Additionally, primary school students, special school students and students in Years 1012 undertaking the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) would return to school on 12 October. This is more than a third from the official number reported so far, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly stating, "I think it is important. The Perth and Peel circuit breaker four-day lockdown will end as planned at 12.01am (July 3) based on the latest public health advice. [183], On 27 November, Victoria recorded 28 consecutive days without recording any new COVID-19 infections or deaths; 28 days is considered to be the benchmark for eliminating COVID-19 from the community. Peter Dutton the Home Affairs Minister for Australia was diagnosed in Queensland. For Perth and Peel regions, the 150 person capacity for events applies. Metropolitan Perth and the Peel region will go into a three-day lockdown from midnight on Friday after a hotel quarantine outbreak led to community transmission. [96], As of 15 May in New South Wales, some restrictions on public gatherings were eased. [120], On 17 November 2020 the NSW Government announced the "Out and About" economic stimulus voucher scheme. [155], On 13 September, Melbourne moved from Stage Four to the First Step of the roadmap for reopening, which allowed for slightly reduced restrictions; such changes included the implementation of social bubbles which allowed those living alone or single parents to have one other person in their home, the reopening of playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment, libraries allowed to open for contactless click and collect, as well as a reduction of the curfew by an hour. FILE - A passenger jet makes its final approach for landing into Sydney Airport, Apr. It seeks to avoid duplication of the announcements made by the Australian Government as much as possible. [83][84], On 15 April, a Western Australian man became the first person in Australia to be jailed for breaking a self-isolation directive. Most of the 850 passengers flew home from Perth to Germany on 2829 March. A timeline of COVID-19 in Western Australia - ABC News VIDEO: A timeline of COVID-19 in Western Australia Posted Thu 31 Dec 2020 at 3:38am Watch 4m 23s Share A year-in-review look at Western Australia's experience with coronavirus in 2020. Bars and gaming areas remained closed. The clinic was closed over the weekend and patients were contacted to self-isolate. [133] (See 19 July in COVID-19 pandemic in Australia#Victoria for more details. The stringent lockdown in Hubei in early 2020 proved effective at controlling the COVID-19 outbreak in China. To date, 12,693 Western Australians have tested negative for COVID-19 . [184][185] Also on 27 November, the 2021 National Multicultural Festival in Canberra was postponed from its usual February dates to " by late 2021". When he tested positive, he was flown by the Royal Flying Doctor Service to Perth, and was isolated at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. A No. [29] Approximately 2 million people in Western Australia were affected by the lockdown. His announcements comes as WA's confirmed COVID-19 cases jumped by 20 overnight to 140, as at 3pm today. The 78-year-old man, from Perth, was a passenger on board the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship that was forced to quarantine in the Japanese port of Yokohama. [10], On 27 February, the prime minister activated the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19),[11] stating that the rapid spread of the virus outside of China had prompted the government to elevate its response. The messages, leaked by journalist Isabel Oakeshott, who was a ghost-writer on Mr Hancock's Pandemic Diaries, show he expressed the fear on November 1, 2020, a day after he announced a national . [60] On 27 July, the Prime Minister renamed the NCCC, to the "National COVID-19 Commission Advisory Board" (NCC) to better reflect the advisory nature of the body. Curtin University infectious disease expert Archie Clements believed the achievement was both good luck and good management. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. [30], In response to the lockdown, health authorities in the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, the Northern Territory, and Victoria declared the affected areas to be COVID-19 hotspots. [7], On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic. [140] The increased restrictions included a curfew across Melbourne from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. starting immediately,[141] while other changes that took effect from 8 August were that abattoir production was reduced by a third and poultry production by one fifth to allow for reduced worker numbers. ", "Western Australia records five new local COVID-19 cases as exposure sites grow", "Explainer: why are Covid infection rates in Australia so high compared with other countries? More than 2 