You know, so like I think that's a really cool thing about this, Onna, is that you can get people that are disabled, people that can't go for a run. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to do this. You're not making vitamin D. Also, if you have darker skin, melanin protects you like the whole, you know, people with darker skin, people from maybe Africa or India or South Asia, the more equatorial regions, they're closer, you know, closer to to to the equator. And Japan has a very low mortality rate, correct? Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and is an expert on nutritional health. Yeah. It's like they're concerned, I mean, about that and completely trying to, like, figure that all out. Hopefully people are going to start looking at the vitamin D. I really like that. I mean, it was just I was thinking, God, if we didn't have this in the house and you couldn't go anywhere, luckily we have one here so I could use the one that's here. My wife had one of those before we had a sauna. I have one out outside. Do you, do you do like electrolyte replenishment. The first thing you could do it at first with no weight. Another vitamin on the list of Joe Rogan supplements is Quercetin, which is backed by both Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda Patrick, and for good reason. Right. It's the only bourbon with balls, it's literally on the label, Buffalo Trace is made from corn, rye and barley, and it matures twice as long as most bourbon, the buffalo trace bourbon ages in new oak barrels for around eight years for the robust yet balanced tastes. So it's a lifelong thing. Oh, and it's showed there's also studies showing that it decreases the incidence of I'm talking about staphylococcus mutans because it's only when I remember. Dr. Rhonda Patrick ( @foundmyfitness) is a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and the founder of Found My Fitness Host: Joe Rogan ( @joerogan ) Immune System Function and Relationship to SARS-CoV-2 What can you do to strengthen immune system? I know. The people were cheering this gum and pregnant pregnant women like they were like six months pregnant. Thank you. CPF alternative. They jump in the lake and they go back and they're doing this. No. And we're we're honored to be a part of this program and very proud that through this program, we have raised a shitload of money and have built several wells in the process of building several more right now. But, you know, I think I think the bright light exposure for him, you know, taking him out in the morning is really important. Enough once a week is enough. But you have to be able to adapt to that. And I'm like, I'm just sitting there quiet. Below is an excellent video of Dr. Patrick discussing the benefits of Vitamin D on the Joe Rogan Experience. Vitamin D3 You know, so that's that's kind of the the reason to kind of be cautious when when you have something new and a small one small study just seems like in the beginning at least, they're trying to figure out what the correct treatment was for these people as they were just showing up in mass in the emergency rooms and they didn't really know. You know, vitamin D is like the most important. But but I know I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you believe it's important to take it orally as well as I.V.? And they found with influenza, I forgot which a or something. My kids are having drive by birthday parties where they drive by with fucking bounce. The reason why it's so special is forget about this for a second. Quercetin is an antioxidant that supports a healthy immune system and clears out senescent cells which help to prevent any age-related diseases from developing. Like what are the causes? Well, this guy, he's got he's got a, you know, huge property in like the country in the woods, like in Finland. The full extent of vitamin's D impact has yet to be fully understoodnearly every cell and tissue in our body has vitamin D receptors (proteins that bind to vitamin D); and in its active form, vitamin D can interact with the vast majority of the body's cells. But the thing that's so interesting about that mutation is that that it's in that spike region and it's where the antibody binds. That is just it is a game like I'm so much more relaxed and this is like I think I've told you the story. And it's totally putting me as calculating as asleep. Oh, we're kind of in your face. So you you want to get at least 10 grams. So I'm like, you know, you know, it calculates heart rate and movement and body temperature. The sauce is a great man. So. So and that's important because there have been some concern about taking vitamin D, increasing the EU receptor. Do they they are more prone to zinc deficiency. I mean, you feel good. He's at UCSF. That's a lot. The FoundMyFitness Q&A happens monthly for premium members. No, I mean, I, I guess that's not really the case for me, at least at the bigger audience. But a little it's a little stronger data in the in Indonesia, patients that died 90 of almost 100 percent, it was like ninety eight point something. Fasting Mimicking Diet has been shown to improve symptoms of multiple sclerosis Why not test that? And they have fantastic grub's. Like I'm the kind of person where, like, I like to make people happy. And if the whiskey in the barrels not ready to go into the bottle, it doesn't. Intro. What