Planet Venus alone cannot provide positive or negative results, it needs to be supported or aspected by a stronger planet, which is either malefic in nature or benefic. There are various tactics to battle such feelings. The full moon at 16 degrees Virgo will take place early in the morning on March 7th. The 5th disposition represents the 5th zodiac sign Leo, which is all about self-awareness, ego, and confidence. The placement of Venus from the 12th house (loss) from Libra (balance) indicates suitability in activities of service for the women, who have been ill-treated or suffered through any other matter. Is it neecha bhanga Raja yoga? Thanks a ton! Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Hello Karla! When they create something that astonishes their audience, they receive royalty, admiration, and honor which will automatically heal their self-awareness and increase self-worth. Exaltation is the sign where a planet is supposedly at its best, and detriment is a sign where the planet is ill at ease. They are very contented with someone who is loyal, trustworthy, and stable. What does Venus signify in Vedic Astrology? In your chart, Mercury is both dispositor and exaltation lord of Venus. 15. Moon: Taurus: Scorpio: Mars: Capricorn: Cancer: Mercury: Virgo: Pisces: Jupiter: Cancer: Capricorn: Venus: Pisces: Virgo . If Mercury is also in bad dignity or ill-placed, it indicates that they are using their beauty in order to catch the opposite gender into a trap for achieving selfish benefits. Shukracharya was not Virgo is also termed as a gentle sign which adds such traits to their way of expressing their emotions. On the other hand, if debilitation is canceled by strong Mercury, their attention to detail leads them to perfectionism which ensures that they will maintain a healthy and fully nurtured relationship with their partners. Usefulness is love, and you often try to help others by tapping into . Venus represents wife for men and marriage in any horoscope. The negative effects of some of them are diminished with the help of a strong Mercury. The world seems to look like a better place when you are in love. A weakened Venus forming the 5th disposition indicates that these natives can feel undervalued because they are also critical of themselves. Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Saturn Jupiter conjunction or aspect also responsible for delays. Venus low in Shad Bala (planetary strength), especially when it does not meet its required percentage in most individual Balas. If they fall, it signifies greater hurdles but it does not necessarily mean permanent hurdles. So Venus is exalted in Pisces at 27 degrees. The main planet responsible for bringing life changes is Saturn. Hope this helps. My intention is to deliver this knowledge in the most original form possible, i.e free of blasphemy, with elaborated explanations which are supported by actual observations to help Vedic enthusiasts get rid of confusion and introduce the right guidance via The Last Word to get closer to God and attain inner bliss. The 5th disposition signifies romance, progeny, intelligence, speculation, leadership capabilities, past life deeds, honor, and dignity. The perfect match for Virgo Venus person is someone who appreciates their demands and punctual nature while remaining calm. Venus is the only planet who retains the same sign for his deepest debilitation degree in the D1 and D9. The Sun-Mercury conjunction has a good influence on the character because it tends to stabilize the person and give them a more flexible ability to adapt to the environment. Therefore, a dignified Mercury tremendously improves Virgo Venus. It may even lead to separation of the partners. If a planet is in the own house, it is strong as a hundred percent and if it is in a . Venus in Virgo generally does have negative effects on marriage because Venus is related to love and partner. The articles on this site are informative and do not encourage taking specific decisions nor guarantee outcomes. A dignified Mercury in Leo promotes the improvement of Virgo Venus. , 2023 , , - , Phalguna Purnima 2023: Date, Puja Vidhi, Vrat Katha & Significance. This means that Venus in Chitra is stronger when it is in Libra sign. Moon: in domicile in Cancer. Are there ways to improve and make easier for Venus in Virgo Also, l am curious about the Neecha Bhanga Yoga that forms Mercury and . People ruled by Venus are kind and sociable. It is considered that a weakly affected Venus will work negatively every time, but it is not so. If the purpose benefits you, it motivates you and if not, you may as well abandon the activity or person. This made me feel bad for having a Virgo Venus, I dont think Im deceptive or materialistic. Venus is debilitated in Scorpio (opposite Taurus) and Aries (opposite Libra.) They need endless meaningful conversations in order to remain satisfied in the relationship. Venus is debilitated in Virgo at 27 degree. The mentioned effects manifest in specific periods and the intensity of them depends on planetary strength level and many other factors. Ketu is in exaltation in Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus. Moreover, Mercury is exalted which will boost powerful effects and transform weaknesses into