million people in the Perth and Peel regions entered a four-day lockdown on Tuesday, after three COVID-19 cases were found in the community. [31] On 2 February New South Wales ordered more than 1,100 people who had visited affected areas in WA since 25 January into five days of lockdown, adhering to the same restrictions as in WA. We entered phase one ahead of the national government announcements made on Friday 8 May, and we will remain in phase one until next Monday 18 May. [121], On 30 December, a new cluster was announced in New South Wales, comprising six members of an extended family living in Croydon and two other locations, found through testing of a symptomatic family member. [33], Also on 5 February, McGowan announced a A$43million package to assist small businesses and charities in WA who suffered financially during the lockdown, in the form of a A$500 offset on their electricity bill. [90] By 8 May, the cluster of cases linked to Cedar Meats in Victoria was 71, consisting of at least 57 workers and 13 close contacts, including a nurse, aged care worker and high school student. [4], Western Australia confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on 21 February 2020, a man who was evacuated off the Diamond Princess cruise ship and flown to Darwin. But just eight hours after the Monday morning press conference, Perth and Peel was placed in a four-day lockdown because of a third case, a man in his 30s who was a casual contact of Case 1022. Comments. When the first case arrived in WA on February 21, the state was already in a strong position to tackle it through its geographical isolation from COVID-ravaged countries and its lack of international visitors. [197], On 20 December, the Northern Territory re-imposed controls on cross border movements of people who were from, or visited Greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Illawarra and the Central Coast, including quarantine requirements. Two of his seven housemates, both food delivery drivers, then tested positive. [29] West Australian health minister Roger Cook has informed the public that the Western Australian Department of health is postponing upgrades at Peel Health Campus to accommodate patients with the virus. It will oversee all parts of the Victorian quarantine program. [30], The lockdown was lifted on 5 February, but some rules such as mandatory mask wearing, and travel restrictions, were maintained in the Peel and Perth regions. [1], On 25 January, the first case of a SARS-CoV-2 infection was reported, that of a Chinese citizen who arrived from Guangzhou on 19 January. Australia's coronavirus lockdown rules and restrictions explained Read more This is the first 50 days of the shutdown. [15] These two cases were acquired in Australia whereas all other previous cases were imported from another country. WA Premier Mark McGowan flanked by Health Minister Roger Cook and Chief Health Officer Andy Robertson. This brought COVID-19 related deaths at the nursing home to nineteen and the national death toll to 100. [138], On 1 August, the 2020 Tasmanian Legislative Council periodic election, deferred from 30 May, took place. The states quickly enacted a variety of restrictions against travellers from WA who arrived since 25 January including requiring COVID testing, 5 to 14 days of self or supervised quarantine, and Victoria forbidding entry without a permit. [12], On 5 April, all state borders were closed, a strengthening of the previous border rules, and all arrivals were quarantined in city hotels for 14 days. Western Australia has recorded another locally acquired COVID-19 on the second day of a four-day lockdown in Perth and Peel. Gatherings of up to 100 people permitted indoors, and 300 outdoors. [63], From 31 January, proof of vaccination was required for entry to hospitals, aged care facilities, hospitality and indoor entertainment venues across the state. [186] In early 2021 the Festival was cancelled entirely. [57], As of 12.01am on 3 January, WA declared Tasmania and the ACT to be "high risk" locations. [200], Also on 21 December, the Victorian hotel quarantine inquiry published it final report. Phase 2 will focus on encouraging Western Australians to return to work, unless they are unwell or vulnerable, so the WA economy can further rebuild in a safe and measured way. Retail shops like Bunnings are closed for the first time. Play Video. I think [the soft lockdown] was the right thing to do at the time because it wasnt clear that we had dodged the bullet, so from that perspective, it was good management, he said. Schools and childcare centres remain open until the school holidays, though some jurisdictions have brought forward the end of the term. The changes were introduced in the first two weeks of the pandemic, when more than 75 per cent of WAs 278 cases were directly linked to overseas travel or cruise ships, and there was little evidence of transmission chains in the community. [113], On 30 