This means we can use pre-trained model weights, leveraging all of the time and data it took for training the convolutional part, and just remove the FCN layer. Marine memory: This is the main feature of the marine predators and it helps in catching the optimal solution very fast and avoid local solutions. COVID-19 tests are currently hard to come by there are simply not enough of them and they cannot be manufactured fast enough, which is causing panic. The symbol \(R_B\) refers to Brownian motion. Harikumar, R. & Vinoth Kumar, B. Li, S., Chen, H., Wang, M., Heidari, A. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on computer vision and pattern recognition workshops, 806813 (2014). Performance analysis of neural networks for classification of medical images with wavelets as a feature extractor. The proposed IMF approach successfully achieves two important targets, selecting small feature numbers with high accuracy. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Thank you for visiting So, there might be sometimes some conflict issues regarding the features vector file types or issues related to storage capacity and file transferring. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) represent valuable input to AI algorithms, scanning human body sections for the sake of diagnosis. The results showed that the proposed approach showed better performances in both classification accuracy and the number of extracted features that positively affect resource consumption and storage efficiency. 35, 1831 (2017). Google Scholar. In general, MPA is a meta-heuristic technique that simulates the behavior of the prey and predator in nature37. According to the best measure, the FO-MPA performed similarly to the HHO algorithm, followed by SMA, HGSO, and SCA, respectively. Convolutional neural networks were implemented in Python 3 under Google Colaboratory46, commonly referred to as Google Colab, which is a research project for prototyping machine learning models on powerful hardware options such as GPUs and TPUs. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Kharrat, A. By achieving 98.7%, 98.2% and 99.6%, 99% of classification accuracy and F-Score for dataset 1 and dataset 2, respectively, the proposed approach outperforms several CNNs and all recent works on COVID-19 images. One of the main disadvantages of our approach is that its built basically within two different environments. We adopt a special type of CNN called a pre-trained model where the network is previously trained on the ImageNet dataset, which contains millions of variety of images (animal, plants, transports, objects,..) on 1000 classe categories. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 15 (IEEE, 2018). The two datasets consist of X-ray COVID-19 images by international Cardiothoracic radiologist, researchers and others published on Kaggle. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Inspired by this concept, Faramarzi et al.37 developed the MPA algorithm by considering both of a predator a prey as solutions. Chong, D. Y. et al. Fractional Differential Equations: An Introduction to Fractional Derivatives, Fdifferential Equations, to Methods of their Solution and Some of Their Applications Vol. A., Fan, H. & Abd ElAziz, M. Optimization method for forecasting confirmed cases of covid-19 in china. Furthermore, using few hundreds of images to build then train Inception is considered challenging because deep neural networks need large images numbers to work efficiently and produce efficient features. Also, because COVID-19 is a virus, distinguish COVID-19 from common viral . The following stage was to apply Delta variants. Cite this article. Tree based classifier are the most popular method to calculate feature importance to improve the classification since they have high accuracy, robustness, and simple38. Mobilenets: Efficient convolutional neural networks for mobile vision applications. Heidari, A. Pool layers are used mainly to reduce the inputs size, which accelerates the computation as well. Litjens, G. et al. We build the first Classification model using VGG16 Transfer leaning framework and second model using Deep Learning Technique Convolutional Neural Network CNN to classify and diagnose the disease and we able to achieve the best accuracy in both the model. They used different images of lung nodules and breast to evaluate their FS methods. & Carlsson, S. Cnn features off-the-shelf: an astounding baseline for recognition. (22) can be written as follows: By taking into account the early mentioned relation in Eq. Nguyen, L.D., Lin, D., Lin, Z. Accordingly, the prey position is upgraded based the following equations. Among the FS methods, the metaheuristic techniques have been established their performance overall other FS methods when applied to classify medical images. Both datasets shared some characteristics regarding the collecting sources. HIGHLIGHTS who: Yuan Jian and Qin Xiao from the Fukuoka University, Japan have published the Article: Research and Application of Fine-Grained Image