I happened to meet someone else in an effort to forget about him. But ultimately, both seem to always be withholding something from one another. Scorpios PLEASE take your time with these virgo women and let them know you are in a relationship or seeing someone before you start talking to them, a virgo woman will appreciate this.. She loves the competition anyways. I am a virgo women and am currently in a relationship with a scorpio man. Scorpios and Virgos can be secretive..its in our nature but we must Open up to one another if we want something desirable. Comments on the Gifts this is our LOVE language, it is sacred to us, we like to be in the moment, spontaneous and appreciated.. when something is asked for we dont feel like it is appreciated and it became a chore and a burden. We talk for hours over the phone, its like he really knows and understands me. I would have killed him if i were you. My question is would he ever live a Taurus . The Virgo and Pisces compatibility is 50/50; it can be either heaven or hell. Im a Virgo woman and my apple pie is a Scorpio. Things had even gotten so bad in my relationship to the point of a violent fight, that my scorpio man drove 3 hours to where I was at to come pick me up! I felt as though I couldnt trust him due to the past but deep down inside I knew that he sincerely loved me and us being apart really affected him. So should I pretend I am romantically interested in him, or shold I just disappear, or should I simply tell him the truth. I know Virgette but I cant help feeling vindictive nad spiteful I know in the end it wont help but I think it would make me feel so much better. But control is never really something we or anyone else ever have. Im a Virgo girl and my boyfriend is a Scorpio and we have a deep connection. Though it hurts more to see your loved one going away slowly-slowly but if its good for her than I dont care I am ready to bear thousand times more pain than I am in right now. Since weve gained mutual friends so I was able to get to know her without coming on too strong. They never communicate and they never break up with you, they just turn their back and avoid you! I let her know upfront that it was I who used to give her blank calls occasionally. & he distanced himself, it is not our nature to CHASE or beg to be treated as we should be or as you have been! Aries. Its take it or leave it with them. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility by Linda Goodman. A Scorpio will alway try his hardest to fulfill a request given by a loved one, but he will never obey a command. Extroverted Evolving (willing to consider there is growth available and seeks to find truth and compassion towards others in all situations). I am a Virgo woman, and I have always gotten along very well with a Scorpio man as friends. As long as i have a reason to and help along the way. they're both loyal; Virgo won't make Scorpio jealo. it always depends on the individual, and there are always other astrological factors to consider, but this pairing has a better than average shot. Currently m dating scorpion man.For me he is still a mysterious charecter but still kind,helpful ,supportive and understanding.Its very difficult to change his mind for any firm decision he takes.I dont know how far this relationship will go.but mine is true love for him . He is all like you have time, i really dont, i have about 10 years left to find someone, get married, and have decently healthy children. Like as toddler. He fixes my car too he is a mechanic. Its not exactly pride, its more belief of what I think a friend should be expected to do. Very impressed! Many of you are spot on about scorps! I am staying single now. It makes me believe he is that in love that it made me worried that it might not work out well. On the topic of wellness, you could both use a check in with a doctor or counselor. What a scumbag. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, mutual relations can provide. (Though through the years we would get together for a lunch every once and awhile. I love him and he lovesme, i want him more than anything, and i would love to spend my ife with him. My story (hope this helps reveal afew things to nonScorpios, and assure those Scorpios still trying to figure stuff out): lol. what defense do we have but LOVE, & even that GETS OLD! At that time my mind begin to work in overdrive and thought pretty bad scenerios. We are human. You are each dealing with conflict that leaves you sensitive to your reputation. feeling so strange, yet so right, and our passion so intense. HOME. The Virgo woman is not famous for her ardor in intimate life, she often does not pay tribute to her partner. Ive been dating my Scorpio man for a little over 2 years (weve been knowing each other over 15) and hes the best thing that has happened to me in about 5 years! Once trusting of you- similar tendencies as Extroverted Evolving. We can be tender hearts too, even if we dont show it. An extent, scorpio's can definitely form a scorpio man and capricorn woman: both are greatly driven by the capricorn woman with articles, and. Not because either of us were dating someone at the time, but because I was, and still am, going through a tough personal time. A person with both Virgo and Scorpio placements/ energy in my natal chart here. I just started dating a Scorpio man and being a strong Virgo woman was blown away by what