From there, it will go the printers about a month thereafter. It possesses no face, just a void of darkness wherein one may spy the infinity of the cosmos. Drawn closer, such folk enter the mist surrounding the god, which further seeks to compel them to accept death by causing visions of numerous potential deaths to be seen in the minds eye. Earthly Forms Some Old Ones and Mythos beings may appear to take forms similar to earthly animals or humans. The victim may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR or Hard DEX roll. All other teammates must be careful not to damage the Monstrosity by more than 10% because you won't be able to complete the Penance. At the Keepers option, mortal creatures beyond the Old Ones immediate area may be allowed an Extreme or Hard POW roll (difficulty lessening by distance) to avoid such unnatural aging. A cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding, all vividly detailed and portrayed. Some reports speak of Bast appearing in bestial feline forms, such as a large panther or human-lion creature, that appear to embody a terrifying and unbridled rage. The displacement costs the victim an automatic 1D6 Sanity points. suggests that this Old One views humans only as a source of nourishment (the deader the better), with its interest extending only to the possibility of transforming humans into ghouls. Tail: the tail may injure those close together (within 5 yards/ meters of one another), causing 3D6 damage. Whether the two beings are related in some capacity remains conjecture, although one source, the bedeviled Jacob of Warwick, posited that they were two forms of the same entity that exist separately yet are conjoined (such perplexing notions have not found favor among other scholars). Who knows the power and scale of such effects when Cthulhu is fully awake, amplifying a global influence into a cosmic one? There you'll find lots of other people who might be open to a good conversation. Combat Attacks per round: 1 (weapon, unarmed, or consume) Employs weapons or usual human attacks, or may consume. In this, we see a direct parallel to other Old Ones wishing to fashion humanity in their image (as referenced in the Necronomicon). Those falling insane are likely to begin wailing themselves, wandering about without thought or attention or care for their own safety. Being forewarned of events yet to happen may grant such a cultist a bonus die to certain actions or some form of Luck pool (at full or half POW) that may be used to influence actions. Combat Attacks per round: 2 (melee) or 1 (hold and drain) May use its hand and feet to crush, kick, punch, and so on, or its lamprey-like face tentacle to bite. It may forego its usual attacks to attempt to consume a single target. Thus, for those who seek the unknown and the hidden realities of existence, Yibb-Tstll is the giver of wisdom and far more accessible than the Opener of the Way, whose purpose and interactions with the lesser species of the universe are unfathomable. Unless an Extreme Dodge or Jump roll can move a target out of the way, they suffer 11D6 damage. Malleus Monstrorum: Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary 2 Volume Slipcase Set $135.95 RRP $140.00 SAVE $4.05 (3%) More info. that the entity feeds both literally and psychically upon the death and destruction its scream inspires. Other names: the Great Source, the Great Mind Below, Mother of All, the Unclean One. Grab (mnvr): grabbed by a tentacle, the target suffers 7D6 crushing damage per round thereafter. Monthly rites are a common feature of this deitys cults, and usually include chanting and orgiastic dancing, as well as flagellation and blood sacrifice. Occasionally, this avatar requires no human to hand to assist in its creation, as it can simply possess an existing machine, self-repairing or extending its functions to fully embody the will of Nyarlathotep. On the third round, and each round thereafter, no further damage is suffered but INT continues to be drained at 1D10 points per round while the brain is torn to pieces. He lives in Langley, BC, Canada, with his wife. While little suggests the entity appears elsewhere in the world, tokens and effigies of the deity can be encountered almost anywhere, and some appear to contain traces or the taint of the Old Ones power. Aliens and alien gods are inherently other and confounding. Distorted and fragmentary telepathic contact with Abhoth may cause a creative spurt in some humans, much like the dream contact of Great Cthulhu, causing them to fashion art from clay, paint, or even extreme body modification. Lone wizards and witches may have idols or paraphernalia linked to Tulzscha, and seek to obtain tomes and lore concerning the entity. While some entities are smaller and potentially killable, most are not, and attacks against these are liable to be considered no more than inconvenient scratches made by insects. Occasionally, human-like hands seem to reach forth through its skin, as though clawing to break free. He enjoys fine whiskey, gin, and has a penchant for fountain pens. For each round inside the deity, a person suffers 1D4 damage and the loss of 1D10 STR, DEX, CON, and APP points; lost STR, DEX, and CON regenerate at 5 points per day of rest, although APP loss is permanent. Land Walk: if warranted, the avatar may leap from the water onto land and walk on its many tentacular growths that sprout from its body. Bite: 1D4+2damage and the loss of 5 points of INT and POW. Those affected suffer a penalty die to attack the Old One. Magic POW: 125 Magic Points: 25 Spells: Cloud Memory, Enthrall Victim, Implant Fear, Mesmerize, Mindblast. 203 CHAPTER 2 m a l to the surface to continue their work. Magic POW: 150 Magic Points: 30 Spells: Animate Flesh Thing, Awful Doom of Cerrit, Breath of Pazzuzu (variant), Enthrall Victim, Liquid Death, Possession, Sense Life, Sirens Song; others as the Keeper desires. The appearance of the Yellow Sign or the text of The King in Yellow may be the sparks that light the touch paper. 