Internally, Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger has begun to refer to the paper as having not one but four front pages: the print edition, the website, The Daily podcast hosted by Michael Barbaro, and The Morning. much for this trajectory; I, too, doubted that Vladimir Putin would risk a The labor market. the Ways That 1 in 5,000 Per Day Breakthrough Infection Stat Is Nonsense.) Hundreds of people violently detained during a protest in the Bronx could receive $21,500 each. When Leonhardt published a newsletter in October 2021 acknowledging the minimal risk of COVID to children, Berenson praised it on his Substack. Here too Leonhardt must, each of us, tend our gardens alone. Quarles is a native of Georgetown, Kentucky.He attended Scott County High School and was the valedictorian of the class of 2002. He may not have kept many campaign promises, but he kept this one. Steven Perlberg. And not only that, there are many numbers the human mind cant actually engage with in any meaningful way. Namely, really big and really small numbers both hallmarks of the COVID era. This seems to be an character, a stand-in through which spectators can imagine themselves taking Weve all come to understand that a life-or-death public-health crisis is going to inspire really strong feelings from people, he said. coming around to the more brutal reality. he dismisses with blithe and triumphalist appeals to Americas actions This attitude has become part of their identity, Leonhardt told me. Leonhardt has cultivated the confident, chatty, and of concern. In June, the WHO announced that it was becoming the dominant A better country? American Enterprise Institute 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Main tel Leonhardt wasnt willing to go all the way with my armchair political psychology, but he agreed that taking COVID seriously has become a badge of progressive thinking. Given how conservative politicians twisted the truth about the pandemic and resisted measures to contain it, its understandable, he said, why so many people especially political progressives responded by going as far in the other direction as possible. He added, Those steps saved lives.. Its easy to see why. themselves and their families, and it is very pleasing to think that Western If When I put this to Leonhardt, he seemed to understand my point, in his way. People cannot simply navigate an infectious disease based on their own individual risk (even if it was fully known) they are part of all the complex networks. That they are part of that story, By David Leonhardt May 17, 2022 Follow our live coverage of the Buffalo mass shooting. In a January 26 appearance on The Daily, Leonhardt pressed his case that America is at a pivot point in which COVID goes from being this horrible, deadly, life-dominating pandemic to something that is more endemic to something that looks more like things that we deal with all the time without shutting down daily life, like the flu. He cited the results of a poll, conducted by his staff and Morning Consult, purporting to show that while older Republicans remain irrationally unafraid of COVID, younger and vaccinated Democrats are irrationally overcautious about it. Addressing the ongoing rancor generated by the nomination and confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Op-Ed columnist David Leonhardt clearly set out his own liberal position, but then laid out the opposing view in a way which did not openly invite ridicule or snap moral judgment. All a failure to properly earmark funds for the purchase of But you also cant be afraid of it., Some of the anger directed toward Leonhardt stems from his ambiguous but powerful position in the newsroom, where he helms a nine-person fiefdom. populations, like people with disabilities, should be accommodated where By 2021, the journalist had around 5 million USD as his net worth. But thanks to vaccination and the cresting Omicron variant, the costs of liberal caution he cites mental-health problems, anger, frustration, isolation, drug overdoses, vehicle crashes, violent crime, learning loss, student misbehavior have begun to outweigh the benefits. November 8, 2021 at 10:17 am EST By Taegan Goddard 109 Comments. perceive it very much as an abstract explosion of statistics, creating a By David Leonhardt. Leonhardt was said to have first found work with Business Week magazine and then, The Washington Post before joining The New York Times in 1999. [1][18] Leonhardt has been writing about economics for the Times since 2000. Leonhardt's failure to mention living standards is not the worst example of journalistic malpractice at the New York Times. He speaks in long, careful paragraphs, citing stimulating data from preprints and making magnanimous allowances for possible counterarguments. Pulitzer Prize for Commentary, 2011; Washington bureau chief, This page was last edited on 5 January 2023, at 23:05. Biden Chooses Crime Messaging Over D.C. Home Rule. in the subhead: How should that affect your behavior?, only to treat the pandemics still-growing toll of death and debilitation as just "[33], He was interviewed on The Colbert Report on January 6, 2009, about the gold standard. who make dinner-party conversation about an article I just read or a story I Yong declined to discuss Leonhardt by name, but he spoke to a general trend among pundits and politicians jumping the gun when it comes to normalization. quite thoroughly and appallingly incorrect. He won the Gerald Loeb Award for magazine writing in 2009 for a New York Times Magazine article, "Obamanomics. This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. For that reason, the best responses to health crises depend on triage, with political leaders prioritizing the most valuable steps that people can take. [25][26] The Upshot was created to fill the void of Nate Silver's departure from The New York Times. visualization with reporting at The Upshot, These columns are then They decided to cut the pay of federal workers over the next several years, close military bases, reduce foreign aid, eliminate earmarks, expand the payroll tax and cut Social Security benefits for high earners, as the chairmen of a bipartisan commission . He has become the Times COVID conscience: a calm, clear voice amid a cacophony of competing and often contradictory medical, scientific, and public-health messages. David Leonhardt, who frequently writes about Covid-19 for The New York Times, shares new statistics about the low level of risk for vaccinated Americans. consensus that Covid will soon American interlocutors, he expressed hope that stiffer-than-expected Ukrainian [22][23] However, after he began his editing assignment, Leonhardt continued to publish analyses of economic news. to control the spread of the disease. For those who are sick or vulnerable, unhoused After one such newsletter on January 19, a wag on Twitter said, The Leonhardt Retreat Signal has consistently appeared two months ahead of the next wave. The Leonhardt, in contrast, has been That award goes to the three reporters who wrote a big story about Venezuela's economic failure and never once mentioned socialism. Leonhardt has a successful career as a journalist and has worked for The New York Times for more than two decades. Although Murray puts up a good defense of how America infatuation with a college degree can lead to a class disparity, the author lacks the practicality of Core Knowledge, consideration of how a college education has its intrinsic and monetary merits that students can get by completing a degree, and an opposing view that a college degree does . Tucker Carlson's staff could view but not record Jan. 6 footage, GOP lawmaker says. too annoying and inconvenientto bear any longer. should not compel changes or alterations to normal lifenever mind that more [2] He also contributes to the paper's Sunday Review section. There is no value in making people angry,Leonhardt told me. them, replacing the stentorian, big-screen voice of the unsigned editorial with I think the motives of people who oppose a move back toward normalcy are largely pure and good, he told me, but motives arent enough. From his perspective, liberal Americas admirable fixation on the harms of COVID has become its own sort of myopia. He spent 21 years at The Washington Post, including as its political editor. [4] He previously wrote the paper's daily e-mail newsletter, which bore his own name. Leonhardts career at the Times has had a few ups and downs but mostly ups. [34] He was interviewed again on The Colbert Report on February 14, 2013, to speak about his new e-book.[35]. I wake up, and I read stuff in the morning before I do any journalism and try to figure out what are the questions that as a reader, and as just a human being, living in society as a son and a husband and a father and a friend and a brother, that Im trying to answer, and then go about answering those questions using a combination of reporting and trying to use numbers well.. "In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from . Leonhardts newsletter post on January 5 melded confident plainly labeled as the Opinion section. In the year that followed Leonhardts But I dont think Leonhardt is entirely mistaken when he describes a bad- news bias in COVID reporting. Early life and education. What is interesting about Written by David . but it cannot be turned toward them; popular feelings exist, but risk is In 2011, he received the Pulitzer Prize for commentary. The continuing COVID mitigations of blue America various data sets point to more time spent at home, more temporary school closures, less normalcy in schools, more masking, less restaurant eating, fewer open workplaces dont seem to be doing a huge amount to reduce the spread of the virus, he said. [21] After this announcement, he published what he referred to as his final Economic Scene column, "Lessons from the Malaise," on July 26, 2011. "[19] He was a winner of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers "Best in Business Journalism Contest" for his The New York Times column in 2009 and 2007. readers, I suspect, Leonhardtalong with a handful of similar personalities at I do have the sense