strengths. Debilitated Venus will bring opposite results of what an exalted Venus will bring for the native, which incidentally is in the Pisces sign ruled by Jupiter. If Mercury also cancels the debilitation, it improves this combination even further and promotes great results eventually. When a person works so hard for earning the money, they get less time for their loved one. The association of the beneficial planet such as Jupiter and Venus can bring extremely auspicious result. Click here to go to Debilitated Planets Section A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book 'Debilitated Planets Part 2 (Revised Edition)'. House astrology isn't the only school of thought. It is better if it causes cancellation of debilitation and best when it also forms Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. Vedic says it's debilitated in Virgo. The native is handsome but not healthy. They become discouraged when they witness the great success of other people. Most importantly, a dignified Mercury guides fallen Venus out of continuous trouble and motivates them to use their heightened creativity for good and pious purposes. With that being said, this combination either denies the lasting comforts from conveyances or makes obtaining their dream life difficult. Other than that, such natives have to practice offering unconditional care and service to their family members, which helps them to negate the negative effect of this combination. You do not have to feel bad about it especially if in your case your Venus is positively manifested or supported by Mercury. However, Venus is not pleased with the sign of Virgo, where it is debilitated which means that they are very critical and selective about her partner. Venus is debilitated in the sign of Virgo and it is exalted in the sign of Pisces. That is, they can change their attitude very quickly and sometimes for selfish purposes. In addition to that, the 12th disposition complements their creativity greatly as it endows them with the power of imagination to generate unique ideas. 119 Virgo 2026'40" 2240'00" Hasta Moon Venus. Most importantly, strong Mercury as the planet of communication ensures a healthy connection between the couple which is crucial for a harmonious marriage. With that being said, they are beautiful from the outside, but underneath there might be a darker side that is hard to control. It equally means that their feelings are channeled through communication and not by emotions. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees. If you prefer to watch the video here is the YouTube link:Secret of VENUS DEBILITATION in VIRGO. Venus is the real Moksh-karak, the agent of the Ultimate illumination. Also, when Neech Raj Bhang Yoga is in the natives' charts, its debilitation gets canceled. Hence, in this situation, they are able to connect with their partners through constant verbal interaction which also provides conjugal happiness. Aspects of Planets. Hence, it is righteous and humanistic to focus on positives that promote collective evolution at its best. Below is a full list of the exalted planetary placements in Astrology: Sun is exalted in Aries. Not only that it will promote becoming proficient in their field of activity, but also help fight feelings of unworthiness. Exaltation (astrology) In astrology, exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet. Are you spending countless nights lying awake thinking if you choose the right company or is your labour worth the money that you are earning?! In addition to that, Venus is a friend of Mercury, the ruler of the Virgo zodiac sign. As the 5th disposition is related to the triangle of wealth, an afflicted planet of luxury Venus indicates the danger of using wisdom unethically in order to gain wealth through various ventures. I personally know many Virgo Venus individuals. On the contrary, Mercury is undignified if it is in the sign of its enemy, bitter enemy, or fallen (debilitated). Venus is about the purest form of universal love. Holy Prophet [PBUH] raised the status of and established legal rights for women which were never present before, and protected them from harrasment, and stressed duty and good treatment to mother. For Gemini Ascendant, Venus rules the 12th house and the 5th house and placed in the 4th house in the sign of Virgo if Venus is debilitated. What is more, the 5th disposition formed by Venus also signifies romance and matters of the heart. Venus is all about joy, comfort, happiness whereas Virgo is all about facing critical things, enemies and obstacle. When we are not ignorant and acknowledge our flaws, we can start becoming better gradually. Venus dislikes imbalance, and this combo of Virgo D1/ Virgo D9 . Can you share more about this? Molly Hall. Venus : Venus is debilitated in Virgo sign up to 27 degrees. Therefore, a weakened Venus indicates increased struggles and obstacles regarding conveyances and comforts. Constructive criticism helps them prosper and form great alliances with other experienced people who will help them in many ways. In Vedic astrology, the transits of planets are very important. Hence, their artistic senses are amplified with this combination by default. Saturn is exalted in Libra. Therefore a debilitated Venus