Classification Based on Small Collar Dataset, in the Journal: (JOURNAL) what: MC-Loss drills down on the channels to effectively navigate the model, focusing on different distinguishing regions and highlighting diverse features. & Baby, C.J. Emphysema medical image classification using fuzzy decision tree with fuzzy particle swarm optimization clustering. FC provides a clear interpretation of the memory and hereditary features of the process. In Eq. Background The large volume and suboptimal image quality of portable chest X-rays (CXRs) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic could post significant challenges for radiologists and frontline physicians. The evaluation confirmed that FPA based FS enhanced classification accuracy. The proposed approach was evaluated on two public COVID-19 X-ray datasets which achieves both high performance and reduction of computational complexity. Introduction To survey the hypothesis accuracy of the models. Automated detection of alzheimers disease using brain mri imagesa study with various feature extraction techniques. It noted that all produced feature vectors by CNNs used in this paper are at least bigger by more than 300 times compared to that produced by FO-MPA in terms of the size of the featureset. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. For example, Da Silva et al.30 used the genetic algorithm (GA) to develop feature selection methods for ranking the quality of medical images. Finally, the sum of the features importance value on each tree is calculated then divided by the total number of trees as in Eq. The predator tries to catch the prey while the prey exploits the locations of its food. They compared the BA to PSO, and the comparison outcomes showed that BA had better performance. I am passionate about leveraging the power of data to solve real-world problems. Duan et al.13 applied the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to extract features from pulmonary nodules from CT images. They used K-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) to classify x-ray images collected from Montgomery dataset, and it showed good performances. Therefore, a feature selection technique can be applied to perform this task by removing those irrelevant features. Google Research,, Blog (2017). Figure6 shows a comparison between our FO-MPA approach and other CNN architectures. This paper reviews the recent progress of deep learning in COVID-19 images applications from five aspects; Firstly, 33 COVID-19 datasets and data enhancement methods are introduced; Secondly, COVID-19 classification methods . Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. The algorithm combines the assessment of image quality, digital image processing and deep learning for segmentation of the lung tissues and their classification. 43, 635 (2020). In this paper, filters of size 2, besides a stride of 2 and \(2 \times 2\) as Max pool, were adopted. The GL in the discrete-time form can be modeled as below: where T is the sampling period, and m is the length of the memory terms (memory window). (3), the importance of each feature is then calculated. Metric learning Metric learning can create a space in which image features within the. ADS In such a case, in order to get the advantage of the power of CNN and also, transfer learning can be applied to minimize the computational costs21,22. Evaluate the proposed approach by performing extensive comparisons to several state-of-art feature selection algorithms, most recent CNN architectures and most recent relevant works and existing classification methods of COVID-19 images. One of these datasets has both clinical and image data. For the exploration stage, the weibull distribution has been applied rather than Brownian to bost the performance of the predator in stage 2 and the prey velocity in stage 1 based on the following formula: Where k, and \(\zeta\) are the scale and shape parameters. Also, in58 a new CNN architecture called EfficientNet was proposed, where more blocks were added on top of the model after applying normalization of images pixels intensity to the range (0 to 1). COVID-19 image classification using deep learning: Advances, challenges and opportunities COVID-19 image classification using deep learning: Advances, challenges and opportunities Comput Biol Med. Inf. Detection of lung cancer on chest ct images using minimum redundancy maximum relevance feature selection method with convolutional neural networks. IEEE Trans. 10, 10331039 (2020). In Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 176183 (Springer, 2011). They also used the SVM to classify lung CT images. Also, they require a lot of computational resources (memory & storage) for building & training. Classification of COVID19 using Chest X-ray Images in Keras 4.6 33 ratings Share Offered By In this Guided Project, you will: Learn to Build and Train the Convolutional Neural Network using Keras with Tensorflow as Backend Learn to Visualize Data in Matplotlib Learn to make use of the Trained Model to Predict on a New Set of Data 2 hours As seen in Table1, we keep the last concatenation layer which contains the extracted features, so we removed the top layers such as the Flatten, Drop out and the Dense layers which the later performs classification (named as FC layer). Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is considered the current state-of-the-art image classification technique, it needs massive computational cost for deployment and training. With accounting the first four previous events (\(m=4\)) from the memory data with derivative order \(\delta\), the position of prey can be modified as follow; Second: Adjusting \(R_B\) random parameter based on weibull distribution. Al-qaness, M. A., Ewees, A. Figure7 shows the most recent published works as in54,55,56,57 and44 on both dataset 1 and dataset 2. Civit-Masot et al. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023), Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (2023), Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023). Scientific Reports (Sci Rep) and A.A.E. (23), the general formulation for the solutions of FO-MPA based on FC memory perspective can be written as follows: After checking the previous formula, it can be detected that the motion of the prey becomes based on some terms from the previous solutions with a length of (m), as depicted in Fig. Springer Science and Business Media LLC Online. For example, Lambin et al.7 proposed an efficient approach called Radiomics to extract medical image features. As Inception examines all X-ray images over and over again in each epoch during the training, these rapid ups and downs are slowly minimized in the later part of the training. Appl. Int. The model was developed using Keras library47 with Tensorflow backend48. The second CNN architecture classifies the X-ray image into three classes, i.e., normal, pneumonia, and COVID-19. PubMed & Pouladian, M. Feature selection for contour-based tuberculosis detection from chest x-ray images. MATH The Softmax activation function is used for this purpose because the output should be binary (positive COVID-19 negative COVID-19). Image Anal. Li et al.34 proposed a self-adaptive bat algorithm (BA) to address two problems in lung X-ray images, rebalancing, and feature selection. In ancient India, according to Aelian, it was . A. where r is the run numbers. Our dataset consisting of 60 chest CT images of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients was pre-processed and segmented using a hybrid watershed and fuzzy c-means algorithm. Acharya, U. R. et al. 2. The authors declare no competing interests. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.13145 (2020). The different proposed models will be trained with three-class balanced dataset which consists of 3000 images, 1000 images for each class. Comput. Automatic COVID-19 lung images classification system based on convolution neural network. All authors discussed the results and wrote the manuscript together. Machine learning (ML) methods can play vital roles in identifying COVID-19 patients by visually analyzing their chest x-ray images. Vis. 95, 5167 (2016). Fractional-order calculus (FC) gains the interest of many researchers in different fields not only in the modeling sectors but also in developing the optimization algorithms. (18)(19) for the second half (predator) as represented below. The shape of the output from the Inception is (5, 5, 2048), which represents a feature vector of size 51200. M.A.E. In this paper, each feature selection algorithm were exposed to select the produced feature vector from Inception aiming at selecting only the most relevant features. Comput. In my thesis project, I developed an image classification model to detect COVID-19 on chest X-ray medical data using deep learning models such . where \(R\in [0,1]\) is a random vector drawn from a uniform distribution and \(P=0.5\) is a constant number. They applied a fuzzy decision tree classifier, and they found that fuzzy PSO improved the classification accuracy. Aiming at the problems of poor attention to existing translation models, the insufficient ability of key transfer and generation, insufficient quality of generated images, and lack of detailed features, this paper conducts research on lung medical image translation and lung image classification based on . Hashim, F. A., Houssein, E. H., Mabrouk, M. S., Al-Atabany, W. & Mirjalili, S. Henry gas solubility optimization: a novel physics-based algorithm. Based on54, the later step reduces the memory requirements, and improve the efficiency of the framework. Bisong, E. Building Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models on Google Cloud Platform (Springer, Berlin, 2019). On the second dataset, dataset 2 (Fig. If the random solution is less than 0.2, it converted to 0 while the random solution becomes 1 when the solutions are greater than 0.2. We have used RMSprop optimizer for weight updates, cross entropy loss function and selected learning rate as 0.0001. In Medical Imaging 2020: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, vol. As