June, the Victorian Government re-enforced local lockdowns across 10 different Melbourne postcodes. A maximum of 50 passengers per flight, and 450 international arrivals per day was set. On 1 March, Australia reported the first death from COVID-19: a 78-year-old Perth man, who was one of the passengers from Diamond Princess, and who had been evacuated and was being treated in Western Australia. [178][179], On 16 November South Australia reintroduced "a number of significant restrictions" after an outbreak of coronavirus in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. Mr Hancock did say this, but it was not until 23 March 2020 that Boris Johnson told the country that people 'must' stay at home and certain businesses must close. The Prime Minister tells people they must stay at home, and should only leave for essential reasons such as buying food and exercising once per day. The Perth and Peel restrictions have ended as planned from 12.01am, Sunday, 14 February. [75], On 6 April, the Department of Health revealed that 2,432 people recovered from the infection as the federal government started reporting recovery statistics. When did lockdown begin in th. [163][164], On 12 October, Australian scientists at the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) were credited with discovering that the coronavirus could survive for up to 28 days on glass, stainless steel and paper banknotes. "If we had had a number of cases coming across from the eastern states, Id be confident we would have picked them up and there would have been contact tracing and local containment, but we would have prolonged the economic consequences because it would have meant the internal easing of restrictions would have had to have been delayed," Professor Clements said. [64], On 18 February, it was announced the border would reopen on 3 March for people from outside Australia and triple vaccinated people from interstate. [158] As a trial, some seasonal workers were allowed in, such as 160 workers from Vanuatu allowed into the Northern Territory in early September to pick mangoes. [52], An unvaccinated French backpacker tested positive to COVID-19 after flying to Perth from Queensland. The day before, at 3pm, it was announced that 2,315 of the 5,687 confirmed coronavirus cases had recovered. He was treated at the Launceston General Hospital as he became the first COVID-19 case in Tasmania. Perth and Peel COVID19 4 Day lockdown Based on health advice, Premier McGowan announced that effective from 12.01am Tuesday 29 June 2021 until 12.01am Saturday 3 July 2021 the Perth metropolitan area and the Peel region will enter a 4-day lockdown. He urged Palmer to withdraw. [10], On 1 April, regional border restrictions were implemented across Western Australia restricting travel between regions to essential services only. When the virus was first identified in China in late 2019, lockdown seemed extreme. [192] Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly had designated the region a COVID-19 hotspot in line with the National Cabinet's guidelines, which designates a metropolitan area a potential hotspot if it registers 30 or more community transmissions within three days. The lockdown, announced in a televised address to the nation on Monday night, is part of efforts to curb the rapid spread of the Coronavirus in the country. [165], On 16 October a trans-Tasman travel bubble went into effect, whereby travellers from New Zealand were able to go to New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory without having to quarantine upon arrival. . [202][203] In response, on 31 December, Victoria lowered allowed household guests to 15, and mandated masks indoors anywhere other than in Victorians' own homes.[204]. Western Australia (WA) confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on 21 February 2020, and its first death on 1 March. Schools opened for term 2 on the originally scheduled date, 28 April. All non-essential City of Perth services will be closed during this time. All the new cases are from the Perth metropolitan area and all are self-isolating at home. On 24 March, Western Australia closed its borders to the rest of Australia, and on 1 April, the state implemented borders between regions in the state. However, the new case in Queensland was linked to the Rydges on Swanston cluster in Melbourne when a man who travelled from Melbourne to Brisbane on Virgin flight VA313 on 1 June tested positive. [85], On 27 April, the Federal government announced A$94.6million of support was available for zoos, wildlife parks and aquariums in financial difficulties due to coronavirus restrictions. [136] Palmer also claimed that the border closure would "destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands of people for decades" and compared the death toll of COVID-19 with that of road accidents and influenza. [38] Western Australia introduced similar measures as New South Wales, preventing schools from organising gatherings of over 500. The patient was tested and received treatment in Melbourne. 