Never came to me idea to compare them side by side, sorry. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. You cannot paste images directly. Edit: Since writing this I have been made aware that pressing and holding the ISO button is the quickest way to change ISO. I keep looking at the 262 as a hidden gem. I soon found one on eBay for a price I was happy to pay and a few days later I had a chrome-finished M240 to keep my company whilst my poorly M262 was seen to by the camera-doctors. It uses a 24-megapixel CMOS sensor, a Maestro image processor with a near-silent shutter, and a quiet shutter-cocking motor. Can you compare side by side, please? I love using that camera but want a digitals instant gratification and ease of image development (Im lazy). Selling the M262, a camera that I purchased for its pure simplicity; and keeping the Z6, a camera that I purchased for its many features (including live view, a hybrid camera with fantastic video capabilities including full frame 4K, compatibility with my Profoto strobes, owning quite a bit of Nikon F-mount glass, auto-focus, etc.)! One is not better or worse than the other, they are just different. Agreed that the 262 is like some forgotten model.Also agreed on the fact that once the camera is set-up, theres no need for the buttons and menus. As the cameras are meant to have identical sensors, do we think this is just new owner's biased impressions (nothing wrong with that btw) is could there be something in this? In my view the lens in use IS much more important than a bit colour differences M240/M262/other Ms. My first experience discovering I like live-view on a rangefinder was had down the pub quite soon after Id bought the Leica M240. Find a comparison between different fujifilm x30 vs x100t. I dont need to get excited by them dont get me wrong, theres fun in a camera that provides some sort of novelty initially, but longer-term I just need my cameras to work in a way that suits me. I like Roger a lot hes written for this site before, and we chatted a fair bit around the time. It is the first position on the menu, and setting WB on a grey card or to a preset is a matter of 3 or 4 clicks.Colors. No one ever uses video functionality of the240 anyways. Whats the best camera for around $2000? With regards to minimizing my digital camera gear, my thinking was simple. Im used to focus peaking from shooting video with the Sony cameras, so it was such a short leap to press the LV button and take photos in a way that felt familiar. . I too prefer the more stripped back feature set of the M9, M240, and M10. Now, if the shutter was fully mechanical and cocked by hand that would be a very different thing. It's small, light, cheap and extremely wide but is it any good? To be fair, about 30 days of the last six months had the Leica in intensive care at Leica New Jersey so this is technically five months with the M262. Mostly because I wanted to shoot below 0.7m and Id have to use Live View for that. Nice review.I bought a m262 this year when one of my pensions surprisingly came out.I wanted1] a digital leica m2] no video3] no live view4] no EVFBut i like to sometimes review a pic when i am out and about.The 262 is perfect for me and i love it.with the m-e 240 being announced i have noticed that used 262 cameras have already dropped in price so its possible i can buy a dream 2nd body.Meaning another 262. Keep up the good words! The Leica M [typ 240] (or M240 for short) was the first Leica to adopt the odd naming convention that broke away from the M# convention of yore. Hmm I wonder if you might be right there. Theres very little real difference between the two cameras so it really depends on what you can find to suit your budget - I certainly wouldnt hold out for one if you can find the other in decent condition. Additionally, I really like the simplified look and small upgrades the MP versions offer. That said, even in the short time Ive owned a Leica M240, its confused me with what seems like an obvious short coming, changed my mind about one feature that I had written of as pretty much useless to me, proved that another one of its highlight features is indeed something I have no interest in, and perhaps unfortunately (since I cant afford one) left me with big a chunk of Leica M10 GAS. An electronic viewfinder (EVF) with a higher resolution provides a sharper image, producing a view comparable in quality with the one displayed on an optical viewfinder. My guess is that many of the Leica purists won't be bothered at all by this decision. The Leica M [typ 262], or M262 for short offers whats best described as a stripped-back user interface. This can be used to capture moving objects using a fast shutter speed, or to take images in low light without using a flash. This page contains all hands-on, detailed Camera Reviews that have been published at Photography Life. A few more differences - Leica M10 vs Leica M240. I have preview turned off too and use it like I do my M6. I am primarily a Nikon digital and film shooter, and my quest for minimalism and the fact that I already own a Nikon Z6 mirrorless camera were the major reasons to sell the digital Leica 262. That alone justifies the decision to buy. In practice, this has translated into me being able to shoot it for a lot longer without having to think about changing or charging the battery. Ultimately I hope that the dial on the M10 will give me a greater sense of being in control and connected to the ISO settings Im using. Reduction