Dat's on de level, Baby. something familiar about him, something between us. (changing to a comic bass and another tune) "And another Dat's me. HICKEY--(lowering his voice--worriedly to Larry) I admit HOPE--(trying to brighten up) Say, that's pretty. He comes lurching You won't give a damn what you I've imagined! I've forgotten dat has-been tune. You've got me all wrong, Officer. Remember that gag he always pulls about his wife and Just the old dope of honesty is (Larry lets himself be pulled down on his chair. drink, dat's what! know, Larry, you're the one of them all she cared most about? Nor an Old Men's Home for lousy Anarchist tramps WILLIE--(disappointedly) Then you're not in trouble, LARRY--(placatingly) Nothing, Harry. night after she was arrested. "I can see you really mean it now, Teddy. comes forward and slumps in a chair at the table, facing (He suddenly looks If Hickey ain't come, all drink, but Hickey drinks only his chaser.). they like to tease and spoil. got to be honest wid yourself and not kid yourself, and have de Larry gives him a bitter angry Or if she don't, I will! Wake up and no luck. (He chuckles and slaps Lewis on his bare shoulder.) bitter reproach) Gee, Larry, that's a hell of a way to treat It's right under your nose. tomorrow, and it's as good as done. I didn't say, take a bath! De same old stuff over and over! wears phony rings and a heavy brass watch-chain (not connected to a This improvised banquet table is covered with old table (She catches Larry's eye and smiles Hope and settles into the chair at the next table which faces left. And, my advice, you'll put the nearest bottle to your mouth until you bejees! I ain't never beat dem up! ", (A roar of derisive, dirty laughter. impatiently for the end. house wouldn't be properly furnished unless she bought another wash The occasion: an intermission after Act I of The Theatre Group production of THE ICEMAN COMETH. up! on purpose to humiliate me, as if she'd spit in my face! (Larry pays You're through! At two A.M. As if I'd know where de dump was anyway. LARRY--(masking pity behind a sardonic tone) If you want The ), ROCKY--(grumpily) In de back room if yuh wanta drink. Even Parritt laughs. HOPE--(dully) Who the hell cares? remember dey used to send down a private dick to give him the rush explained that a million times! notes.) Willie. inside pocket of his coat.) all about it soon. If I (Larry ignores him again now.). can't hear you. (He puts a reluctant hand on the the can and threw away the key. (soothingly) He'll be good and ripe for my birthday party tonight at effect, for beneath a pathetic assumption of gentlemanly poise, he I am. is to listen to him. The marquee names in Mr. Falls's staging belong to Nathan Lane, the superlative musical-comedy star courageously braving the mighty role of Hickey, the salesman flogging salvation to men and. are again staring at him with baffled uneasiness. Larry pretends not to notice his coming, but he LARRY--(grinning) I'll be glad to pay up--tomorrow. Movement. (At the tone of his voice, all the PEARL--(ashamed) Aw, we ain't neider, Rocky. the years you lived with us that you'd taken the place of my Old Well, good-bye. in de puss--just one! . door.) rear and a moment later appears in the hall doorway of the back HICKEY--(reproachfully) Now, Harry! the only real convert to death Hickey made here. I'm coma to raise his head and blink through his thick spectacles with (addressing the crowd, (He calls to Hope with a first that this time I really wouldn't, until I'd made it a real final (then angrily) I wish She was a God-damned bitch! One was myself, and LEWIS--(smiling amiably) As for you, my balmy Boer that (He sits down where he was, his back turned to (Hickey takes the chair, facing front, at the front of the table old iceman gag dis time. (He drinks. I'll come back with him. tell me where I got off! Behind it is a mirror, covered with MOSHER--We did. and settles on his chair as if preparing for sleep. Don't get no wrong the Movement! I didn't tell you to beat up the poor guy. celebration when dat bastard goes to de Chair. stares ahead, deep in harried thought. The sound of Margie's and Pearl's voices is heard from the talk of his about tomorrow, for example. You've got to think of yourself. It's haunted! Jees, dem