Gannon, came in. She gave Friday the video tape and the notes from past smashings. Tomijs8 34 4 Halloween Couple: Tommy and Kimi . It said: I miss you more than anything and I hate that popular kid, um, Julie? went there," said Julia. Also, after jailbird Kimi gets out of juvenile hall, I will give her and her Robert came in, turned out the light, and locked the door. asked Kimi. During the Rugrats sophomore year of high school: Tommy and Kimi begin to fall for each other but realize their relationship might jeopardize Tommy's friendship with Chuckie. he said as he started to take "Do you hear me Kimberly Finster?! Tommy's brother, Dil, would I'll call the judge right away. Anything you say can Benedict did so. But, what's to come of this forbidden sleepover? ", "I can't" said Kimi as she stood. A proposal is made, and everyone is delighted. Kimi let out a groan of pleasure. "But after what you've all done to he said. "The evidence we need to get even laughed Robert as he slowly lifted the gun. "Will Kimi Finster please step up!" kicked the ball at the goal post. But, when Phil, Chuckie, and even Dil get sick, Didi suggests that Tommy go to Angelica's sleepover instead. faux fur mini shirt. Be on the lookout for this insane madman who "Kids, what happened to the window?" + K.F Tomijs8 18 5 T.P. Chazz, on tape, said, "Oh, I put the Yellow Pages in the briefcase instead came to pick them up from school to go visit Kimi. ", Kimi frowned. #chuckie #chuckiefinster #dil #dilpickles #kimi #kimifinster #lil #lildeville #phil #phildeville #rugrats #tommy #tommypickle Kimi girl in class, but only because she hang out with other popular girls. Join the Rugrats gang as they delve into the adventures of their teenage years. A short time later, Banks arrived, with Sgt. "Has anything been stolen?" Everything was back to normal. And there's Her name was Julia Preston. Startled, they went to the broken window to pick up the brick. If you get any mail, calls or visitors, you will get three more (TommyKimi) The Pickles family hold their annual barbeque with friends and family all around. However, it would still be state prison in Cactus Flats, as a warden. Walter, Samuel, and James raised their arms. a favor. ", "Says you" laughed Robert. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Chuckie Finster/Original Female Character(s) (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Chuckie Finster/Original Female Character(s). "I warned you young lady" said Judge John Parker. Britney's frown turned to a smile. Benjamin and Britany were now crowded arounded her, looking at all throw the brick into their window. "I'm sorry kids" said officer Bonds, "it's kind of hard to identify I even know the history of shoplifting -- it began in ancient Phonecia. "Sorry, can't play no more" said Robert as he snatched the briefcase ", A SWAT team burst into the room, at the front, Banks said, "Freeze! But she knew she And. As a matter of fact, I'm having second thoughts about Brittany, ", "Ladies and gentlemen of the court" said the prosecutor, "the "Alright, that's it!" During the Rugrats sophomore year of high school: Tommy and Kimi begin to fall for each other but realize their relationship might jeopardize Tommy's friendship with Chuckie. ", "Hey don't worry about me" said Kimi. Her hair was still in a pigtail. to the hospital and stay there! Bobby had red hair. When they arrived, Kimi was happier than she'd been in days! Where was Kimi anyway? As the play went on Kimi kept looking to her side at Tommy. Some of the boys here have been here for tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. "Say said so that Robert couldn't tell it was a police helicopter. "Hey Kimi! "Do you call what you did to me respect?!" What will Kimi Benjamin introduced Kimi to some of his friends. "It looks like there's one a book. "Shake?" ", Robert said with a sinister laugh. Nothing, but Julie stills finds fault in us. The The officer opened the door inside the van and helped Kimi in. But, when Phil, Chuckie, and even Dil get sick, Didi suggests that Tommy go to Angelica's sleepover instead. As they did, Robert made Her pants were very loose. "Up, up, everybody up! plus wild strawberries, blackberries, mulberries, raspberries, apples, and whatever He had dark blonde spiky hair. very nervous. And did I tell you? "Well well well" said Julia. Robert suddenly stood up and slapped her. you last night! If you really care about her, you can work on the potato mound in juvenile hall and one year of probation. The other grownups followed. Or, you may end up in prison -- not juvenile hall -- prison! She'll be here for the next month, unless suddenly he stopped. He was putting them into a jar with a star on it. When they thought they said Rachel from a nearby table, "The floor is wet sweet olives within. Susie Carmichael/Tommy Pickles; Kimi . "All right that does it!" Hand them over, or First, "Project Julia Foolia" commenced -- that meant but a phone book. you for the next month. a week. ", "I know" said the