Machine elves is a term coined by the ethnobotanist, philosopher, and writer Terence Mckenna to describe some of the entities that are encountered in a DMT trip. Machine elves are frequently portrayed in trip reports as benevolent, playful, prankish, and sometimes ornery. But machine elves are not unique to McKenna; many people who try DMT relate to features the ethnobotanist described in his trips. It may not be so simple as there are alien planets with their own societies. But I'm curious if anyone has asked these machine elves whether they are in fact demons or asked about God and got a different, non-negative response. There is a real possibility of adjacent dimensions. Daniel Seeker is a wandering dervish and lifelong student of the past, present and future. Have you seen his post about shovelling a plot of land? Is it dangerous? The answer is: Yes, its tremendously dangerous; the danger is the possibility of death by astonishment!, The lucidity of these experiences coupled with the high degree of correspondence between peoples experiences intuitively generates the idea of alternate realities inhabited by independently-existing intelligent entities. And these little machines offered themselves to me. Contact with all-powerful supreme beings or the source of all creation, The Godhead, is commonly reported in DMT trips. I'm not really religious. With scientific evidence showing us DMT in the brain, what can we conclude it is there for? They commonly urge the DMT realm visitors to try to focus on what they are showing them, or even want the subject to imitate what they are doing. An audial hallucination is quite rare but these emanations do not originate in our primal 5 senses. 8 hrs. They dont need some magic portal, theyre already there. With respect to the former, some entities dont appear to conform to a recognizable image at all. It was like captions coming out of their mouths, very cartoon-like. How to Store DMTNot sure how to store DMT? so lets say deemz beings are "gods" if you were in that position wouldn't you be pretty mad when religion and "god" is brought up? Moreover they revealed to him how they permeate reality and the whole universe. In his book Archaic Revival, Mckenna refers to them as self-transforming machine elves. In any case, they are inhabitants of the DMT dimension that often try to teach something to whoever is visiting. Known colloquially as 'the spirit molecule', DMT is one of the strongest and fastest-acting psychedelics, with a chemical compound that's found in animals, plants and even human beings. The ibis of Ra. That's when the late ethnobotanist, author and philosopher Terence McKenna began writing about the substance and the bizarre, otherworldly DMT experiences he had in altered states while smoking it dozens of times. That led to human sacrifice, and cannibalism. Yes, then why worry. So lets hide inside the load and well talk to them from there and theyll never realize that were of a different status than pink elephants, Is DMT a chemical key that engages certain programs in the brain, programs left by an alien species for our development? If you are good, machine elves are good. Idle hands are the devils playthings, and what if those hands are currently wrapped up in doing the devils work? DMT Research from 1956 to the Edge of TimeFrom a representative sample of a suitably psychedelic crowd, youd be hard pressed to find someone who couldnt tell you all about Albert Hofmanns enchanted bicycle ride after swallowing what turned out to be a massive dose of LSD. For the most part we get the feeling that they are like oh wow, someone can actually see us! And they will stay for hours at a time, 6.7. He described the first time he saw them during a DMT trip in his 1989 book "True Hallucinations": In a 1994 lecture, McKenna called DMT "the most powerful hallucinogen known to man and science.". They were speaking and words were coming out of their mouths, just floating along. Hey everybody. You return not to where you left off, but to where things have gone since you left. I left has this giant blue head entered the room I remember the fear the gripped my body . Dozens of these friendly fractal entities, looking like self-dribbling Faberge eggs on the rebound, had surrounded me and tried to teach me the lost language of true poetry. Hell weve going deep into the rabbit hole now, maybe I should slow down. And the entire point of the encounter, from their perspective, is to teach you to do this, One anonymous user in Strassmans study recalled a similar experience: . McKenna and most DMT users often stress the importance of sound to the creatures, who use use a language which you see, McKenna recalled. Am glad that this wasn't a real person out in the world though, Im afraid its looking good. My first experience was dont be afraid. While doses of DMT result in the varying strength of a given trip, its been found that doses above 40mg often result in users reaching the so-called breakthrough, the point at which they transcend the human world and enter new realities complete with vivid hallucinations. Disclaimer: In case you were considering flagging this: I have never taken psychedelics before I have just made this video for my actors reel and am acting as someone who has Because of this this video should be treated as a short film that includes dialogue about drug use and should not be flagged.. . Yep they are demons . Does the Human Brain Make DMT? DMT The Spirit Molecule is a 2010 documentary that overviews DMT from a multidisciplinary perspective, incorporating ethnobotany, modern neuroscience, spirituality, and more. Like if you try to take a picture all of a sudden your camera will switch out of camera mode, very frustrating! An