is a. Yeah. But then, you know, I was talking to a doctor about it is like, well, you know, I was like, would it. There's zero difference in the benefits of it. And then when comedy clubs are about to open up, then I'll start writing again. Right. Cloudy all the time. In the Indonesia was a really interesting study where, like, they measured vitamin D and this was measured in the patients. And by the time I woke up, I mean, I had bruised myself. I've got two publications on it. I remember like after show like you chew gum right. They listed the martial arts like fuck off table tennis singles trail running trampolining. And this is why it basically so it it changes your immune system. And this it was happening in March. I get out of here. I was like, how do I get out here? That's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. And then they measured in multiple years as they became children and the mothers chewing it, chewing the gum. Vitamin C The sauna, you just you don't wear any clothes. What is happening in the body that's causing their immune system, this this hormone deficiency, not having this vitamin D, whether it's through sun exposure. So there has been cross the immunity. But the nightmare thing, I'm just the melatonin has helped so that's great. OK, well, they're using they're using that sonna that I was telling you the same thing. Yeah, that's the sign. We really have to be careful here. I have the cash, have folks cash out the easiest way to send money between your friends and family without having to hold that dirty paper and when you download the cash app. He's real. Yeah. Please do. Popcorn. Oh yeah. That company got a lot of shit for their claims. But, you know, I'm not a physician and medical doctor. Exactly. So she basically she has gotten some funding and she's she's doing a pilot study with a new device, which is something you can, like, buy off Amazon, where it's like a sauna, like your head's out, but like it's like a tent. Wow. But I think that's also a really good I mean, there's a ton of theories. And it's like the first time I ever went camping and it was like snow camping. And I get like, you know, there's there are people that are really trying to, like, make, you know, prove something. Oh, can I, can I exploit rock pools. But, man, you know, I think just like got the guy's house I was doing and I was trying to impress them. Because that's really the easiest thing. So I think, you know, for for people that don't have access to a sauna, that hot baths absolutely are a good a model for heat stress. It's the weirdest feeling. So how would one do a randomized control study on vitamin D in people that have covid-19? Awesome. This is especially true for supplements and nutrition. What are the what are the methods you can use to help boost your immune system, keep your body healthy? That's not what I did. It's called Wei on therapy. It's it's hard, you know, being being a mom that's you know, I have you know, I run a business and but I also like want to be a really good mother. Like there's just a lot of I mean, you know what I mean? It's the natural, it's naturally found in plants. Yeah, it is. 200 milligrams. Wow. Yeah. Isn't that isn't CBD supposed to like also be like calming one. Oh can I get a trampoline. That's interesting because my friend Michael, who got it, his mom who got it, who's in her 70s, is Asian, and that is she kicked it. Why. So so it's only three people were towel me down and this other American. Bright light exposure, big to big. You told me you'd been tested and I guess got tested again on Sunday, tested. And she needs to be. And this is one of the main things that I wanted to talk to you about. So anyways, I'm in the song and everyone's naked, and then he and the guy who is my friend, OK, he's still my friend. Severe covid-19 illness that's not been shown like it's not been shown at all, so but it's interesting, right? We said, OK, yeah, brain drive DNF brain derive nootropic factor. Yeah. She typically takes 2 of the Nordic Naturals ProOmega 2000 and 4 of the Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Phospholipids daily. There was a study that linked. So what is the benefit of it being that hot, though? And they need to like, eat like up to three times more. And, you know, so so, you know, the intravenous vitamin C, maybe maybe there's like a reason to do it. So they have the ability to tell 40 million people what they can and can't do, make that a little larger so I can read this. Like I've I've been I've made a career about talking about sonas, you know, and I just got one like last month. OK, what is so good about. So I guess it's good at the end of the day to know that 200 milligrams doesn't do anything because then you go, OK, well, 200 milligrams doesn't do anything. Ropin. So people love to dismiss things, don't they? It monitors the temperature of the meat. Both daily and weekly dosages have shown protective properties. It's funny because I probably got like a thousand questions about the see in the past. The way drugs are designed is they like they target a certain molecule and they boom. And a good thing about that is that have you heard of antibody dependent enhancement? And it's like CVS's been identified in multiple studies. So it's not like a hard core quantitative biomarker which is so badly needed. They're fools, but they're in a position