I just read I sincerely hope that that this new relationship is what it feels like. In my lifetime, Ive loved a number of signs (or thought I did) this one is different. Now that Ive told you what works with us let me tell you simply, if we dont feel manipulated and we trust you, we dont take that trust back unless we have clearly been harmed. This is a woman whose intentions and inner states are often misunderstood. Dont give up on them in total because of your experience. Virgos are efficient, reliable, good at communicating, and good at getting the job done. In terms of love, both signs are cautious. We are a bit submissive to the right man but still want to be able to speak our opinion and be validated. And, when I hold him, and he holds me, between all his other commitments, there is peace and he can rest, and we are in a place all of our own. He is an extremist with calm and steady surface and smoldering passion within him. But im not afraid to admit my faults and try to change them. Were both Truly Loyal. smh! I still feel them but i personally believe that to be in a true relationship you have to always work on changes yourself to the better person that YOU want. I also notice he seems to do things to get me pissed off, rude or distant things that he knows will bug me, like walking waaaayyyy ahead of me when we go on a hike together. In the aftermath of sex with a Scorpio the phrase "best I've ever had" is often used to describe the encounter. On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. Youll find your soul mate and her sign wont matter because youll have her heart. Dont get me wrong Im not perfect but I work on my flaws and imperfections everyday through prayer and meditation on Gods word. One side of him believes wholeheartedly that sex is a sacred spiritual union between two people becoming one. I am not worried about myself but for her what shell do, She seems like a confused girl about her feelings, I am staying here just to make sure that she goes fine as once gone I dont know whether I will ever be back again as I dont want to bring any misunderstanding between her and her boy friend. Scorpio is more closed-off . The more alone time I got with her the more I felt I got to really know her, and the more she got to really know me. The truth is that this man does nothing to menot sexually, not intellectually, not emotionally, nothing. Except Virgo from above. Blame my mother and father? Is it easy for scorpio guy didnt appreciate what virgo girl did such as take her love for granted. Things went great we had to sleep together haha just cuddled talked didnt do much. So I just stuck with it. When my Virgo would do something to piss me off badly enough i would take some alone time. We may be the text book example of taming of the shrew. When the straightforward Virgo man criticizes the emotional Scorpio woman, problems may emerge. And now that I have finally met again another Scorpio man I going for it. Watch being judgemental and you just might end up with an angel that uses that agression to fight for you instead of that devil you can conjured to fight against you. Virgo And Scorpio's Sexual Compatibility. We didnt even remember each other but, my mom worked where his Grandma worked & he says he remembers me running around as a little girl. He works at the warehouse and I work as an associate.. Weh dated once and we fell in love right then and there.. I got mad that I hung up and would never call me back.. Its been 3 days now I o ly see him at work but I just ignore him. For three months it kept going on like this, i was losing my mind,i told him that i m hurt, if he doesnt love me then we should end this,but he said he did love me but that he didnt liked my behavior, i asked him to meet me, so that we can clear things up, but everytime he said that he will confirm about meeting, which never happened. He is one person who loves luxury and comforts immensely. I find myself always wanting to be around him because i love the conversation he gives me. Son I tried to cool it off with him but he wouldnt let me.. Yes Im a pisces with aries qualities too. What to do, what to do? These signs have great admiration for each other. The best thing for us to do is not argue because its never really anything huge to be arguing about. Thing about Scorpio is, were basically solitary and selfish, but not nessecarily harmful, unless we are given what we consider a command. and fall madly in love for a scorpio? I told him I deserve commitment and im tired of the friendzone, with men. one of the best, actually. 2 text messages is enough. I ended up bumping into him at a club with a new guy I had taken interest in. Visitor experiences and scorpio woman. She did eventually text me (Im not going to lie) but by the time she did I had already deleted her number and had to ask who it was that texted me. I dont do things like this normally). Virgo man-Scorpio woman is the most intriguing couple of all zodiac signs. I still loved him and I wanted him to marry me, for me to get him back i had no choice than to contacted [emailprotected] com to help me and he helped me to bring my lover back to me so we can continue our plan to be married. Gone just like that, after 2yrs, without a goodbye. Your write up struck a chord when you talked about the loss of your Mother. i have heard rude comments & then received an immediate apology, as if that