a result, the obtained outcomes outperformed previous works in terms of the models general performance measure. chest X-ray images into three classes of COVID-19, normal chest X-ray and other lung diseases. The proposed segmentation method is capable of dealing with the problem of diffuse lung borders in CXR images of patients with COVID-19 severe or critical. We do not present a usable clinical tool for COVID-19 diagnosis, but offer a new, efficient approach to optimize deep learning-based architectures for medical image classification purposes. In9, to classify ultrasound medical images, the authors used distance-based FS methods and a Fuzzy Support Vector Machine (FSVM). Rajpurkar, P. etal. 79, 18839 (2020). (15) can be reformulated to meet the special case of GL definition of Eq. Epub 2022 Mar 3. 115, 256269 (2011). In57, ResNet-50 CNN has been applied after applying horizontal flipping, random rotation, random zooming, random lighting, and random wrapping on raw images. Google Scholar. Comput. Inceptions layer details and layer parameters of are given in Table1. where CF is the parameter that controls the step size of movement for the predator. Also, other recent published works39, who combined a CNN architecture with Weighted Symmetric Uncertainty (WSU) to select optimal features for traffic classification. Chollet, F. Keras, a python deep learning library. Nevertheless, a common mistake in COVID-19 dataset fusion, mainly on classification tasks, is that by mixing many datasets of COVID-19 and using as Control images another dataset, there will be . Article In COVID19 triage, DB-YNet is a promising tool to assist physicians in the early identification of COVID19 infected patients for quick clinical interventions. used a dark Covid-19 network for multiple classification experiments on Covid-19 with an accuracy of 87% [ 23 ]. Faramarzi et al.37 implement this feature via saving the previous best solutions of a prior iteration, and compared with the current ones; the solutions are modified based on the best one during the comparison stage. Eng. CNNs are more appropriate for large datasets. While the second dataset, dataset 2 was collected by a team of researchers from Qatar University in Qatar and the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh along with collaborators from Pakistan and Malaysia medical doctors44. Szegedy, C. et al. Regarding the consuming time as in Fig. 4b, FO-MPA algorithm selected successfully fewer features than other algorithms, as it selected 130 and 86 features from Dataset 1 and Dataset 2, respectively. (1): where \(O_k\) and \(E_k\) refer to the actual and the expected feature value, respectively. Going deeper with convolutions. }, \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} D^{\delta }[U(t)]=\frac{1}{T^\delta }\sum _{k=0}^{m} \frac{(-1)^k\Gamma (\delta +1)U(t-kT)}{\Gamma (k+1)\Gamma (\delta -k+1)} \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} D^1[U(t)]=U(t+1)-U(t) \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} U=Lower+rand_1\times (Upper - Lower ) \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} Elite=\left[ \begin{array}{cccc} U_{11}^1&{}U_{12}^1&{}\ldots &{}U_{1d}^1\\ U_{21}^1&{}U_{22}^1&{}\ldots &{}U_{2d}^1\\ \ldots &{}\ldots &{}\ldots &{}\ldots \\ U_{n1}^1&{}U_{n2}^1&{}\ldots &{}U_{nd}^1\\ \end{array}\right] , \, U=\left[ \begin{array}{cccc} U_{11}&{}U_{12}&{}\ldots &{}U_{1d}\\ U_{21}&{}U_{22}&{}\ldots &{}U_{2d}\\ \ldots &{}\ldots &{}\ldots &{}\ldots \\ U_{n1}&{}U_{n2}&{}\ldots &{}U_{nd}\\ \end{array}\right] , \, \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} S_i&= {} R_B \bigotimes (Elite_i-R_B\bigotimes U_i), i=1,2,\ldots ,n \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} U_i&= {} U_i+P.R\bigotimes S_i \end{aligned}$$, \(\frac{1}{3}t_{max}< t< \frac{2}{3}t_{max}\), $$\begin{aligned} S_i&= {} R_L \bigotimes (Elite_i-R_L\bigotimes U_i), i=1,2,\ldots ,n/2 \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} S_i&= {} R_B \bigotimes (R_B \bigotimes Elite_i- U_i), i=1,2,\ldots ,n/2 \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} U_i&= {} Elite_i+P.CF\bigotimes S_i,\, CF= \left( 1-\frac{t}{t_{max}} \right) ^{\left(2\frac{t}{t_{max}}\right) } \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} S_i&= {} R_L \bigotimes (R_L \bigotimes Elite_i- U_i), i=1,2,\ldots ,n \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} U_i&= {} Elite_i+P.CF\bigotimes S_i,\, CF= \left( 1-\frac{t}{t_{max}}\right) ^{\left(2\frac{t}{t_{max}} \right) } \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} U_i=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} U_i+CF [U_{min}+R \bigotimes (U_{max}-U_{min})]\bigotimes W &{} r_5 < FAD \\ U_i+[FAD(1-r)+r](U_{r1}-U_{r2}) &{} r_5 > FAD\\ \end{array}\right. . Corona Virus lung infected X-Ray Images accessible by Kaggle a complete 590 images, which classified in 2 classes: typical and Covid-19. Lilang Zheng, Jiaxuan Fang, Xiaorun Tang, Hanzhang Li, Jiaxin Fan, Tianyi Wang, Rui Zhou, Zhaoyan Yan. In14, the authors proposed an FS method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect pneumonia from lung X-ray images. Number of extracted feature and classification accuracy by FO-MPA compared to other CNNs on dataset 1 (left) and on dataset 2 (right). So, based on this motivation, we apply MPA as a feature selector from deep features that produced from CNN (largely redundant), which, accordingly minimize capacity and resources consumption and can improve the classification of COVID-19 X-ray images. First: prey motion based on FC the motion of the prey of Eq. Chong et al.8 proposed an FS model, called Robustness-Driven FS (RDFS) to select futures from lung CT images to classify the patterns of fibrotic interstitial lung diseases. 