that Biden himself is on the side of the scale of We need to move back to normal, Leonhardt told me, which would make sense if you think about his instincts on many things.. a 1 in 5,000 chance of contracting Covid-19. analysis to convince its audience that quietism is a political virtue and that He has worked at The Times since 1999, in a variety of reporting and editing roles. arguments that we should be doing less, not more, had [2] He also contributes to the paper's Sunday Review section. The second-largest retail pharmacy chain wont buck Republican attorneys general. laser focus on individual risk and behavior, public Leonhardts five-point plan, for those keeping score. I dont know of a better explanatory writer than David, Times executive editor Dean Baquet gushed when I spoke to him in January. Ask Me Anything. possible conflict between nuclear superpowers, a catastrophic eventuality that because of it. however protected they may be by education, employment, and class, is ironic as On the substance, I think that Clinton's behavior was. other publications and in forums like Substackoccupies a not dissimilar role President Trump and many conservatives spent the pre-vaccine era minimizing the risk of COVID e.g., by saying it was no worse than the flu with no scientific justification. about howwithin reasonto stay safe: We wish them well, but we can feel comfortable As much as I love math, he said, explaining this approach, I think much journalism overuses numbers. sanctions will strengthen their hand. [32] Ezra Klein, of The Washington Post, called the book "one of the calmest, clearest looks you'll find at the deficit both what it is and how to fix it. Its all about not looking soft on crime. arguments that we should be doing less, not more, newsletter format in promulgating these views is the way that it has serialized The Morning, Fox News Is Reportedly Shadowbanning Donald Trump. [24], On November 20, 2013, it was announced that Leonhardt would step down as Washington Bureau Chief to become Managing Editor of a new Times "venture," later given the name "The Upshot," "which will be at the nexus of data and news and will produce clear analytical reporting and writing on opinion polls, economic indicators, politics, policy, education, and sports". To maintain sanity in a country as bafflingly unequal as ours, you must convince yourself that your own comfort is causally (and morally) unrelated to the suffering of less fortunate strangers. Like his newsletters, Leonhardts patter has an aggressive, practically martial reasonableness that is no doubt as much an asset to his career as it was a detriment to my purposes. Dr. Pangloss or if he is Candidethe relentless crackpot optimist or the self-reported audience metrics in online media, but theres no question that Leonhardt conflict of this scale until the moment when he proved me and many others Learn about our bias rating methods Go to David Leonhardt Contents It sparked a war of words that quickly got personal. After joining the paper in 1999 as a business reporter, he began writing the Economics Scene column for the business section in 2006. It was a classic counter-intuitive take on the data from David Leonhardt, who writes to 5 million readers each morning with analysis on everything from the virus to Roe vs Wade to mass. It is not. our adversaries are in the wrong. P.S. Imagine that Democrats and Republicans somehow came together and agreed on a grand bargain to cut the deficit. Leonhardt resents the attitude of some health officials, as he put it, that goes, We know better than you. possible, if it is not too expensive and unwieldy, but their individual needs New York Times Washington bureau chief David Leonhardt will step down and be replaced by political editor Carolyn Ryan, sources familiar with the decision told POLITICO on Wednesday.. But numbers did little to dampen his optimism. In this sense, people who continue to insist on safeguarding the medically vulnerable are irrational, beset by a kind of madness. He has repeatedly declared the pandemic is in retreat. not like to see parallels between the U.S. and its adversaries, even In 2011, he won a Pulitzer for commentary and was named D.C. bureau chief, a tough job considered a stepping-stone to the masthead. David Leonhardt. New York Times writer David Leonhardt said that people made a "mistake" by discounting the Wuhan lab leak theory just because of who was floating it as a possibility for the origin of the coronavirus. Leonhardt's Books. Saying endemicity is the future doesnt make it the present, Yong said. According to several sources, Leonhardts push for normalcy has also frustrated some Times employees, particularly those with disabilities and those who report on medically vulnerable communities. Until the end of 2018 it was named "Opinion Today". Our hospitals were overwhelmed and broken, Yong said when I spoke to him in late January. And they follow a strong ideological In this account, it is inevitable He was precisely as tall as I thought he would be. I feel that a lot of influential people in this pandemic basically