of features is something no other brand of cameras shouts about, ever. It usesa 24-megapixel CMOS sensor, a Maestro image processor witha near-silent shutter, and a quiet shutter-cocking motor. Thanks, James. Yet all the buttons on it and the LCD still have me pining for Leicas. Of course it didnt. If you arent aware of these lenses, they focus down to about 40cm. This never really bothered me about the M9, but having the issue taken away made me appreciate the issue for what it was. To make pictures, those are good bodies to be used with good lens. It was designed and released after the M240 to offer an option to photographers who didn't need the bells and whistles the M240 had to offer. I then had a feeling that Im sure a lot of people who have too many cameras have once in a while You might know it yourself? Oddly though, handling the Leica M262 there is the slightest sense that somethings missing when comparing it to its fuller-featured sibling, the M240. You can get two M-Ps (old and new) for the same price as one M10. With AF tracking, once you choose the subject and press the shutter release part way down, as the subject moves, the autofocus will follow it. Just experimenting, I took a bunch of photos of my mates Canon AE1 this was fun with a rangefinder; I could get used to this! (and more M ) when I look at results, there is no difference as they share same sensor. As I talk about in my M9 review, the screen on that camera really is very crap, so this did feel like a big enough deal to make the jump. Leica claims it uses different technology, whatever that means. Literally. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Without a magnifier piececomfortable view is 50-35mm. For me and my tastes though, the Leica M262 does feel like an advancement from the M240. I sometimes shot movies and it was amazing. For example, I am in a coffee shop with the camera sitting on a Manfrotto table top tripod. Phase-detection autofocus is much faster than a contrast detection autofocus, allowing for sharper images. Most of the digital M bodies are going to offer a satisfactory experience for the average first time Leica user. All features aside, my lust was triggered by the drastic reduction in size. Thorsten Overgaard recently posted two comparative X-Rite colorchecker images that show the colour differences between the 262 and 240 which sold me on the 262. Leica claims it uses different technology, whatever that means. Ive read all too often from M10 owners how much they miss an M9 or M8 variant because of the simplicity and CCD image quality. It does make me wonder if they could have slimmed down this body like the M10, were they to have released this camera as a major upgrade rather than a stripped-back sidestep from the M240. It is capable of shooting stills in a lossless compressed raw format. I really enjoyed the m60 when I shot it a few years back, but for practical day-to-day photography, I think a screen suits my digital shooting desires better.And besides, the little flip out thumb-rest?! In fact, apart from INFO button/screen which reports battery and SD card information, and the play and delete buttons, the ISO button and the menu it brings up is really the only part of the screen-based interface I use. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Its marquee features are omissions rather than additions: the M-D doesn't . Controls feel well balanced and satisfyingly precise. Leica M9 vs. M240; M240: More Thoughts; Leica M240: Final Verdict; Leica M9 sharpness vs. Sony RX1R, Nikon D800E, Fuji X100s; My camera of the year for 2013; Related. When the Leica M262 was released, Leica proudly told the world that the menu had been reduced to two screens worth of features. Leica has issued new, updated firmware for the entire range of Leica M10 and M240-generation cameras. Of all the mentioned digital rangefinders, I enjoyed the [], [] is a definite yes! Resolution is an essential indicator of a screen's image quality, representing the maximum amount of pixels that can be shown on the screen. I so rarely hit the menu button on this camera, it practically doesnt need to be there for my purposes, and Id imagine most users find the same. In the run up to buying an M10 Ive been reading a lot of reviews, and have found the M262 is rarely mentioned in them. I have both and haven't noticed any difference but I haven't done a side by side comparison. Last thursday I thought for a few moments about selling my complete gear because of the new Q2, but then I thought about my beloved Summicron 90 from 1973 and my Tele Elmar 135 from 1963 and my Summilux 50 from 2017 and then I said to me: No!, I cannot sell them, I am not a fan of 28 mm.The only tiny shortcoming is for me the limitation of the maximum shutter speed (60 sec) and sometimes I miss an autofocus. Weight is certainly a thing though! The following dropbox link to a small group of images hopefully illustrate these subtle but apparent colour densities. They arent rangefinder coupled past 1m, but nonetheless they do focus that close. These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both the speed and focus to capture fast action and offer professional-level image quality. Using it in this factory, a space where I needed to be aware of the timing of things that were happening around me, it just clicked for me. So the M262 is going to stay, and the Leica M240 go. The Leica M262 (and M240 or any other current M as of July of 2016) seems more like a bridge between the