helped, its been said now scorp! This goes MILES with us. Scorpio is a water sign and Virgo is an earth sign. Or date an air sign which would provide you lots of intellectual stimulation (air signs are very intelligent). You literally just said everything I was thinking trying to put it into words I am also with a Scorpio. As our astrological sign, my scorpio man is in year of the RAt and me, year of the MOnkey. We think that because we can control our appearance were then in control, but thats just not the case. Pob 485, scorpio man is a virgo woman scorpio, this is a middle-aged woman and aquarius. #29. . Ha Ha!! I cant say that she will come back to you and that you should wait. I gave him all the loyalty, love and attention, in the world,(thats true virgo nature) and got nothing but lies, mind games, punishment and empty promises in return. But you will find that with any male. First and find a scorpio man reddit. In short thats why I HATE this Scorpio. Its like so crazy because this connection that I have with this mysterious, beautiful, genuine women is something that Ive never had and I am glad that I am going to spend the rest of my life with her. This couple also have a deep understanding of each other. he lavishes me with so much attention that I cant help but be blown away. She doesnt think the world or the man of her life owes her anything and that makes her self-sufficient. no i did NOT CHEAT,nothing even close to that. I am a virgo woman who has just started dating a scarpio man and I must say it has been great thus farI just hope all that is said about our compatibility is true..:), Your email address will not be published. In order for this relationship to really work, she has to understand his broad range of deep, intense emotions. He's an idealist and, in a way, so is she. He was very quick to ask me to be his girlfriend a little while later, and though my cautious virgo mind was hesitant I gave in to my heart and said yes, although Ive kept my heart guarded for a while; opening up little by little. But it needs to be brought up, because I have been trying to deal with that while also confronting my feelings for this Virgo woman. While now. He understands imperfection and knows that no one can be perfect. Wow Mary-Anne, one word for you REVENGE!!!!! (though I am sad to say that things arnt how they used to be) It is still your all zodiac signs past just pick yourself all zodiac signs and grow from it. Why do I feel like I amatter atong my own story. It isnt pretty but we are loyal and trusting to a fault so: Offer a hand out and DONT take responsiblity if it really isnt your responsibility instead, comfort us, give us that space. We get each other, intuitively. I think at the end of the day. But after all this time he kept silent said nothing to even stop me from leaving him. for some naughty sensual But I believe Ive given a decent glimpse into, at the very least, this mans rambling Scorpio mind. The solution occurs once they feel more comfortable with each other. As a Scorpio woman with your eye on a Virgo guy, that's good news for you! I finally conceded after playing hard to get and we just hit it off everything went well and he seemed interested in what I had to say and he has this wonderful personality that is crazy and quite similar to mine. IN FACT PERFECT! All the same. Yea the new partner may not be perfect . Save. I am a scorpio and feel head over heels for my Virgo female and all she ever done was run from me scorpio. If youre a perfectionist yourself, it will be a little easier. & you decide to be friends again as if you are doing her a favor, but now she has moved on! we are not mind readers or psychics either! Thanks Mel it helps what you said. For him lust is love.Dey just knw hw 2 use u and play wid ur emotions. I lost my self respect,felt pathetic and desperate just because, i wanted him in his life and love him more than anyone i have ever loved. I met a scorpio guy few months back.we hit it off amazingly. One step at a time. every word defines my relationship. Where the Virgo sees the imperfection as the end of the matter te Scorpio will look into the reasons why and work with it or walk away drawing a lesson from the experience. We compromise. Im very loyal. Wat if we fall in love omg. With a relationship between my experience on the number one of relationships than. We all zodiac signs make mistakes its life you plural life learn and grow. Definitely agree, our connection was there before we even said a word to each other. Its a constant battle between wits, facts, and emotions. Check out these 4 zodiac signs who tend to make a classy exit after a breakup. PEACE!!!! Being back with him now, its like I look back and I cant really see a time when his love wasnt their or a time when I really didnt love him. The Virgo woman is peaceful, calm, and peaceful, she is usually less nervous than usual when she has a Scorpio by her side. bt Im not going to label them as cheaters or mentally abusive. I think some where its also a virgos faults too. except for the one who said he showered her with gifts!!! Don't put tending to your health off. Thank you so much for this. I love her for that. (lol) I believe he knew deep down I loved him too. As a virgo am I a perfectionist by nature? Amara: this is a song that you should listen to. You just described perfectly my relationship with the Scorpio man in my life. I'm a Scorpio and I've dealt with 2 Virgo's. They lie a lot and cheat like it's a full time job. Dont ever get haughty or think you can manipulate that guy, hes born to fight oppression and youve started a silent war already with your tone of voice and body language. Sagittarius will likely to life, possessing the compatibility; she provides a taurus or cancer. 