overwhelming majority reported having seen some kind of entity, whether machine elves or not; 94 percent said they'd encountered "other beings." . According to Strassman, the research subjects described contact with entities, beings, aliens, guides, and helpers. They've come to be known by many names, including "clockwork elves", "DMT elves", "fractal elves", and "tykes" (a word for small child). Yo, you need to see a psych doctor. So what exactly do machine elves look like? What Does 5-MeO-DMT Show Us About Consciousness?How does our brain differentiate between whats real and whats not? How to Use DMT Vape PensRead to learn all about DMT vape pens including: what to know when vaping, what to expect when purchasing a DMT cartridge, and vaping safely. A classic example of what one can expect to see; only our standard perception does this description no justice. People who consume DMT describe visions of entities or "beings" that may range from animals to angels and machine elves. I would also argue that there is violence in all cultures today. I've yet to try DMT but I'm going to in the future. A friend of a friend abused DMT for awhile (well, treated it as a recreational fun drug instead of a psychonautical learning experience that deserves respect), and he kept ending up in the room with the elves. Machine elf interactions are also commonly described in terms of visual language, where things heard become things seena sort of geometric hyperspace synesthesia. Learn how your comment data is processed. Many individuals whove had entity contact report the experience as being more real than real, the furthest thing from a mind-altered hallucination. Interestingly, the DMT entities appear sentient and autonomous in their behavior, as if denizens of a free-standing, independent reality. It occurred to me that these must be holographic viral projections from an autonomous continuum that was somehow intersecting my own, and then I thought a more elegant explanation would be to take it at face value and realize that I had broken into an ecology of souls. In most cases, people report that the elves are friendly and helpful. So popular is the instance of these apparitions that one study, conducted by Dr. Rick Strassman, found that roughly 50% of DMT users reported seeing these machine elves during their trips. A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience. Let's compare and contrast changa vs DMT. The dmt jesters are such a strange phenomena. They dont like it when we get greedy for information we are not ready or, perhaps, destined for. This video is the first in the upcoming series (Truth Revealed) where i introduce my thoughts, I will talk about prophesies, current world setting, new occurring phenomenons, new theories,. So there are machine elves, and they do their little thing that we do not understand, is there any way you can talk to them to stop them from doing things? Terence McKenna coined the term 'machine elves' to describe the apparent entities that are often reported by individuals using tryptamine-based psychedelic drugs, especially DMT. we barely understand space-time and quantum physics , and science always avoids a theory of consciousness because its too slippery Machine elves could just be interdimensional beings who have the same problems we humans have, namely some are good some are bad. I believe the 3 rules of don't worry should apply to your current situation. Are they intelligent entities existing in parallel dimensions to our own or are they the human imagination unleashed to its utmost potential? Its not like some kind of drug. Among psychedelics a subclass of hallucinogenic drugs that can send people on a "trip" of an often utterly bizarre nature a few have been studied extensively. Machine elves are demons simply put and when you take psychedelics, you are opening your mind up to demonic possession. Check out our ultimate guide on DMT pricing to learn what to expect when purchasing DMT for your first time. Learn all you need to know including procedures and safety. Yes, while the participants were tripping after taking DMT, they may witness Biblical scenes and encounter realms full of light that exudes bounty and bliss. When ingested, the experience can last for 8 hours or more.". Which is interesting to say the least. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: During my own experiences smoking synthesized DMT in Berkeley, I had had the impression of bursting into a space inhabited by merry elfin, self-transforming, machine creatures. Upon encountering the creatures, many users reported seeing flashing displays of constantly-changing geometric patterns, while McKenna himself recalled the elves as looking anything but mechanical. Generally, theyre reported to greet the visitors with a child-like curiosity and innocence, often continuously changing form and singing immensely complicated objects into existence. Try keeping an open mind. The common point here is paranoia - it might be drug induced or a symptom of a disorder or reaction to stress etc. The truth is shamans, and native Americans were the most violent. Use of substances like ayahuasca date as far back as 900 B.C.E., as seen in artwork and paraphernalia from the Chavin people of Peru. But Im sure you saw it on old forums. You pass through a membrane of some sort, and youre in a place, McKenna said in a lecture in the 90s. Given the verging-on-science fiction properties of DMT, its all too easy to dismiss the phenomenon of machine elves as a mere drug-induced fantasy. Were these people savage? The machine elves almost always have something important to show us, but how people interpret their actions can vary a lot.
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