``She was mainly worried about her little girl,' Myers recalled. PS Speculative lies is meaningless. The Duke of York is set to lose 250,000-a-year in funding from the King as part of a shake-up of private royal finances and has had to sell off assets including a 19million ski chalet to cover the costs of settling the sex scandal case with Virginia Roberts Giuffre - a victim of Jeffrey Epstein. All the sources said the same thing either exposure or suffocation, but no certainty about which one. What a lame article. However, while sticking solely to the Rorrer case, the issue of the husbands alibi is very much open to doubt if one takes into consideration what the documentary, STARZ-The Wrong Man (in two parts) has revealed. Andrew described his existence with Joanne and Alex as a little Camelot., Ex-spouse off list. Patricia made daily phone calls every day but made no calls at all the day before, of and after Joannes murder as she was traveling and knew her phone could track her location. This response of yours neatly sums up your dogmatic view of her guilt despite so much evidence to the contrary. No activity on her bank account or credit cards took place after the day she went missing, so investigators dismissed the theory that she took her child and bolted. The 36-year-old former kickboxer and his brother have been jailed in . True, Andrew would have no way to acquire and plant Patricias blond hair there because it wasnt that color when she knew him. Wow. And James Pfeiffer and Jim Burke have remained on her side. You say by definition! Youre absolutely right!! I have all her moms and her jewelry that was given to me when my mom passed away. The influencers doctors have thus requested for Mr Tates release from prison so he can receive medical treatment in Dubai. Its his hair (dirty blond and roughly 8 inches in length) that was found in Joanns hand. The authorities charged her with two counts of murder. Andrew Katrinak. She killed Joann, had a fair and impartial trial, so its time to get over it. Nailed? Her daughter, Andrea Bruner, 14, baby-sat for Rorrer's baby daughter last fall. Forensic tests suggested the hair found in the car and at the murder scene came from Patricia. (Disclaimer: Im not a big fan of eyewitnesses who come forward years after the fact, but its possible). Mr Steve J Its true that women were more idiots than about men, they had the impression that if they caught a fool to take them as wives, they would settle for life, even today we see that but more diluted, still an exaggerated reason for murder. And Patricia wasnt all edges. Any true crime fan should know the crazy history of these magic boxes. Family members found Joanns tan Toyota sitting vacant in the parking lot of McCartys, a nearby bar. Thats all for this post. Go somewhere else where your asserted expertise will be professionally tested and you wont be so frustrated and insulting about those who disagree (with your expertise and opinion). Patricias professional life included short-lived gigs as a Century 21 real estate agent and an Oldsmobile salesperson. The District Attorney got this one right. Theres something very important to this case that needs to be mentioned more than anything else THE GUN. For more information governing use of our site, please review our Terms of Service. That documentary points out that, despite the bodies of the two victims supposedly being exposed for several months, their condition remained relatively undisturbed by weather or animal activity. Theyre more than happy to exaggerate and speculate the details of the crime, which serves to attract more viewers who (like you) seem to be happy to believe it all. And this doesnt apply to your opinion learnt from a well-researched book, from documentaries which show and mention a great deal of facts and evidence which was never brought up at her trial. They dont need to make money??? Name. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Im sorry for the distress this awful business must have caused. But defense lawyer Robert Pfeiffer said that plenty of evidence supported Patricias innocence. Im trying to understand exactly your reasoning asking me staying away from this site because of my insulting remarks! At the trial, prosecutor Michael McIntyre alleged that Patricia remained obsessed with Andrew Katrinak long after their breakup despite testimony that shed had many boyfriends and live-in lovers to occupy her bandwidth. Agree with all you say but theres so much more involving incompetence, corruption, evidence tampering and then witnesses, in Rorrers favour, who were not disclosed to her defence her trial (something they were legally obliged to do). He was born in Bethlehem son of the late Martin. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Does it actually have to be an obligatory duty for anyone to be present at a trial before they are able to have an opinion? There are those on this very site who express their disappointment she was not executed. Why not question some of this evidence? As to blood splatter, at a far enough distance, a .22 isnt going to leave much blood splatter, and there probably wont be an exit wound, it will just bounce around the skull, and you dont have to make someone bleed to beat them, and several months in the elements is plenty of time to wash away some evidence as well, although luckily not all. U.S.M.C. Andrew Katrinak told police he refused to speak to her, and Joann Katrinak warned Rorrer not to call back. The hair evidence is not compelling because theres a very good possibility that the evidence was compromised. On Instagram, I found a post for a two-part Win at All Costs podcast featuring journalism professor Bill Mousheys interviews with Patricia Rorrer from prison in December 2019. Angry that Joann hung up on her, she stalked her for three days, then broke into her basement and cut the phone line, put a gun to Joanns head as she was placing Alex in the car, and forced her to drive to the rural area. I agree. After researching this case more thoroughly, I stand corrected about the time it took the jury to return a verdict. In recent weeks, the King has reportedly asked all members of the royal family to tighten their belts and to expect less money from the Duchy now owned by Charles than in the past. Crying and distraught, she asked him to get in touch with her boyfriend, Ward and ask him to bring her extra underwear and socks. (Media sources vary as to whether she actually worked at the stable or just rented a stall there for her own horse.). They returned with a guilty verdict and a sentence of two life terms. Clifford Freeman, were you a juror? Some volunteered their own time for this duty, Hege said. Anyone who thinks this psycho isnt guilty needs to take off their tin hat. ``Some people just don't know how to let go,' Hege said. At 6 a.m. on June 24, 1997, police arrested Patricia at her modest house in Linwood, North Carolina, and took her back to Pennsylvania. Once, when a gun-wielding farmer and his buddy caught Patricia and Gary riding motorcycles on his field, Patricia walked up and got in their faces and argued, Gary recalled to the Morning Call. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). They tested the hair last night on Reasonable Doubt using updated technology it is definitely Patricias. The influencer has Killers can plan all the details and alibis well ahead of the murder while cops must come up with hard evidence, even just to make an arrest. I have not SEEN this report that says no root found is there a picture of it online somewhere? He had worked as a semi-pro boxer in Las Vegas in his youth and later settled into his own construction business. Stable situation. I expect she will admit it one day. Saphira Wolf forgive me, but I dont have the time, or wish, to respond to idiotic comments. She definitely did it. After a very early failed marriage, the 24-year-old Joann scored a new husband in Andrew Katrinak, 38, whom she met at a club. Did Patricia have the dyed blond hair when they broke up in 1993? There is a term in law called balance of probabilities, which basically means that guilt is assigned when there is a preponderance of evidence that would lead a rational person to conclude that the person did it. The district attorney's office dismissed as offensiveNeely's implications on the evidence, according to the newspaper's report. The article also notes that most inmates earn around 19 cent an hour at their jobs and must pay $5 each time they need medical attention or medicine. So whats your point (other than many people are stupid and you arent)? Why? Neighbors remember seeing her place the child on horses for short rides. Whoever writes this amateurish swill should get a real life, andsa real job. As for the idiots who didnt think Ms. Rorrer guilty of anything more sordid than having zero taste, the simple fact(s) are that: 1) what they claim about such testing (as was done to the hair) wasexcuse me, IS wrong both due to the follow-up AFTER the mDNA test results were made only proved more concretely that Ms. Rorrer WAS the person the hair came from, 2) the inanity about thinking Andy had something to do with it (the simple fact that ALL investigations START by checking the closest, most immediate relative, i.e, a spouse), was after his being thoroughly vouched, to NOT be in ANY way involved, 3) since this case, forensic science has only improved by huge leaps, and that no one including the courts or the Innocence Project will get involved should make it VERY clear, this case is CLOSED. (Nope. He lived in 1928, at address, Connecticut. Accused of two murders, she will be extradited to Pennsylvania today. In summer, after thawing, there will be small animals eating the body and even turkey vultures, but not so much in the winter. I fail to see exactly why someone cant have an opinion which he/she sees as fact. She got 12 months of probation for shoplifting at a Walmart in Lexington, North Carolina. which makes a complete nonsense of their gun theory. Andrew married Mary A Katrinak (born Ondek). and there are probably many people who still think he is innocent too. Lie detectors are pseudo science. This weekDuke of York said he does not want to leave his mansion in the grounds of Windsor Castle despite telling friends he fears he will be unable to afford its upkeep if the King cuts his 250,000-a-year grant. Pat had a string of bad relationships in her past and was not happy. Hege described Rorrer as savvy and street-smart and similar to other horse lovers he knows. Nope. And I can back up that claim by the fact I have read, watched and listened to all there is to know about this case. She is a tough one, Sheriff Gerald Hege would later tell the Morning Call in a June 29, 1997 interview. And the obvious answer is not as you claim. It makes me sick. Why would she say that maybe she wasnt really a good friend, just someone trying to inject herself into a super sensational case. Watching