past and what could be the future of Leica. I was even contemplating selling my Leica lenses and the M3 as well, but I love using that film M system (and film photography) so much that I could not do it (at least not yet)! Ive had it for years and purchased it when M8s were at their lowest prices. Anyway, Im firmly off topic at this point, but almost two years on and I have no gripes at all with the M10. Anyone have both that could provide a side by side? document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_17',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Overall, these changes made the move from the M9 to M262 feel greater than the sum of their parts. JPG Settings can be on the user assignable first screen and from that quickly turn on/off Monochrome. Your link has been automatically embedded. Then along comes the M262, digital Leica I'd been waiting for. !if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-box-4','ezslot_13',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-4-0'); One way or another, in the time Ive been using the camera, Ive not got used to this little issue, though I have at least learned to live with it. Live-view with any lens I liked was fun. I have found that the shadows in the M10 can be pulled forever, which is great, because both cameras have about the same capacity to blow highlight details. I know this is an old article but so what, I m commenting anyways. The 262 probably has a more stable power management, resulting in less banding and thus better high ISO performance. By continuing to browse our site, you agree to our use of cookies. If you like aluminium choose the M262, if you prefer brass go for the M240. After a few weeks of using the new Leica M262 I posted a review along with a few videos. It's slightly lighter than the 240 and I have no use for video nor live view in a Leica. I drive a 15 year old car for example, dont buy clothes often, have one pair of shoes, etc. Leica m240 sony a7sii . Edward - you are right about the blues and reds. The M240 is wide and bulky. The M10 is also very slightly lighter than the M240. I just dont shoot it at that high ISO for it to be a problem, and often wonder what on earth people are doing with their cameras to need the sorts of high ISOs that get spoken about it reviews. Adjusting colours always feels like a headache, but is one Ive broadly avoided with this camera. Im not trying to justify myself I certainly wouldnt to trolls the point is simply that I spend my money on something I enjoy. I have one for the M240 and dont use it that much but at times it helps with critical focus. I did, yes I have an M10-P now. I cant even work out how to hold the Leica M240 for video, and whilst it has focus peaking, it certainly doesnt have the features the Atomos brings to the table. My GAS was satisfied with a Z6 with the M-to-Z adapter. The top plate of the M262 feels slightly more hollow than the M240 not it a way that you can feel it, but you can sort of hear it if you tap it, and even sometimes when the strap rattles on it. great output, but cant get a shot off faster than with the M8. The big round dial on the back of the M9 was always tricky to use. The new Leica M is the most innovative and versatile M-Camera that the modern M-System has ever created. . At which point I bought a stand-in M240 and I discovered the joys of live view on an m-mount Leica. I drive a 15 year old car for example, dont buy clothes often, have one pair of shoes, etc. I appreciate your thoughts on the 262 v the 240 as I am thinking about setting an MD body. Thank you for pointing me to that review. Has a built-in focus motor Leica M (Typ 262) A microphone port allows connecting external high-end or specialized microphones. Im not going to go into details here to be honest. A higher screen resolution provides a sharper image, making it easier to review your photos. Great article as always! Itd be a waste of time when you can go and find other reviews that no doubt do high ISO comparisons with other brands of cameras etc. But the M9 for me has so many characteristics, beyond specs, iso performance or touchscreen blah blah blah. Intro Sample Images Lenses Specs Performance. Actually, a large part of this is because they dont often inspire me to write about them whilst I own them, yet I hate to see them go without doing them the justice of sharing a few thoughts.var cid='8222364248';var pid='ca-pub-7054871687658000';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1002%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} When it comes to making video, things are different! The device is protected with extra seals to prevent failures caused by dust, raindrops, and water splashes. After weeks with a production Fujifilm X-T5, Chris and Jordan have some final thoughts. M-E "CCD" M9 M9-P CCD. It unites decades of experience in rangefinder technology with groundbreaking digital technologies: It features a completely newly developed high-resolution full-format CMOS sensor that, in combination with its high-performance processor and the legendary M-Lenses; delivers outstanding . The EOS R6 II arrives in one of the most competitive parts of the market, facing off against some very capable competition. For more articles on 35mmc about the subject matter discussed here, please click one of the following tag links: Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience. Heres some photos: Bear in mind, these have been taken with a load of different