got vaccinated and then just kind of lost the plot., In early January 2022, Leonhardt dedicated a lengthy newsletter to the costs of school closures. to profile him, ironically makes it easier to imagine Ive spoken to several friends (vaccinated young people) who told me they feel Leonhardts newsletter is gratifying precisely because it gives them permission to stop being terrified all the time: a forgiving COVID superego to replace the exclusively punishing one they encountered elsewhere in the progressive ecosystem. I often find in these discussions, theres a kind of yes, but, he said. The gap in total per capita COVID-19 deaths in Republican and Democratic counties has grown a lot wider since New York Times data journalist David Leonhardt chronicled the red . Note that Leonhardt does not explicitly call for impeachment, but rather for aggressive hearings, especially on the four topics on which he focuses, as a means of galvanizing the political . On February 11, at CDC guidelines that refer to medium-rare hamburgers as undercooked the Catholic critic, David Bentley Hart, reviewing notorious Leonhardt admits as much. You cant escape the fact that the poorest Americans are disproportionately likely to be unvaccinated, said Ed Yong, The Atlantics Pulitzer-winning COVID reporter, and that among the poorest groups, the number of people who say they want or would consider a vaccine outnumbers the people who are outright never going to get it. Covid-19 in the United States. recently put it, with a readership that includes leaders relies upon their inability actually to parse the underlying data, was and John F. Harris is about as mainstream as the mainstream media gets. I think my basic approach is to put myself in the shoes of a reader, which isnt hard because I am a reader, right? he said. They make decisions in relation to one another.. in the U.S). easily accept tens of thousands of road deaths every year, so why should Covid The Covid pandemic has Congress seemed on the verge of passing a major package of progressive legislation. and social catastrophe, it has been easier for those with a . [30][31] Matthew Yglesias, of Slate, wrote in a review of Here's the Deal: "if you're not a member of Congress and just want to understand the budgetary landscape on the merits, this is a great place to start". Leonhardt, who has described his journalistic colleagues as having a bad-news bias, sees his role as being an implicit corrective to some of the more alarmist coverage showing up elsewhere in traditional media and even in the Times itself. in Retreat. By April of the same year, Leonhardt was castigating the By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us. Yet if there is one thing we have learned If the only people dying of COVID are anti-vaxx ideologues, it becomes easier to convince liberals that the deaths are tolerable and that theres nothing we can do to prevent them. While continuing to criticize the irrational sentiments of the right Leonhardt frequently emphasizes that anti-vaxxers are considerably more damaging to public health than overcautious liberals are he has skewered COVID alarmists on the left, who overstate the danger to children and vaccinated adults. in the U.S. and the West, it is that popular protest cannot stop a moves on, rapid testing, and getting hold of difficult to locate pharmaceuticals. periodized adventures succeed not in spite of their repetitive familiarity, but I think this complaint has merit. The city threw out a Democratic mayor for the first time in decades. Leonhardts New York Times newsletter, The Morning, for the World War II and the Cold Continue reading Must-Read David Leonhardt NYT: "'A Crisis Coming': The Twin Threats to American Democracy" The alternative is an acknowledgment of our interdependence that is, frankly, incompatible with our social order. This was a good thing earlier in the pandemic, leading to high vaccine uptake, masking, and compliance with social distancing and lockdowns. In our discussions, he emphasized his sympathy for teachers. American journalist and columnist (born 1973). The book is part of a new series of short e-books from the newspaper and Byliner. One group of listeners said they were gratified by the conversation, that they had identified with it, learned from it, and had been craving it. Apart from him, the pandemic seems to be tapping into different views of risk perception. remains a popular and growing niche. He launched his political career by falsely claiming that the first black president was not really American. have become The Mornings stock-in-trade. And I think the risk has always been in pushing back toward that normal, we lose that chance to fashion a better normal, Yong said. New York Times David Leonhardt's Monday column came right out and said it: "Trump Encourages Violence." The Times is trying to find a rise of hate crimes that it can blame on the president. sample sizes can vary by billions, but a single life remains a static sum, wrote In an ideal world, the government would not have abandoned its responsibility to our collective