Description: A basic earth protection jutsu where a small, curved wall about the size of the creator is created. A target hit by this technique will experience quite painful electric shocks, however they are still relatively minor.Kanri Soushitsu no Jutsu (Control Loss Technique)Description: A rather sophomoric skill in itself forming electricity into the primary hand of the Cloud-Nin the shinobi delivers a full on palm strike to the body, the voltage of this particular technique is considered high enough that the target generally loses control of the bowels and bladder causing a rather distracting mess in their undergarments. Forming the necessary hand seals the shinobi begins to collect mist in his immediate area much like Kirigakure no Jutsu, however it begins to rise and form into a thunderstorm cloud instead of laying dormant like mist does. Upon contact with the opponent, the electricity is shot into him and the targets weight almost doubles, making it harder for the victim to move.Kumo Tate no Jutsu (Cloud Shield Technique)Description: After flashing a series of hand seals the shinobi uses chakra to condense the air immediately in front of him into a thick, chakra-embedded barrier made of cloud. The glowing aura then disperses from the body, and turns into what would look like Fire Flies. Description: A technique often used for the sake of demolitions purposes, the user flashes a number of seals and finally ends the series with an odd looking seal that auspiciously looks like the seal that the Yamanaka use for their own techniques. While ensnared the nin is unable to move his legs but is still able to use his arms and hands, however for every minute the user has been ensnared he receives an electric shock.Shinkou Arashi no Jutsu (Rising Storm Technique)Descriptions: A defensive technique that covers the immediate area of the Cloud nin from a large degree of angles. Classification Lightning Release is naturally strong against Earth Release and weak against Wind Release;[3] in Kakashi Retsuden, this strength against earth is explained to be because impurities in the earth naturally conduct electricity. This technique lasts for 10 minutes. These shocks esentially can cause physical debilitation and at worse unconciousness.Note: The first part of this technique can be essentially avoided if fog exists in the immediate vicinity or Kirigakure no Jutsu (by way of ninjutusu) has been used. Some who have claimed to of seen the move in action say that a human sized flying snake can be seen wrapped around Nagai and then flies high into the sky, never to be seen again. This Jutsu hits the opponents at a lightning speed and only a few are capable of dodging it. This jutsu, uses a lot of chakra, and drains most of his strength, so this jutsu is a one way ticket to victory or death. Description: An upgraded version of Lightning Bolt, this jutsu works the same way except now it is a continuous blast of electricity. Raiton: Jrokuch Shibari (Lightning Release: Sixteen Pillar Bind). This was first used against Pain when Kakashi tested this jutsu out to see if he could repel both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.Kouseitan Kawa (Element Skin)Description: A jutsu that allows the user to transform their skin into one of the users elements. The user then manipulates the technique to attack the chosen target. The target can generally see this technique coming as small bolts of Lightning dance across the ground towards them, later if they have done nothing to avoid this technique a chain of lightning bursts out of the ground and wraps itself around the ankles of the target. An attacker using a strong taijutsu will be able to enter the radius of the gyroscope, but will still suffer an electric shock as he enters. While these 20 seconds, the user cannot move, if he does, the jutsu will be dispelled, and he shall be paralyzed for another 10 seconds (1 post). Lightning Release is common among ninja of Kumogakure, who make varied applications of it: C uses lightning as a medium for genjutsu, making it easier to entrance opponents; Darui generates a unique Black Lightning, which he learned from the Third Raikage; [2] the Fourth Raikage uses Lightning Release Chakra Mode by coating his body with The original number of targets this jutsu can initially hit is three.Dendou Kaitengi no Jutsu (Electric Gyroscope Technique)Description: This technique offers the user both offensive and defensive capabilities, presenting some interesting strategic options. Name shuriken, senbon, kunai) are deflected in the process but strong ninjutsu can drive though this maneuver. The blast can be ended prematurely by the user. This is a simple bolt, akin to a fireball, as opposed to being a continuous stream. It was used by Kakashi Hatake while