Reasonable Doubt right now hope they also find that she did it. I would have liked better her being put to death! Most of all, Patricia said, she would like a rematch with prosecutor Michael McIntyre. Presumably if they thought the evidence was against the states case, thats how theyd present as theres no obvious reason for them to be biased one way or the other. Officers escort Andrew Tate, centre, and his brother Tristan Tate to the Court of Appeal in Bucharest. The police report misspells his name (Troutman) and doesnt include his address, suggesting authorities didnt want anyone to track him down, according to Patricias side. He helped her take horses to day care centers, where she would take photographs of children with the horses. Kidnapped and killed? Not everything is a conspiracy. ``This woman was a possible double murderer, so we had to protect the people out there,' Hege said. Tate has a dark spot on his lung, most likely a tumour, a spokesperson told Mail Online. A woman convicted in the 1994 murders of a Catasauquawoman and the victim's 3-month-old son was back in court on Tuesday. If I rolled my eyes any harder they might fall out. More than 20 years after her conviction, Patricia Rorrer still has advocates working to exonerate her. Veronica Barbara Katrinak. His defenders claimed that the confession was coerced, the video was grainy/unclear or doctored and the witness was confused and/or unreliable. I believe the answer to your question is in my comment above. neither her nor there couldnt be linked to her. For goodness sake, it was never proved at her trial she used the gun the police so steadfastly offered as evidence or for that matter, ANY OTHER GUN. And then in their zealous efforts to show their ire, feel the need to suggest anyone who supports her is deluded. So lets get going on the recap of the Forensic Files episode A Woman Scorned, along with extra information drawn from internet research: Joann Marie OConnor was born on Oct. 11, 1968, the youngest of Sarah and David OConnors four children. she didnt need to . But then again I havent actually SEEN the evidence. Deputies watched the house as often as they could - from the woods, the road and even from the air. Police believe Rorrer abducted and killed her ex-boyfriend's wife and infant son in Pennsylvania. It says that Andrew Katrinak passed his lie detector test. But the bodies weren't found until April, when a farmer glimpsed a blue baby blanket in a forest 15 miles from Catasauqua. Prosecutor pounds away. One lengthy sentence which goes on and on and concludes with one of my sentences from a previous comment! What the prosecution failed to disclose to Rorrers defence team was that the cops, in their zeal to prove their gun theory, visited several addresses of which Rorrer was resident, dug up the gardens in which she was known to do target practice recovered several shell casings and bullets (more than 70), had them ballistically tested, but NOT ONE was found to be a match to the bullet recovered from the victim. Patricia Rorrer was a cold woman. When police traveled to North Carolina to interview Patricia about the murders of Joann and Alex, she said that on the day of the homicides, she had visited a feed store, a tanning salon, and a country music club. Yes, documentaries probably do misrepresent evidence, and many may respond to that misrepresentation, but beneath that is jury judgment, and while courts can be wrong they are usually right. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. Especially mice! I dont even know its Christmas.. The witness, Traupman, who on several occasions attempted to have his evidence recorded was severely manhandled out of the police station and so badly beaten, he had to be hospitalised. Police said the couple moved in together and had a 1-year-old baby daughter. I would like to tell you that there is many errors in this article, that I would love to send to you the proof of each one. He added: No official diagnosis has been confirmed and he is in good shape and is staying strong. Patricia also pointed out that when author Tammy Mal started her research and speaking to me, she was not an advocate at all but she reversed and ended up advocating for Patricias innocence. Joanns first husband, New Jersey construction worker Michael Jack, who had reportedly abused her during their marriage, also had a solid alibi. Im inclined to think both Rorrer and Routier are guilty. They are a joke. Lieutenant Christopher Coble and Sergeant Suzanne Pearson would later testify that Patricia cried and apologized to 18-month-old Nicole, telling the baby, Im sorry for doing this to you and lamenting to the officers that she would never see little Nicole again. Stayed tuned - Alex Murdaugh's sordid tale is just getting started, Alex Murdaugh's head is shaved as he is booked into South Carolina prison fortress for weeks of evaluation before being sent to a maximum security facility housing the 'worst of the worst', At least 10 dead as wild storms lash the U.S: Tornadoes and golf ball-sized hail topples trucks and leaves one million without power in Kentucky, Alabama and Arkansas - after dumping 17 feet of snow in California, Massive gas tanker crashes in Maryland and EXPLODES into fireball killing the driver and setting local residents' homes ablaze as large plumes of black smoke and embers billow from crash site, 'I want to be a French child!' Also why if beaten with a gun or with whatever, why was there no blood on the clothing? In 1993, Katrinak married Joann Marie Katrinak and the couple had a son, Alex, the next year. Wouldnt that verify Troutmans claim that the husband was arguing with the victim, in a rage? Prosecution leader McIntyre, when interviewed, laughingly dismissed him as a nut in an effort to trivialise Traupmans input. Rest in peace Joann and Alex. Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. My biggest issue is the day the phone call came in, and the fact that the prosecutor deliberately misrepresented the facts. Phone records dont lie.) She would also have no heart when it comes to children, not even her own. You may not use our site or service, or the information provided, to make decisions about employment, admission, consumer credit, insurance, tenant screening or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, Tate reportedly had medical consultation in Dubai about a serious health condition before arrest, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile, Andrew Tates team claims he has a dark spot, most likely a tumour. They retested the hair for DNA evidence with updated technology definitely Patricias hair case closed. By continuing to use our site, you consent to the placement of cookies on your browser and agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy. They had 7 children: Eleanor Dorothy Thornberg (born Katrinak) and 6 other children. And in a piece of salacious testimony, Patricia Rorrers half sister, Sandra Ireland, said that in May 1995, about six months after the murder, their mother, Patricia Chambers, stopped by the house and asked her to hold onto or hide a gun, or both. The couple moved into Andrew's sturdy brick house at 740 Front Street in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. This is not a health issue to be taken lightly and all due diligence is being made to make sure he gets the best medical care that is available to him., The influencer has made appeals against his detention since his arrest. Stop defending her when she is guilty!!!!! (Panik) Katrinak. In TV clips, Andrew didnt come off as anguished. She was so obsessed with Andy that she called him non-stop, multiple times a day, right? Inside the locked 1992 vehicle, police discovered some strands of blond hair stained with dried blood. Pfeiffer and Burke claimed that police Sgt. They moved into her house in Salisbury County, staying together for about two years. . They lived together in Salisbury Township, Pa., for about two years, but they . You can cancel at any time. By. She was born on Jan. 24, 1964, in eastern Pennsylvania and moved back and forth between there and Davidson County, North Carolina. This was a horrible and brutal double murder and whoever did it needs to be locked up forever. She took out the woman who replaced her. He had an attractive new wife and beautiful baby boy. On Wednesday morning, sheriff's deputies escorted Rorrer to meet with Fritz. Andrew Tates legal team has claimed he has a tumour as the detained influencer faces another month in a Romanian prison. Locked up. After 30 minutes Id be calling someone! He wanted to move to Colorado and she was against it.. Andrew J Katrinak, 68. ``She told me she was praying about it.'. After a very early failed marriage, the 24-year-old Joann scored a new husband in Andrew Katrinak, 38, whom she met at a club. Im new to the case, but there seems to be a lot of reasonable doubt. The couple moved into Andrew's sturdy brick house at 740 Front Street in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. He lived in 1910, at address, Connecticut. Required fields are marked *. Im quite happy to accept that ANYONE who makes a TV documentary makes it for money. Rorrer waived her extradition rights late Tuesday afternoon. of course they all do it to make money only, some of them do it shamelessly, without the slightest attempt to be fair and honest. ``As good as she is with people and animals, I just can't believe it.'. I most definitely will not personally afford Patricia a platform, Michael said in an email to ForensicFilesNow.com She had her chance to answer my questions and tell her story in court over 20 years ago. Andrew mentioned to police that his former live-in girlfriend Patricia Rorrer once managed a horse stable two miles from the bodies location and would have been familiar with the riding trails close to the murder scene. Some lawyers call microscopic hair analysis junk science that today wouldnt qualify as evidence in a trial like Rorrers. Perhaps that would lessen your fright. Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. You know the answer to that, the same as I do, which is. They depict scenes which are pure speculation or exaggeration or present scenes, which in fact were only theories mentioned at her trial. Patty was soooo obsessed with Andy that she moved away to North Carolina some 5 years before this happened, right? Find 4 people named Andrew Katrinak along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search. As to her duration on death row, no: inference cannot be made as to her guilt as theres a woman with about the same time (Holberg) and another with almost as much. At 4 a.m. Wednesday morning, several dozen of Rorrer's relatives and friends surrounded the courthouse, said Capt. All this talk about hairs and other DNA just seems to keep deflecting away from the gun itself. The Innocence Project has declined to take her case.
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