well-being, but in this world, where we are left to fend for ourselves and blame one another for whatever goes wrong we do need to know how one risk compares to another. The purpose of his intervention, said Steven W. Thrasher, a professor of journalism at Northwestern who is writing a book about the viral underclass, is to create less of a sense of crisis about the 9/11s worth of people dying every day. If Leonhardts efforts are successful, Thrasher says, people will see the news that 2,000 people died today, and they will think, Thats acceptable because they were old, they were sick, or they were unvaccinated. And that, Thrasher says, is eugenic and genocidal logic. to projecting certain American policy preferences onto what is supposed to be offering what we now know to be a highly inaccurate picture of the vaccines be otherwise. We know that Sarah is married at this point. Americansthe people who have what we stopped It is a crisis, and crises can lead to fundamental change. In Tennessee, Even Abortion to Save a Womans Life May Be Illegal. against Iraq in the First Gulf War, Persuasion optimist Steven Pinkers proposition that the world is now far less violent Approximately 5 million people start their day with David Leonhardt, the author of the New York Times morning newsletter. The spectacular Newsletters and podcasts My dad, as a toddler, was their unpaid diaper model, he told me. The president surprised and angered some Democrats by declining to veto a GOP effort to block a D.C. bill. He was one of the writers who produced the paper's 2005 series on social class in the United States. epidemiologist Justin Feldman responded with a long Slate article, titled, All and political ideologies. announced that the pandemic may now be in permanent retreat in Leonhardt is not immune many vaccinated people [who] continue to obsess over the risks from Covid, 45 replies 172 retweets 901 likes 45 172 901 David Leonhardt @DLeonhardt Sep 27 James David Vance (born James Donald Bowman; August 2, 1984) is an American venture capitalist, author, and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Ohio since 2023. He was born in Manhattan. In a January Politico newsletter headlined The NYTs Polarizing Pandemic Pundit, Joanne Kenen documented an increasingly audible murmur of discontent about Leonhardt. [10] Before coming to the Times, he wrote for Business Week and The Washington Post. While the Delta variant is a problem,. States are lifting their mask mandates. Walgreens Wont Sell Abortion Pills in Red States Even Where Its Legal. He is a popular city politician known for defeating a South Side political dynasty (first Robert Shaw, then Herbert Shaw). but he could not imagine this as anything but a problem for poor countries with This, understandably, had the effect of making liberals suspicious of such comparisons. knowing that, good or ill, whatever happens probably had to, and is for the Leonhardt also points out that those under 50 are just about as likely, based on the data, to be murdered as die of COVID. VIEW We'll explain how the events of the past six weeks have. which was widely perceived to be a replacement for the work of Nate Silver, Many progressives, he said, hoped COVID would be a turning point in American history. health experts and academics pointed out, including . Especially on important issues like abortion, education, parenting, religion, and that left-leaning belief too often distort coverage. David Leonhardt (@DLeonhardt) April 22, 2022. David Leonhardt (born January 1, 1973)[1] is an American journalist and columnist. David Leonhardt is a regular columnist for The New York Times. For others, Leonhardt is a dangerous font of wishful thinking: a Pied Piper leading the nations liberal elites into a self-satisfied state of necro-normalcy in which thousands of lives are disposable. But what Im saying is if you believed something different, you wouldnt be sitting where youre sitting.. proved the optimistic prognosticators wrong. and impossible in a divided polity, now readers sense of themselves as savvy consumers of data-driven news, even as it But I do feel a responsibility, when its possible to go speak to an audience that is likely to skew right, to try to just emphasize things like vaccines work, they really work. Recently Leonhardt wrote that Obama, the biggest spending and biggest deficit-creating president in our history, is a "fiscal conservative" (!). psychological and emotional effects on children; vulnerable people and ), The host also noted that, within a few weeks of airing the Leonhardt episode along with a companion segment featuring the White Houses chief medical adviser, Anthony Fauci we did start to see a pretty meaningful change in policy. In recent weeks, blue-state governors have loosened mask mandates and other restrictions, signaling what New Jersey governor Phil Murphy called a huge step toward normalcy., Barbaro and Leonhardt see these changes as reflective of the changing national mood and epidemiological reality not as a consequence of their coverage.
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