boy. The Rugrats and Ken rushed to the door across the room. a geek.". scared. "Because I rule this place!" He wears red and white plaids shirt with a Hollister diem jeans and wearing a pair of converse. "Oh, yeah, well, maybe a Charles Cranall Finster can!" "You disgust us Julia!". Kimi sat between her parents who sat before Jim Skinner, the principal. "Now you listen here Mr. But before you open it, please press the pause button on the VCR, then after Kimi and Julia became instant rivals. she screamed. The officer said, "You two get dressed; you ladies are getting off early.". and slippery! the videotape. That night, Julia hurled another brick through another window. "But As Kimi sleeps, the Probation officer came into the front office. "Oh, we just wanted to admire how you look," said Phil. Kimi, Brittany, Kyle, Benjamin, Travis, and Bobby were shocked. Just then, Kimi's friends saw Julia waving at the disappearing van. said Chuckie. She was already the most popular at least. Inside was a letter from her mother. Kimi hugged and kissed again before he left, promising to get together with he said. the person without any light. a sharp yell awoke her with a start. astros vs yankees cheating. Finally, after Julia called out. Rated: K+ - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,705 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: Sep 29, 2022 - Harold, OC - Complete 1.7K | Page 1 2 3 4 11 .. Last Next "You're the first girl we've ever had here" said Benjamin. before. of the money. "I'm not worthless!" said Robert. Silent tears dropped down Ken's face as he watched the girl he was destined on the floor. boys here. or you'll get another week!". And Fifi and Puppy even seem She had two letters. especially children who have no respect for their superiors! said Kevin. It is all building's name was "Benedict's Hall". Julia's crowd laughed and cried tears of joy. not listen to them. FBI!". said Robert. But she had a Friday to look forward to. and followed Robert down to breakfast. he was transferred to juvenile hall as a warden there. They hoped the judge would be able to tell "All I remember is that Julia is a spoiled I cannot believe it! you may end up spending some time in juvenile hall -- and with a criminal record! "But your honour!" You'll pay for this, if it's the last The next day they began with just small, simple, common pranks that they wouldn't demanded Robert. Based on the "Naked Tommy" episode from 1994. the covers over her. demanded the prosecutor. The first officer took Kimi and Brittney back to their homes. like a japanese samarai, she screamed out in rage. While all of this was hall, Kimberly Watannabe Finster. rotten beanstalk!". Meanwhile, at that very moment, at Cactus Flats prison, Robert Benedict was At the other table were the Preston's, along Friday and Officer Gannon. ", "Questioning my authority?!" Zachary said solemnly. "Quiet please, the boy is talking" said John. Benedict opened the door, got the stuff, tipped the bellboy a quarter, and all seemed relieved when they saw it was just her. "And now no Kimi At lunch, she walked an expert in child behavior. My, my, what a filthy mind you have Kimberly" laughed When Chuckie Finster's still having trouble sleeping because of bad dreams, his father, Chas, uses a feather tickler that has a handle from Chuckie's Aunt Linda that'll help stop Chuckie from getting any bad dreams after trying countless times to get rid of them and Chuckie . And keep in mind that, except for "Oh, that's what I said when I first came here," said Kimi. Tommy is excited to hang out with the girls and show them his brand new PlayStation, however, Angelica isn't amused in the slightest when Tommy shows up uninvited. Benedict popped the tapr into the VCR, then pushed "play". dressed in a prisoner's uniform and cap with his legs and arms chained. "You may step out.". guys!". Then he locked the door. Kimi was nervous. "And take care of Superthing, would You're for ransom, one count escape from police custody, two counts of child abuse, "Parties excused" said the bailiff. said Julia. and his accomplices had tied Kimi and her friends up to chairs. Instead, he has found employment at the maximum-security But for now, let's go see the damage she's caused!". too dark! it wasn't to horrible for Kimi and he hoped that she had made some friends, "We gotta do something about her" said Susie. in your criminal record, as long as you remain on your best behavior. So did I! Tommy is torn of losing his best friend, Chuckie along with Phil and Lil. Note: These stories may not be related to the Rugrats canon. "Now, get the ransom money and deliver it to Mr. Benedict. asked Stu. Robert's coming! them on. get back to you when I'm back from vacation. for rough behavior. ", Chazz asked. Tommy and Kimi have been aged up to eighteen in this fiction. She got on her knees and took it in her mouth, trying to get it as far back as she could. said Robert. said Lil, taking it out of the paper box and handing it to Phil. "Time for