Look after them, raise them up and educate them well, and don't deprive them or yourself of anythingDo what you must, don't deprive the children of a father. Monthir Maosily, a former bureau chief for Syrian president Hafez al-Assad, claimed in 2007 that Hafiz and Cohen were not as close as was made out and that stories of Cohen infiltrating the very top of Syrian politics "had been exaggerated to undermine Syria, as if he was a spy who had transmitted Syria's deepest secrets.". In December 1956, the Jewish Agency assisted Eli to deport to Israel in a vessel. One of them was Colonel Amin al-Hafaz, a supporter of the secular-leftist Baath party. Eli was born Eliyahu Ben-Shaul Cohen, on December 26, 1924, in the Mediterranean coastal city of Alexandria, Egypt, into a staunch Jewish and Zionist family. Sacha Baron Cohen in 'The Spy' as Eli Cohen. The agent replied: "Will do, thanks K". On May 18, 1965, Eli was publicly hanged at the Marjeh Square in Damascus, Syria. The border with Syria was heating up as well. The execution was broadcast on Syrian television. In February 1961 one man handed him an Israeli passport in his real name and a plane ticket to Zurich.on his arrival, Eli was met by a white-haired man who gave him a passport from another name, that passport carried an entry visa to chile and a transit visa to Argentina. He soon established himself in the social and cultural life of the Syrian community of Buenos Aires and was known as a wealthy businessman who was generous, tipped well, and loved the night life. I think as long as Bashar Assad is in power I dont see the word progress,' she said, referring to Syrias dictator. Years later, in February 2007, a Turkish official confirmed that the government had agreed to look into the matter of returning Eli's remains to his family. For his loyalties, Hafiz grooms Thaabet to be deputy defense minister in his government. Eli Cohen, Israels most famous spy, also happened to be a hopeless romantic. After several days, Eli got a new identity as. As the Syrian Army officer explained to Eli the fortifications the Syrian Army had built, Eli suggested that the Syrians plant trees there to deceive the Israelis into thinking it was unfortified, as well as to provide shade and beauty for the soldiers stationed there. Nadia believed it and went to see him off at the airport in 1961. The alleged son says the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) contacted him two years ago believing he has clues to the secret location, which his father had apparently taken to the grave. Nine months later, in late 1961, Eli came back to Israel for a visit with his wife Nadia. Saif calmly replied, Theres nothing to worry about. But the intelligence officers convinced him to go back one last time. Prior to the 1952 Egyptian Revolution, Cohen was arrested and interrogated over his Zionist activities. He became a confidante of George Saif, high up in the Ministry of Information. He was tortured, but he wouldnt give away any incriminating information about Israel. Eli started transmitting his message to Israel daily at 8 a.m. After six months kamal Amin tabet become well known. Fortunately, several were easy to spot, for they . "The Spy" depicts Egyptian-born Cohen - played by Sacha Baron Cohen - as an ambitious, Arabic-speaking immigrant to Israel who is recruited by Mossad and, overcoming his fears and the strains on his family, infiltrates the Damascus high command by posing as a rich scion of the Syrian diaspora. He was supposed to stay in Buenos Aires as a Syrian migr businessman named Kamal Amin Taabet. In 1962 Eli cohen was in Damascus with crowded mosques and colorful souks, he rented a luxurious villa in the classy Abu Ramen neighborhood, close to the Syrian embassy. "Concentrate on yourself; look forward to a better future!". soon Israel's tanks and cannon riposted with heavy fire, and minutes later mirage pounded the Syrian position and blasted the cannon of Syria that was dug. Were they not interested? they let him see fortification and the bunkers, weapon concentrated in the area, and their offensive plans.l lieutenant. Eli Cohen was an Egyptian-born Israeli spy best known for his espionage work in the 1960s in Syria, where it was alleged he developed close relationships with the Syrian political and military hierarchy and became the chief adviser to the country's defense minister. I don't want to go to my death longing for my Eli to rest in the soil of the land that he loved and for which he gave his life. Syrian security services led by Suidani broke into Cohen's apartment on 24 January and caught him in the middle of a transmission to Israel. Learn more. https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/nadia-cohen-46980.php. Eliyahu (Eli) Cohen, an Egyptian Jew, was born in Alexandria in 1924. In Episode 5, Cohen's playboy-esque Thaabet hosts a sex party at his apartment to distract key government and military officials while the Ba'ath Party's military committee seizes power in Damascus. Eli was caught in the act and there was nothing he could do. Instead, he joined the Egyptian merchant