gives increased passion and longing for materialistic possessions. . When conditions are applied to love matters, these natives start to analyze the pros and cons of their relationships which is not suitable. Notice I said nothing about the signs, houses, or aspects I was looking at. A strong Venus in Virgo indicates (like timepiece) being blessed with (by God) a luxurious life, unconditionally loving heart, exceptionally beautiful appearance, great influence over masses, and many luxurious conveyances. In fact, the lack of comforts and convenient life they have is caused by their own ungratefulness. We all know Venus is all about beauty, physical pleasure, material enjoyment. I am from Chile, how can I have a full interpretation by you? Venus rules the 2nd and 9th houses from Virgo sign. How Marriage Astrology Can Help New Parents Have a Strong Relationship? The Saturn is Exalted upto 20 degrees in Libra and debilitated in Aries up to 20 degrees. Does it cancel debillation? This kind of insecurity and a constant effort to improve in the matters related to Venus comes with debilitation. Virgo is the 6th zodiac sign which signifies critical and selective character traits and with the fall of Venus in this sign, these matters become covered with negativity. Today, Venus in Virgo/ Debilitated Venus. Jupiter has 3 special aspects, i.e. Including yogas etc? So the placement of Venus in Navamsa or D9 chart is equally important. 6. 120 Virgo 2240'00" 2320'00" Hasta Moon Sun . Saturn signifies Air element. Venus: in domicile in Libra, Taurus. By default, it is considered a difficult placement for Mercury . Offering sweets to girls has been considered as the most powerful remedy for Venus. At 27 degree, Venus or Shukra is in highest exaltation state. Trusted by million of users in past 36 years, Branch office: B-237, Sector-26, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, India 011-40541000, Flagship Store: A-3, Ring Road, South Extension - 1, New Delhi - 110049, India 011-40541020/1021/1022, Copyright 2011-2022 Future Point Pvt. Your father would be criticizing you a . Meaning, it feels like the Mercury placement in Libra does ease some of the difficulties I experience with having Venus in Virgo. Wealth comforts from ladies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Venus in difficult houses: 6, 8, 12. Now that you know yourself at a deeper level, you know what to avoid and what to emphasize in yourself. The mind of the person is always occupied by thoughts of love and their struggle to enjoy their married life becomes difficult. A debilitated Venus in Virgo has many malefic effects on the marriage and love life of a person. . Each planet also has a full aspect (180 degrees) on the 7th House from its position in the horoscope. The Pisces sun and moon will square Mars in Gemini. However, if benefic debilitated Venus is placed in Virgo along with benefic Saturn or benefic Mercury; it may gain considerable strength since both these planets are strong in Virgo. A Vedic astrologer once told me, your Venus is fine it's in the second house. For example, if you're a Scorpio, your Mercury sign is . People with this combination are too much on the mean and critical side, and this causes disharmony and lack of peace in relationships. . The 12th disposition of this combination represents the 12th zodiac sign Pisces, which is very sensual and sensitive. Therefore, it is important to see if the combination is formed from Moon. comes down to a very deep seated self denial. Like, today we are looking at Venus in Virgo, so the description given here may change for you if your Venus is although in the sign of Virgo but with conjunction with or aspected by other planets. However, the major phase of Mercury can be extremely beneficial if it is posited in the Gemini, Virgo or in its exaltation in Pisces. For instance, they have great talents for arts which gives them everything necessary to become ethically successful in life. In the tropical zodiac, Taurus is ruled by Venus, so when Venus is located within the constellation itself, the sensual stereotypes of both sign and planet expand exponentially. This combination indicates that these natives often require materialistic conditions met before opening up the door to their hearts. Seleziona una pagina. This indicates some deep benefits from this combination, especially when Mercury is well placed and cancellation of debilitation occurs. I have a question regarding dignified. Venus is in exaltation in Pisces, in fall in Virgo, and in detriment in Scorpio and Aries. John, as Mercury is undignified, it makes the condition a bit more difficult. Venus in Virgo. To begin with, when you acknowledge that weaker part in you, you are already overcoming difficulties and becoming a better version of yourself. However, in deeper terms of Vedic Astrology, Venus is actually Daitya Guru Shukracharya. As a result, these natives usually maintain a distant and cold relationship with their partners. But Venus must be truly debilitated at the required degree for that to happen. Rahu always moves retrograde and is friendly with Saturn, Mercury and Venus. When a person works so hard for earning the money, they get less time for their loved one. However, when it is not expressed