert this sacred image of advanced life that the Christian Bible refers to as the image of God. 62 open jobs for Materials engineer in Warden. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. Solar warden is the popular secret program that has been in operation since late 90s. While the weather can delay the schedule of traditional aircraft or make flying it a more difficult task, solar powered aircraft will not be able to fly except in specific weather conditions especially in long-distance flights as it would need to recharge while it is up in the air. Strict quotas were set to ensure that only a small number of humans would be abducted. Four years later, on April 29, 1979, Mauro Solar Riser, manned by its eponymous designer Larry Mauro, took off from Flabob Airport in Riverside, California to become the first manned solar aircraft to ever fly. Others say they're involved in the covert colonization of space. Asset Manager of: - Massif du Sud Wind Project (150MW) - Romney Wind Project (60 MW) - Pendleton Solar Project (12 MW) - Barlow Solar Project (10 MW) Owner's representative of each wind and solar project. This thing had no rivets or seams and looked futuristic, though of course, with the low res and number of shades in the image detail was lacking. The . The secret space program that was developed for all white countries to have an exchange of thoughts and technology and to encourage the several countries to keep it truly confidential until they obtain the desired outcomes. Explore. (14.2). McKinnon pinpointed DARPA (Defence Advanced Research and Projects Agency) saying that the agencys main motive is only to dominate space. The Earth Alliance wants full disclosure to occur now so that humanity can reap the benefits of free or zero-point energy, superluminal spaceflight, and advanced medical technologies, but they are fully aware that such a divulgence would entirely crash the current global economic system and engender total worldwide chaos until a new order could be established. The one coin to contain them all! They are very martial and a bit outrageous. has launched many lesser-known solar empowered aviation ventures and projects as a part of its Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology program (ERAST). There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising. Re: Some Disclosure on Solar Warden. While the Dark Fleet apparently has a sizeable presence here in the Sol System, their main forces are deployed in distant regions of the galaxy, where they join other captured races in the perennial task of expanding the slave empire of beings that many on our world would consider to be demons. This was made possible by the aircrafts upgraded power plant which comprised four electric motors connected to four lithium-ion batteries charged by 17,248 solar cells installed on its 72 meters long wing. to do a solar flight, it is not the first solar powered airplane to fly in history. We have no answers, but his biographer wrote about his contact with extraterrestrials. The first trip of the first prototype of Solair took place on 21 August 1983, and it lasted for. charged by the aforementioned solar cell array. McKinnon said that he had found evidence of the following: 1. Though the SSP Alliance is composed almost entirely of members that spend most of their time off-planet, this organization is still highly involved in Earthly affairs. Read more about secret space programs alleged to exist on 10 Supposed Secret Space Program Insiders and 10 More Secret Space Program Insiders. While the Vril Society was more interested in peaceful space exploration, the Third Reich had a mind only for conquest. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Interestingly, the US navy ships have only two letters S but he saw three S. Thepostgoes like this: I was arrested in March 2002 for hacking into various .gov/.mil networks in America, looking for evidence of UFOs and free energy. It wasnt a clever hack, no fragmented packets to bypass firewalls or any of the glossy crap. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. As it turns out, there might be UFOs that were built on Earth, based on technology that originated elsewhere in the universe. Solar Warden was developed as a form of interplanetary border control to stop malevolent aliens from stealing more humans than they were allotted. While the purpose of Solar Warden is the defense of the solar system, the objective of the ICC is trade.[3]. He's rescued by an unusual craft that whisks him up to the world of a secret space program that uses advanced . Simulation Hypothesis: Are We Living in an Artificially Simulated World? In a control room somewhere in the US. Well, It is like really obvious thing, especially in the pop culture. According to him, The Solar Warden Space Fleet had/has been operating by the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC). target_type: 'mix' He says that it is somehow different to another Dark Fleet which is a Secret Space Program that operates in Deep Space, having a similar looking Carrier Craft that looked quite like the Star Wars Shaped speeder bikes in the movies. Who piloted these craft, who hid the information that Gary McKinnon found, and who put that monolith on Phobos? Here, we demonstrate the history of solar aircraft from the date of the earliest known successful solar flight till today, as well as the foreseen future of this field. Re: "Solar Warden". According to insider lore, the real Earth Alliance serves a similar function, but its actions are accomplished sub rosa. Make happy!Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Telegram for interesting and mysterious bonus content! . A made-in-Germany solar aircraft, Solair 1 utilized 2,499 solar cells with a capacity that ranges between 2.4hp and 3.0hp. This group has been afforded a seat at the so-called Super Federation, which is composed of over 60 extraterrestrial species that have been conducting experiments on Earths human, animal, and plant life. With the total production cost of 16,000 euros, the most expensive component of Solar One was its 750-solar cell array whose value alone mounted up to 6,000 euros. While Hitler believed that the Black Sun Society, a group controlled by the SS, had thoroughly infiltrated the Vril and Thule societies, it appears that Orsic had plans other than giving up control of her spacefaring capabilities to the warlike Third Reich. The second flight for Solar One took place on the same day, where it was manned by Bill Maidment who flew it at its maximum speed. I found a list of officers in the Non-Terrestrial Officers section. After his training, Cramer was apparently inducted into a military organization known as the Mars Defense Force (MDF). ASK A TRAINING ADVISOR, There is no doubt that the potential of solar flights and solar powered airplanes has gained momentum with the completion of. Over the 90s, NASA has launched many lesser-known solar empowered aviation ventures and projects as a part of its Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology program (ERAST).
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