marine and was involved in a number of scams, which resulted in his arrest by the Egyptian secret service in 1952. She understood from him that he would be working for the Ministry of Defense, but she didnt know where or in what capacity. He made friends with many of the guests and ended up receiving classified military briefings and visiting Syrian military sites. Syria tortures him but he was still lying, his face was covered with wounds, his nail was pulled out. The film featured John Shea as Eli. In addition, the commander of Syrian Intelligence, Colonel Ahmed Suedani trusted no one and disliked Eli. The Spy, which was released Friday, tells the story of Cohen, who spied for Israel in Syria during the 1960s, providing valuable intelligence that was said to have greatly assisted the Israeli military in the 1967 Six Day War. He continued his social life, spending a lot of time in cafes listening to political gossip. Eli, after all, was born in an Arab country, had oriental features, was known to be selfless and fearless in pursuit of a cause, and had knowledge of Arabic, English, and French. Al-Gamal, for his part, adopted the Jewish identity of Jacques Biton and immigrated to Israel from France on the orders of Egyptian intelligence. The highly vigilant Russian security experts, equipped with very sensitive technical intelligence-gathering equipment, pinpointed the source of the transmissions in the Syrian capital and it was Elis home. he soon became a well-known figure in the Arab circle. Cohen wasnt allowed tell anyone of the plans and told his wife that he was working abroad for Israels Defense Ministry. The message was passed on to the Syrians, who arrested Cohen. children: Irit Cohen, Shai Cohen, Sophie Cohen, place of death: Al Marjeh Square, Damascus, Syria, See the events in life of Eli Cohen in Chronological Order, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubQ6b-9OewI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ9cUmvkgmg. Eli, who would feign intoxication, remained sober and listened carefully., In addition to providing loans to government officials and acting as an avid host, he was asked for advice by government officials, who were often intoxicated by the alcohol he freely provided. It was approved by, The head of the presidency council on 17/5/1965, Top 10 Weakest Militaries in the World | The Bahamas, Central African Republic, The Gambia,Barbados, Somalia, Luxembourg military power, MiG-29 vs. Su-27: The Soviet Union's Two Top Fighters Went Head to Head in an East African Air War, Ravindra Kaushik RAW Agent ( Black Tiger) Wife, son, Death reason, | Facts about Ravindra Kaushik | Ravindra Kaushik Movie, Israel's Iron Dome Vs S-400 Russian Comparison, Price, Success Rate | Iron Dome vs S400 which is better, Top amazing facts about RAW and Agent : History, Foundation, Joining , Department of RAW, Eli Cohen Wife, Children | Israeli Spy biography | Last Letter to his wife and Children | Eli Cohen death writing translation | george seif syria. He wasnt even drafted into regular service but was placed in a reserve Israeli Air Force formation as a logistics clerk. Perhaps he wasnt allowed into the security service due to his Military Intelligence evaluation some years before. This article was originally published in May 2005 and republished to coincide with the release of "The Spy" - a Netflix series about Eli Cohen's life. Cohen was released because he was not linked with the underground. As depicted in Episodes 4 and 5 of The Spy, Cohen aligns with Hafiz and the Ba'ath political party to overthrow the reigning government of Syria in March 1963. [27] Syrian authorities have repeatedly denied family requests for the remains. A memorial stone has been erected in the 'Garden of the Missing Soldiers' in Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, to commemorate him. At the beginning of the 1956 War, when Israel occupied the Sinai, Eli Cohen was detained by the Egyptian authorities, and was expelled from Egypt along with the remainder of Alexandrian Jews at the end of the war. After several days, Eli got a new identity as Kamal Amin Tablet, son of Syrian parents, born in Beirut. (Israel GPO), President Reuven Rivlin and Nadia Cohen, at a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Mossad super spy Eli Cohen, May 18, 2015. "- From Eli Cohen's last letter to his wife Nadia and his children, written an hour before his execution in Damascus. Cohen had aided the unit and was implicated, but they found no link between him and the perpetrators. Cohen was then informed that Mossad had decided to recruit him and underwent an intensive six-month course at the Mossad training school. His family is now settled in Bat Yam. This version contradicts that of Israel's secret service. Show creator Gideon Raff's limited series has brought renewed attention to the life and work of Eli Cohen. He also held parties at his home, which turned into orgies for high-placed Syrian ministers, businessmen, and others, who used Elis apartment for assignations with various women, including Defense Ministry secretaries, airline hostesses, and