166 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - O - Encounters Most encounters are likely through contact with a lone practitioner or group Human, ghoul, or otherwise) intent on summoning or connecting with Nyogtha in some manner. Its form grows, expanding by approximately 20 feet (6 m) per round, and can continue to expand at will until the entity chooses to stop or the constraints of this reality force it to return to its home dimension (such things being determined by the Keeper). A Malleus Monstrorum Companion. If reduced to zero hit points, Bast disappears in a cloud of black smoke. Within 3 miles (5 km): 1/1D6 Sanity point loss. At the end of this period, a Hard POW should be attempted: if successful, the statuette no longer affects the person concerned; if failed, the person falls into a catatonic state and is uncommunicative (their mind calls out in summons to bring Cythulos to them). Michael Szymanski: Chorazin and Yidhra. Powers Shroud of Cold: emits a zone of bitter cold. After each attack, the Green Man grows, with leaves and blossoms opening, vines and branches thickening (like a plant rapidly responding to fertilizer). Through this, cult members are healed of illness, wounds, and other afflictions, even to the reknitting of bones and other benefits. While many tales of this latter form may, in the main, be nothing more than fanciful folklore, kernels can be found to suggest a darker truth. Some go as far as to claim Mhithrha is the spawn of Yog-Sothoth, a son bent on destroying its progenitor. Perhaps these splinters of the Outer God are simply waiting for the stars to come right but must seek new hosts as their current body disintegrates and rots to nothingness. A few individuals with knowledge of Ancient Roman history and mythology may become interested in the legends surrounding garrison activity in the area of Hadrians Wall, leading them to uncover mention of Yegg-Ha and then seek out more frightful tomes, and thus open themselves up to the corrupting whispers of the Mythos. CON 60 () DEX 70 (+40) POW: (3D6+5)5 Hit Points: 12 Damage Bonus (DB): 0 Build: 0 Move: 9 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (asphyxiate or possession) Either attempts to smother and asphyxiate or possess a target (see The Black, page 224). Nyarlathotep determines when this power works and may choose to nullify it and touch others without causing them harm. Idols, statuettes, and other paraphernalia may come to light concerning Ythogtha, with such objects not only attracting the murderous and scheming attention of darkminded folk but also possessing unusual and (often) deadly characteristics (see below). For human explorers of this realm, the Old Ones ignorance of humanity may give it a reason to investigate and dissect those unfortunate enough to cross its path, or it could simply ignore such lesser life as unimportant and irrelevant. Deep and dark tunnels may be worn by the passage of time, yet feel claustrophobic, with the weight of the world pressing down on those who navigate through them. Apparently, they wait, lurking unseen within a prison believed to be located within the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. That, or else some other power caused the event. Regenerates 30 hit points per round (death at zero hit points). For most, such an outcome means death, although some spells or the aid of Mythos gods may reconstitute the body and mind (to a normal or lesser degree), if what remains of the person can be scooped up and carried to safety and so on. Thus, each entry highlights the often-conflicting data concerning these beings, leaving each Keeper to draw their own conclusions and mold the entities to fit their own concept of the Mythos. Sound Magic: grants the ability to cast certain spells though the performance of music, be it by instrument or the sound of the voice. No, we are minute to them, and any passing sense of kinship or friendship is but gossamer on the wind. See here for more examples. Aforgomon cannot keep going back in time to redo a specific encounter). There remains no known way to cure a host, although possibly the intervention of another Mythos deity may be enough to extricate or kill the brood within. 105 CHAPTER 2 m a l Become the Gate: the avatar may open a Gate at will, sometimes pointing to a portal as a way of answering a question, expecting its petitioners to pass through and find the answer they seek on the other side. Cult: Bloody Tongue Cult: The Unseen Ones This form appears to be a favored mask of Nyarlathotep, with it often manifesting when an initial avatar form dies or changesthe bloody Tongue form rising out of the former avatars body in some hideous rebirth ceremony. From the evidence pieced together from various sorcerous sources, all of which warn plainly not to call down this entity, Mguleloc cannot be bargained with nor placated. How scary is this Deity? Teleport: spending magic points (perhaps 5 or more) allows limited movement between points (within 1-mile/1.6 km radius), with a chard and blackened outline/shadow scorched into the ground on exit and arrival. This label seems to arise from an association with the wendigo of folklore derived from the Algonquian peoples of the forests of Nova Scotia, and the East Coast and Great Lakes regions of Canada. Feel the weight of the void bearing down, relentless and unforgiving. There is no known earthly cure for Utulls-Hrhers infection, although certain spells may cure the disease, and on-going ingestion of the milk of Utulls-Hrher will limit its progression (although the sufferer must continue to drink daily or lose this benefit). Enchantments against cold are particularly useful. Figure that the more attacks it can do in a round, the less damage those attacks do. Other names: Abhorrent One, the Consumer, Feasting Thing, Vile One. RPG Accessory: Treasure Trove CR 13-16 Deck (5E) RPG