79passengers had tested positive for the virus by 1 April. Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people were allowed. New South Wales health authorities asked all passengers to go into self-isolation. Firstly it really reinforces that message, which is a true one, that most people who get this disease do recover". [142], Scott Morrison withdrew support of Clive Palmer's legal challenge to WA border entry restrictions on 2August after receiving a public backlash against his previously supportive stance. [195] On 19 December, Western Australia reinstated its hard border with New South Wales, no longer permitting travel from NSW without an exemption. Legislation was introduced to the WA Parliament on 15 June to make such access illegal. The Inquiry was to " examine the operation of Victoria's hotel quarantine program for returning travellers." [123] Furthermore, effective immediately the announcement was made, nine public housing towers housing about 3,000 residents were added, with the additional condition that residents could not leave the tower under any circumstances for five days, with the possibility of extension to 14 days. From 22 June, households could again only have five visitors; and most easing of restrictions that were to take place were postponed. Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia may refer to: Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (2020) Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (January-June 2021) Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (July-December 2021) Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (2022) The pickers arrived on a chartered aircraft, and had to undergo the usual 14-day quarantine. [citation needed] On 19 May, the 19th resident died from coronavirus. Perth and Peel Lockdown - all non essential City of Perth services will be closed during this time Further to an announcement by Premier Mark McGowan this afternoon (Friday 23 April 2021) Perth and Peel will go into lockdown for three days, from midnight tonight until midnight on Monday 26 April 2021. [49], 14 days quarantine was required for any border entry from the ACT, NT or Queensland. One result was that AFL spectators were not allowed at the Western AFL Derby on May 2 at Optus Stadium. The two cases were in New South Wales: one was acquired from a close relative and the other was a health care worker in Western Sydney. But how much of WAs success so far has been good luck, and how much has been good management? [189], On 2 December, it was announced Australia had pulled out of recession after experiencing a 3.3% growth in gross domestic product (GDP) in the September quarter. Visitors to Perth or Peel from 6 January were required to wear a mask indoors if they had gone to another area. Home opens and display village openings, with appropriate record keeping and hygiene practices in . Examine our past, assess our present, and work towards our joint future [40] New South Wales Liberal senator, Andrew Bragg, was the third Australian politician to test positive. Western Australia enters five-day lockdown from 6pm tonight Sunday, 31 January 2021 Fast evolving situation with a hotel quarantine worker testing COVID-19 positive Five-day lock down starting 6pm today (Sunday, January 31, 2021) until 6pm on Friday, February 5 for Perth, Peel and the South-West [2] On 11 April, Western Australia recorded its last case of unknown community transmission for 2020. In response the Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan labelled Palmer an enemy of the state. [12], On 29 February, after a Queensland case of an infected person returning to Australia from Iran, the government extended the enforced quarantine to people who had been in Iran, requiring them to spend a fortnight in a third country before being allowed into Australia. The cluster grew by three additional family members on 31 December. [2] On 18 March, indoor gatherings of over 100 people were banned. [30], Victoria confirmed nine new cases, one of which was the first case of human-to-human transmission in the state. Perth was deserted as social distancing measures took hold. - Statewide, March 30 to May 12, 2020, 43 days * Lockdown two - Ten Melbourne postcodes, July 1 to July 8, 2020, seven days (not counted in the overall citywide figure) - Melbourne, July 8 to . Western Australians must continue to wear masks in public at indoor . A$250million so state-owned buildings and public schools could employ more cleaners. The man infected a cleaner at the hotel, who then went on to infect two others in the community. 