Syrian singing stars. At these parties such highly-placed officials would talk freely of their work and army plans. References ^ Eli Cohen Knesset ^ Eli Cohen Ministry of Economy and Industry ^ Kulanu list Central Elections Committee Some attributed this to a sense of cockiness (despite the fears he had expressed in November 1964), due to the ability and ease he had moved about in the highest echelons of Syrian power. Incorrect password. The transmissions became longer as well. One of the more famous aspects of his spying regarded a trip he took to the Golan Heights. Eli Cohen was born in Alexandria, Egypt, on December 26, 1924. He emigrated to Israel with the assistance of the Jewish Agency. Eli Cohenalso learned to identify the type and age of tanks, aircraft, and cannons. In the fifties, Israel had launched a project of huge pipeline and canals that would carry a part of the jorden river water to the arid Negev region. - From Eli Cohen's last letter to his wife Nadia and his children, written an hour before his execution in Damascus. he goes abroad for business and meets Nadia and Sophie in Bat Yam. By registering you agree to the terms and conditions. His captors later remarked on his noble bearing and his courage despite the horrific Syrian interrogation methods. He died in 2009. Offended, he resigned from military counterintelligence and took up a clerical job in a Tel Aviv insurance office. [7], Following state-sponsored anti-Semitic attacks on its Jewish communities, many of them fled or were expelled, and Cohen was forced to leave the country in December 1956. Nadia (born Nadia Majald) is an Iraqi Jew who got married to Eli on August 31, 1959. Since Eli did not have a steady job back then, even though he worked as an accountant, he had to rely more on Nadia to help support the family and their marriage. [34], The Israeli settlement Eliad on the Golan Heights is named for him.[35]. Using Biton, Israel "fed" Egypt with false intelligence that reportedly contributed to the Six Day War victory. The new Ba'ath government initially installed Lu'ay al-Atassi as president in March 1963. The Golan Heights defenses were top-secret and closed only to top military staff. (PMO), Sacha Baron Cohen as Israeli spy Eli Cohen in The Spy (YouTube screenshot), Mossad spy Eli Cohen, executed in Syria in 1965. Altogether, he returned to Israel three times between 1962 and 1965. Maurice isn't sure what this means. he transfers all operations to Mossad, Eli was now Mossad agent. (Haim Zach/GPO). "His parents, Syrian Jews from the thriving town of Aleppo, had always instilled in their educationally minded son the traditions of the Jewish people, of Zionism, and of the culture of Syria's Jewish community, in particular." The condom was used as a timing tool for mixed chemicals and produce a minor burst of fire. The Golan is not only important for its military significance. But he refused). In November 1964, Tel Dan Syria open fire on Israel tractors in the demilitarized zone. Nevertheless, Kamal Amin Taabet (Eli Cohen) succeeded in visiting every position. [19] He also learned of a secret plan to create three successive lines of bunkers and mortars; the Israel Defense Forces would otherwise have expected to encounter only a single line. He was driven to the airport, where his wife Nadia saw him off. Its unfamiliar to me, this form of expression in a global television series. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. "You know, when I was growing up, I heard a tremendous amount about your husband. [18], Cohen made repeated visits to the southern frontier zone, providing photographs and sketches of Syrian positions. This is adefinitive andfinal verdict. A month later, a Syrian officer would say that one of Israel's attack architects had been Eli Cohen, who was in Israel during the battle. Nadia still holds a grudge against the 'Mossad' handlers who had sent Eli to Syria, an action that had taken him away from her, forever. I give you my blessing. Cohen's widow, Nadia, said that following the report she appealed directly to Mossad chief Yossi Cohen, demanding answers as to why the deal did not go through. [28] The press announced on 5 July 2018 that Cohen's wristwatch had been retrieved from Syria. While undercover in Argentina in The Spy, Cohen struggles to resist drafting her notes, even if it puts him in danger. Ben-Dor was pessimistic that Israel would soon be able to retrieve her fathers body from Syria. His successes couldn't be vocally shared with his family, however. Al-Hafidh claims he was in negotiations with the Mossad to reveal the information, but wanted $1million for his services which the intelligence agency refused to pay. Cohen was convicted of espionage. The execution was recorded on 35mm film. Warning: This post contains spoilers for The Spy. The Baath party was rising to power and Eli Cohen wanted to be there when it took power. In the final episode of The Spy, Cohen's brother Maurice, a Mossad analyst, confronts him after discovering he is the secret Agent 88 in Damascus.
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