fighting against Kaguya Otsutsuki. Trending pages Altar of the Titans Lightning Release Chouginga Chidori Seijungan Mangeky Seijungan Raij Mode Black Lightning Lightning Release: Cross Thunder All items (218) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Anyone who is hit by the needles receives a nasty shock and slight numbness to the afflicted part. On impact, the target will suffer minor electric shocks.Raikou Henge no Jutsu (Lightning Transformation Technique)Description: This technique, while being a branch of Henge no Jutsu, allows the user to transform in a way they never dreamed of. Lightning Release Description: This skill allows the user to create strings of electricity that can either act physically as strings, or as a medium that can send small shocks to an opponent. Description: This jutsu is depicted as the strongest of all Lightning jutsu in existence. But because the blade is very thin, it is capable of doing some major damage, if used properly. It is preceded by E-rank and followed by C-rank. This jutsu can be ended prematurely by the user.Dendou Bakuhatsu no Jutsu (Electric Detonation Technique)Descriptions: Flashing a number of Hand seals the user causes all lightning bunshins that are under his specific control to explode into a burst of electricity, shocking anyone that happens to be near them.Raiton: Yusuburu Kasugai no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Jolt Clamp)Description: The user turns their chakra into electrical current and grab the opponent, sending a jolt of electricity into the opponent, temporarily paralyze an area of muscle.Denki Hifu no Jutsu (Electric Skin Technique)Description: making a simple couple of handsigns the user makes sparks travel along their skin to power up lightning type jutsu's for 5 minutes (posts) (7 for jounin)(10 for Kage/sannin) this move also makes it very difficult to make contact with the user for the danger of being severly electricuted. The kunai that are developed are made of pure, concentrated lightning, heated to the point that with the amount of power that they are thrown it it could go through most forms of metal and still do some damage. It can only change directions by bouncing off another object, such as a tree or a boulder, but the user is capable of bouncing off in any angle they wish to. The formation can stretch as far as an entire castle. Rank: B-Rank Jutsu. Darui can also take this technique up a notch by creating a shadow clone and making it use the same technique, so they can attack the opponent together. Description: A jutsu that sends a stream of fire towards the opponent, originating from the users mouth. The user forms the necessary handseals and, by focusing his chakra, creates a pair of rings of electricity around himself, that spin about like a gyroscope, maintaining a constant electric field throughout its radius, which is half a meter from the user. If the jutsu is successful in charging, and the user is finally able to shoot it out of his fingers. Once the preparation is complete, the next step involves making contact with the target. The shield will effectively block any taijutsu weaker attacks, and any weaker ninjutsu attacks. As most know electricity in general is a deadly and somewhat scarce element, generally one could only collect the necessary electricity necessary to perform techniques if they were fighting in the middle of a thunderstorm, or near an electrical source. Targets hit head-on with this jutsu will experience a fantastic amount of pain and be stunned after the jutsu ends. The fourth exposure causes death, and pretty much leaves the area smelling like burnt flesh. Range: 25 Meters. Like all the other natures, Lightning Release has its strengths and weaknesses. Currently, he is a Features and List Writer at GameRant. Lightning Release Class Offensive Range Mid to Long range (5m+) Other jutsu Parent jutsu Tailed Beast Ball Users Gyki Killer B A smaller version of the Tailed Beast Ball that has been infused with lightning chakra which Killer B or the Eight-Tails can use to bring down a target's defences and inflict major damage. Kumo Tate no Jutsu (Cloud Shield Technique). This quality makes the static strings into a string of electricity, but with such a weak current that it is rarely noticed by Shinobi who accidentally walk through the strings. A smaller version of the Tailed Beast Ball that has been infused with lightning chakra which Killer B or the Eight-Tails can use to bring down a target's defences and inflict major damage. Description: A capturing technique, after flashing the necessary handseals the shinobi brings electric chakra into his hands, shoves his fingers into the ground, and fires electricity through the ground towards an opponent. This specific technique was used by