'I found out in the media,' says Sutton", "Human trials of potential coronavirus vaccine begin in Melbourne", "Department of Health and Human Services Victoria | Coronavirus update for Victoria 6June 2020", "ACT records first new coronavirus case in more than a month", "Canberra's one active coronavirus case recovers, territory is now free of active cases", "Tasmania to ease coronavirus restrictions early, with no active cases in the state", "Victorian coronavirus restrictions tightening as cases continue to increase", "WA coronavirus restrictions eased further as Western Australia moves to phase four", "How Victoria's coronavirus lockdown across 10 Melbourne postcodes will work", "Melbourne suburbs lockdown announced as Victoria battles coronavirus outbreaks", "Melbourne postcodes to go back into coronavirus lockdown", "Judicial Inquiry into Hotel Quarantine Program", "Victoria's hotel quarantine inquiry delayed", "COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry Interim Report and Recommendations", "COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry Final Report and Recommendations", "Victorian Government response to the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry", "Coronavirus update for Victoria 4July 2020", "Victoria coronavirus cases rise by 108 as Daniel Andrews strengthens lockdown at nine public housing estates", "Lockdown of Victoria's public housing towers during COVID crisis breached human rights, ombudsman finds", "International arrivals capped at Sydney Airport to ease quarantine demands", "NSW border with Victoria to close from Wednesday as Daniel Andrews announces 127 new coronavirus cases in the state", "Media Statement: Caps on international passengers flows", "Quarantine arrangements for international travellers", "Tough new COVID-19 compliance measures for pubs", "Coronavirus crisis forces fortnight Federal Parliament sitting to be cancelled", "Face Coverings Mandatory For Melbourne And Mitchell Shire", "JobKeeper and JobSeeker to be extended beyond September at lower rate with stricter eligibility", "Clive Palmer claims Mark McGowan's coronavirus hard border will destroy lives of West Australians", "Australia's coronavirus fatalities reach 201 as Victoria records highest monthly death toll", "Legislative Council Elections to be deferred", "Statement On Changes To Melbourne's Restrictions", "Melbourne placed under stage 4 lockdown, 8pm curfew, regional Victoria moved to stage 3 restrictions", "Victorian meat plants are cutting output by a third. [156], On 27 September, with the cases in Melbourne continuing to fall, restrictions there were loosened: the night-time curfew ended the next day, outdoor exercise with a personal trainer was allowed, public gathering limits were increased (up to five people from a maximum of two households could meet outdoors for social interaction) and childcare reopened the next day, with kindergarten programs returning from 5 October. As a result, up to 100 other staff from the airport were required to self-isolate, causing cancellations of flights to and from Adelaide. Mark McGowan praised the Commonwealth for its withdrawal and indicated the Western Australian government would continue to fight the case. He said this decision was taken from the . Citizens are being asked to stay at home and practice social and physical distancing as much as possible. Fri, 23 April 2021 3:19PM. [34], On 23 April 2021, due to an asymptomatic returned traveller who tested positive after completing 14 days of hotel quarantine and subsequently went into the community, a lockdown from 12:01 am on 24 April to 12:01 am on 27 April was declared for the Perth and Peel regions. ", "National Multicultural Festival postponed due to COVID-19", "National Multicultural Festival cancelled for this year but will return in 2022", "A Stronger Quarantine Program To Protect What We've Built", "Deputy State Controller, Operations, COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria (SES3)", "Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, September 2020", "Authorities concerned no patient zero found in Sydney's COVID-19 outbreak", "Sydney's Northern Beaches becomes first region to be declared a national COVID-19 hotspot", "Queensland imposes new border restrictions after coronavirus cluster in Sydney's Northern Beaches", "Acting Chief Medical Officer press conference about COVID-19 on 19December 2020", "WA reinstates hard border with NSW due to Sydney coronavirus outbreak", "Sydney cluster: 30 new cases recorded after northern beaches outbreak", "NT Government takes 'tough approach' and declares Greater Sydney an immediate coronavirus hotspot", "Free travel between Canberra and Sydney suspended due to Northern Beaches COVID-19 outbreak", "Covid-19: Sydney's northern beaches cluster grows", "What we know about the Croydon coronavirus cluster and what it means for Sydney", "Victoria records three new locally acquired coronavirus cases believed to be linked to Sydney outbreak", "More Victorian COVID cases are confirmed in Melbourne linked to Sydney outbreak", "Victorian coronavirus restrictions tighten for New Year's Eve gatherings as mask use becomes mandatory indoors", "COVID-19: a chronology of state