lenses:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'35mmc_com-leader-3','ezslot_21',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-leader-3-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-leader-2','ezslot_20',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-leader-2-0'); In conclusion, the Leica M262 is a fantastic camera with a great interface with very few issues worth picking holes in. Congratulations on your decision. You can click any image for a larger view which is the best way to view it as this site compresses these down to what you see below . But the I needed a 21mm for crowd shots and discovered the live view is awesome for this. Hence, I literally could not give a single poop what Para thinks . We were perfectly happy in the film days when KODAK or FUJI(film) updated our sensor with a new emulsion. The use of a CMOS sensor allowed Leica to include two key features that the previous M9 didnt have. An electronic viewfinder (EVF) with a higher resolution provides a sharper image, producing a view comparable in quality with the one displayed on an optical viewfinder. Because I only shoot raw, I dont need the white balance settings. Thankfully with the M10 they've returned to the old system. As such, the Leica M262 is possibly better seen as a sidestep rather than a step forward in the Leica lineup. This is exiting news in so many ways that I will now test your patience for a few minutes in trying to explain it. Cant quite stretch to the Summicron or Summilux at the moment All the best and, no doubt, I will be on here again soon with myriad questions! (Leica M Typ 240), Nikon D850 + Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm f/4G ED VR, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV + Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, Sony Alpha a7 III + Sony FE 24-105mm f/4 G OSS, Sony a6600 + Sony E 18-135mm F3__5-5__6 OSS, Sony Alpha a7 III + Sony FE 28-70mm f/3__5-5__6 OSS, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV + Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM. No more out of focus shots. Posted December 28, 2020 (edited) A m262 is limited to the lens choice as it rangefinder view only. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. Thanks!These new Nikons look fairly amazing I do wish theyd been quicker to market though!M10 review I guess it depends on how much it inspires a post out of me its the first new Leica Digital camera Ive ever bought, and with it being new/current, I might try and squeeze something out sooner rather than later. Functionalism be damned. As I mentioned in my recent post about the M240, the stripped-back interface was exactly reason I went for the M262 instead of the M240 when I was looking to replace my M9. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. They also give the image sensor a better probability in identifying the right area of the scene to focus on in more automatic modes. Thanks. It has two memory card slots, allowing you to store more photos without switching cards. In the real world, I was making the M9 work for me in terms of low light shooting, as such, I have literally never found a single issue with high ISO noise from the M262. By A fetish with the M10 is its simplified menu. Thanks for the insights Louis! This is a useful feature for me that I enjoyed using the Fuji system which had a great focus peaking aid. But, as someone who shoots, buys and sells a lot of different lenses, the bigger screen would definitely offer me an advantage Id be able to take photos and check lenses were calibrated properly etc. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Since most reviews are quite large in content thanks to extensive coverage, comparisons to other cameras and large sample images, they span across multiple pages for easier reading experience. More about being to see the settings at a glance, rather than just be able to change them easily. The build quality of the M 262 is impeccable. It serves specific duty now, monochrome and infrared imaging only. The overall user interface of the Leica M262 turned out to be a bigger upgrade than I expected too though its still not been quite the perfect experience. I use it for mostly personal/travel type shooting, with the occasional casual paid shoot. High ISO performance a must wish it was even better. This has become a bit of a trend now, I buy a digital Leica, shoot with it for a while, decide to sell it for one reason or another, and then scramble to write about it in the final few days of owning it. The M240 is a great camera that produces gorgeous images but you are undoubtedly going to love the M10. This really piqued my interest. Its user interface is simple, uncluttered and largely very logical. Sadly, that is the way of digital cameras my friend, a never-ending hamster wheel of upgrades. Leica M Typ 240. You and Roger Hicks. A phase-detection autofocus system is faster than a contrast detection autofocus system. Jordan's twin brother Gordon is back to review the cinema-focused Canon EOS R5 C! Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. From what I understand the M10 has substantially improved this feature and this is an attractive change. Of course with these features comes a fairly significant increase in menu options too, though I must admit, I was surprised how simple the menu remains given the extra features on offer. The more focus points the more flexibility in picking which part of the scene to focus on.
Emory Smith Scientist, Articles L