Darui. In this technique, Tsunade creates an electric field by adding Lightning Release to her chakra. Description: A scouting technique forming warm air into his hands the Cloud-Nin creates a cloud that is infused with chakra, the entire process takes a post in itself, after forming the cloud the nin loses all form of mental consciousness and the cloud flies away. Description: An overall simple yet very effective technique, the Cloud-nin creates a sort of electrical current on his hand, this current can then be transferred onto any weapon he happens to be holding at that moment be it a kunai, senbon, shuriken, or even a sword. It is also able to attack using taijutsu, however it's ability to attack is around 1/10 in perspective to the user, in return for this weakness it's attacks deliver shocks of electricity to the opponent's body.Seiteki Suji no Jutsu (Static Strings Technique)Description: This skill allows the user to create strings of electricity that can either act physically as strings, or as a medium that can send small shocks to an opponent. But unless the opponent felt the weak current as they walked through the strings, the opponent will usually never know the strings were there. It's a powerful technique that unleashed a huge fireball from the lips of a . for anbu)(100ft. Dendou Kaitengi no Jutsu (Electric Gyroscope Technique). Note: This technique can be used in conjunction with other jutsu, such as the Call of Lightning Technique, or the Lightning Clone Technique, to confuse the opponent. Light Hack Due to its rapid movement, the technique can be used against multiple opponents at the same time. At the end of the seal session of the jutsu, the user emits glowing chakra. This technique requires a great deal of lightning, so Sasuke uses the lightning from the thunderclouds. Name: Lightning Release: Spider Web. More often times then not the ghosts many foreign shinobi claimed to of seen in The Gate is nothing more then a shinobi using this technique, the wispling looks like a slight misty ball and some could even see the face of the nin form into it giving it a more ghost-like appearance. 1 Raikiri. The technique effectively renders the target incapable of fighting. A technique he created himself, Raikiri is a very powerful offensive technique that pierces almost anything . Kirin is one of Sasuke Uchiha's most powerful jutsu. Description: Sends a create dragon to smash into the opponent, sending forth an incredible shock through the opponents body. The user may be able to use another jutsu, but it should be only a C or lower. However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. Description: A simple technique in concept and execution, in which the user performs the necessary handseals and then emits a short bolt of lightning from his or her hand. The user is able to move around while the shield is active, however at a slightly slower speed. 7 Drilling Air Bullet Provides Shukaku With A Reliable Projectile Anyone who is attempting to break the shield with a taijutsu attack will be given a shock capable of leaving a third degree-burn and pushed back, any type of thrown weapon is immediately blocked as well. The process is generally quite painful and requires about 5 months of mental and physical conditioning to resist the charges you activate onto your body. However by performing this technique by such methods will cause the essential water vapors to disappear. However, this blade can also hurt the user, anywhere except for the fingers where the blade is held.Dendou Kariyou no Jutsu (Electric Overdose Technique)Description: The user takes one post to channel a large amount of electricity into a limb, making the chakra visible. The fourth exposure causes death, and pretty much leaves the area smelling like burnt flesh.Kouten no Saiketsu (Heaven's Judgement)Description: A technique that causes overall destruction and chaos, performing a number of seals a large spinning tube of lightning launches itself out of the user's body and speeds away in the direction that the Cloud-Nin was facing. Description: A two part technique that can cover a large amount of area or hit one person specificaly, first performing a few hand seals the shinobi blankets the area in a natural, cloudy fog ending his first post. It is the stronger version of the regular Lariat that can be performed by a single individual. While these 20 seconds, the user cannot move, if he does, the jutsu will be dispelled, and he shall be paralyzed for another 10 seconds (1 post). That can leave their entire body temporarily paralyzed. Description: Four giant rock pillars are summoned around the enemy, then shoot bolts of lightning, immobilizing the target and possibly doing damage to them.
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