1. They both encourage each other and magnify each others virtues. now i am angry & i dont have a clue what i really want anymore. I will be married to my Scorpio man 11 yrs Oct 17,2010.He was AMAZING when we dated gentle ,sweet, kind, loving..as soon as we married on our wedding night he started mentally abusing me never constimated marriage til 18 hrs later his choice not mine!!! journey in standing and came to see her just for 5 mins., sometimes used to call her without saying anything just to hear her voice, though I never said I LOVE YOU we are so close I thought she already knows, She could share everything with me for her I changed my job and came to her city I proposed one fine day then she told me she is in love with another guy. Virgo & Scorpio marriage. One part of him looks upon the union between man and woman as a mystical experience, a holy thing. And i loved it all. I agree that both Virgo and Scorpio are in it to the end when they find the Yin to their Yang. Just the other day she Virgo told me not to communicate with her Virgo anymore. I love him so much and I cant imagine being without him; hes the 1st Scorpio man Ive ever dated and Im wondering where has he been all my life. She has experience with astrology, tarot and other forms of divination. For a Scorpio man they are also among the best matches for them. When we have all that- watch out, nothing you want will ever go unprovided for.. and we give 10x more in all situations than we get! Wow! & no flaws to ponder on Virgo is symbolized by a virgin, or a woman, which represents fertility . Because I had to analyze why she said or did it and what i had done to deserve it. I dont profess to be the perfect Scorpio. im gonna work on me and either he will follow suit or fall away! She will ask yourself how they . [emailprotected] Zombie, I always give him a run for his money because as a Virgo, I am going to let you suffer till I see fit that you will never ever ever cheat on me againand the funny thing is that he endured it. According to astrologer Kristina Semos, the scorpion is notoriously sex-obsessed, while the Virgin . But if you are really genuine, grounded and humble person with a Good Heart above all..You are most likely to win over her..n let me tell you 1 more thing thatif you do get her..then automatically you would start feeling the most lucky guy on earth!! I hope this helped someone out there. He wanted me to tell him all the time that where i am going and with whom, but he didnt shared a single thing to me, i didnt know anythning about his life, nothing. Mary-Anne, wow.. What a bastard! Im a Virgo girl and my crush (that likes me back and we are kind of dating but kind of not) is a scropio and we really get along I think that we are what each other wants. everyone thinks we are the perfect couple, but they dont see/hear what i do. I may not be the smartest person in the world and yes i know that i am young and that i still have a long life ahead of me but it just got to me that all you guys and judge someone so cruelly on the day that they were born or just because you got a bad one .. No one said that you had to put yourself through those things with the scorpio male.. that was your own fault for sticking around, but you dont half to sit there and assume that all scorpio males are bad people NOT ALL OF THEM ARE.. My man is the best man in the entire world to me and i refuse to let anyone get in our way and try and make me feel different. Both Virgo and Scorpio are very loyal and love hard! Youre right, its BS, their excuses. He never waits around for his woman as he is self confident and lives by his rules which are sometimes hurting for his Virgo woman as she feels dejected by such attitude of her man. Looking for a cancer man younger woman . I love my Scorpio guy very much, but his attention seems to be waning. The Scorpio man desires to go out more often, play sports and make risky bets in 2022. Before starting a relationship with . I met an amazing Virgo at a new years party, she was and still is like no girl I have ever met. Ahh its awful but I feel if there is no hope for anything else with us then the worse is already over. Well, needless-to-say she didnt contact me, so I didnt contact her. We would like kids together eventually but were taking everyday one step at a time. We are extremely passionat and loving and most of us are not always scheming. However, everything does not need to be criticized. As a Scorpio man I can totally agree with this. One of the Virgo females most shining virtue is her gentle and unselfish devotion to the man she loves. She has my back and calls me on my $hit. New research shows 80% of scorpio woman dating a man and scorpio. Looking for singles online date, plus an almost masculine energy field. only to find out he is engaged and when I asked him about us, he never responded. BUT SO CAN ANYONE .. so stop all the judgement.. just dont judge another scorpio just because you had a bad one.. you probably did not know how to deal with them at the time and were just very angry and frusterated anyways im done with this for now and i am sticking to everything i said i love everyone so im not pin pointing out anything so say comment or do what ever you want. Extroverted Non- Evolving (unwilling to believe he is wrong and doesnt care to hear it). He drives me crazy. If there is something Scorpio would like to fight for, it is the chastity of Virgo. Virgo and Taurus. In closing, remember a scorpio man strives to create: maybe for revenge hahaha funny scorp u got to love them once u understand their full of ego and emotions!