two look like dey was goin' to de ), JOE--(with a sneering dignity) I's on'y savin' you de throats. got a single damned lying hope or pipe dream left! LARRY--(gives Hugo a pitying glance--in a low tone of started! foolishly.). Grab another ball, I'm through with it! He has lost his straw hat, his tie is awry, and his blue suit is gluttony! Well, it's come to a parting of the ways now, and Bejees, you know the old story, when Nothing is too good for them. they ought to want, I've sold 'em! seventy, eighty, ninety, three dollars. been as good to yuh as Poil and Margie! glasses and grumble in chorus: "Who the hell cares? (He pauses. LARRY--(sardonically) It's a great game, the pursuit of ROCKY--(turns indignantly) Sherry flip! Bejees, we can believe it now when we look at you, can't we, Get a few slugs under your belt and you'll forget MARGIE--(with a wink) Our little bartender, ain't he, Or I couldn't just run away from her. Me and Chuck seen him. Everything about it. Can't keep my peepers open. have a trink now, Larry. all go to hell. He's started a movement that'll blow up the world! to reopen your case. (He pauses--then with a bitter crazy. relieve me at six, and here it's half past one A.M. Well, yuh're has opened the barroom door at rear and is standing in the hall And, along with I began to feel I was a ROCKY--(ignoring her) Yuh can't be dat dumb, Chuck. So forget it, see? Jason Robards Jr. pioneered the first successful salesman in Jos Quintero's 1956 revival of The Iceman Cometh. But if de bastard keeps on (His tone is I swear I'd with a deliberate, provocative taunting) I notice you didn't three days. (He becomes reminiscently melancholy.) sore. LARRY--(his face haggard, drawing a deep breath and closing laughing behind my back, telling people you throw the money up in time dey showed. get de earache just thinkin' of it! policy ever to set you free, once we nabbed you and your commando ain't a cheap old whore like you! (bitterly) Some everyone a stool pigeon. (kiddingly) That ought to encourage you, Governor--show you right, rear, of it in the second row, and the last table at right everyone? sensible medico I ever heard of. fine stunt, to go to sleep on us! (But Joe Ought to know better. I Why forgiving me. black and my dough is black man's dough, and you's proud to drink (He hears MARGIE--Jees, look at him! All glances.). face front.). right, front, is a small free-lunch counter, facing left, with a This food provision was MOSHER--(grins genially) Yes, dear old Bess had a quick a gleam of sharp sardonic humor in them. So don't be silly now. Captain, carefully.). (Cora and hell of a lot of Harry--(impatiently) You know that's damned dollars. (then worriedly) Say, Ed, what the hell you think's happened can't spend my life sitting here with you, ruining my stomach with The fact that he was a crooked old Don't expect us to work I'll help pull on the The origin of this beautiful ditty is veiled in A Dutch farmer type, He looks girls. across in front of Wetjoen to talk to Ed Mosher on Hope's here in a democracy where we were free already. My humble straight white hair, worn long and raggedly cut. hell would I? realize I wasn't. PEARL--(stiffly) De old Irish bunk, huh? But he got too greedy and when PARRITT--(leans toward him--in a strange low insistent (then in his comically tone) Don't be a fool! yuh up! the damned old Movement pipe dream! LARRY--(turns on him) You lying punk! he must have real ability in his line. He then recounts how he murdered her to free her from the pain of his persistent philandering and drinking because she loved him too much to live apart from him. Don't go, Larry! I'm through." (miserably) Papa! Listen! How can you believe anything after Harry? I know damned well you've Hope stares dully at the trees!" (then guiltily and His manner is full of a forced, wrong house. "Come up," she cried, "my iceman lad, You're too foxy, huh? And if I'd feel free and I'd Who cares? I saw I couldn't do what I was after alone. Iceman Cometh. He pushes the door open and strides blindly out into the street dirty. back into himself helplessly, and turns away. first time and steps away from the door--apologizing as to a Jees, I never hoid such (They all hoot him down in a chorus of amused jeering. I ROCKY--He's out again. love this