and territory government announcements (up until 30June 2020)",, Timelines of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles containing potentially dated statements from January 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 June 2022, at 18:13. [125], On 18 December, Sydney's Northern Beaches was declared a national COVID-19 hotspot following an outbreak that was linked to 28 cases. . On 16 March, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews declared a state of emergency until 13 April. Perth, Australia, on Monday, the first full day of its lockdown. Tasmania, Queensland, South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory) to enter the state without undertaking quarantine. Watch the latest news and stream for free on 7plus >> The man in his 50s arrived from Shanghai on April 3 before going into hotel quarantine. In WA, three hotel quarantine security guards became infected with coronavirus, but their infections did not lead to an outbreak. Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (2020), Jenny Mikakos Handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, National COVID-19 Commission Advisory Board, 2020 Tasmanian Legislative Council periodic election, Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning, COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (timeline), Xenophobia and racism related to the COVID-19 pandemic#Australia, "Australia to screen some flights from China, warns coronavirus difficult to stop", "First confirmed case of novel coronavirus in Australia", "First Australian coronavirus case confirmed in Victoria", "Coronavirus: three cases in NSW and one in Victoria as infection reaches Australia", "Coronavirus spreads across Australia amid scramble to find more cases", "Australians told not to travel to mainland China due to coronavirus threat, border restrictions tightened considerably", "Chinese woman in Queensland confirmed as 15th Australian coronavirus case", "Five more Australian Diamond Princess cruise passengers diagnosed with coronavirus", "Coronavirus (COVID-19) current situation and case numbers", "Coronavirus pandemic fears prompt Government to activate emergency response and extend travel ban", "Australia announces Iran travel ban amid COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic", "WA man becomes first Australian to die from coronavirus", "Coronavirus live update: Australia reports first cases of community transmission", "Australia records first cases of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus", "First coronavirus case confirmed in Tasmania, after man who travelled from Iran tests positive for COVID-19", "First coronavirus death confirmed in NSW as infections increase", "Doctor who had coronavirus demands apology from Victorian health minister over 'inaccuracies', "Melbourne GP clinic closed after doctor tests positive for coronavirus", "Third Australian with coronavirus dies as infection rates in NSW climbs", "Three new cases of COVID-19 in Victoria", "Coronavirus now Australia-wide as ACT confirms first case of COVID-19", "Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus on the Gold Coast", "Coronavirus: We have a clear plan to see Australia through, says Scott Morrison", "Media Statements COVID-19 precaution postpones works at Peel Health Campus", "More COVID-19 cases confirmed in Victoria", "Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has coronavirus", "All new jury trials in Victoria to be suspended amid coronavirus crisis", "Government reviewing Italy travel advice amid coronavirus lockdown", "Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic phase will call for 'extreme measures', Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says", "State Of Emergency Declared in Victoria Over COVID-19", "A STATEMENT FROM THE NATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL", "University of Queensland halts all lectures due to coronavirus fears", "Another eight Queenslanders confirmed with COVID-19", "NSW Government announces $2.3billion coronavirus stimulus package", Biosecurity (Human Biosecurity Emergency) (Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential) Declaration2020, "Human biosecurity emergency declared in Australia", "Coronavirus: calls to repatriate 15,000 crew members from cruise ships off Australia's coast", "COVID-19 (Coronavirus) statistics News", "NT Government announces $60million coronavirus economic stimulus package", "THE VIRTUAL GATES HAVE CLOSED ON A MASSIVE EVENT! 10 Christmas party raged on December 18, 2020, less than 24 hours before Boris Johnson raised Covid lockdown measures to Tier 4 and ordered everyone to remain local By the time WA emerged from its toughest period of restrictions, which lasted between March 29 and April 28, it had unknowingly eliminated community transmission of the virus after previously recording 16 cases of unknown transmission.
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