6, right), our approach still provides an overall accuracy of 99.68%, putting it first with a slight advantage over MobileNet (99.67 %). Google Scholar. 2020-09-21 . All data used in this paper is available online in the repository, [], [], [] and []. They achieved 98.08 % and 96.51 % of accuracy and F-Score, respectively compared to our approach with 98.77 % and 98.2% for accuracy and F-Score, respectively., DOI: Med. The predator uses the Weibull distribution to improve the exploration capability. This study presents an investigation on 16 pretrained CNNs for classification of COVID-19 using a large public database of CT scans collected from COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 subjects. Layers are applied to extract different types of features such as edges, texture, colors, and high-lighted patterns from the images. The . Support Syst. (9) as follows. While55 used different CNN structures. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Some people say that the virus of COVID-19 is. A.A.E. Sci. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A primer for emergency physicians (2020) Summer Chavez et al. Then the best solutions are reached which determine the optimal/relevant features that should be used to address the desired output via several performance measures. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} U_{i}(t+1)&= \frac{1}{1!} Decaf: A deep convolutional activation feature for generic visual recognition. The second one is based on Matlab, where the feature selection part (FO-MPA algorithm) was performed. Diagnosis of parkinsons disease with a hybrid feature selection algorithm based on a discrete artificial bee colony. In Future of Information and Communication Conference, 604620 (Springer, 2020). Multimedia Tools Appl. Zhang, N., Ruan, S., Lebonvallet, S., Liao, Q. Also, in12, an Fs method based on SVM was proposed to detect Alzheimers disease from SPECT images. These images have been further used for the classification of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 images using ResNet50 and AlexNet convolutional neural network (CNN) models. For fair comparison, each algorithms was performed (run) 25 times to produce statistically stable results.The results are listed in Tables3 and4. IRBM (2019). In this paper, Inception is applied as a feature extractor, where the input image shape is (229, 229, 3). Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition. Figure5, shows that FO-MPA shows an efficient and faster convergence than the other optimization algorithms on both datasets. (2) To extract various textural features using the GLCM algorithm. They are distributed among people, bats, mice, birds, livestock, and other animals1,2. Toaar, M., Ergen, B. Table3 shows the numerical results of the feature selection phase for both datasets. JMIR Formative Research - Classifying COVID-19 Patients From Chest X-ray Images Using Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques: Development and Evaluation Published on 28.2.2023 in Vol 7 (2023) Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published August 31, 2022 . Robustness-driven feature selection in classification of fibrotic interstitial lung disease patterns in computed tomography using 3d texture features. This study aims to improve the COVID-19 X-ray image classification using feature selection technique by the regression mutual information deep convolution neuron networks (RMI Deep-CNNs). and JavaScript. PVT-COV19D: COVID-19 Detection Through Medical Image Classification Based on Pyramid Vision Transformer. In the current work, the values of k, and \(\zeta\) are set to 2, and 2, respectively. Evaluation outcomes showed that GA based FS methods outperformed traditional approaches, such as filter based FS and traditional wrapper methods. The updating operation repeated until reaching the stop condition. Finally, the predator follows the levy flight distribution to exploit its prey location. As seen in Fig. Also, all other works do not give further statistics about their models complexity and the number of featurset produced, unlike, our approach which extracts the most informative features (130 and 86 features for dataset 1 and dataset 2) that imply faster computation time and, accordingly, lower resource consumption.
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