> not a very smart combination but one a VIRGO WOMAN can handle!. He is really matured guy.. D:) Im hesitant and have to give a lot of thought to someone before I decide to move ahead. I have met my soulmate and I think its because we were friends all those years before we decided to get into a romantic relationship. lol but at the end of the day..we give eachother so much happiness. Before their approach to develop a successful relationship, it's certainly gravitate towards one another. We are so in love it feels like a dream I often wonder how i got so lucky to be with a man like him although there are some things that we need to work on in our relationship I know he loves me so much and i as well. My husband and I fit this almost too a T. Incredible. They have many common personality traits and can complement each other. And after that, he got number of a friend of mine and started talking to her, he wanted to meet her ASAP, when i asked him about this, he just said, there is no reason. The Virgo Zodiac. I love him so much. ZODIAC SIGN. Once they feel safe they are able to introduce themselves and communicate freely. If they are a friend they will check in on you if you havent contacted them; especially when you dont do social media (I dont do facebook; in fact, this will probably be my only post on here. It feels to good to be true yet there is an intimate trust that comes naturally telling me it is. I see that there is a lot of talk about unevolved and evolved Scorpios but barely any talk of the other Zodiacs having that distinction. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Zodiac Compatibility, Obsession, Love Compatibility, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. Although, i feel like virgos can be mentally abusive when they dont tell you whats exactly on their mind unless its critical. She would say she was a full lesbian and that she never had a meaningful relationship with a man. Scorpio man Virgo woman compatibility may be mysterious to the rest of us, but it seems to make sense to them. I dont usually comment on posts but this one i had to , im a young virgo female 19 september 21st 1994 .. and have been with a scorpio male for almost two years now he was born november 9th 1989, I wanted to say that some of the things that people have been saying on here are true.. and some of its not .. , You cant sit there and assume that scorpio males are horrible or virgo females are horrible .. and just because you got a rotten one does not mean every single scorpio male is like that, I find that living with the man of my dreams right now is the best thing i could have ever done he has saved me from so much.. What they like this, male and physical attraction and cons of capricorn man and cancer, male is deadly kind of the scorpio woman come together. Although she Virgo did have not so hot past relationships not with scorpios tho it was with an Aries male. As a Virgo woman, Id like to say that this compatability post holds truth but needs to add a pound of salt to it. when you are in-tune, you since the hurt you are causing & out of love & respect, you STOP, CEASE & DESIST! Shed enever agree that we have things in common nd would get irritated if i picked them out. Virgo woman can remain in her opinion as perfectthen Come on this site and slate a scorpio. Sometimes we struggle with these stupid feelings and it is retarded how quickly we get hurt (seriously, it feels quite unmanly). If you dont show a scorpio the love/affection and time they deserve. She is ambitious and can become very stubborn when it comes to getting what she wants in the way she wants it. I personally was an unevolved Scorpio through most of my life until i did some self dicovery and i guess evolved. I have learned to control my worse attributes like being possessive and jealous. So now we are in a good space. Scorpio man is a protector by nature and never allows his Virgo woman to face the world alone. Absolutely agreed Im at Virgo woman and Im so in love my Scorpio man We have our disagreements but were so great together!! Very unexpectedly, we were reintroduced and, honestly, Ive never looked back. If you show any sign of weakness they will use it to their advantage. Yea it was in an argument but still all I scorpio have been trying to do is love her Virgo and have her stop running. Dont let us find out that youre being untrue to us because we are vengeful souls. I am in a friendship with a scorpio at this time and I told him i have feelings for him. Then he always comes back and the cycle starts again, always ending in a very sad and hurtful place. Hes a Scorpio Sun and Moon, which is interesting too. Im a Virgo woman with Scorpio man. Then after some time he stopped talking, i asked him whats wrong, he just said some family problem is going on.
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