Accessory: Spectacular Settlements (HC) Ancient Warfare Magazine: Volume 14, Issue #5. Others may find themselves caught in the midst of waring wizards using the blessings of Yibb-Tstll in the attempt to master or murder the other. Killing the person dispels Nyarlathotep, who departs in its usual dramatic way by changing into some other monstrous form before leaving. Among devoted cultists, death is not considered a bad thing, but rather something to embrace, a journey through which they will ultimately change. It was in a hardto-read collection of papers titled the Hestan Records that I learned of the possible migration of the soul from one body to another. Gnophkehs, the horror of the North Sanity Loss: 1D8/1D20 Sanity points. Grab (mnvr): grabbed by a tentacle, the target suffers 3D6 crushing damage per round thereafter. User summary: PDF edition includes four files: Malleus_Monstrorum_Volume_I_-_Monsters_of_the_Mythos_v1.21.pdf (product code 23168, ISBN-13 978-1-56882-315-7, 218 pp . As noted elsewhere, humanity has a way of distorting cosmic truth, wringing it through limited human perception and transforming it into more palatable notions. It taketh the vine and the soil and through these shall form its flesh. According to some travelers, Ithaqua has been known to appear on other worlds, but its permanent home, prison, or resting place remains a source of conjecture. If reduced to zero hit points, Yibb-Tstll fades to nothingness, causing any nightgaunts to rapidly depart. Such bolts may knock aircraft out of the sky, sink a ship, destroy a building, and so on. Necronomicon A divergent line of thought suggests that while YogSothoth may be the catalyst for the Opening of the Way for the rebirth of the Old Ones, its interest in our plane of existence is far more predatory. A short-U is written U or UH; a long-U is written OO. Through BMoths messages heard in dreams, cult leaders may organize acts of terrorism against modernity, secreting cultists into cities to cause acts of violence, sabotage transport systems, and destroy examples of civilization. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: B'MOTH STR n/a CON 300 SIZ 400* DEX n/a *SIZ varies; BMoths mist form can reach the size of a small village. In such cases, one or more Lesser Other Gods may be called or simply appear uninvited to receive sacrifices, herald the arrival of a greater power, or engage in cult rituals, such as initiations, orgies, and death rites. Some humans and aliens (mi-go) have managed to experiment with the milk so as to produce a stable solution that can produce and replicate beneficial effects (which tend to go awry). Others 10 UNKNOWABLE: ABOUT THE GODS OF THE MYTHOS HUMAN PERCEPTIONS OF THE MYTHOS regard them as a different faction of such beings, less intent on destruction and change, and more focused on maintaining some sense of cosmic order or balance. From the supporting evidence, Leviathan rests for great periods of time and rises in brief bursts of savage ferocity. beings may attach themselves to (or be entwined with) the unconscious minds of other alien races. Magic POW: 200 Magic Points: 40 Spells: mainly those concerning divination; others as the Keeper desires. Powers Command Snakes: able to call and command snakes to anywhere on Earth, causing masses of them to infest a particular area, location, or building. The victim may attempt to escape with an Extreme STR or DEX roll but, if this is not accomplished by the end of following round, they are held fast and cannot now escape. If the criteria above are fulfilled, every magic point invested equates to a one-percent chance of successful dismissal; thus, if 40 magic points are invested, the spell has a 40 percent chance of success. While some may achieve a form of communication with the Old One, many simply interpret the meaning for themselves, acting on impulse and without regard or restraint. The confusing Pnakotic Manuscripts contain mention of a being that brought great and devastating sound in the planets prehistory, with the text going on to say that the sound was heard by all things and that it caused certain magical wards to break. A few disagree, citing the Unter Zee Kulten, which alleges Great Cthulhu opened the way to the Green Abyss, forming a permanent connection, with the inhabitants thereof falling under the Great Old Ones domain. Chaugnar Faugn, horror from the hills Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 Sanity points to encounter Chaugnar Faugn when inert and statue-like; 1D4/2D6+2 Sanity points when encountering the living god. To join with another being? Once the hunt has begun, the marked person suffers nightmares of being pursued, losing 1 point of Sanity per day. It might be a funny scene, movie quote, animation, meme or a mashup of multiple sources. Apart from the Vaeyen, the Old One is served by minions known as nagae (sometimes nagae or nugga), horrible things of transparent flesh wrought in the visage of a horrific human-frog hybrid. See Absorption, page 229. Only the mysterious Teachers of Blue Sun seem to hold Fthaggua as a deity, which they see as separate to Cthugha. Some suggestions include: Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Bring Pestilence, Circle of Nausea, Drain Youth, Liquidity, Oscillating Expanse, Possess Corpse, Possession, Power Drain, Shrivelling, Song of Hastur, Summon Byakhee, Swelling Torment, Touch of Decay, The Unspeakable Promise, Wrack; others as desired by the Keeper. This horrible avatar dwells in the Wood of Ngai, said to be a sacred location for its worshippers, and hidden somewhere in North Americasome suspect Ngai lies in another dimensional space, which at times transects with Earth, PROFILE: THE BLOODY TONGUE Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 to encounter the Bloody Tongue. Send Vision Message: can impart messages via visions, dreams, or telepathy across any distance.
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