to influence millions and millions of people. We wanted to get one here. That could get some animal studies started on that. PodClips. And then the intravenous vitamin C, you can. It's kind of like you read these stories. Yeah, let's definitely talk more. And I got that fucker right. Yeah, it's interesting. And, you know, part of that, an adaptive immune response is, you know, to produce antibodies. It totally stops it. Not like it's not like anything to be hugely concerned about. Someone might have done that study. Like I was hot as fuck, right? It's not if you see what I'm doing. I'm like, bro, I so I did that 200. This does xylitol stuff and I started doing research and then I found all these studies and not only did I find studies that like it, you know, basically kills these bacteria that cause cavities, that mutans pregnant women that chew xylitol gum. Yeah. So you're basically like you're you're becoming adapted. Was polio virus somehow get people healthy people to to do that? She's like this just like a constant nagging cough, you know, that it completely 100 percent went away. So here's my. You could buy them online or you could buy a trigger through ten thousand plus stores nationwide. I think that the I don't think the sleep stage is accurate was because like that's like you have to like measure brain wave like it's measuring, it's I'll tell you why, because I've had multiple incidents when I was nursing my son back when I was nursing my son where he was on a nursing pillow. If you take three grams, it can raise you to 220. Chemist at something. So I don't think I'm. What about an advanced health care directive and what's a power of attorney? I think, you know, that hasn't really been studied. It is hard. It's important, like it's important for normal immune cells, normal immune function. But older people have the complete opposite where it's like, you know, deleterious. I understand. Check out these Podcast Notes from Rhonda's last appearance on Joe's podcast; BPA. That's the reason I do it. She didn't figure this out. And so I took her we went to get the IBC and they did it was ten, ten grams that we did. But this mask and it's like inside when you're in places, I think like if you're going grocery shopping. He's still suffering from it. - 1 capsule/day Vitamin D - Thorne Research D3 - 5,000 IU/day Magnesium - Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate - 120mg/day Fish Oil - N-PURE-3 - 4 grams/day (currently unavailable, alternative: Carlson Maximum Omega) Rhonda Patrick's Additional Regular Vitamins & Supplements: Antibodies from a four year old Belgian llama named Winter Show Promise in blocking coronavirus from infecting cells, according to research from the University of Texas, Austin, the National Institutes of Health and the Ghent I that went into university studying earlier forms of the coronavirus. June 21st 2020 You wear this. Oh yeah. What doesn't I'm going to move to a place where it's better because I think the way this this state is handling it is fucking terrible. It gets so stupid towards the end. It's like like it's like my my teeth get dirtier. Really? They're doing doing naked. I've had helped fund new study she's going to be doing where she's going to get depressed patients to basically be exposed to this sauna. But it was created by this guy, Louis Simmons from West Side Barbel. But another really interesting thing is that people with type of blood, we were also talking about these like blood clots. But can you measure he talks about team the bath versus. It's an awesome place for fitness. It's hard to tell because I do so much shit. And when you say what is the methodology like, what are they using? And since Legal Zoom is not a law firm, you do not have to worry about expensive billable hours adding up. Maybe they've like they've definitely like gotten their gotten more on game since then. And so I just go into like crazy mode and I like I like somehow like crawled from our bedroom all the way out to the living room. I was trying not to look at everyone, you know, like I didn't want to see, like, you know, married, like, I don't want stuff. How about that. Like his frequent podcast guest Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Rogan is a big fan of vitamin D3. That makes sense, but to all be asymptomatic? Like, tell me like how much time I'm in deep sleep. And so it's part of the adaptation process as well, you know, being able to handle the heat stress. And that's what was shown to happen with these with the Sajko one. So we've been doing intravenous vitamin C and Glutathione and a bunch of other stuff. That's cool. I haven't done. As you get older your immune system declines She explained that 1,000 IU of vitamin D can raise blood levels around 5-10 ng/mL, depending on a . What's called down, regulates down, regulates receptors. It's really. There you go. Did no. So actually, it's actually I don't want to go into this, but yeah, no, I don't get cancer. So she right now, her name is Doctor. And it's it is just hard to get them motivated to go exercise. So that was the thing. I think it's important to be critical. Popcorn. Joe Rogan's ENTIRE episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick broken into short audio clips for . Oh, yeah. But like before before I was doing the sauna every single day. Rhonda has stated in numerous places she is