We love You, God, and are unworthy of Your goodness. My heart is aching too. I commit myself to prayer and pray you'll help me abide. I know youre having pain in your body. So I declare that in the name of Jesus, sickness goes away from (friend) I have faith that you, Jehovah, have the power to heal. Prayer for the Healing Power of Gratitude Dear God, thank you for blessing my life in so many ways. Keep in mind to always say a prayer for healing for a family member to deliver and protect our loved ones from any danger. It begins, "Almighty and merciful Father, by the power of your command, drive away from me all forms of sickness and disease (CHP 2020)" MORE: Create a free online memorial. Lord, bring health to the body of .. (mention name) completely and make him/her whole from every sickness. In Jesus name, Amen.. He will therefore not turn deaf ears to prayer for the sick family member or loved ones. I dwell within your gentle embrace. I am missing your sweet talks and pranks. I pray that every part of your body and mind function perfectly in Jesus name. 39. Please give strength and comfort to our family during this time. Protect them from any other illness that they could catch while their immune system is weak. Short prayer for healing Lord of Heaven, I rest underneath your mighty wings of love. Get well quickly. Jesus met a woman at a well who believed that: We should all go to a special place for prayer and worship, just as Gods people prayed in the Old Testament. Our Father who is in heaven, I come before you recognizing that you alone are God. Right now, I lift up my (friend, sister . Lord Jesus, I come to You as a humble servant and ask that You surround my friend in Your love and majesty. We shall rejoice and be glad in it. Short prayer for healing and recovery for a family member. You are all the hope they need. A Prayer to Jesus for Healing - Dear Lord, You are the Just judge, Holy and True. Mummy, you are my joy, sickness has robbed me of this joy for some time now. May the Holy Spirit aid us with the pain in our bodies. Her health springs forth once again, and she knows peace, in place of this pain, in Jesus name. Get well soon, honey. It creates unity in the family since they talk about their struggles and pain through prayer. Dont underestimate the power of prayer, especially intercession, when you stand in the gap for your sister, or loved ones. Give us the ability to support them in every way we can. We ask God to provide finances needed to pay for healthcare costs, if they are not covered by insurance or another third party. I know that all will be well and all will go well with you. I know God will not disappoint you now. The Lord will restore your health speedily. Cheer up! He will set you free from the bondage of sickness, and youll begin to enjoy divine health. I wish all my family members a blessed year with You by our side. Prayer for a Broken Heart. If it is not Your will, God, I ask that You give them comfort in this news. When other areas of your life feel out of control, daily prayer is a practice you can incorporate into your daily routine for stability. I know that sometimes things can get difficult when dealing with a crisis situationespecially if the person who needs help is struggling to accept their illness or injury as part of lifebut this does not mean that you should give up on trying to help them. I ask you, loving Jesus Christ, to give me consolation in my suffering, to strengthen the hands of those who treat me, and to bless the methods employed to treat me. Saying a prayer for healing for a family member assures us that God is in control and that He is the true healer. Let them know that there is nothing they can do that can separate them from You. Lord we ask that you restore health and wholeness to our family member who is ill. We thank you for your grace and mercy today in our lives as we go through this process of healing. Amen. God, please provide protection and healing for my sick friend. Make us your instrument in alleviating the pains of your ailing servants. Amen., Dear heavenly father, we come to you today asking for your healing hand to be upon our father. However, one of the best things you can do for them is to offer prayer for the sick family member, as prayer is known to turn impossible situations around. Touch them with your healing hands, Lord. My heart is always with you, dad. My friend is coming down with a bad cough, and I ask that You take it away. Fill them with peace in this time of confusion and hardship. 60. Im not in control. 32. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act. 62. Today, I ask for a healing miracle for [family member name]. I pray for protection from any temptation that he may be able to stop them. and I know youre tired of lying on that sickbed. You are lifting the burden of healing away from you and passing it to Christ. 56. I ask you, Jehovah, to remove the pain from his body. Thank You for being mighty and ever-present. God, I pray that your presence never departs from my family and that your purpose for my family is established. Lord, we thank you for watching over us through the night. Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a special way. Required fields are marked *. Your absence is killing me. Short prayers for healing Prayers for healing - Make me whole again Merciful Lord, I come to you in prayer today for my health Lord, my health seems to be failing by the day And I feel weaker and weaker with each passing day. Protect my son from false truths that promise security that only you can provide. All diseases come . We know that nothing is impossible for you, and we believe you will work in our lives in ways we cannot even imagine. 56. I ask that you bless those of us who wish to serve you. The freedom to pray anywhere, though, often leads to praying anywhere. May we feel your presence as we go about our days. God knows you are grateful for all He has done and for all you believe He will do. Psalm 107:20 says that you send out your Word and heal. My husband is of a strong spirit. We know that You are a God of healing and we believe that You will work miracles in their life. Lord, please lay Your healing hand on my sick friend and allow them to see the wonders of Your magnificence. Please work in them, Lord. Our family members are the people who we will spend the rest of our lives with. Have mercy on her, oh Lord. Keep them from harm and keep them close to You. Praying for healing for a sick family member offer protection for your family and loved one who may need it the most. But, boom! The Bible says that you have given your son Jesus authority over all things. This kind of period is also a desperate period, getting the right words to pray for your loved one can be a herculean task because of how much we feel for them. Amen.. In Jesus Name, Amen.. Let this person know that they are loved by many peoplemyself includedand that we all want to see him or her healed as soon as possible so he or she can return home again soon! Father, my friend is sick and thinks that this illness is their fault and is proof that they let You down. Amen. Sometimes prayers for a sick family member