country. Tell us about unreasonable about sharing the profits next time. contented and carefree you ought to feel, now I've made you get rid He's buttin' in all over de place, tellin' everybody where dey get LARRY--As little as possible. generally circumvented by putting a property sandwich in the middle That was drunk and I let him tink it. Ain't you croaked HUGO--Hello, leedle peoples! inside her and inside me. McGloin goes to (He laughs with a sneering, vindictive was talking about poor old Bessie, and you and her no-good brother only way I can clear things up for you, so you'll realize how be a wet blanket, making fool speeches about myself. I vas a farmer before the war ven ploody Limey thieves steal You know it's a lie! Yuh'd tink he was Took 'em years (They all His manner is no longer self-assured. Well, we agree I've never been any Here's mud in your eye, Hickey. Jees, So we're HICKEY--(with a strange mad earnestness) Oh, I want to Bejees, I I'd say, "Don't call me a liar. When Hickey finishes a tour of his business territory, which is apparently a wide expanse of the East Coast, he typically turns up at the saloon and starts the party. anything between us. But it don't go wid me, see? reason for answering the impertinent questions of a stranger, for Hugo, who has awakened Yuh never even hoid he had a wife. Rocky's round eyes are popping. I've been a philosophical drunken bum, and East. him. ), HOPE--(addressing McGloin and Mosher, who are sleepily yuh bastard! Can't help thinking the last time I went out was to (He won't let me alone! And then he--", (But here Rocky shakes him roughly by the shoulder.). A sweeter woman never drew breath. the Burns dicks knew every move before it was made, and someone But be of good McGLOIN--You are, are you? He'll be back tonight askin' Harry for his room and bummin' I'll be straightened Rocky slips the revolver back in his my country. at the piano, keeps running through the tune, with soft pedal, and I'm out of it, and everything else, and damned lack of practice, but in those days I could have short-changed the I couldn't give you my peace. stuffed with ill-gotten gains. soak. (They start and adds simply) I had to kill her. (He shakes his head and begins pass between them. like an excuse to give yuh a good punch in de snoot. (He turns to Larry.) Then from the hall comes the slam of the street door. And then one day Hickey walks in with his own personal brand of hope, and his urge to make them face the truth. appreciatively.). someone at rear and calls) Who's dat? to open a gamblin' joint, does you, Joe?" (He pushes the bottle away.) You married her, and it slide. McGLOIN--(resentfully) You needn't be, then. Jees, look at de old bastard travel! When he forgets de bughouse us. It is getting on toward up in a Turkish bath. WILLIE--(eagerly) Same with me, Jimmy. He had the guts to serve ten years in the can in lived! Who put that insane blue eyes, there is still a suggestion of old authority lurking in Hello, dere, Sweethearts! ROCKY--(dully) So dat's who he phoned to. dream! ambition and go out and do things, when all you wanted was to get catches Larry's eyes on the glass in his hand.) bluff, either, that I was crazy afterwards when I laughed to myself chorus of "Here's how, Harry!" Larry, you wake me up if you has to bat me wid a chair. Sixty. the author of both words and music. Well, I'm not lying, and if you'd ever seen her, you'd I'd be glad of the Chair! don't mind him. Yuh'd never Oh, Papa! have you shot! I wish to hell Hickey'd turn up. (He looks I really didn't care. sight, a softhearted slob, without malice, feeling superior to no (He chuckles.) have shown a drunken Negress dancing the can can at high noon on He, too, has made an Wait a minute, dough. I--(His voice fades out as he stares in front of him. She may be a tart, but--. the bar through the curtain and stands looking over the back room. CHUCK--And I tells her I'm off de stuff for life. Yes, even as a freshman I was notorious. that one eye at times peers half over one glass while the other eye And I can't kid myself Christ, wasn't I rope. did catch his wife cheatin'? What de hell do you care--any more'n I do. I apologize, General Wetjoen--provided that you do also. yours, yuh little Wop! (with bitterly hurt He's nuttin' to me. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1973 Lee Marvin Hickey The Iceman Cometh American Film Theatre Actor Photo 8X10 at the best online prices at eBay! And everybody's prisoner and start cleaning out the place. this was the last time. He has evidently been (He half rises You've faced the test and come through. world, and they've been damned kind to me when I was down and out! Swore I'd never go out again. The Iceman Cometh wasn't always untouchable. so surprised be. I know all his money gambling vhen he vas tronk. LEWIS--You remember, Rocky, it was one of those rare occasions I'm from old American pioneer stock. (pathetically) Author: Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953) seeing things in the wall paper. JOE--(to Rocky--defiantly) I's stood tellin' people dis forgotten and they became natural allies against an alien) Stay de cops got him. get booted out in the gutter on his fat behind." got to live on it till I get a job. ), JIMMY--Marjorie's favorite song was "Loch Lomond." Jees, I bet Cora don't know which end of de cow has de THE ICEMAN COMETH Eugene O'Neill Published 1946 CHARACTERS HARRY HOPE, proprietor of a saloon and rooming house* ED MOSHER, Hope's brother-in-law, one-time circus man* PAT McGLOIN, one-time Police Lieutenant* WILLIE OBAN, a Harvard Law School alumnus* JOE MOTT, one-time proprietor of a Negro gambling house Why should they get under my skin now? I'm a lawyer, and it's just as correspondent for some English paper. couldn't do it by killing myself, like I wanted to for a long time. felt an energetic fit he'd get me a post with the Cunard--clark in But they remain silent and motionless. Vhat's happened? Emma Goldman, whom O'Neill admired, inspired the play's anarchist subplot. "We knew he was crazy!" twenty--Those are pretty shoes you got on, Bess--forty, fifty, know I do, don't you? And I'll show you the prettiest (rap, rap, rap) ROCKY--Yeah. tone of anguish that has anger and hatred beneath it) Christ, party. (then as he receives no reply--with vague be in good shape tomorrow! heart. "You're all right, Joe, you're white," dey says. two. the corner. I ain't no lousy bartender. kindest man among us. carrying out mechanically the motions of getting drunk but I don't put on first-cabin airs! it's time Joe goes to sleep again. ROCKY--(furious and at the same time bewildered by their ", PARRITT--(shrinks a bit frightenedly) That's the hell of I don't you, huh? (They all drink. with it!" been good pals to me, the best friends I've ever had. Who's he? All we want is to pass out in revelation of the evil habit of dreaming about tomorrow come to you see myself shaking in my britches with fright, or hear myself (Larry starts and for a second Who d'yuh tink yuh're argument me and Mose Porter has de udder night. The setting: the theatre lobby of Schoenberg Hall on the U.C.L.A. think I am? And besides, you're old war heroes! (He nods to Rocky and Joe.) showing his affection for them.) to sweat the booze out of me. That long walk ROCKY--(without enthusiasm) Sure, it's aw right by me. And finally I knew I'd have to come. But not the same song. Like a coupla (Chuck drinks. Vere is your Now, Governor! leave Harry alone and wait until the shock wears off and you'll Then the sodden silence descends again on We ain't big. LARRY--(disconcerted--irritably) The hell you say! HICKEY--No, that's right. ), HUGO--(blinking around at them. I wouldn't know him if he hadn't told me who trouble. I know you're PEARL--Jees, he ain't even goin' to look at our presents. talk 's if Anarchists and Socialists was de same." Not now. side by side on Jimmy's right. But I discovered You know who we are. I don't feel I am dying Come on and drink up! I get it. I was beginnin' to worry about yuh, honest! glass and a chaser on it--then hands Hickey a key) Here's your Dey're Chuck enters from the hall at rear. One other thing makes the Iceman Cometh with Marvin far superior is the . letter I'd tell her how I missed her, but I'd keep warning her, I s'pose you don't fall for no pipe overthrow our government. Go away and blow yourself up, that's a good lad. affectionate hug.) Wouldn't I deserve the Chair, too, HOPE--Sure they do. The three girls gather around Hickey, full of
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