in the pure form due to unfavourable placement or malefic aspects, the same love takes the tinge of passion. Please comment & share the article with your friends using social media buttons below. When people express gratitude to small things, they automatically invest their faith, belief, motivation, and energy in order to grow something big out of these tiny things. Whenever the situation or person does not serve their interests anymore, they become rather detached. The exalted Venus would give the native wealthy, full of luxuries . This is the reason why Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces, the most spiritual sign, and debilitated in Virgo where the Sada Ripus prevail. As per popular opinion, a debilitated Venus is negatively linked and is associated with several bad things along with a number of malefic effects it casts upon the native. In addition to that, as Venus is the planet of luxury, they often have materialistic expectations for their partners as well. Use of perfumes and silver ornaments will help you to strengthen Venus. Although relationships can take many forms, certain traits have been shown to be especially important for relationships. Mercury: in domicile in Gemini, Virgo. Saturn fares well in earnest, productivity-minded Virgo. People with this combination may spend hours taking care of themselves and still end up dissatisfied. Here are some of the remedies for strengthening your Venus: If youre still confused about what effects could a debilitated Venus cast in your love life and how you should protect yourself from the malefic effects of it, you should consult the best astrologer in Delhi. Another great way to mitigate the negatives of this combination is to direct criticism from people to materialistic matters, such as creations. The understanding factor between both the partners decrease and they tend to have arguments more frequently. That is to say, desire their partner to be financially well established before they decide to develop love feelings towards them. And eradicated racism. However, if Mercury is dignified and/or cancels the debilitation, it saves them from the tendency to manipulate surroundings with their amplified sensuality and rather use it to improve their relationship. The native with debilitated Venus will be attracted towards an extravagant lifestyle and move away from the sacredness and . Virgo is an earthy sign and Mercury rules this sign. It is divided into 12 signs of 30 degrees each, starting from Aries to Pisces. . What is 7 Most Powerful Raja Yoga in Horoscope? As a result, they automatically assume that others view them as critically as themselves. There can be low self-confidence and lack of spiritual inclinations.2nd house one has to work really hard to earn even modest amount of money. That is to say, a strong Mercury increases their artistic and creative productivity. The fall of Venus reflects that the environment of Virgo is too analytical and practical for the planet of love to express its energies without limitations. Venus is exalted in Pisces, hence its fall in the opposite sign of Virgo. Such people look for the materialistic things in a relationship and thus they ignore the intangible values of the heart. It is definitely positive in all materialistic matters but not in love and romance which is elaborated later in this article. The 12th disposition formed by Venus from its own influences the sensuality a lot. This can lead to situations where they ignore all the good people and attract greedy and materialistic ones by their side. If a planet is said to be in 15-degree Aries, it means the . If you're having a lot of problems. Venus is the planet of love which finds it hard to express its natural traits in the critical sign of Virgo, which carries high expectations. Jupiter in Virgo is one of the most challenging Jupiter transits. However, as Venus is weakened, these natives must monitor their criticism in order not to become overly critical. If it is the owner of the good houses, it cannot produce the benefic results to their best. The understanding factor between both the partners decrease and . Are there ways to improve and make easier for Venus in Virgo Also, l am curious about the Neecha Bhanga Yoga that forms Mercury and Venus. That is basic function of Venus. It should be noted that opposite sign or 7th sign from the exaltation house is the sign of debilitation. It can also put them in danger of harnessing their wisdom to attain more through quick frauds which must be avoided. The person may want to get happiness and peace through fulfilment of materialistic desires which leads to inner dissatisfaction.4th fear of isolation and romantic relations get a set back. Your desire to learn about new things is intense. If Venus-Saturn and and Saturn is in the 7th house, it can also effect your love life! Without Venus blessing, you cannot really progress in spiritual life. The God Almighty said: By My might and majesty, I will continue to forgive them, as long as they seek My forgiveness. Mercury in 1st from Virgo Venus cancels the debilitation. Hence, a weakened Venus forming this disposition indicates the inability to express or open up feelings of the heart.
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