don't have to be long. Amen. Amen. It will deepen your relationship with your family members and make your family closer to God as well. Offer this family morning prayer as you start the day, remembering to keep your family in mind as always. Help us to genuinely repent and seek forgiveness from family members we have hurt. We need your strength and power in our lives. You know the challenges we are facing and the pain we are feeling. You are lifting the burden of healing away from you and passing it to Christ. God, the greatest master of healing arts, bless us and guide us. Give me the strength to push forward with the journey you have bestowed upon me. 18. Forgive me and draw me closer to you. When a family is broken or in physical or emotional pain, the best thing you can do for them is to pray and ask the Lord for help. God is always there for us, no matter what we are going through. I missed your companionship, so much that Im losing sleep. Most gracious heavenly Father, we come before you today asking for your healing power to be upon our mother. Guide on how to pray the Anglican rosary. Dear Lord, having You as a part of my family is such a blessing to me. Lord Jesus, I ask for the forgiveness of any sin that might be bringing this affliction to my mums body. We know that you are always with us, even when we cant feel itso please give us strength and faith during this difficult time. "Almighty God, My friend suffers from chronic disease and loses his faith in getting better. God, I ask that if it is Your will that You heal them regardless of what doctors say. These excellent prayers for family members will comfort and encourage them for a full recovery. God, I am hurting for my friend. Touch them with Your Healing Hands, Lord. 50. My prayer is that you will receive the strength of the Lord, both in your heart and in your body. We miss you so much, darling. 26 Prayer for a sick family member and friend with scriptures. A sincere heart is the only thing God asks of an intercessor. I pray that health is restored unto your spirit, soul, and body. We do not understand why this has happened, but we know You are in control of all things. You can expect a divine intervention with prayer for the sick family member. Prayer Before Surgery. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with negative news stories and bad news, it can be easy to forget that there is more goodness than evil in this world. Heavenly Father, I pray for your healing touch to be upon me. That is why today I ask you to remember (friend), who is sick with _________. Be his/her strength and be his/her healing. I pray for a quick recovery. Please help them to know that you are with them in this battle, and that you love them and will always support them. 23. I come to You today humbly asking for Your mercy and love. May your power, cause all pains and aches to leave me. Im wishing you a quick recovery. God, I pray our family will see your goodness in real, tangible ways this year. My Lord and my God, help me in times of weakness and pain. 27. During this period, I want you to know, mom, that God is closer to you than you could imagine. They are sick and it is hurting them badly. Lord God grants us the strength to be physically fit. Amen. The longer he/she is sick, the more and more his/her body feels the impact that being sick has had on his/her body and the more downtrodden he/she becomes. The Bible says that you have given your son Jesus authority over all things. Being able to pray for someone sick shows that you care for that person. I ask you, Jehovah, to extend your healing hand to (friend). We pray for your divine intervention on his behalf, that you will touch him and restore him to health. I pray that an end comes to every infirmity, disease, sicknesses, and pain in your body in Jesus name. A prayer for healing for a family member teaches us to find comfort and protection to ease our anxiety and put our trust in the Lord! Its me, [name]. Get well soon sister, I pray that you will be delivered from this sickness. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Let it be done with speed and skill. He became addicted to the works of men and forgot about you as his true and only Savior. Both his body and soul shall be revived once again. Let their work be done with excellence. God be the strength in his/her weakness, the hope in his doubt, the comfort in his/her strength. By focusing on these truths instead of getting caught up in worrying thoughts like what if? or why?, we can enjoy peace now while also knowing that everything happens according to Gods perfect plan (Romans 8:28). Be in charge of him. God, there is only so much that we can do to support our friend in their sickness. In Jesus name, Amen. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. My heart is broken. God, I thank you that [ name of the person who needs healing] belongs to you and that you are in control of everything that happens from our first breath to our last sigh. Lord, heal my friend from their sickness. He may be at a point in his life where he doesnt need you, but I pray for restoration and deliverance to be upon him. I pray you'll soon be well, I pray that you, Oh Lord will have pity on me and save me Fill me with your healing power and console me in my sufferings. You are free to share these prayers with others who may need them. Please give them strength and courage as they fight for their life. No matter what you are passing through, prioritize prayer in your journey. 3. They are the ones that we can depend on in times of difficulty. You can use these prayers to pray to God for healing sick loved ones and cleansing sins. 28. Sometimes, we tend to forget that Jesus is always with us. Prayer For Healing For A Family Member Or Loved One. While there is sometimes embarrassment in asking You for small favors, God, there is nothing too little for You to care because You love us. I know that I have sinned against you, and you alone; I am truly sorry and I humbly repent. Their body is weaker and more vulnerable than usual, Heavenly Father, and they have treated it the best they can by earthly standards. When wives rise to pray for their husbands, great miracles always happen. Help me to trust in your love and care for me. Amen. I ask that You watch over her, and if it is not the right medication, please help the doctors quickly realize that. Instead, be joyful because youre getting well soon. Having such people around is indeed a great blessing. Amen Dear God, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Related Post: Encouragement for Someone On A Sickbed. Remove bitterness caused by past wounds from our hearts. Full Health and Strength Prayer Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration And trust in your goodness. Sometimes, youre led by the road signs or by the traffic light. So, its just proper that we pray for our loved ones so that they become strong and faithful in the eyes of Christ. Perfect health is yours in Jesus name. Concerning my loved ones, I pray that every generational sickness and genetic health challenge comes to an end in Jesus name.
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