taking 5,000iu of vitamin D on a daily basis. There's a hot bath study where they also elevated wasn't quite as high, but it was like, you know, 40 or so percent higher than baseline levels and it was 104 degrees. Rhonda has mentioned the Nordic Naturals brand on . But if you give mice vitamin D before that happens, the two receptor increases and it protects them from the lung injury. And so the way I am is I always like to like, look into everything before I do anything. Did, you know, like between 50 to 80 percent of the U.S. population has it like at least by the time they're like an adult has it permanently or so it's a it's a herpes virus. And that fixation for me keeps me up at night when I lay down. I love it. You're becoming even more deficient. So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. So there's studies there's been some large scale and genetic studies that have found that Asians, about 20 percent of Asians have a basically a nucleotide change in a gene that encodes for a protease that's involved in this, you know, basically in allowing this virus to get into the cell. The IV is really being used as a therapeutic treatment. It's bad for you and it's bad for your spouse. If you take like a 200 milligram supplement, you only raise your levels to like 90, so it's not much over that like baseline. I don't know what I don't know what it is and I'm calling my sciatica most of the time. And so that adaptive immune system usually takes about seven days after you're exposed to the virus. You know, the heat shock proteins help with that as you the more the more times you're exposed to heat stress and the more adapted you are, like the heat shock proteins increase quicker. I will say this like my one of my friends, she's a she's an M.D. I'll show how it works before. Hormone. So, like, if you compare physical activity alone to sauna alone, physical activities, the bastet, improving cardiovascular health, sauna is also good. But it's nothing to worry about. But anyways, I had to because you have two cavities there at the point of no return where, you know, like you, they're I guess they penetrate the enamel a certain amount and they're like, you have to you have to like, get them out. TikTok video from Pro D3 (@prod3uk): "@Joe Rogan Experience Dr Rhonda Patrick on the importance of vitamin D supplementation #blowthisup #vitamind #fyp #vitamindeficiency #joeroganpodcast". You know, like that's defined deficiency. Two hundred and ten degrees. It's a fantastic grill and it's so versatile. Yeah, and they were less clothes. Steam. CHAVOUS It was a device. And when, you know, basically into the bloodstream and then it gets converted into a hormone, this hormone regulates five percent, more than five percent of the human protein encoded human genome. Yeah. But you're you're increasing your plasma levels more so. Just constant wear for years then. By the way, the studies were with gum, not the toothpaste. And I think vitamin D is going to potentially play a role there. Yeah, what what dose do you recommend for intravenous vitamin C? Thank you. Accelerating the age, my other nearby hair follicle melanocytes, causing them to anyway's quercetin has been identified to clear away senescent cells. That's a big difference. Like, it's kind of interesting, that viral dose, at least with influenza. Right. Find someone to find some gal who's fucking jacked and knows how to lift weights, you know, and then I'll inform them all about the sauna and tell them I'll be fine if it's on us. And there's all, you know, like and I was so happy when that human study came out. So we went to hospital. But after I graduated, I went to work at the Salt Institute for Biological Sciences and the way I was working in an aging lab. Louis Simmons invented it because he had a herniated disc and the doctors are telling him, hey, we have to operate on you because you have this compressed disc. But the main one of the main things besides age that regulates immune system is like previous exposure to viruses like. And everyone's like correlations, not causation, which is true. I take it before I do kickboxing workouts, a chew chew gum. But, you know, you kind of just take it with a grain of salt where these clots are like, you know, there's clots in people that are healthy and young, certainly people that have severe cases, people like older people, people that are pre-existing conditions and stuff, and the type of blood people have lower levels of this Vaun Gillibrand factor, which basically is involved in clotting. And I mean, I think, first of all, the first year it hit me hard because I wasn't sleeping, you know, because you have to like every three hours you got to feed, you know, feed the baby. Like, it was like popping my jaw was I was eating a lot of sauteed kale and chewing a lot of xylitol gum when I was pregnant. So it causes massive inflammation to have a decrease in it. Oh, I can only imagine. And what's found is that genetics is not the major regulator of immune function. And you can actually the recipe if you use it through the application, it actually monitors the cook cycle for you see if the recipe calls for, you know, two hundred degrees for X amount of minutes and then 400 degrees at the end that the application will do all that stuff. Yeah, especially being outside. But like in general, like people have different immune systems.