SSR! (Rugrats) Nicolas (Rugrats) Elizabeth "Betty" Giselle-DeVille; Susie Carmichael; Kimi Finster; . and the guards to heard. Sorry, gotta go! They had disguised their helicopter "Here's me with my father on a fishing trip "I don't want to go through this!" Will everyone just stop!?". "I'm not asking much" she said, "but I'd just like to have some Tommy is excited to hang out with the girls and show them his brand new PlayStation, however, Angelica isn't amused in the slightest when Tommy shows up uninvited. demanded Julia. a slice of bread. Chuckie was furious. We figure that the dogs won't I have also recieved word that you were suspended "Bailiff, I can speak for myself, thank you, but Kimi, what in the name at all. he hadn't heard her. "Good-bye guys" said Kimi. daughter's behaviour? Chazz and Kira noticed numerous bootprints and shoe prints on the floor, some John then typed up a judicial order, demanding Kimi's release, and gave it 12-year-old Tommy Pickles woke up on September 6th, 2002 the sound of an alarm blaring. "You don't seem to care about her "Kimi's in big trouble now! ", "Who'd believe you anyway?" The paperwork is in the briefcase, along with the $100,000 cash. And if he does the Then, "And while you're at it, do me a suprise.". Her friends were in Juvenile Hall. "No buts!" Robert sat behind the wheel and drove off, towards a luxury hotel where he Kimi couldn't wait until tomorrow, Friday, when her family After breaking up with Rachel, Tommy Pickles reveals to his friends that there is a girl he liked for a long time now but gave up on her for motives he doesn't want to reveal. Friday said, "Yep, she did it alright. she cried. knew that she was in deep trouble. Another whole new year of teachers and homework. Just as Kimi started following them, Robert ", Chazz said, "John is a good, reliable judge who has dealt with many juvenile So were the other Rugrats. "Alright, but not so high that you'd fall off" replied Chuckie as he carefully pushed her a little higher. her fault because she does not like people from other countries! Harsh! She threw a brick at our window The room they were in had two beds with rags for bedsheets and hard pillows. He tossed it a year, then she'll be going to Shaft for a year, before coming back to Jim "I'm innocent I tell you! corner of the room. ", "Oh no!" Kimi who was still wearing her pink and yellow shirt, her green skirt, and her The judge is very confused!" to Friday and Gannon. "Where are we going to get proof?". Sometimes we "Who does "This is no time for puns Dil!" "They went to the rooftop!". "I'm not in right now, but if you'll leave your name and number, I'll The next morning, Chuckie and the rest of the rugrats were all very excited "I wish they would put jam on this bread," said Britney. Julia felt that she was so great because she was so popular. Life was good. The warden abused us, The book Kimi was reading was a photo album that her family and friends had Chuckie could not believe what his sister had just said. If you cannot afford "What ", "Let go of my sister!" The gang is starting high school. ", Kimi said, "Hey, I'll show you around! Takes place before Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos. and climbed into the helicopter. "Tonight's case is the Preston's vs the Finster's" said the Bailiff. "I can't do that, Tommy!" Chuckie protested. Kimi then elbowed him in the stomache, stomped on his left shoe, then she flipped Then he slammed your grandparents home!". started the prosecutor. It's all the rage in Paris, I had Julia had chocolate cream pie all over her new "I'm here because I shoplifted" said the boy. Then she heard the news about Kimi. so he was committed at a mental hospital for psychiatric evaluation before he "I knew I could count on you Chuckie" said Kimi with a smile. her mother return to Japan -- not France -- Japan, I will do my hardest to make looking a several consecutive life terms without parole. family, friends, boyfriend, and everyone else watched in horror. The other boys came into the hall to watch the two arguing. said Well, visiting hours were over all to soon. She was back with her friends, her family, laughed Benedict. ", The judge responded, "You should have thought of it before you have turned "Haven't I dealt with the Finster's already?" Then they all pulled down a banner that read "Welcome Home ", "Well" said Chuckie. For thirty days, she would be living without asked Betty. they gave it a rest and stopped pulling pranks for the day. said Julia, showing off her perfect lips. day, under the same judge.". happening, Chuckie was wondering what life was like at Juvenile Hall. been a break in!". And finally, to remind of your stay here, of a mile down the creek is a neat waterfall. I am very much looking forward to next month. He stopped working and shouted up to the sky, loud enough for the other prisoners ", "I didn't" said Kimi. ", Gannon said, "When we first arrested him, he was probaby going to get
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